Chapter 2 strange

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God reveals himself to Moses for the first time and told him

"I am who I am when" Moses ask him What to tell the people of Israel who had sent him

Paschal mystery

Christ's work of redemption accomplished principally by his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, whereby "dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life" (CCC 1067; cf. 654). The Paschal Mystery is celebrated and made present in the liturgy of the Church, and its saving effects are communicated through the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, wh ich renews the paschal sacrifice of Christ as the sacrifice offered by the Church.

Isaac was the son through which Abraham was to become a

Great nation but if Isaac was to die this would seem impossible

Years later Moses flees Egypt. He had killed in a Egyptian who was

Abusing a Hebrew slave and was afraid that his crime would be publicly known

Prophet Isaiah saw god as the "goel" of all his people

Call Isaiah God spoke of himself as Israel's Redeemer. He said "I will help you said your Lord your redeemer is the holy one of Israel"


Greek for "going out"; the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt into the promised land by the saving acts of God. This is a type of the liberation from slavery to sin unto eternal life wrought by the saving actions of Jesus Christ through his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

The prophets wanted if iseral will turn against god

That divine punishments will follow,often in the form of being conquered by enemies

God revealed to Satan after he had instigated the fall of our first parents, an image of his ultimate defeat

That is his head would be bruised by the seed of the woman


The great deluge that destroyed the world by water, from which only Noah, his family, and animals representative of each species escaped. This flood is a "type" or foreshadowing of the Sacrament of Baptism through which sin is destroyed.

Human beings have Become vulnerable to the devils Temptations

and disposed to break cards moral law committing Henneous crimes

Adam and Eve are Jesus the messiah

and the blessed Virgin Mary

The people of Israel kept turning to the ways of sin

and we're also turning away from the one true God

In gods covenant with Abraham God promises and three things

1) God would give Abraham a land a nation 2) God will bestow on Abraham a kingship and a name 3) God will make him and his descendants a blessing for all nations

Christ hung on the cross between

2 convicted criminals

David and christ are the same because they are both

A Shepard,righteous,king,wise,prayerful,figure and son of god

In response to Israel's anarchy the people want to god to appoint them

A king to rule them and keep order. A king would help remember God's holy promises

New adam

A name applied to Jesus Christ because by his complete obedience and act of redemption he made reparation for the disobedience of the first Adam.

Forget that God will lead Abraham and Isaac they're terrible burden he provided them with

A ram to sacrifice instead


A solemn agreement between people or between God and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees.

Tower of Babel

A tall building proposed by the Hamites in order to "make a name for themselves" God responded by confusing their languages so the project could never be completed.

In this extreme test of his trust in God

Abraham exercised heroic Fidelity making him a model man of faith


Adam and Eve's first son and murderer of his brother, Abel. His descendants carried a line of evil in contrast to the descendants of Seth (Adam and Eve's third son).


Adam and Eve's third son and eventual heir. His line carried on the true. worship of God in contrast to the evil line of Cain .

Type or Prototype

An event or person in Scripture that points toward a later event or person. The type bas virtue.s or other qualities similar to its fulfillment , the anti-type.

A covenant is an

Alliance between God and a person, people, or a nation whom God blesses and protects in exchange for Fidelity to him

Ark of the covenant

An ornate box that held the tablets of the Law (Ten Commandments), it was a visible sign of God's invisible presence on earth.

The book of Genesis describes Abraham as a holy man with humble faith

And docility(control) To God's will. This faith led him to repeatedly to trust in God regardless of how difficult it is

Through the Paschal Mystery Human race is restored to God's original plan

And everyone can enjoy the supreme blessing of God's divine life and speak the same language of Christ Charity

Cain murdered able. God Shiva towards Abels offering

And his disfavor towards Cain aroused Does sinful dispositions of envy and hatred

Christs appearance was so marred.He was severely beaten

And tourted all bruised and bloody even before he was sentenced to death

Kings,priests and In rare cases,prophets were


Christ and messiah mean

Anointed one

Jesus as messiah received a threefold

Anointing.He was anointed by the Holy Spirit as presist,prophet and king


As an infant, he was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter and brought up in Pharaoh's court. He fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian taskmaster, only to return as God's chosen agent to liberate the Hebrews from slavery and give the chosen people God's law.

The tribes of the Northern Kingdom were conquered and dispersed by the ___________.


Christ the Lamb of God would sacrifice himself later in

Atonement For the sins of all people

About 150 years later after Isaiah the

Babylonians conquered Judah and destroyed jearsuleam and the temple and drove the chosen people into exile


Battle between offspring of serpent & woman will eventually result in death of the serpent

40 days in the case of the flood represents a period of

Beginning of preparation for the new beginning of creation through Noah and his family

Isaiah said the Messiah would be born of a Virgin "

Behold , a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his name Immanuel

Genesis 6:17 states

Behold I will bring the floodwaters upon earth and destroy all flesh and which is the breath of life from under heaven everything that is on earth shall die.

The chosen people acquired the promised land through

Bloody conquest over the pagan people who inhabited it

Davidic kingdoms and the messages of the prophets also contributed

Building up the chosen people and preparing them for the coming of messiah and his new law of love

What is overcomes the sand at the tower of babel once and for all

By drawing every man and woman and indeed all nations to himself he achieved through unity among the people of the earth

Like Adam and Noah Abraham will become the father of the

Chosen and divinely favored people

God Chooses to send Moses back to Egypt to deliver the

Chosen people from slavery but he argues that God chose the wrong man

Issac carried the wood for his own sacrifice just as

Christ carried out the wood of his cross to Calvary for his own sacrifice

According to genesis 11:4

Come let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves lest we will be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth

Under the Mosaic covenant each of the first born sons would be

Consecrated to serve as priest for their family

No it was different where is his contemporaries were so

Corrupt that God decided to destroy them

After having enslave the Hebrews Pharoh

Decide to kill all the first born male children

The prophets predicted that the messiah would restore iseral and

Defeat its enemies brining it to an even greater splendor then which existed under king David

Other words the Serpant would be

Defeated by a descendent of eve

I revealing himself to Moses God signifies a

Desire for a personal relationship with his people and friendship with man

Noah was

Different from his Contemporaries

Every day got a short God cause the waters to return to their place

Drowning the Egyptian army pursuing that Israelities

This was the son of Hebrew slaves now being raised in the pharaohs Household as a

Egyptian. He is raised as both a Jew and and a Egyptian

Incarnation of Jesus Christ and his passion death and Resurrection and ascension Which Conquered sin and death

Fulfilled the promise of redemption to Adam and Eve

The final and worst plague was the death of

Every first born male among the Egyptians animal and man

God owned the first born males of Israel from the 10th Egyptian plague

Every first born male belonged to him

Christ was unknown to almost

Everyone who called for his cruxifiction and saw him hanging on the cross.He was abanded to the ignorant people.

There are parallels between eve and blessed virgin Mary

Eves disobedience tied up human beings in sin where as the blessed virgin Mary obeyed God freeing human beings from being "bound" by sin

We can join the lord I'm his redemptive suffering and then

Experience the great joy of the resurrection

old testament covenants prefigure the new and definitive covenant established by Christ

For example clean animals which Noah sacrifices after the flood is a type of sacrifice of Christ who was the sinless and perfect lamb of god

Old testament covenant become more expensive concrete and demanding as time generally progressed

For example the covenant with Noah was made with one family the covenant with Moses extended to an entire people

Positive truth revealed about human nature from Cain and able Narrative is

Freedom and personal responsibility remain because we can do well,be excepted by God and even master temptation to sin

In Jewish history the concept of redemption implies deliverance to free someone

From oppression or bondage by payment of a price or ransom or the use of power


From the Greek for "ten words"; the Ten Commandments given by God through Moses.


From the Greek prophetein, meaning to "speak for" or to "speak forth." The conveyance by Almighty God to a spokesman of a message to be transmitted to individuals or groups, sometimes including information about future events.


From the Greek prophetes, meaning one who "speaks for." One who speaks to the people for God.


From the Greek proto, meaning "first ," and evangelion, meaning "good news." This first message of Good News - the First Gospel - is found in Genesis 3: 15, wherein the promise of a redeemer is announced.

Issiah said the great leader would come from


Beginning with David

God called a human being his son.David was the first human being to be called son by god

The second importance of the defined name reveals gods nature

God enjoys the fullness of being and he gives exitance To every being that is "I am the way the truth and the life"

A new divinw economy began at the time of Noah

God had destroyed human unity God sought to save people part by part dealing with them in their various groupings

The edge wheelchairs escape from having their own sons killed in the pass over

God instructed them to offer a lamb as a substitute smearing the lambs blood on the door post and lintel of their houses

After the Israelities had committed idolatry by word shipping the golden calf

God took away the priesthood from every first born son and gave it to the Levites served on behalf of all Israel

The idea of divine sonship changed with David.The nation of iseral collectively have been called

Gods son

God not only deliver the Israelities from slavery but Formed them as people

He entered into a covenant with them

New Adam made reparation for the disobedience of the first Adam

He obeyed selflessly and humble the will of his father

He went through the moral sufferings because

He took upon the guilt of everyone sins and experienced the ugliness and evil of sin

Abraham also never question Gods commmand to sacrifice Isaac his son

He trusted Completely in God's will proceeding to fulfill this most challenging task

Christ made his sacrifice a personal suffering.

He wanted people to be freed from sin and to recover the perfect happiness for which they created

God punished the Egyptians with plagues

He wanted to force the pharoh to release the chosen people from bondage


Hebrew for "anointed." Anointing was the Old Testament ritual used to commission a person for a special task. This is used in reference to Christ because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission of Priest, Prophet, and King, signified by his being the Anointed ("Christ") of God.


Hebrew for "father of a multitude"; a descendant of Shem and the founder of the Hebrew nation. At seventy years of age, he received a personal call from God to which he responded with faith. God would form his descendants as the chosen people and therefore Abraham is recognized as the "father of all believers

An example of this is

His old age Abraham followed God's request to leave his home for a new land

God choose to reveal the Decalogue so that it would be easier for the chosen people to know

His will

All plants and animals are under

Human control

Suffering Servant

Image in the prophecies of Isaiah depicting one who is sent by God to as a god by the Egyptian people .. suffer and die for the sins of humanity. It is a prophecy of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ


In ancient times, the leader of the Egyptians (Gn 12: 15); often worshiped as god by the Egyptian people

Christa fulfills Isaiah's prophecy of the suffering servant

In his sacred humanity,Christ went through the most serve physical,physiological and moral suffering

Physical sign of gods covenant with Abraham is circumcision

In this way the chosen people formed through Abraham prepared the way for people of God formed in Christ

A kapper in acient iseral

Is a small financial gift pr ransom that every firstborn Jew outside the tribe of Levi had pay to be redeemed or brought back by his family


Is forbidden

The first recorded sin outside of paradise

Is fratricide the murder of a brother

In christ the human race

Is restored to God's plan

The origin of the 12 tribes of Israel

Is the 12 Sons of Jacob

God's command that Abraham sacrifice his son

Isaac was both challenging and Inexplicable

The iseralites were trapped between pharaohs army and the Red Sea

It is then that Moses raise his hand and part to say allowing the iseraltiies to escape

Not all Abrahams descendants were part of the chosen people only the descendents of

Jacob formed the chosen people


Jacob's favorite among his twelve sons. His envious brothers sold him as a slave, but Joseph rose to become prime minister of Egypt, where he was ultimately able to save his family from starvation.

Christ redemptive death on the cross and his resseruction occurred in


Jacob favorite his second youngest son


God save the chosen people through Joseph.although his brothers had sold him into slavery

Joseph became powerful in Egypt and was able to provide food for his entire family in a time of famine

The judges were Successful in

Keeping Israel in line

Indirectly god was referring to the heir of

King David,Jesus Christ the only begotten son of the father

According to catechism #57

Languages were divided it was temporary partial measure to curb human pride and sin.

What happened after the fall of Adam and Eve

Left all people darkened and depraved

The title messiah became proper to Jesus only because he accomplished perfectly the divine

Mission that Christs signifies.That is the "anointed one" whom god would send

This is where the story of

Moses begins

Where did god give the moral code to Moses and Israelities

Mount Sinai

New eve

Name applied to the Virgin Mary, whose complete cooperation in God's plan of redemption reversed the effects of the disobedience and sin of the first woman, Eve.

By doing this the angel of death would

Pass over such homes in spare they're firstborn sons

Christ said very few words during his

Passion refusing to speak to king Harold who wanted Christ to preform miracles

To summarize the covenant God made with Noah we can see

Noah and his family are to populate the earth

The decendents of Noah divided between good and evil

Noah son Shem continued the righteous Yeah that would eventually become gods chosen people

Issaih said Jerusalem would be the holy city

Not just for iseral but for all nations

The chosen people under Mosaic covenant were called to live in fidelity to the covenant

Obedient to God's law and they awaited it's fulfillment

I am shepherd named David who came from the tribe

Of Judah replaced Saul

The prophets of Old Testament also kept the people of iseral mindful

Of gods promises urged their fedility

Next seven commandments regard the proper relationship that a

Person should have with his or hers neighbors

What's Virgin Mary yes was necessary condition for the salvation

Only When she had accepted the invitation to be the mother of savior was Christ conceived by the Holy Spirit


Pesach or Pascha, a Jewish feast commemorating the deliverance of the Israelites' firstborn males from the Angel of Death by the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the doorposts, which allowed them to leave bondage in Egypt for the promised land. This was a type of the sacrificial Passion and Death of Christ, which saved man from bondage to sin. The Eucharist celebrates Christ's Passover.

The best of fluid it down and I will wear it was found by

Pharaohs daughter Who then adopt the child as her son

After pharaoh Hi insisted they depart from Egypt,the Issarlities ran in Haste to the Red Sea

Pharoh changed his mind and had his army chance the iseralities

Narratives of the book of Genesis convey the destructive

Power of sin and the absolute necessity for definitive remedy for it

The number 40 in the Bible symbolizes a period of trial

Preparation or penance. For example the range flooded the earth for 40 days and 40 nights

Tower of babel was a symbol of human

Pride and execcive confidence in human power

God protected Cain by

Promising a sevenfold punishment on anyone who might slay him

There are two divisions of the Decalogue the first three Commandments detail the

Proper relationship that a person should have with God

Generators call genesis 3:15 the

Protevangluim Or the "first gospel" announcing good news

Jesus Christ Preached a redemption in which he would

Redeem people from sin and restore them and Gods holy people

Protevangelium It's good news that relates to the promise of redeemer

Redeemer will come to bring salvation to the world.For a world seeped in sin the promise of redemption was good news indeed

The covenants prepare God's people for


Moses mother fearing her newborns life hid him in

Reed basket and placed him in the Nile river

Judges were warrior prophet who

Rescued the people of Israel from their enemies. Judges cited them in a time of crisis

Eventually Israel fell into anarchy and large parts of the promised land were

Retaken by their pagan enemies

The 12 tribes suffered from

Rivalries that sometimes led to Civil Wars which called them not to be united

Abrahams willingness to Sacrifice Isaac prefigures the

Sacrifice of Christ on the cross

First Abraham was instructed To sacrifice his only son just as God

Sacrificed his only begotten son Jesus Christ


Son of Abraham and Sarah born when they were very old. Though Isaac was not Abraham's first son (he fathered a son, Ishmael, with Hagar, Sarah's handmaid), he was the firstborn of Sarah, Abraham's wife, making Isaac the heir of God's promises.

According to catechism#410 the final solution will come about through a battle between the

Serpent and the seed of the women and the final victory going to a descendant of hers.

The rainbow is the everlasting

Sign of this. Covenant God promised Noah and his descendants

The chosen people were often drawn to pagan idolatrous And immortal practices

So they could not enjoy the full blessings of the covenant that God had promised them

Jerusalem is associated with Abraham

Solomon and the Christ.God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son issac on the future site of Jerusalem

Just as eve is the mother of all who have natrual life and then die so then the blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of All those who will be

Solve by death because of Christ and be given external life

Christs offspring could be understood in a

Spiritual manner.All the people throughout ages would constitute the body of Christ his church

People must not eat animals with

Still blood in it

Isaiah envisioned the messiah would save his people.He would undergo terrible

Suffering and be put to death.But through his suffering he would be saved from sin

The mystery of redemption is Jesus Christ

Suffering dying and rising again and ascending into heaven in order to redeem humanity from sin

Second the sacrifice of Isaac was to be carried out at Mount Moriah which is the site on which later the

Temple in Jerusalem was built later Christ was sacrificed outside the wall of Jerusalem and his body is the temple of the new covenant


Temporary leaders appointed by God before the tim e of the monarchy to lead the people of Israel when enemies oppressed them; also, the name of an Old Testament book relating the history of Israel during this period.


Ten Commandments. The bases of the Mosaic covenant

Abraham is the father of

The Jewish people

Chosen People

The Jews; the people chosen by God to be his own and inherit the promises of Abraham. They are named after the Tribe of Judah, one of the sons oflsrael (Jacob).

Old Covenant

The Mosaic Law, encapsulated as the Ten Commandments, and its stipulation from God to the Israelites that "I will be your God, and you will be my people" (Jer 7: 23).

Finally the blood of circumcision that marked the covenant with Abraham foreshadowed

The blood of the Lord which is the new and everlasting covenant

God gave Adam and Eve a command and he repeated it to Noah and his family

The command said "be fruitful and multiply upon the earth"


The commission of the Original Sin by Adam and Eve, which resulted in their loss of original holiness and justice as well as concupiscence, suffering, death, and loss of friendship with God.

The paschal mystery

The death burial resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ

Ten Commandments

The fundamental laws gjven by God to Moses at Sinai that govern divine and human relationships.


The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah. His prophecies often refer to the coming of the Messiah.

Promised Land

The land promised by God to Abraham and his descendants, the Israelites. This land stretched from the "river of Egypt to the great river, River Euphrates" (Gn 15: 18-21).

Mt moriah

The mountain where Abraham prepared to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice and on which the city of Jerusalem was later built.

Ancient Israel the "goel"was the redeemer

The nearest relative or next of Ken who would Come to the rescue of his family in matters of enslavement property inheritance or justice

New covenant

The new "dispensation" or order, established by God in Jesus Christ, to succeed and perfect the Old Covenant.

Covenant with Abraham initiates the formation of

The people who were chosen to worship him the one true God


The righteous man who., with his family and the animals, survived the flood in the Ark.


The second King of Israel, a "man after God's own heart." God made a new covenant with all the nations through David.


The tetragrammaton, or four letters, of the divine name in Hebrew; the the River Euphrates" (Gn 15: 18-21). personal name of the God of Israel revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai, meaning "I AM WHO I AM." This is rendered Lord in most English PROPHECY translations of the Bible.


The wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.

Israel's first king was Saul who placed his own will above

The word of God has revealed by the final judge the prophet Samuel

God will never again punish

The world with a flood


The worship or adoration due to God alone paid to images "made with hands" or any created object. This is forbidden by the First Commandment. Idolatry is distinct from veneration given to saints and holy objects, which is implicitly allowed by the Incarnation as solemnly defined at the Second Ecumenical Council ofNicrea (AD 787).


The younger of Isaac and Rebekah's twin sons, he tricked his brother into giving him his inheritance and his father into giving him the firstborn's blessing, thus becoming his heir. Through him God renewed the covenant with Abraham's descendants.

Two facets Call redemption of the Israrlities from Egypt are

They were freed from there slavery and they became God's own people under his covenant

Through the flood gave Noah his family and their descendants a new beginning in their relationship with God

This cleansing only arrested the spread of in evil temporarily only Christ definitive Sacrifice on the cross defeated evil once and for all

God revealed Himself from Abrahams time on through the descendents of Abraham

Through the patriarchs judges and prophets of the chosen people and finally through Jesus Christ

Because Saul was not worthy god sent Samuel

To Bethelham to anoint another king

Sky gave human beings plants and all the animals (except their blood)

To eat in the covenant with Noah

The Israelities knowledge of the mosaic law and their efforts to live it helped

To prepare them for Christ new law of love

Abraham son Isaac married and had

Two sons esua and Jacob

King David serves in particular as a

Type of Christ.

At Pentecost gifts of the Holy Spirit specifically overcame the

Vision of language and nation that are the consequences of the sin at Bable

Negative truth about the narrative of cain Enable reveals that human beings nature

Was weakened by original sin

The major events of salvation history that built up the chosen people and prepare them for the coming of Messiah and his new law of love

Were the covenants with Noah Abraham and Moses

Schedule tease florist in Egypt from a generations until a Pharaoh came into power

Who feared the growing strength of the iseralties and enslaved them

Noah's son ham linage

became idolatrous Canaanites the traditional enemy of the Hebrews

David made all iseral a mighty nation for the

first time in history,defeating all its enemies

Solomon(David's son)builit an

magnificent temple in jeresulem

Isaiah the prophet said Jesus

the messiah would suffer and die

David made Jerusalem

the political and religious capital of iseral

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