Chapter 21 study guide multiple choice/true and false, Ch 22 history test Japan part, Chapter 22

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The Taiping Rebellion

"peaked" with the rebel capture of the old Ming capital of Nanjing

Progressive party

Favored distribution of power between leg. And exec. branches

What was the general idea of Thomas Babington Macaulay's educational policy for Britain's Indian subjects?

We should produce a class that is Indian in blood and color but English in taste and intellect.

In the second half of the nineteenth century

a Frenchman built the Suez Canal, but it ultimately came under British control.

Treaty of kanagawa

(After Mathew perry) Shipwrecked American shoulders to be returned. Opened 2 ports. Est. a consulate in Japan's soil,

The individual who said that "My ruling purpose is the extension of the British empire throughout the world" was

Cecil Rhodes

The missionary who urged Europeans to introduce the "three Cs" (Christianity, commerce and civilization) was

David Livingstone.

Meiji economic policies

Developed close linked bussiness govt. relationship which accelerated growth

The Boers were predominantly of what ethnic background?


The Philippine guerrilla leader who failed to thwart the United States conquest was

Emilio Aguinaldo.

Remote location and mountainous terrain spared which of the following from colonial rule?

Ethiopia Afghanistan.

On balance, one can accurately say that all of the following are correct except

Europeans left no legacy of any sort in their colonies.

Lord Macartney's trip to Beijing in 1793

Failed, as the Chinese government did not want additional trade with Britain

True or False? In Africa, security concerns and national prestige were always secondary to economic interests


Liberal party (Japan)

Favored reforms based on the western model, favored parliaments power

The sino Japanese war

Forced China to cede Taiwan and laiodpng to japan

Colonial policies reflecting a relative lack of racist attitudes, and the revolutionary belief in the universality of human nature, were practiced by


Emphasis on assimilation of African subjects to European culture, rather than preserving local traditions originated with the


The Opium war

Gave Britain control of Hong Kong

Which of the following pairs, naming the European power and its African holding, is not correct?

Germany - Congo

Among the first British colonies in West Africa was

Gold Coast.

Imperialism in Japan

Got Taiwan. Ports added to Korea. Japan vs China when Korea rebelled.

Togugawa shogunate

Isolated japan. Manufacturing amd commercial sector changes would lead to their end.

A rising non-western nation that avoided colonial subjugation by pursuing a concerted strategy of political and economic reform was


Commodore Mathew perry

Sailed to Japan for a fueling station, and proposed that they open foreign relations between them. Eventually Japan agreed.

Which of the following led a peasant revolt in Burma against colonial rule?

Saya San

Which African country, with a temperate climate in its Central Highlands, attracted a relatively large European population?


To try to increase trade profits in China, the British

Shipped large amounts of opium into China at a massive profit

Which of the following denotes an accurate order of events?

Slave trade illegalized by Britain / French seizure of Algeria / Opening of Suez Canal / Berlin Conference over Africa / Boer War

Which of the following was not a feature of the treaty that ended the Opium War?

The British agreed to stop exporting opium to China

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the nature of the opium War?

The British used Chinese objections to opium importation as a pretext to unilaterally invade China and forcibly open it to Western trade

Within the context of Western economic expansion into the regions of Africa and Asia during the nineteenth century, the term imperialism means the forceful appropriation of all except

a substitution of African and Asia cultural norms in place of traditional European culture.

By combining the old Cape Colony and Natal with the Boer Republics in 1910, the British created the

Union of South Africa.

Japanese culture During the Meiji restoration

Was charactarized by a period of fascination in western art, followed by a period of reaction, where artists searched for Japanese modes of statement

All of the following statements about Zanzibar are true except that it was

a first capital of south Africa after the Boer War.

All of the following are correct about the slave trade except it

it revived in East Asia because of the opium trade.

Generally speaking, European colonialism was

largely exploitation, usually accompanied by condescension.

In the political realm, ultimate control of European colonies in Asia and Africa was

maintained by force.

Quinine was used by Europeans to provide partial immunity from


In the nineteenth century, European nations exploited areas of Asia and Africa for the following except

manufactured goods to be sent from Asia to Europe.

Muhammad Ali

modernized Egypt and extended its hegemony over neighboring regions.

David Livingstone

obtained great fame from his African missionary and anti-slavery work.

In Southeast Asia, imperialist governments

often blended direct and indirect rule, with the latter used widely in rural areas such as Malaya.

"New" products that European nations sought to obtain from colonies in Africa and Asia in the nineteenth century included

oil, tin and rubber.

Ran Mohan Roy's major motivation in creating the Brahmo Samaj was to

provide Hinduism with protection against verbal attacks by British colonialists.

In the nineteenth century, imperialism

was motivated by a desire to control markets as well as raw materials.

The Boer War

was the result of the discovery of gold and diamonds in the Boer Transvaal.

the "spheres of influence"

were in part the result of local Chinese strongmen to sell exclusive economic privileges to foreign governments and their merchants

The opening of the Suez Canal preceded the Berlin Conference over Africa.


The term 'neo-colonialism' refers to European colonial tactics after World War II.



was able to remain independent because France and Britain preferred that it remain so in order to serve as a buffer between their colonial territories.

True or False? In 1800, the Qing or Manchu dynasty was at the height of its power


True or False? In order to protect their investment in the Suez Canal, the British established an informal protectorate in Egypt that lasted until World War 1


The individual who left a massive estate to create a worldwide British Empire to "civilize" the world

Cecil Rhodes.

Treaty of shimonoseki

China cedes Taiwan and liaodong but they recognize kore as independent e


Concept of Japanese's unique system with supreme power in the empower

The new modernizing polices of the Meiji govt included:

Confiscation of lands controlled by daimyo

Hong Xiuquan

was the Christian leader of the Taiping rebellion

The Great Trek

was the northeastward advance of the Boers after the British take-over of the Cape Colony.

By 1900, the seizure of what region was included in the Indochinese Union?


The idea to preserve local African culture and traditions under colonial administration is associated with the


Which of the following is not a true statement about nineteenth-century Western expansion in Southeast Asia?

Burma retained its independence.

After the fall of the shogunate,

Rural Pop. Of surfs transformed into citizens

Which of the following cities became a major colonial manufacturing center?


Japanese imperialism

Agreed to accept USA control over Philippines in return for recognition of Japanese annexation of Korea.

In 1894, Quing went to war with Japan over _____


In 1894, the Qing went to war with Japan over


Tokugawa only maintained relation with ____


The upper Nile was the area of two major confrontations in the late 1800s between the British and the

Mahdi at Khartoum and the French at Fashodaoda

The "sat-cho" alliance did not

Never accept modernization of Japan

Meiji restoration

New Meiji leaders tried to modernize. They embarked on reforms, came up with new jap. Govt. by studying other countries govts.

Meiji constitution of 1890

Progressive party made it. Based of Bismark model. Authority mainly in exec. Branch. Kokutai was its principle, was the: concept of the Japanese govt.'s uniqueness based on emperors supreme authority.

Charter oath 1868

Promised to create a new assembly within the imperialism club.

Which of the following can be said to be a benefit of colonialism in Southeast Asia?

The beginnings of a modern economic infrastructure

Which of the following was not linked to the European "missionary factor" as a motivation to conquer the peoples of Africa?

The competition among the European powers to create an African industrial revolution

Which area did the French rule as a protectorate?

The northern parts of Indochina.

What factor spurred the rise in Christian missionary work in East Africa in the nineteenth century?

The persistence of the slave trade in East Africa.

True or False? Hong Xiuquan claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus Christ


The term 'neocolonialism' refers to European colonial tactics

after former European colonies were replaced by independent nation-states.

The Sepoy Mutiny was caused by

animal fat and lard that was on the rifle cartridges used by the Sepoy troops, which upset both Hindu and Muslim soldiers.

Imperialistic activity in Africa

caused a good deal of international rivalry, as illustrated by the tense face-off between British and French forces at Fashoda.

The British Raj

established a new school system to educate the children of the elite.

The Berlin Conference of 1884

established guidelines to ease the frictions created by European ambitions in Africa.

Afrikaners were black African opponents of the Dutch Boers in South Africa


In general, the British preferred direct rule, while the French usually implemented indirect rule in their African colonies.


In order to avoid violence and to gain the popular support of colonial peoples, the Europeans generally quickly introduced democratic institutions in their colonies.


In the nineteenth century, "legitimate trade" unfortunately still included the African slave trade.


European powers rushed to increase their penetration of Africa because of all except

fear of Russian economic expansion into Central Africa

In his famous poem "The White Man's Burden," Rudyard Kipling expressed the idea that whites

had a moral responsibility to lift Africans from a state of lower societal development.

British colonial policies

helped to end the slave trade in Africa and thuggee and sati in India.

The major economic objective of the "civilizing mission" was to

integrate native societies into the global economic market.

It can be said that the first stage in the development of modern nationalism is

resistance to colonial conquest, often based on traditional cultural factors.

East Africa was

saw a struggle over the slave trade between Christian missionaries and Muslim merchants.

The Open Door Policy

served to calm the increasingly frantic pace of Western imperialism in China

In terms of resistance to imperial control, it can be accurately said that

some traditional resistance movements had significant religious dimensions, such as the revolts under the Mahdi in the Sudan and under Saya San in Burma.

In southern Africa during the 1800s

the British were more sympathetic to the rights of the local population than were the Boers.

In assessing the impact of nineteenth-century imperialism, it can accurately be said that

the consequences of imperialism are more complex than was earlier believed.

In Southeast Asia, the European emphasis on cash crops led in many areas to the replacement of subsistence agriculture by the growth of large plantations.


In most of East Asia, such as in Japan, imperialism did not result in the establishment of formal Western colonial control.


Slavery in Africa continued well after it had been abolished by European nations.


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