Chapter 22

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Define jean-francois millet

-A painter preoccupied with scenes from rural life, especially peasants laboring in the fields, although his realism still contains an element of romantic sentimentality. In "The Gleaners", his most famous work, three peasant women gather grain in the field, a centuries-old practice that for millet shows the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. -He made Landscape & Country Life an important subject matter for French artists, but he was criticized by his contemporaries for crude subject matter and unorthodox

What was the result of the French making peace with Austria without informing their Italian ally? Why did he make peace?

-As result of Napoleon's peace with Austria, Piedmont received only Lombardy and Venetia remained under Austrian control. -Napoleon realized that despite two losses, the Austrian army had not yet been defeated and the struggle might be longer and more costly than he had anticipated. -Moreover, the Prussians were mobilizing in support of Austria and Napoleon did not want to take on 2 enemies at once.

The Austro-Prussian War (1866)

-BACKGROUND- Bismarck had no problem gaining RUssia's agreement to remain neutral in the event of an Austro-Prussian war because Prussia had been the only great power to support Russia's repression of a Polish revolt in 1863. -Bismarck bought Napoleon III's neutrality with vague promises of territory in the Rhineland. -With Austrians isolated, Bismarck used the joint occupation of Schleswig-Holstein to goad the Austrians into war on June 14, 1866 -Many europeans expected a quick Austrian victory but they overlooked the effectiveness of Prussian ilitary reforms of the 1860s. -On July 3 AUstria was defeated -Austria lost no territory except Venetia to Italy but was excluded from German affairs.

When did the Ottoman empire declare war in Russia and in the following year, which other European countries followed?

-Ottos declared war on Russians October 4, 1853 -following year Great Britain and France declared war on Russia

What reforms was the first Liberal administration of William Gladstone, from 1868 to 1874, responsible for?

-opened civil service positions to competitive exams rather than patronage -introduced secret ballot for voting -abolished the practice of purchasing military commissions -Education Act of 1870 attempted to make elementary schools available for all children

What percentage of soldiers died from disease?


In 1850, who was still the dominant power on the Italian peninsula?


What power did Napoleon III have?

As chief of state he could control armed forces, police, and civil service.

After the failure of the Frankfurt assembly to achieve German unification in 1848-1849, German nationalists focused on _____________ and ____________ as the only two states powerful enough to dominate German affairs.

Austria and Prussia

Why were the European powers of the time interested in the declining Ottoman empire?

Austria: Craved more land in the Balkans (a desire that inevitably meant conflict with Russia) France and Britain: interested in commercial opportunities and naval bases in the eastern Mediterranean.

Who was the director of the reconstruction of the city of Paris?

Baron Haussmann- medieval Paris of narrow streets and old city walls destroyed and replaced with broad boulevards, plazas, public squares, public water supply, sewage system, etc.

How was the newly constructed Paris beneficial to the military?

Broader streets made it easier for troops to move rapidly through the city.

What was Napoleon III's motivations for war?

As heir to the Napoleonic empire, Napoleon III was motivated by the desire to free France from the restrictions of the peace settlements of 1814-1815 and to make France chief arbiter of Europe. In the decline of the Ottoman empire he was an opportunity to take steps toward these goals.

When did Louis Napoleon assume the title of Napoleon III?

December 2, 1852

What enabled Cavour to pour money into equipping a large army?

Growth in the Piedmontese economy and the subsequent increase in government revenues enabled Cavour to pour money into equipping a large army.

WHat did the Prussian leadership of German unification mean?

It meant the triumph of authoritarian, militaristic values over liberal, constitutional sentiments in the development of the new German state. With its industrial resources and military might, the new state had become the strongest power on the COntinent. A new EUropean balance of power was on hand.

Why was the Reform Act of 1867 important?

It was an important step toward the democratization of Britain. By lowering the monetary requirements for voting (taxes paid or income earned), it by and large enfranchised many male urban workers. -Although Disraeli believed that this would benefit the Conservatives, industrial workers helped produce a huge liberal victory in 1868.

What was one of the reasons for Britain stability?

It's continuing economic growth

What medical school provided a new model for medical training that became standard practice in the 20th century?

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1893, with its four-year graded curriculum, clinical training for advanced students, and do you have Laboratories for teaching purposes provided a new model.

Who was Joseph Lister and what did he do?

Joseph Lister, who developed the antiseptic principle, was one of the first people to deal with the problem of infection. Following the work of Pastor Lister perceives that bacteria might enter a wound and cause infection. His use of carbolic acid, a recently discovered disinfectant, was really effective in eliminating infections during surgery.

When did the Archduke Maximilian of Austria's surrender to liberal Mexican forces?

May 1867, and was executed in June. His execution was a blow to the prestige of the French emperor.

Did Darwin discuss humans in his book on the Origins of species?

No, Darwin discussed plant and animal species only. He was not concerned with humans themselves, and only later applied his theory of natural selection to humans.

Were peasants interested in this new "populism"?

No, which led some populists to resort to violent means to overthrow tsarist autocracy. An example of this was Vera Zasulich.

Lord Palmerston

Prime minister from 1855 to 1865. Although whig, Palmerston had no strong Party Loyalty and found it easy to make political compromises. He was not a reformer however and opposed expanding franchise.

Alexander Herzen

Russian exile living in London -Slogan: "Land and Freedom" epitomized his belief that the Russian peasant must be the chief instrument for social reform. -believed that peasant village commune would form the basis of a new Russia. -Russian students and intellectuals who followed Herzen's ideas formed a movement called populism whose aim was to create a new society through revolutionary acts of peasants.


Russian local assemblies, that provided a moderate degree of self government. Representatives to the zemstvos were to be elected from the noble landowners, townspeople, and peasants, but the property based system of voting gave distinct advantage to the nobles.

Who was responsible for the land payments to the Russian government?

The "mir" or village commune. In a real sense the village commune, not the individual peasants, owned the land the peasants were purchasing. Since they were responsible for the payments, they were reluctant to allow peasants to leave their land.

Where can the beginnings Marxism be traced to?

The 1848 publication of the Communist Manifesto

Give examples of provide Professional Medical organizations founded around mid-century.

The British Medical Association In 1832, the American Medical Association in 1847, and the German doctor Society in 1872, attempted to elevate Professional Standards but a cheap little until the end of the century.

In 1847, which socialist revolutionary group did Marx and Engels join?

The Communist League. It was German.

In which book did Darwin argue for the animal origins of human beings?

The Descent of Man

Who was largely responsible for defeating the Austrians in two major battles at Magenta and Solferino?

The French

What did Prussia get as result of the AUstro-Prussian war?

The GErman states north of the Main River were organized into the north GErman Confederation, controlled by Prussia. -The Austrian war was a turning point in Prussian domestic affairs. After the war, Bismarck asked the Prussian parliament to pass a bill of indemnity, retroactively legalizing the taxes he had collected illegally since 1862.

Define Louis Pasteur

The Germ theory of disease was largely the work of Louis Pasteur. Pastor was not a doctor, but a chemist to approach medical problems in a scientific fashion. He conducted experiments that proved microorganisms of various kinds were responsible for the process of fermentation, thereby launching the science of bacteriology.

What were the Whigs now called?

The Liberals

Benjamin Disraeli

Tory leader in Parliament Motivated by a desire to win over the newly in franchise groups to the conservative party. Reform Act of 1867 was important step toward democratization of Britain. By lowering the monetary requirements for voting, it by and large and franchise many Miller Band workers. The number of Voters increased from about 1 million to slightly over two million. Although Disraeli believe that this would benefit the conservatives, industrial workers helped produce a huge liberal victory in 1868

What was the power of the 'zemtvos'?

limited power to provide public services, such as education, famine relief, and road and bridge maintenance. They could levy taxes to pay for these services, but their efforts were frequent disrupted by bureaucrats, who feared any hint of self government.

Who was Cavour?

-A liberal minded nobleman who had made a fortune in agriculture and went on to make even more money in banking, railroads, and shipping. -He was a moderate who favored constitutional government. After becoming prime minister in 1852, he pursued a policy of economic expansion, encouraging the building of roads, canals, and railroads and fostering business enterprise by expanding credit and stimulating investment in new industries.

Define Giuseppe Garibaldi and his actions

-A dedicated Italian patriot who had supported Mazzini and the republican cause of "Young Italy" - raised an army of 1000 Red Shirts (as his volunteers were called because of their distinctive dress -on May 11, 1860, he landed in SIcily, where a revolt had broken out against the Bourbon king of the Two Sicilies -Although his forces were greatly outnumbers his daring tactics won the day -by the end of July 1860, most of Sicily had been pacified under his control-In August, Garibaldi and his forces crossed over to the mainland and began a victorious march up the Italian peninsula -Garibaldi yielded to Cavour and did not march into ROme

Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

-BACKGROUND- Prussia now dominated all of northern Germany, and Austria had been excluded from any significant role in German affairs. However, this led to some problems. Bismarck realized that France would never be content with a strong German state to its east because of the potential threat to French security. -Meanwhile after a successful revolution had deposed Queen Isabella II, the throne of Spain was offered to Prince Leopold Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a distant relative of the Hohenzollern king of Prussia -Bismarck welcomed this possibility for the same reason that the French objected to it. If Leopold assumed the throne of Spain, France would be virtually encircled by members of the Hohenzollern dynasty. -French objections caused King WIlliam I to force his relative to withdraw his candidacy -France wasn't content so they pushed William I to make a formal apology to France and promise to never allow Leopold to be a candidate again. --Bismarck goaded France, expecting them to declare war, which they did on July 15, 1870 -Prussian and south German forces went against France and on September 2, 1870 they captured the entire French army and Napoleon III himself. -Paris peace treaty Jan 28, 1871

Describe the events of the Battle of Balaklava.

-British and French decided to Attack Russia's Crimean peninsula in the Black sea -Terrible cost of manpower and long seige -eventually main Russian fortress of Sevastopol fell in September 1855, 6 months after the death of Tsar Nicolas I. -His successor Alexander II sued for peace. -Treaty of Paris signed -Russia forced to give up Bessarabia and accept neutrality of the black Sea. -In addition Moldavia and Wallachia were placed under the protection of the 5 powers.

Why did Britain and France take that step?

-Concern over the prospect of an upset in the balance of powers -British feared that an aggressive Russia would try to profit from the obvious weakness of the Ottoman empire by seizing their territory or the long coveted Dardanelles -French feared growth of Russian influence in Ottoman empire

What lands did the Russian empire seize from the Ottoman empire and in what years did they seize which land?

-Crimea in 1783 -Bessarabia in 1812

The Danish War (1864)

-Danish War arose over duchies of Schleswig and Holstein -in 1863, contrary to international treaty, the Danish government moved to incorporate the two duchies into Denmark.. -German nationalists were outraged since both duchies had large German populations and were regarded as German states -diet of Germanic Confederation urged its member states to send troops against Denmark, but Bismarck did not want to subject Prussian policy to the Austrian-dominated German parliament. -Bismarck persuaded Austrians to join Prussia in declaring war on Denmark on Feb 1, 1864 -Danes defeated and surrendered Schleswig and Holstein -Austria and Prussia agreed to divide administration of the two duchies

Define Gustave courbet

-He was the most famous artist of the realist School. -In fact, the word realism was first coined in 1850 to describe one of his paintings. Courbet reveled in a realistic portrayal of everyday life. -His subjects were factory workers, presents, and the wives of saloon keepers. -One of his most famous work, "the stone Breakers", painted in 1849, shows two Road workers engaged in the deadly work of breaking stone to build a road. -This representation of human misery was a scandal to those who objected his Cult of ugliness.

Define Franz Liszt

-Hungarian-born composer. Best exemplifies the achievements of the new German School. -A child prodigy, he established himself as an outstanding concert artist by the age of 12. -He has been called the greatest pianist of all time and has been credited with the introducing the concept of the modern piano recital. -His compositions consist mainly of piano pieces although he composed and other donors as well, including Sacred Music. -He invented the term "symphonic poem" to refer to his orchestral Works, which did not strictly obey traditional forms and we're generally based on a literary or pictorial idea.

Zollverein and its effects.

-Prussia had formed the Zollverein, a German customs union, in 1834. By eliminating tolls of rivers and roads among member states, the Zollverein had stimulated trade and added to the prosperity of its members. -by 1853, all german states except Austria had joined the Prussian-dominated customs union. -A number of middle class liberals now began to see Prussia in a new light, some even looked openly to Prussia to bring about the unification of Germany.

Define Otto von Bismarck.

-Prussian prime minister to William I. Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire. -very conservative

Despite the proclamation of the new kingdom, why was the task of unification in Italy not yet complete?

-Venetia in the north was still held by Austria -Rome was still under papal control, supported by French troops

Define Richard Wagner

-Wagner was not only a composer but also a propagandist and writer in support of his unique conception of dramatic music. - Called both the culmination of the Romantic Era and the beginning of the avant-garde Kama Wagner's music may be described as Monumental development in classical music. --Believing that offer it was the best form of artistic expression, Wagner transformed Opera into "musical drama" through his 'Gesamtkunstwerk'. -A musical composition for the theater in which music acting dance poetry and Scenic designer synthesized into harmonious whole. -He abandoned the additional divisions of Opera, which interrupted the dramatic line of the work and instead using a device called leitmotif, a reoccurring Musical theme in which human voice combined with the line of Orchestra and said Rising above it. -His operas or incorporate literally hundreds of leitmotif in order to convey the story. Wagner look to myth and epic tales in the past. -His most ambitious work with the Ring of nibelung. This was a series of four dramas dealing with the mythical gods of the ancient German Epic

How did the Crimean war affect the relationship between the European powers?

-broke up long standing European powers relationships -Destroyed Concert of Europe -Austria and Russia were now enemies -Russia withdrew from continental affairs as did Britain

What did Napoleon III liberalize?

-legalized trade unions -Granting right for workers to strike -Gave legislative corps more sat in affairs of state

Name the stages of wars (that led to German unification) and what year(s) they occurred in.

1. The Danish War (1864) 2. The Austro-Prussian War (1866) 3. The Franco-Prussian War (1870 - 1871)

Most than ....... Soldiers died in the war.


How long was Queen Victoria's reign?

1837 - 1901

When was Louis Napoleon/ Napoleon the third elected president?


When was the term realism first


When did war erupt between Russia and the Ottoman empire?


When did the Crimean war happen? (Between what years?)

1854 - 1815

When did Napoleon III start to liberalize his regime?


The American Civil War

1861 - 1865 What began as a war to save the union became a war against slavery. On January 1st 1863, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation made most the nation's slaves forever free. The increasingly effective Union blockade of the South, combined with the shortage of the fighting men, made Confederate cause desperate read the end of 1864. The final push of Union troops under General Ulysses S Grant Forrest General Robert E Lee's Confederate Army to surrender in 1865.

When did parliament pass a bill giving women the right to take qualifying examinations?


When did Pastor develop a vaccination against rabies?


Did the British middle class workers conditions improve?

After 1850, middle-class Prosperity was that last coupled with some improvements for the working class. Real wages for Laborers increased more than 25% between 1850 and 1870.

Who was the new "emperor" of Mexico?

Archduke Maximilian of Austria

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

Allowed slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories to be determined by popular sovereignty, creating a firestorm in the north and led to the creation of a new Republican party. The Republicans reunited by anti-slavery principles and worried especially driven by the fear that the slave power of the South would attempt to spread the slave system throughout the country.

When did parliament established the Canadian Nation or the Dominion of Canada with his own Constitution?

Canada gained its independence in 1867. Canada now possessed a parliamentary system and ruled itself, although foreign affairs silvermane under the control of the British government

What was Cavour's plan for driving the AUstrians out of Italy?

Cavour had no illusions about Piedmont's military strength and was well aware that he could not challenge Austria directly. HE WOULD NEED THE FRENCH. - In 1858, Cavour came to an agreement with Napoleon III. The emperor agreed to ally with Piedmont in driving the Austrians out of Italy. -Once the Austrians were driven out, Italy would be reorganized. Piedmont would be extended into the kingdom of Upper Italy by adding Lombardy, Venetia, Parma, Modena, and part of the Papal States to its territory.

Who was perhaps one of the greatest Victorian novelists?

Charles Dickens, who's realistic novels focusing on the lower and middle classes in Britain's early Industrial Age became extraordinary successful. His descriptions of the urban poor and brutalization of human life were vividly realistic.

What was Napoleon III considered to be less experienced in?

Dealing with foreign policy

What were the Tories now called and Parliament?


Who was named prime minister of PIedmont in 1552?

Count Camillo di Cavour

Marx background

Descended from long line of Robbie's, although his father, a lawyer, had become Protestant to keep his job. Enrolled at University of Bonn but transferred to more serious-minded University of Berlin Is Dawn and became editor of illiberal bourgeoisie newspaper in Cologne in 1842. After newspaper was suppressed because of radical views, Mark's moved to Paris. Very he met Friedrich Engels.

Who achieves the first major breakthrough for women in medicine?

Elizabeth Blackwell. Although she had been admitted to the Geneva College of Medicine in New York by mistake, Blackwell's perseverance and intelligence won her the respect of her fellow male students. She received her MD degree in 1849 and eventually established a clinic in New York City

What language did Upper Canada predominantly speak?


International workingmen's Association

Formed in 1864 by British and French trade unionists, this first International served as an umbrella Organization for working class interest. Marx was and enthusiastic participant

What did the Prussians gain from the Franco-Prussian War?

France had to pay an indemnity of 5 billion francs (about $1 billion) and give up the provinces of Alsace and Lorrain.

What was Lower Canada dominated by?

French Canadians

Which country became the leaders in realist painting?

French painters

Define Roberts Koch

German physician, took study of bacteriology even further with his work on Anthrax and tuberculosis. Develops new methods of culturing bacteria and staining microscope slides for examination. In 1882, his work led to the discovery of tuberculosis bacteria. He and the students identify the specific organisms of at least 21 diseases, including typhoid, pneumonia, meningitis, plague and cholera

___________________ (from Southern Italy) became a new leader of Italian unification.

Giuseppe Garibaldi.

What was Napoleon III seeking with Mexico? What decisions did he make to carry this out?

He sought to dominate Mexican markets for French goods. He sent French troops to Mexico in 1861 to join British and Spanish forces in protecting their interests in the midst of upheaval caused by struggle between liberal and conservative Mexican factions.

Define Gustave Flaubert

He was a Frenchman who perfected the realist novel. His Madame Bovary published in 1857 was a straightforward description of barren and sorted small-town life in France.

Define William thackeray

He wrote Britain's Pro typical realist novel, Vanity Fair: a novel without a hero, in 1848. Factory deliberately flouted the Romantic conventions.

Define pasteurization

His examination of the disease threatening the wine industry led to the development in 1863 of a process, subsequently known as pasteurization, for heating a product to destroy the organisms causing spoilage.


Idea that states that everything revolves and all change and history is the result of conflicts between antagonist elements.

In 1699, what happened in the Ottoman empire?

In the 17th century, the Ottoman empire had controlled southeast Europe, but in 1699 had lost Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slovenia to the expanding Austrian empire.

When was the principle of vaccination extended to diptheria, typhoid fever, cholera, and plague, creating a modern-day immunological science?

In the 1890s

Did the number of voters in britain increase or decrease?

Increased from 1 million to slightly over 2 million.


Industrial working class

Florence Nightingale

Insistence on strict sanitary conditions saved many lives and helped make nursing a profession of trained middle class women.

Who was in a sense the representative government of the time?

Legislative Corps- members elected by universal male suffrage for 6 year terms. BUT they didn't have much power.

How did Louis Napoleon retaliate when the national Assembly rejected his wish to revise the Constitution and be allowed to stand for reelection?

Louis used troops to seize control of the government on December 1, 1851 and restored universal male suffrage and asking French people to restructure government by electing him president for 10 years.

When was the new kingdom of Italy proclaimed under a centralized government subordinated to the control of Piedmont and King VIctor Emmanuel II of the house of Savoy?

March 17, 1861

When did tsar Alexander issue his emancipation edict?

March 3, 1861

In which book did Darwin present his principle for natural selection?

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection


Only when military disaster struck again in the Austro-Prussian War did the AUstrians deal with the fiercely nationalistic Hungarians. The result was the negotiated Ausgleich, or Compromise, of 1867, which created the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. -Each part of the empire had a constitution, its own bicameral legislature, its own governmental machinery for domestic affairs, and its own capitul -holding states together was single monarch (Francis Joseph) and a common army, foreign policy, and system of finances.

What did this emancipation edict entail?

Peasants could now own property, marry as they chose, and bring suits in the law courts. Nevertheless, the benefits of emancipation were limited. -the government provided land for the peasants by purchasing it from the landowners, but the landowners often chose to keep their best lands. The state compensated the landowners for the land given to peasants, but the peasants were expected to repay the state in long term installments.

William Gladstone

Responsible for series of impressive reforms. Legislation and government orders open civil service positions to competitive exams rather than patronage, introduced the secret ballot for voting, abolish the practice of purchasing military commissions. Attempted to make elementary schools available for all children.

Who indirectly completed the task of Italian unification was why?

The Prussian Army. In the Austro-Prussian war in 1866, the new Italian state became an ally of Prussia. Although the italian army was defeated by the AUstrians, Prussia's victory left the Italians with Venetia. T=In 1870, the Franco-Prussian War resulted in the withdrawal of the French troops from ROme. -The Italian army then annexed the city on Spt. 20, 1870, and Rome became the new capital of the united Italian state.

What was the cause of this outbreak of war?

The Russians demanded the right to protect Christian shrines in Palestine (a privilege that had already been expanded to the French). When the Ottomans refused, the Russians occupied Moldavia and Wallachia. Failure to resolve this despite by negotiations led to the Ottomans declaring war in Russia.

Benjamin Disraeli

The Tory leader in British Parliament

By what treaty was Canada, or New France, as it was called, passed into the hands of the British?

The Treaty of Paris in 1763

Who attempted to apply the methods of science systematically to the study of society? What was his major work?

The attempt to apply the methods of science systematically to the study of society was perhaps most evident in the work or the Frenchman Auguste comte. He is major work was the system of positive philosophy.

What's organic evolution?

The basic idea of Darwin's book was that all plants and animals have evolved over a period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life, a principle known as organic evolution

What are the most important characteristics of realism?

The desire to depict everyday life of ordinary people, do they presents, workers, or prostitutes, and attempt at photographic realism, and an interest in the naturalEnvironment

The unwillingness of medical schools to open their doors to women ledge of the formation of separate medical schools for women. Name a few.

The female Medical College of Pennsylvania, established in 1850, the London school of medicine for women founded in 1874. Unfortunately comma many women were denied licenses and hospitals often close their doors to them

What was the Second Great Barrier to large-scale surgery?

The inability to lessen the pain of the patient. Alcohol and opiates had been used for centuries during surgical operations, but even their used to not allow unhurried operative maneuvers.

What threatened American National unity in the mid-nineteenth century?

The issue of slavery.

Who was the new German School? What did they emphasize on?

The mid-nineteenth century witnessed the development of a new group of musicians known as the new German school. They emphasized emotional content rather than abstract form and champions new methods of using music to express literary or pictorial ideas. Still somewhat romantic

Who ruled the kingdom of Piedmont (which also included the island of Sardinia)?

The royal house of Savoy

What was the pre bacteriological hygiene movement focused on? When did it take place?

The urban Public Health movement of the 1840s and 1850s was largely in response to the cholera epidemic. The pre bacteriological hygiene movement focused on providing clean water, adequate sewage disposal, and less crowded housing conditions. Bacterial discoveries led to Greater emphasis on preventative measures, such as pasteurization of milk, improved purification of Water Supplies, immunization against disease, and control of water-borne diseases.

What was the Russian's mistake?

They assumed that they could count on support from the Austrians, but Austrians remained nuetral in the war.

Did French troops in Mexico withdraw after order had been restored like Britain and Spain did? Explain.

They did not withdraw. French forces remained, and in 1864 Napoleon III installed Archduke Maximilian of Austria as new emperor of Mexico.

What would France receive in compensation for its efforts (in Cavour's plans)?

They would receive the piedmontese provinces of Nice and Savoy. A kingdom of Central Italy would be created for Napoleon III's cousin, Prince Napoleon, who would be married to the younger daughter of King Victor Emmanuel.

What turned out to be the death blow to Napoleon III?

War with Prussia in 1870

Why was the Archduke Maximilian of Austria's rule over Mexico unsuccessful?

When the French troops were needed in Europe, Maximilian became an emperor without an army.

Karl Marx

Wrote "The COmmunist Manifesto" a short treatise published in 1848 written by two Germans, Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Did he win?

Yes, 7.5 million yes votesb versus 640,000 no votes.


a reoccurring Musical theme in which human voice combined with the line of Orchestra and said Rising above it.

"symphonic poem"

refer to Liszt's orchestral Works, which did not strictly obey traditional forms and were generally based on a literary or pictorial idea.

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