Chapter 23 emergency medical procedures

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Hypovolemic shock

-caused by loss of blood or other body fluids -Conditions include external and internal hemorrhaging, plasma loss from severe burns, severe dehydration from vomiting, diarrhea, or profuse perspiration

Severity of myocardial infarction

-depends on the size of the obstructed artery in the amount of myocardial tissue nourished by that artery. -if a small branch of the coronary artery is obstructed. It may be mild

Do you keto acidosis is known as

-diabetic coma

Signs and symptoms of hyperventilation

-dizziness, St. Louis, lightheadedness, visual disturbances, chest pain, tachycardia, palpitations, fullness in the throat, numbness and tingling of the fingers, toes, and area around the mouth.

Examples of situations that are life-threatening in the medical office

-cardiac dysrhythmia -shock -cardiac arrest -poisoning -traumatic injury

Heart attack, myocardial infarction

-caused by a partial or complete obstruction of one or both of the coronary arteries or the their branches

Transverse fracture

-Break occurs perpendicular to the long axis of the bone


-any substance that causes illness, injury, or death if it enters the body

Impacted fracture

-broken ends of the bones are forcefully jammed together

If shock is not treated

-Blood pressure drops, cyanosis occurs, loss of consciousness, and death

Spiral fracture

-Bone is broken into a spiral or S shaped caused by a twisting force

Greenstick fracture

-Bone remains in tact on one side but broken or the other. Common in children

Oblique fracture

-Break occurs diagonally across the bone usually due to twisting of a force

What causes hyperventilation

- fear or anxiety for individuals who are tense and nervous -caused in conditions such as diabetic coma, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, head injury, high fever, aspirin poisoning


-A break in the continually of an external or internal service, caused by physical means. Can be opened or closed


-A manner of breathing in which the respirations become rapid and deep, causing an individual to exhale too much carbon dioxide -Low carbon dioxide levels in the body account for many of the symptoms of hyperventilation

Emergency medical services system (EMS)

-A network of community resources, equipment, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) that provides emergency care to victims of injury or sudden illness


-A professional provider of prehospital emergency care, which includes care at the scene and during transportation to the hospital

Pressure point

-A site on the body were an artery lives close to the surface of the skin and can be compressed against an underlying bone

type1 diabetes

-Appears in childhood

Spiders that cause serious and life-threatening conditions

-Black widow spider and brown recluse spider

Poisoning usually involves common substances such as

-Cleaning agents, medication, pesticides

Signs and symptoms of frostbite

-Cold and waxy skin, white, yellow, or blue discoloration of the skin

Serious bites

-Come from animals with rabies

Priority for treating hypovolemic shock

-Control the Bleeding. -the patient in shock must have the volume of fluid that was last replaced it needs to be transferred to an emergency care facility immediately

First aid

-Defined as the immediate care administered before complete medical care can be obtained to an individual who is injured or suddenly becomes ill

Diabetes mellitus

-Disease were body is unable to use glucose for energy because of the lack of insulin in the body

Conditions that trigger a seizure

-Epilepsy, encephalitis, a recent or old head injury, high fever and infants and young children, drug and alcohol abuse or withdrawal, eclampsia associated with toxemia of pregnancy, diabetic conditions, and heat stroke

Crash cart

-Especially equipped cart for holding in transporting medication, equipment, and supplies needed to perform life-saving procedures in an emergency emergency

Injuries that occur with contusions

-Fractures, sprains, strains, black eyes

Different classifications of fractures

-Green stick, impacted, transverse, oblique, comminuted, spiral

Insulin shock has normal or rapid respirations were a patient in a diabetic coma

-Has labored respirations

Poisonous substances have a serious reaction in children and elderly than adults. Can enter the body by:

-Ingestion, inhalation, absorption, or injection

Type two diabetes

-Mild form that appears in adulthood 90% of individuals have this


-Progressive lung disorder in which the terminal bronchioles that lead into the alveoli become plugged with mucus —> this problem results in the Alviola becoming damaged and having less surface area to diffuse oxygen to blood.

Signs of a bite from a poisonous snake

-Puncture mark on the skin, pain, swelling, rabbit holes, nausea, vomiting, and consciousness, convulsions

Anaphylactic shock causes

-Release of histamine, which results in dilation of the blood vessels throughout the entire body and a decrease in blood pressure

As breathing becomes more difficult, patients with advanced cases of chronic bronchitis can go into

-Respiratory or cardiac arrest


-Set an episode of an involuntary muscular contraction and relaxation, a company by changes in sensation, behavior, and level of consciousness

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock

-Sneezing, hives, itching, Angioedema, erythema , disorientation, and progress to difficulty in breathing, dizziness, fainting

Signs and symptoms of poisoning by Ingestion

-Strange orders, burns, stains around the mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, profuse perspiration, excessive celebration, dilated or constricted coupons, and consciousness, convulsions

Signs and symptoms of a black widow bite

-Swelling and a dull pain at the injection site, nausea and vomiting, rigid abdomen, fever, rash, difficulty breathing, swallowing

Shock requires immediate medical care

-The MA should activate EMS without delay so proper care can be obtained ASAP

Generalized seizure

-The abnormal electrical activity spreads through the entire brain.

Comminuted fracture

-The blown splintered or shattered into three or more fragments, traumatic direct force


-The failure of the cardiovascular system to deliver enough blood to all of the body it's vital organs

If not treated, shock can become life-threatening

-This is because shock is progressive and when it reaches a certain point, it can become irreversible and patient's life cannot be safe

Purpose of first aid

-To save a life, reduce pain and suffering, prevent further injury, and reduce the incidence of permanent disability, and increase the opportunity for an early recovery

Insulin shock can be caused by

-Too much insulin in the body, skipping meals, unusual exercise

Emergency care for anaphylactic shock

-administration of Epinephrine -Individuals with known sensitivity to allergies need to carry an anaphylactic emergency treatment kit that contains injectable Epinephrine and oral anti-histamines.


-an injury to the tissue caused by exposure to thermal, chemical, electrical, or radioactive agents -severity of a burn depends on the depth and percentage of body involved, the type of agent causing the burn, the duration and intensity of the agent, and the part of the body affected

EMD responsibilities

-answer the emergency call, listen to the collar, obtain critical information, determine what help is needed, and send the appropriate personnel and equipment. -relays instructions to the call her about providing emergency care until EMT arrives


-any break and a bone -can occur across the surface of a joint -Can result from a direct fall, below, bone disease, or a twisting force in sports injury


-any item that is going to immobilize a body part -example: length of word, cardboard, roll the newspaper or magazines -need to be padded with a soft material like I've rolled up towel



Signs and symptoms of shock are caused bu

-failure of vital organs to receive enough oxygen and nutrients

Animals that tend to have rabies

-foxes, cattle, dogs, cats, raccoons, bats, snake and

Tonic clonic seizure

-generalized seizure for the patient exhibits activity followed by postical state -patient suddenly loses consciousness and exhibits rigid muscular contractions


-grading sensation caused by bone fragments rubbing against each other

EMT basic

-has received a formal training in a certified to provide basic life support measures

Organs most affected by shock

-heart, brain, lungs -irreversible damage can occur in 4 to 5 minutes

Emergency situation including shock

-hemorrhaging, myocardial infarction, severe allergic reaction

Open fracture

-involves a break in the bone along with penetration of the overlying skin surface -Most serious owing to the risk of blood loss and contamination leading to infection

Closed wound

-involves an injury to the underlying tissues of the body without a break in the skin surface or mucous membrane -example: contusion or bruise

Anaphylactic shock

-life-threatening reaction of the body to a substance to which an individual is highly allergic -allergens resulting in shock: penicillin, insect venoms, foods, allergen extracts used in hypo sanitization injections


-localized phrasing of a body tissue as a result of exposure to the cold -70 of his condition depends on the environmental temperature, the duration of the exposure, and the wind chill factor

Partial thickness burns

-most cases, blisters are not broken because they provide protection against infection -These words are very painful in the area often swells, usually heels within 3 to 4 weeks can result in scarring

Closed fracture

-most common -Occurs when there's a break in a bone but no break in the skin over the fracture site

Partial seizures

-most common type occurring in 80% of individuals -The abnormal electrical activity is localized into specific areas of the brain, only the brain functions in those areas are affected

Spider bites

-most do not cause injuries or serious complications

Venous bleeding

-occurs when a vein has been punctured or severed -this type of bleeding is characterized by a slow and steady flow of dark blood

Sprain—- Signs and symptoms

-pain, swelling, discoloration

Signs and symptoms of a fracture

-pain, tenderness, deformity, swelling, discoloration, loss of function of body part, numbness and tingling

Black widow and brown recluse spider found

-prefer dark out-of-the-way places such as wood piles, brush piles, under rocks, dark garages, and attics -bites are on the hand and arms of individuals reaching into places where the spiders are hiding -Swelling occurs

EMT paramedic

-qualified to provide advanced life support care, including advanced airway maintenance, starting intravenous drips, administration of medication, cardiac monitoring, and cardiac defibrillation

Symptoms of insulin shock

-rapid respirations, pale cold and clammy skin, sweating, dizziness, headache, full rapid pulse, high blood pressure, extreme hunger, aggressive and unusual behavior, fighting, seizure or coma -Results of this occurs rapidly in 5 to 20 minutes after blood glucose levels decrease

Poisonous snakes

-rattlesnakes, copperheads, cotton melts, coral snakes

Guidelines when providing emergency care

-remain calm and speak in a normal tone of voice. Helps reassure the patient -make sure the scene is safe before approaching the patient. It's important that you protect yourself in harm in any emergency situation -before administering emergency care to a conscious patient, you must first have permission or consent. To attend consent, you must inform the patient who you are, your level of training, and what you're going to do to help. Never administer care to a conscious patient who refuses. When a life-threatening condition exists, and patient is unconscious, under law it is implied that they would consent to care -follow the OSHA standards when providing emergency care to reduce or eliminate exposurer to blood-borne pathogen's or potentially infectious materials -know how to activate your local EMS system. Activating the EMS is often the most important step you can take to help a patient with a sudden illness. -do not move the patient unnecessarily. This movement can result in further injury in life-threatening conditions -obtain information as to what happened from family, coworkers or bystandards -look for a medical alert tag on the patient's wrist or neck. Provides information on a medical condition they might have -Continue caring for the patient until a highly trained personnel has arrived. Relay the condition in which she found a patient to emergency services once they arrive

Stroke, cerebrovascular accident

-results when an artery to the brain is blocked or ruptures, causing an interruption of blood flow to the brain


-results when the tissues under the skin are injured and it's often caused by a sudden blow or force from a blunt to objects. -Blood vessels rupture allowing blood to seep into the tissues, which results in a bluish discoloration of the skin and swelling. - mainly heal without special treatment but cold compress can reduce bleeding and the color of it.

Partial thickness burn

-second-degree burn -involves the epidermidis and extends into the dermis but does not pass to do the dermis to the underlying tissues —-> appears red, mottled, and blistered

Who usually develops emphysema

-smokers after many years -for patients with chronic bronchitis and an elderly patients whose lungs have lost their natural elasticity

Guidelines when calling EMS

-speak clearly and calmly to the EMD. Identify the problem as accurately and concisely as possible so that the proper equipment and personnel can be sent. The EMD need to know the number of victims, the condition the victim is in, an emergency care of that has already been administered -The EMD will ask you for your phone number and address. Relayed to the dispatcher the exact location of the victim, including correct street name and house numbers, building names, floor and room number. With 911 and has emergency system, addresses automatically appears on monitor, but there is a chance that address will not show up. The Emergency may not be happening in the same location as a caller -Do not hang up until the EMD gives you permission to do so, Dispatcher may need additional information or may give you additional instructions on treating the patient until the EMT arrives

Signs and symptoms of a stroke

-sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm, leg on one side of the body, difficulty in speaking, dimmed vision, loss of vision in one eye, double vision, dizziness, confusion, severe headache and loss of consciousness

Ingested poison

-swallowed, this is the most common route of entry -This includes cleaning products, pesticides, contaminated food, petroleum products, poisonous plants, abuse of drugs, alcohol,

I'm serious incisions and lacerations

-tetanus booster may be administered because the tetanus bacteria grows best in warm, Anna aerobic environment, found in a puncture wound

To ensure accurate in adequate blood flow of all vital organs

-there is adequate pumping action of the heart -sufficient blood circulation and blood vessels -Blood vessels being able to respond to blood flow

Emphysema alveoli

-this condition result in the loss of elasticity of the Alviola, causing inhaled air to become trapped in the lungs. -makes breathing more difficult especially during exhalation


-used for spider bites especially for black widows, but has undesirable and frequent side effects. -Only administered two people with severe bites like elderly and younger children

Care for snakebites

-wash the bike gently with warm soap and water -immobilize the injured part and position it below the level of the heart -Call emergency personnel. Do not apply ice to the snake bite, do not fly a tourniquet and do not cut off the suction to the wound -If snake is dead, inform emergency personnel of its location so I can be transported to the hospital for identification

General signs and symptoms of shock

-weakness, restlessness, anxiety, disorientation, pallor, cold and clammy skin, rapid breathing, rapid pulse

When does a seizure result

-what the normal electrical activity of the brain is disturbed, causing the brain cells to become irritated and overactive

EMD—-emergency medical dispatcher

-when calling local EMS, the medical assistant speaks with -They have formal training and handling emergency situations over the phone

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