Chapter 23 -- Potatoes, Grains and Pasta
(1) a cooking method in which grains are lightly sautéed in butter and a liquid is gradually added; the mixture is simmered with near-constant stirring until the still-firm grains merge with the cooking liquid; (2) a Northern Italian rice dish prepared this way
(1) a moist-heat cooking method that uses convection to transfer heat from a hot liquid to the food submerged into it; (2) maintaining the temperature of a liquid just below the boiling point
Al Dente
Italian for "to the tooth"; used to describe a food, usually pasta, that is cooked only until it gives a slight resistance when one bites into it
Masa Harina
Spanish for "dough flour"; finely ground flour made from dried hominy, it is used to make tamales and tortillas
a cooking method for grains in which the grains are lightly sautéed in hot fat and then a hot liquid is added; the mixture is simmered without stirring until the liquid is absorbed
a food made from flour or meal, or having a starchy, mealy texture; from the Latin farina meaning a flour made from cereal grains or nuts; refers to food that is high in starch, especially pasta, noodles, rice and polenta
a grain plant also known as linseed; rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a compound beneficial for promoting heart and arterial health; flax hulls and seeds are crushed into a meal or flour
a grainy yellow flour ground from durum or another hard wheat with a high protein content and gluten-forming potential; used principally for pasta dough
a milling process in which all or part of the hull, bran and germ are removed from grains
a milling process in which grains are broken open and cut into smaller pieces
a milling process in which grains are reduced to powder; the powder can be differing degrees of fineness or coarseness
a milling process in which the hull or husk is removed from grains
Durum Wheat
a species of very hard wheat with a particularly high amount of protein; it is used to make couscous or milled into semolina flour, which is used for making pasta
any of a variety of small starchy products made from doughs or batters that are simmered or steamed; can be plain or filled
the largest part of a cereal grain and a source of protein and carbohydrates (starch); used in milled products
Hull (Husk)
the outer covering of a fruit, seed or grain
the process by which grain is ground into flour or meal
the process of forcing pasta dough through perforated plates to create various shapes; pasta dough that is not extracted is rolled flat and then cut
the smallest portion of a cereal grain and the only part that contains fat
the tough outer layer of a cereal grain and the part highest in fiber
Mealy Potatoes (Starchy Potatoes)
those with a high starch content and thick skin; they are best prepared by baking
Waxy Potaotes
those with a low starch content and thin skin; best used in boiled preparations