Chapter 24- Nationalism (Multiple Choice)

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In the years following the Meiji Restoration in Japan and the unification of Germany in the 19th century, both nations experienced (A) an increase in military production and strengthened military forces (B) a reduction in tensions with neighboring nations (C) a restructuring of government that included popularly elected monarchs (D) a decrease in the reliance on industrialization and trade


One way in which Simón Bolívar, Jomo Kenyatta, and Mohandas Gandhi are similar is that each (A) led a nationalist movement (B) used nonviolent tactics (C) supported imperialism (D) opposed communism


The Balfour Declaration is most associated with the idea of (A) nationalism (B) collectivism (C) communism (D) imperialism (E) internationalism


The Enlightenment and the American Revolution were both major influences in the 19th century uprisings in (A) Latin America (B) the Middle East (C) Vietnam (D) Japan


The best example of the success of nationalism in Europe is the A. unification of Germany B. Industrial Revolution in Great Britain C. establishment of the Common Market D. development of socialism in France


What was one similar goal shared by Simón Bolívar and Mohandas Gandhi? (A) ending foreign control (B) promoting religious freedom (C) establishing a limited monarchy (D) creating collective farms


Which individual is associated with the phrase blood and iron as related to the unification of Germany? (A) Otto von Bismarck (B) Giuseppe Garibaldi (C) Kaiser Wilhelm II (D) Count Camillo di Cavour


Which individual is associated with the phrase blood and iron as related to the unification of Germany? (A) Otto von Bismarck (B) Giuseppe Garibaldi (C) Kaiser Wilhelm II (D) Count Camillo di Cavour


"Not by democracy or liberal standards will our goal be achieved but by blood and iron. Then we will be successful, no nation is born without the traumatic experience of war." — Otto von Bismarck This statement was used to justify a policy of (A) ethnocentrism (B) militarism (C) containment (D) appeasement


"To him who wishes to follow me, I offer hardships, hunger, thirst and all the perils of war." — Garibaldi's Memoirs This quotation from Garibaldi is most closely associated with Italian (A) exploration (B) nationalism (C) imperialism (D) neutrality


"To him who wishes to follow me, I offer hardships, hunger, thirst and all the perils of war." — Garibaldiʼs Memoirs This quotation from Garibaldi is most closely associated with Italian (A) exploration (B) nationalism (C) imperialism (D) neutrality


A common element in the movements for German unification, Italian unification, and Indian independence was the (A) support of the Catholic Church (B) strength of nationalist leaders (C) mediation of the League of Nations (D) existence of democratic institutions


In a number of European countries in the 1800's, which situation occurred as a result of the influence of the French Revolution? A. increase in religious conflict B. rise of nationalistic movements C. decentralization of governmental power D. economic depression


In a number of European countries in the 1800's, which situation occurred as a result of the influence of the French Revolution? A. increase in religious conflict B. rise of nationalistic movements C. decentralization of governmental power D. economic depression


One political objective of both Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi was to (A) overthrow divine right monarchies (B) unify their nations (C) establish communist systems (D) form an alliance with Great Britain


One reason Italy and Germany were not major colonial powers in the 16th and 17th centuries was that they (A) had self-sufficient economies (B) lacked political unity (C) rejected the practice of imperialism (D) belonged to opposing alliances


Simón Bolívar, José de San Martin, and Toussaint l'Ouverture are best known as (A) scientists who supported the heliocentric theory (B) leaders of Latin American independence movements (C) early Spanish explorers of the New World (D) communist leaders of the 19th century


Simón Bolívar, José de San Martín, and Toussaint l'Ouverture are important in Latin American history because they were (A) 20th-century caudillos (B) leaders of liberation movements (C) members of the Organization of American States (OAS) (D) winners of the Nobel Peace Prize


The early 20th-century Zionist movement calling for the establishment of a Jewish homeland was an example of (A) imperialism (B) nationalism (C) capitalism (D) isolationism


The unification of Germany under Otto von Bismarck demonstrates the (A) influence of Marxist ideology (B) impact of nationalism (C) force of civil disobedience (D) power of democratic ideals


The unification of Italy and the unification of Germany show that (A) socialism was an effective way of organizing the economy (B) nationalism could be used to consolidate political interests (C) colonialism could be used to spread European civilization (D) interdependence was a significant obstacle to waging war


Which 19th century ideology led to the unification of Germany and of Italy and to the eventual breakup of Austria-Hungary and of the Ottoman Empire? (A) imperialism (B) nationalism (C) liberalism (D) socialism


Which heading best completes the partial outline below? I. _________________________________ A. Unification of Italy B. Formation of the Indian National Congress C. Founding of the Muslim League D. Breakup of Austria-Hungary (A) Tensions of the Cold War (B) Effects of Nationalism (C) Causes of World War II (D) Results of Economic Revolutions


Which heading best completes this partial outline? I. _________________________________ A. Rivalries between powerful countries over colonies B. Breakup of large empires C. Demand for self-determination by ethnic groups (A) Reasons For Communist Revolutions (B) Effects of Nationalism (C) Methods of Propaganda (D) Formation of Democratic Governments


Which individual is most closely associated with the changes indicated on these maps? (A) Emiliano Zapata (B) Simón Bolívar (C) Porfirio Díaz (D) Pancho Villa


"If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. . . ." — Rupert Brooke, "The Soldier" Which idea is expressed in this excerpt from Brooke's poem? (A) pacifism (B) neutrality (C) nationalism (D) anarchy


Base your answer to following question on the excerpt below and on your knowledge of social studies. This excerpt is taken from a poem written about World War I. "If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field. That is for ever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. . . ." — Rupert Brooke, "The Soldier" Which idea is expressed in this excerpt from Brooke's poem? (A) pacifism (B) neutrality (C) nationalism (D) anarchy


One similarity in the unification of Italy, the Zionist movement, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire was that each was influenced by (1) humanism (2) polytheism (3) nationalism (4) imperialism


Strong feelings of nationalism usually begin with the existence of (A) abundant natural resources (B) democratic traditions (C) a common history, language, and culture (D) imperialistic ambitions


Which quotation best reflects a feeling of nationalism? A. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" B. "A person's greatest social obligation is loyalty to the family" C. "For God, King, and Country" D. "Opposition to evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good"


"A country is not merely a geographic territory. A country is also the idea given birth by the geographic territory. A country is a sense of love that unites, as one, all the sons and daughters of that geographic territory..." --World History: A Story of Progress This quotation supports the idea of A. totalitarian rule B. absolute monarchy C. mercantilism D. nationalism


A study of the revolutions in Latin America in the 19th century would show that (A) religion was a major cause of the conflicts (B) Spanish-born peninsulares led most of the Latin American uprisings (C) nationalism had little influence on the outcome (D) events in North America and Europe influenced Latin Americans


Nationalism is best defined as A. the achievement of world peace and global understanding B. the desire to take over other societies by force C. a method of solving basic economic problems of the society D. the loyalty of a people to their values, traditions, and a geographic region


Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has A. land suited to agriculture B. adequate industry to supply consumer demands C. a moderate climate with rivers for irrigation D. common customs, language, and history


The best example of the success of nationalism in Europe is the A. development of socialism in France B. Industrial Revolution in Great Britain C. establishment of the Common Market D. unification of Germany


The slogan "Blood and Iron" and a united Germany are most closely associated with (A)Prince Metternich (B) Simón Bolívar (C) Camillo Cavour (D) Otto von Bismarck


The unification of Germany (1870-71) and the breakup of Yugoslavia after 1991 both illustrate the influence of (A) imperialism (B) industrialization (C) westernization (D) nationalism


What was one effect of the French Revolution? (A) Differences between ethnic groups were eliminated. (B) Communism became popular. (C) Militarism was discouraged. (D) Nationalistic feelings were stimulated.


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