Chapter 24-The Americas and Oceania

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Botany Bay

A bay on the coast of eastern Australia in which numerous specimens of plant life were discovered. It later became home to a penal colony of Britain. Discovered by James Cook in 1770.


A person of mixed African and European ancestry

Criollos (Creoles)

A term used in colonial Spanish America to describe a person born in the Americas of European parents


According to Spanish and Portuguese colonizers, these are people of mixed Native American and African descent. Lowest tier of social class in colonial America.

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

An agreement between Portugal and Spain which declared that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal. It split the new world between the east of the line being Portugal and west to Spain. Pope Alexander VI constructed it. It was a catholic agreement

Cortes 1519

Aztecs think he's God bc he comes from the East; realize he's not when he asks for Gold and money; disease wipes out Aztecs; Cortes get other Indian enemies to help divide and conquer

Engenho System

Brazilian sugar mill & slaves or forced labor to produce sugar. It was a system of working in sugar mines that the Portuguese created with terrible working conditions, tropical heat, poor health, and death rates. Slavery came out of rebellion, disease, fleeing and encomienda cruelty.

New Colonial Cities

Colonists like cities because they are safer for them, remind them of home, and easier to import culture into than the rural areas

Spanish Caribbean 1500s

Columbus sails west and lands in Hispaniola, takes goods and natives back to Spain. Then returns and sets up a base of operations in the Dominican Republican (modern): it becomes the base of operations for all conquistadors to refuel. Columbus initially wants to use the Caribbean as a resource and pull resources out of it, not colonize it.

Encomienda Effects

Columbus' first encomienda treats natives very cruelly and causes a huge death toll due to diseases and the harshness of the encomienda system. The Caribbean area population declines very quickly

Iberian Empires in the Americas

Conquests of Mex and Peru were results of individual efforts by freelance adventurers, NOT Spanish royal policy. Gradually Spanish monarchy extended control of American empire as they realized they needed to colonize land in America and Bureaucrats or Viceroys were put into place to administer royal policy.

The Conquest of Mexico (1519)

Cortez comes to the island of hispaniola and uses it as his base of operation motivated by god gold and glory. He wants to bring wealth back to Spain and bring Catholicism to the native people of Americas and convert them to Catholic. He arrives in Mexico in 1519 looking for a passage to Asia and sees the riches in Americas. Cortez goes to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire and promises freedom to the Aztec people if they fight for Spain. He meets Montezuma II who is emperor of the Aztecs and treats the Spaniards very kindly, until Cortez armed with men and guns and steal and horses and disease and revolt and mythology causes the fall of the Aztecs. By 1521 Tenochtitlan tell and Spain began building new city on top of it, known as Mexico city. Cortez was granted ecomendia and the Mexican population was wiped out.

James Cook (1728-1779)

English navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands (1728-1779).

East Coast of Australia

Explored by Cook, as well as the Barrier Reef.

Economies of North America

Focused on fur trading, slavery, and tobacco

Economies of South America

Focused on mining, which the Inca started and Spanish took traditions from, combining them with Spanish traditions. Silver was important for powering the Spanish economy, stimulating the global economy, and in Brazil there was sugar, tabacco, and mining that the Portugeuse founded

Portuguese Migration to Brazil 1500-1800

From 1500-1800 as the Portuguese were colonizing Brazil, 500,000 Spanish Immigrants moved to Brazil and 100,000 Portuguese immigrated, as well as millions of African slaves used for plantations in tobacco, sugar, and mining

Fur Trading

Important sector of North American economy. Came out of French Canada at first through the 1500s, then in 1600-1700s there was a huge market in Europe for beaver skins and New England joined the fuer trade. Eventually, the Beaver population went extinct east of the Appellations and major conflicts with Natives for resouces, forced displacement ensued


In 1778, Cook accurately coordinated this island.

Conquest of Mexico

In about 1519, Hernan Cortes set sail from Cuba with men and horses. Along the way, he picked up two translators - A Spanish prisoner of Mayan-speaking Indians, and an Indian slave named Malinche. The Spaniards arrived at Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital with the intention of stealing all of the gold and other riches; they were amazed by the beauty of the capitol. On June 30, 1520, the Aztecs attacked the Spanish because of the Spaniards' lust for riches. The Spanish countered, though, and took over the capital and the rest of the Aztec empire on August 13, 1521. Due to the rule of the Spanish, the Indian population in Mexico went from 20 million to 2 million in less than a century.

Encomienda System

It gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americans or to make them work. In exchange, these settlers were supposed to protect the Native American people and convert them to Christianity. Consisted of a grant by the crown to a conquistador, soldier, or official giving them a number of Indios (Native People) living in a particular area in which the receiver of the grant, the encomendero, could exact tribute from the Indios in gold, in kind, or in labour, and was required to protect them and instruct them on the Christian faith

Tobacco Economy

John Rolfe began planting tobacco in virginia from stolen from Spanish. Many were willing to buy so growing tobacco became very popular up and down the Jamestown were England settlers began cultivation. This pressured the colonists to expand their territory because a lot of land is needed for growing tobacco to grow large amounts and because tobacco exhausted the soil. The need for land made Europeans move more inward away from the center of European settlement, which was going in to the native's land. Tobacco quickly became the most valuable crop. By 1616 tobacco was profitless due to overproduction. It brought the first slaves.

Enslaved Africans

Lowest class on the Castas system

Strait of Magellan

Magellan route along the southern tip of South America

Dutch in Oceania

Many Dutch and Spanish ships explored Oceania and saw Australia but initially thought it was arid, devoid, and useless. They focused much more on building colonies around New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines

Population of Peru after Pizarro

Millions died due to the spread of smallpox, influenza, measles, and disease by the Spaniards and the rest were decimated by the Encomienda system

Tenochtitlan 1521

Montezuma dies and the Spanish begin building a new city on top of the capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan. The Spanish name it Mexico City

Castas System

Once the Spanish started having relationships with native and slave women, they created a racial classification system according to race that dictated taxation, legal rights, and social status, typing them to race. This emerged after 90% were men with enslaved Africans working labor and new generations of mixed race generation occurred. People of lighter skin and European ancestry had more power and opportunity; people of darker skin and African/Latin ancestry had less power and opportunity The Europeans, peninsulares being those born in Europe and criollos being those born in the New World with European parents were on top. Indios, consisting of Mestizos born of European and Native parents and Mulatto, born of European and African parents were next. Then were the labor class of zambos: mixed native and african and enslaved categories. Viceroys could be removed from power if they didn't use the system

Portuguese in Brazil

Originally the Portuguese were not interested in colonizing Brazil, and other European countries wanted to due to its abundant quantity of sugar, tobacco, and mining. So, in 1532 Portugal's first permanent Colony was created in Sao Vicente

North American Colonies Migration

People from Europe choose to immigrate in hopes of making a permanent settlement for themselves and their families. 40% were women and 60% were men

Conquest of Peru

Pizzaro is inspired by Cortes' victory and wishes the same for South America, making many journeys to South America. In 1531 he came across a raft filled with treasure and conquered Coaque on the Ecuadorian coast. In 1532 he made contact with the Inca and his army and the in fighting among the Inca with two brothers fighting a civil war for control, as well as the smallpox that spread from Pizzaro allowed for him to plan a surprise attack on 1532 that called Cuzco to fall and the Spanish to plunder and melt their gold and silver resources. Smallpox, influenza, measles and disease continued to wreak havoc and kill tons of people of Inca in Peru as well as the encomienda harsh labor system.

Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese explorer who found a sea route to the Spice Island by sailing around the American continent. His crew was the first to circumnavigate the world. He sailed from Spain around the South America and the Strait of Magellan. He crossed the Pacific and saw Guam and the Philippines First to travel around the world


Representatives of the Spanish monarch in Spain's colonial empire. They extended the royal authority of the empire into Spain with kings on foreign lands and in 1542 the Viceroy of Peru who was originally in Cuzco invented a capital city called Lima on the coast for ships

Importance of Silver in South American Economy

Silver powered the Spanish and stimulated the global economy. The Quinto was a kind of tax were Viceroys would ship back 1/5 of gold and silver that was mined and give it to the Spanish government

North American Colonies Interactions with Natives

Some were dependant on them for survival to not starve, some were married like Pocahontas and John Rolfe in 1614. Some saw as heathens and savages. Some befriended and worked with them but still saw themselves as superior

Slavery in South America

Spain importants millions of slaves and Portuguese does the same to maintain mining, sugar, tobacco plantations in South America and Brazil

Francisco Pizarro (1475-1541).

Spanish conquistador who crushed the Incas in 1532 and founded the city of Lima, Peru. He made multiple attempts to conquer South America and in 1531 conquered Coaque on the Ecudarian coast, then in 1532 defeated the Inca as two brothers were infighting a civil war for control. He spread small pox and the Cuzco capital fell in 1533.

Hernan Cortes 1485-1547

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico


Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class.

Brazilian Economy

Sugar, Tobacco, and mining are installed by the Portuguese in the colony of Brazil. The Engenho system is used for this purpose as a system of working in sugar mines.

Quinto (Royal Fifth)

Tax; any precious metal from the ground miners had to pay the gov. 25% of it.

Colonies of North America in the 1600s

The British own colonies on the east Coast of America while the Spanish and Portuguese are conquering South and Central America in the 1500s. England, France, and Spain colonize east coast of North America. However, France and England used different methods of colonizing such as private organizations rather than royal decrees

Mining in South America

The Inca began traditions of mining and the Spanish took some of their traditions while combining them with Spanish techniques.


The holder of a grant of Indians who were required to pay a tribute or provide labor. The encomendero was responsible for their integration into the church.

Mita System

The system recruiting workers for particularly difficult and dangerous chores that free laborers would not accept. It was adapted from the Inca by Spanish colonizers in which every village sent one seventh of their male population to work for four months. 10% of miners were Mita


The term used by Spanish authorities to describe someone of mixed native American and European descent.

Line of Demarcation

This was the line drawn by Alexander VI that gave Portugal most of Brazil and Spain the rest of South America

Montezuma II

the last Aztec emperor in Mexico who was overthrown and killed by Hernando Cortes (1466-1520). He gives lots of gifts to the Spaniards at first until he and Cortes get in a fight and Cortes' army of 600 men and guns and steal and horses and disease and revolt and mythology cause the fall of the Aztecs

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