Chapter 24 "The New Deal"

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What new deal liberals had created. Instead of forging all elements of society into a single, harmonious unit, as some reformers had ones hoped to do, the real achievement of the new dealer was to elevate and strengthen new interest groups so as to allow them to compete more effectively in the national marketplace.

"Broker state"

Roosevelts radio broadcaster explanations of his programs and plans to the people, which helped build public confidence in the administration

"Fireside chats"

A series of tax reforms proposed during the second new deal in 1935

"Soak the rich"scheme

how much money in hoarded currency and gold flowed back to federal reserve banks within a month of the emergency banking act that resolve the immediate banking crisis

$1 billion

What was the increase in Indian agricultural income between 1934 in 1947 after the passage of the Indian reorganization act

$2 million to over $49 million

By the summer of 1937, the gross national product, which had dropped from $82 billion in 1929 to $4 billion in 1932, had risen back to nearly___________ billion

$72 billion

By how much did the tribal land of Indians increase in the 13 years after the passage of the Indian re-organization act

4 million acres

How many strikes were there in 1937 alone and what percentage of them settled in favor of the unions

4720 strikes, 80%

How many of the banks in the federal reserve system opened within three days of the emergency banking act


Largely reflected the beliefs of the new dealers who favored economic planning but wanted private interests to dominate the planning process


Helped elevate new groups-workers, farmers, and others-to positions from which they could at times effectively challenge the power of the corporations. It contributed to the economic development of the west end, to a lesser degree, the south. It increase the regulatory functions of the federal government in ways that helped stabilize previously troubled areas of the economy: the stock market, the banking system, and others. The administration helped establish the basis for new forms of federal fiscal policy, which in the postwar years would give the government tools for promoting and regulating economic growth. The new deal also created the basis of The federal welfare state, through its many relief programs and above all through the Social Security system.

Achievements of the new deal

One of the groups the new deal did relatively little to assist, Although they were more sympathetic then passed organizations

African Americans

Legislation passed by Congress in May 1933. The most important feature was it's provision for reducing crop production to end agricultural surpluses and halt the downward spiral of farm prices. Under the provisions of the act, producers of seven basic commodities would decide on production limits for their crops. The government, through the agricultural adjustment administration would tell individual farmers how much they should produce and would pay them subsidies for leaving their land idle. A tax on food processing would provide the funds for the new payments. Farm prices would be subsidized up to the point of parity.

Agricultural adjustment act

Moderate governor of Kansas who was elected as the nominee for the republican party in the election of 1936

Alf M. Landon

A group of the most fervent and wealthiest Roosevelt opponents, led by members of the Dupont family who aroused public opposition to the new deals "dictatorial" policies and it's supposed attacks on free enterprise. The new organization was never able to expand his constituency much be on the northern industrialists who had founded it

American liberty league

two days after taking office, Roosevelt issued a proclamation closing American banks for four days until Congress could meet in special session to consider banking reform legislation. This created a general sense of relief to the panic about banking failures

Bank holiday

A rise in prices for farm commodities in the years after 1933, 1/2 increase in gross farm income in the first three years after the new deal, and a more stable and prosperous agricultural economy than it had been in many years

Benefits of the agricultural adjustment act

The administrations unwise decision to reduce spending

Causes of the Roosevelt recession

Improved water transportation, virtually eliminated flooding in the region, provided electricity to thousands who had never before had it, made no serious effort to challenge local customs and racial prejudices

Causes of the Tennessee Valley Authortiy

Congressional opposition that made it difficult for the president to enact any major new programs. The threat of world crisis hung heavy in the political atmosphere, and Roosevelt was gradually growing more concerned with persuading a reluctant nation to prepare for war then pursuing new avenues of reform

Causes of the end of the 2nd new deal

When it became clear that the federal emergency relief administration grants were not enough, a form of work relief through this program put more than 4 million people to work on temporary projects. Some of the projects were of lasting value, such as a construction of roads, schools, and parks; others were a little more than make work. The purpose of this was to pump money into an economy badly in need of it and provide assistance to people with no where else to turn

Civil Works administration (CWA)

Roosevelt's favorite relief project established in the first weeks of the new administration. It was designed to provide employment to the millions of young men who could not find jobs in the cities. The CCC created camps in a national parks and forests and another rural and wilderness settings. There are young men (women were largely excluded from the program) worked in a semi-military environment on such projects as planting trees, building reservoirs, developing parks, and improving agricultural irrigation. The camps were segregated by race. The vast majority of them were restricted to white men, but few were available to African-Americans, Mexicans, and Indians.

Civilian conservation corps (CCC)

Production declined in the months after the agencies establishment from an index of 101 in July 1933 to 71 in November despite the rise in prices that the code said it helped to create

Clearest evidence of the failure of the national recovery administration which led President Roosevelt to fire Hugh Johnson

Codes themselves were hastily and often poorly written, administering them was beyond the capacities of federal officials with no prior experience and running so fast program, large producers consistently dominated the code writing process and ensure that the new regulations would work to their advantage and to the disadvantage of smaller firms

Difficulties of the national recovery administration

Menaces to the new deal

Dissident political movements that defied easy ideological classification that gained substantial public support within particular states and regions

An elderly California physician who rose from obscurity to lead a movement of more than 5 million members with his plan for federal pensions for the elderly

Dr. Francis E Townsend

A committed advocate of women's rights in a champion of humanitarian causes

Eleanor Roosevelt

Spoke throughout the 1930s on behalf of racial justice and put continuing pressure on her husband and others in that the federal government to ease discrimination against blacks. She was also partly responsible for what was, symbolically at least, one of the most important events of the decade for African-Americans

Eleanor Roosevelt

A generally conservative bill, much of it drafted by Hoover administration holdovers, designed primarily to protect the larger banks from being dragged down by the weaknesses of smaller ones. The bill provided for treasury department inspection of all banks before they would be allowed to re-open, for federal assistance to some trouble institutions, and for a thorough re-organization of those in the greatest difficulty

Emergency banking act

An ambitious piece of labor legislation which established a national minimum wage, a 40 hour work week, and placed strict limitations on child labor. Like Social Security, the act at first excluded from his provisions the great majority of women and minority workers

Fair labor standards act (1938)

True or false, the new deal was hostile to feminist aspirations


A Catholic priest in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak, Michigan who achieved great renown through his weekly sermons. He formed the national union for social justice. He became notorious for his sympathy for fascism and his outspoken anti-Semitism. He was known primarily as an advocate for changing the banking in currency systems. He proposed a series of monetary reforms - remonetization of silver, issuing of greenbacks, and nationalization of the banking system-that he insisted would restore prosperity and ensure economic justice. He became distant heartened by what he claimed was the presidents failure to deal harshly enough with the "money powers."

Father Charles E Coughlin

A new concept of labor organization that challenge the craft union ideal Period add the kids of this approach argue that all workers in a particular industry should be organized in a single union, regardless of what functions the workers performed.

Industrial unionism

A relief agency of the WPA which Helped painters, sculptures, and others to continue their careers

Federal arts project

One of Roosevelt's first acts in office which provided cash grants to states to prop up bankrupt relief agencies. To administer the program, he chose the director of New York State relief agency, Harry Hopkins, who disbursed the FERA grants widely and rapidly. Both Hopkins and Roosevelt had misgivings about establishing a government "dole"

Federal emergency relief administration (FERA)

A relief agency of the WPA which Gave unemployed riders a chance to do their work and receive a government salary. A part of the Works progress administration

Federal writers project

Michigan's governor, a liberal Democrat, who refused to employ the National Guard to clear out the strikers of the sit down strike in GM factories

Frank Murphy

Attempted to end the great depression by using government power to provide relief to the poor, stimulate recovery, and reform the American economy

Franklin Roosevelt's new deal

Who won the election of 1936

Franklin Roosevelt, a second term

Enables some farmers to regain their land even after foreclosure of their mortgages. Despite such efforts, however, 25% of all American farm owners had lost their land by 1934

Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act (1933)

First major manufacturer to recognize the united auto workers union (UAW)

General motors

Legislation of the early new deal that increased federal authority over previously unregulated or weakly regulated areas of the economy. This 1933 act gave the government authority to curb irresponsible speculation by banks. It also established a wall between commercial banking and investment banking. Equally important, it established the Federal deposit insurance Corporation, which guaranteed all bank deposits up to $25,000. Finally, in 1935, Congress passed a major banking act that transformed much of the authority ones wielded by the regional federal reserve banks to the federal reserve board in Washington

Glass Steagall act

The largest Public Works project in American history to that point, which provided cheap electric power for much of the north west end, along with the construction of smaller dams and water projects nearby, created a basis for economic development in the region

Grand Coulee dam

Which interest groups receive government assistance in a "broker state"

Groups able to exercise enough political or economic power to demand it, for example farmers and workers of organization, agitation, militant action, and mass mobilization. Imperiled house owners, the unemployed, the elderly

Administer of the federal emergency relief administration who is formally the director of the New York State relief agency. He disbursed the FERA grants Widely and rapidly

Harry Hopkins

Director of the works progress administration (WPA) Who was responsible for building or renovating 110,000 public buildings including schools, post office offices, government office buildings, and for the construction of almost 600 airports, more than 500,000 miles of roads, and over 100,000 bridges, Which helped keep an average of 2.1 million Workers employed and pumped needed money into the economy

Harry Hopkins & WPA

The first woman elected to a full-term in the US Senate

Hattie Caraway

Treasury secretary who was convinced that the improvements in the gross national product during 1937 posed a threat of inflation

Henry Morgenthau

The flamboyant and energetic leader of the national recovery administration who argued that adherence to the code would raise consumer purchasing power and increase employment. He also set industrial codes with leaders of the nations major industries to set floors below which no company would lower prices or wages in its search for a competitive advantage

Hugh S. Johnson

Legislation promoted by John Collier that Restored to the tribes the right to own land collectively. It reversed the allotment policy adopted in 1887, which encourage the breaking up of tribal lands into individually owned plots - a policy that has led to the loss of over 90,000,000 acres of tribal land to white speculators and others.

Indian re-organization act (1934)

Legislation passed in June 1933. It made important concessions to labor, recognizing workers rights to bargain collectively through unions, ensured that the incomes of workers would rise along with prices, helped create jobs and increase consumer buying power, and added a major program of Public Works spending. At it center was a new federal agency, the national recovery administration (NRA), which called on every business establishment in the nation to except a temporary "blanket code": a minimum wage of between 30 and 40 cents an hour, a maximum work week of 35 to 40 hours, and the abolition of child labor

Industrial recovery act

A former social worker who had become committed to the cause of the Indians after exposure to tribal cultures in New Mexico in the 1920s. He was greatly influenced by the work of 20th-century anthropologists who promoted the idea of cultural relativism, whichChallenge the three centuries old assumption among white Americans that Indians were "savages" and that white society was inherently superior and more "civilized"

John Collier

The extraordinary commissioner of the Indian affairs in the new deal years, who worked to advance a very different goal for Native Americans

John Collier

A prominent advocate of industrial unionism Who was the talented, flamboyant, and eloquent leader of the United mine workers. After becoming embroiled in a series of angry confrontations caused by friction between the new industrial organizations with craft union leaders, He created the committee on industrial organization, later renamed the Congress of industrial organizations (CIO), Established in 1936 as an organization directly rivaling the AFL, and became its first president

John L. Lewis

Who did the agricultural adjustment act fever

Large farmers, particularly since local administration of its programs often fell into the hands of the most powerful producers in a community. By distributing payments to land owners, not those who worked the land, the government did little to discourage planters who were reducing their acreage from evicting tenants and share croppers and firing field hands

An event that became one of the first modern civil rights demonstrations. Eleanor Roosevelt and Harold Ickes resigned from the organization that refused permission to the concert singer Marian Anderson, an African-American, And help secure a government position for her to sing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, which attracted 75,000 people

Marian Andersons Easter Sunday concert

striking workers from the Republic Steel Gathered with their families for a picnic and demonstration in South Chicago where they attempted to march peacefully and legally through the steel plant and where police open fired on them. 10 demonstrators were killed. Despite this event, the harsh tactics of the little steel companies succeeded

Memorial day massacre

One of the most important limits of the new deal

Modest record on behalf of several important social groups

Head of the women's division of the Democratic national committee who was influential in securing several appointments for women as well as an increasing their role within the democratic party

Molly Dewson

Provided workers with a crucial enforcement mechanism missing from the 1933 law: the national Labor Relations Board (NLRB) , which would have power to compel employers to recognize and bargain with legitimate unions. The president was not entirely happy with the bill, but signed it anyway

National Labor relations act/Wagner act (1935)

Relief, recovery, and reform, meant to alleviate suffering and put America on the road back to economic prosperity and reform the economic system to prevent catastrophic depressions in the future

New deal policies intentions

Concessions to labor -recognizing workers rights to bargain collectively through unions-and a public works spending program toCreate jobs and increase consumer buying power

New dealer's Exchange for relaxed anti-trust provisions

Presidential nominee of the union party

North Dakota congressman, William Lemke

Abandoned the constitution and establishment of a tyrannical state (conservative criticism). Left major problems unsolved and failed to represent important groups (liberal criticism)

Problems with the new deal as assessed by conservatives and liberals

Established to administer the national industrial recovery act spending programs that only gradually allowed 3.3 billion in public works funds to trickle out,Not an appreciable amount

Public Works administration(PWA)

What pushed Franklin Roosevelt toward more extensive efforts to change the American economic system while controversies in congress sought to limit the new deal's scope

Radical, union, and populist movements

An emergency appropriation of $5 billion for public works in relief programs, otherwise known as government spending

Resolved the Roosevelt recession

New York senator who introduced what became the national Labour relations act of 1935

Robert F Wagner

worked to make electric power available for the first time to thousands of farmers through utility cooperates

Rural electrification administration (1935)

Owner of one of the greatest utility empires and an electricity magnate that collapsed spectacularly, amid widely publicized exposes of corruption. This enables the Tennessee Valley Authority to develop the nations water resources as a cheap source of electric power

Samuel Insull

Alleged violators of the NRA code in 1935 who operated at a wholesale poultry business confined to Brooklyn, New York.They were investigated by the Supreme Court

Schechter brothers

The court ruled unanimously that the Schechters were not engaged in interstate commerce and that's not subject to federal regulation and further, that Congress unconstitutionally delegated legislative powerTo the president to draft the NRA codes

Schechter case ruling

In response to the growing attacks and fears target of public criticism, Roosevelt launched an ambitious new program of legislation that has often been called the ___________

Second new deal

First appointed female cabinet member in the nations history

Secretary of labor Frances Perkins

Promised workers the right to form unions and engage in collective bargaining and encouraged many workers to joinUnions for the first time, but contain no enforcement mechanisms. As a result, unions were not recognized by employers and significant wage increases did not follow

Section 7A of the national industrial recovery act

A commission that would police the stock market. Among other things, the establishment of the securities and exchange commission was an indication of how far the financial establishment had fallen in public estimation. The criminal trails of a number of one's respected Wall Street figures for grand larceny and Friday wrote it the public stature of the financial community still further

Securities and exchange commission 1934 (SEC)

A senator who had long risen to power in his home state through his strident attacks on the banks, oil companies, and utilities and on the conservative political oligarchy allied with them. Elected governor in 1928, He launched an assault on his opponents so thorough and forceful that they were soon left with virtually no political power. Many Critics in Louisiana claimed that Long had, in effect, Become a dictator. But he also maintained the overwhelming support of the Louisiana electorate, In part because of his flamboyant personality and in part because of his solid record of conventional progressive accomplishments: building roads, schools, and hospitals; revising the tax codes; distributing free textbooks; lowering utility rates. Barred by law and from succeeding as a governor, he ran in 1930 for a seat in the US Senate and one easily. He had broken with the president and advocated a drastic program of wealth redistribution, a program he ultimately named the "share our wealth" plan. Government, he claimed, could end the depression easily by using the tax system to confiscate the surplus riches of the wealthiest men and women in America and distribute the surplus is to the rest of the population. That would, he claimed, allow the government to guarantee every family a minimum "Homestead" of $5000 in an annual wage of $2500. In 1934, long established his own national organization: the share our wealth society, which soon attracted a large following through much of the nation.

Senator Huey P Long of Louisiana

A controversial and effective new technique employed by auto workers for challenging corporate opposition. Employees in several General Motors plans in Detroit simply sat down inside the plants, refusing either to do work or leave, that's preventing the company from using strikebreakers. The tactic spread to other locations, and by February 1937 strikers had occupied 17 GM plant.

Sit down strike

An act that established several distinct programs such as financial aid for the elderly, a pension system for working Americans, a system of unemployment insurance, federal aid to people with disabilities, and a program of aid to dependent children. It was created for a system of "insurance," not "welfare". It excluded groups such as blacks and women

Social Security act

Began a major organizing drive involving thousands of workers and frequent, at times bitter, strikes in the steel industry during the difficult battle for unionization

Steel workers organizing committee (SWOC) , later the united steel workers of America

Established at the urging of a group of younger, anti-monopolist liberals in the Roosevelt administration Because of " unjustifiable concentration of economic power" and asked for the creation of a commission to consider major reforms in the anti-trust laws

Temporary national economic committee (TNEC)

Legislation authorized to complete the dam at muscle Shoals and build others in the region to generate and sell electricity from them to the public at reasonable rates. It was intended to be an agent for a comprehensive redevelopment of the entire region: for stopping the disastrous flooding that plagued Tennessee Valley for centuries, for encouraging the development of local industries, for supervising a substantial program of reforestation, and for helping farmers improve productivity

Tennessee Valley Authority(TVA)

One of the most celebrated accomplishments of the new deal that was an unprecedented experiment in regional planning. It was a conspicuous success of reformers who believed that the government itself should be the chief planning agent in the economy

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Left side critics of the new deal who also produced alarm among some supporters of the administration. They had limited strength and failed to attract genuine mass support

The communist party, the Socialist party, and other radical and semi radical organizations

The only great interest group, albeit a varied and divided one, With genuine power in the national economy

The corporate world

Legislation designed to convince fiscally conservative Americans, especially the business community, that the federal government was in safe, responsible hands. The act proposed to balance the federal budget by cutting the salaries of government employees and reducing pension so veterans buy as much as 15%. Otherwise, the president warned, the nation faced a $1 billion budget deficit. This bill was passed instantly despite heated protest from congressional progressives

The economy act

A relief agency which began federal sponsorship of public housing

The emergency housing division of the Public Works administration

Refinanced 1/5 of all farm mortgages in the United States within two years. It responded to the pressing need of millions of farm owners and homeowners for mortgage relief. Some of its major legislation was the Fraser Lemke farm bankruptcy act of 1933. eventually, the administration established the home owners loan corporation, which by 1936 had to refinanced the mortgages of more than 1 million householders. A year later, Congress established the Federal housing administration to ensure mortgages for new construction and home repairs

The farm credit administration

A relief agency of the WPA whichOversaw the production of concerts and plays, creating work for unemployed musicians, actors, and directors

The federal music project and the federal theater project

an act designed to break up the great utility holding companies. In the second new deal, Roosevelt spoke harshly of monopolistic control of their industry, Although furious lobbying by the utility companies led to amendments that strongly limited it's effects

The holding company act

Which act did the Supreme Court decision in 1935 strike down

The national industrial recovery act and section 7a of the act, which had guaranteed workers the right to organize and bargain collectively

A relief agency of the WPA which provided work and scholarship assistance to high school and college men and women.

The national youth administration (NYA)

Between January and August 1937, Roosevelt cut the WPA in half, laying off 1.5 million relief workersIn order to prevent inflation. Unfortunately, the fragile boom collapsed and the index of industrial production dropped from 117 in August to 1937 76 in may 1938. 4 million additional workers lost their jobs. Economic conditions were almost as bad as they have been in the bleak days of 1932-1933

The recession of 1937, or the "Roosevelt recession"

Administrations established in 1935 and later in 1937 which provided loans to help poor farmers cultivating sub marginal soil to relocate to better lands

The resettlement administration (1935), The farm security administration(1937)

Where did the most strident attacks on the new deal come from

The right

Legislation that came after the agricultural adjustment act that permitted the government to pay farmers to reduce production so as to "conserve soil" prevent erosion, and accomplish other secondary goals

The soil conservation and domestic allotment act

Who struck down the crucial provisions of the agricultural adjustment act, arguing that the government had no constitutional authority to require farmers to limit production, which led to the passage of new legislation, the soil conservation and domestic allotment act

The supreme court

Regions of the United States that receive special attention from the new deal, Both of which benefit of disproportionately from new deal relief and Public Works program

The west and the south

A Yale law school professor who was appointed by Roosevelt as a new head of the anti-trust division of the justice department, who soon proved to be the most vigorous director ever to serve in that office

Thurman Arnold

All Americans over the age of 60 would receive monthly government pensions of $200 provided they retired, thus freeing jobs for the younger unemployed Americans, and spent the money in full each month, which would pump needed funds into the economy. This plan attracted the support of many older men and women however, it was defeated in Congress in 1935. The public sentiment behind it helped build support for the Social Security system, which Congress did approve in 1935

Townsend plan

April 18, 1933, president Roosevelt made the shift off the gold standard official with an executive order.The administration experimented in various ways with manipulating the value of the dollar - by making substantial purchases of gold and silver- and later by establishing a new, fixed standard for the dollar.This permanently altered the relationship between public and private sectors, but did not have any immediate impact on the depressed American economy

Transition to government managed currency

True false, new deal relief agencies did not challenge, and indeed reinforced, existing patterns of discrimination. The civilian conservation Corps established separate black camps. The NRA codes tolerated paying blacks less than whites doing the same jobs. African-Americans were largely excluded from employment in the TVA. The Federal housing administration refused to provide mortgages to African-Americans moving into white neighborhoods, and the first public housing projects financed by the federal government were racially segregated. The WPA routinely relegated black, Hispanic, and Asian workers to the least skilled and lowest paying jobs, or excluded them altogether


True or false, African-Americans supported Franklin Roosevelt because he knewThat he was not there enemy. But they had a few illusions that the new deal represented a major turning point in American race relations. For example, the president was never willing to risk losing the backing of southern Democrats by supporting legislation to make lynching a federal crime. Nor would he endorsed efforts in Congress to be in the pool tax, one of the most potent tools by which white southerners kept blacks from voting


True or false, Franklin Roosevelt named more than 100 other women two positions at lower levels of the federal bureaucracy, Who created an active female network within the government and cooperated with one another in advancing causes of interest to women


True or false, Harry Hopkins cut Colorado off from the new deal relief and people rioted in Denver and looted food stores until the government provided funding


True or false, John Collier promoted legislation that would, he hoped, reverse the pressure is on native Americans to assimilate and would allow them the right to live in traditional Indian Ways


True or false, Many women in the new deal political administration emerged out of the feminist tradition of the progressive era, which emphasized not so much gender equality as special protection for women


True or false, National reformers responded to the great depression by transforming the United States into a limited welfare state


True or false, Roosevelt supported and then signed a bill to legalize the manufacture and sale of beer with a 3.2% alcohol content-an interim measure pending the repeal of prohibition, for which I constitutional amendment was already in progress


True or false, The new deal sought to promote relief for those in need, recovery of the American economy, and reform of the economic system to prevent future depressions of such severity


True or false, although the new deal did not end the depression, it left a legacy of reforms and regulatory agencies and fostered a long-term political realignment in which many ethnic groups, African-Americans, and working class communities identified with the Democratic Party


True or false, conservatives in the Supreme Court worked to limit the new deal, while other dissident political movements pushed for for the measures


True or false, economic depression lead to calls to increase the regulatory powers of the federal government


True or false, federal agricultural programs had an enormous impact on the west because farming remained so much more essential to the economy of the region than it did in Much of the east


True or false, for all its limits, the new deal system marked a historic break with the federal government's traditional reluctance to offer public assistance to its neediest citizens


True or false, government policies toward the Indian tribes in the 1930s were simply a continuation of the long established effort to encourage Native Americans to assimilate into larger society and culture


True or false, in March 1937, US steel, the giant of the steel industry, recognized the steel workers organizing committee (SWOC)Rather than risk a costly strike at a time when it sensed itself on the verge of recovery from the depression


True or false, the "broker state" idea of the new deal would expand to embrace other groups as well: racial, ethnic, and religious minorities; women; and many others. Thus, one of the enduring legacies of the new deal was to make the federal government a protector of interest groups and a supervisor of the competition among them, rather than an instrument attempting to create a universal harmony of interests


True or false, the Schechter case threatened many other new deal programs as well because justices struck down the legislation establishing the NRA agency


True or false, the economic boom sparked by World War II, not the new deal, finally ended the crisis of the economy


True or false, the most frequent criticisms of the new deal involved it's failure genuinely to revive or reform the American economy. New dealers never fully embraced government spending as a vehicle for recovery, and their efforts along other lines never succeeded in ending the depression


True or false, the new deal and Franklin Roosevelt helped enhance the power of the federal government. Roosevelt also established the presidency as a preeminent center of authority within the federal government


True or false, the new deal did not do much to advance feminist aspirations


True or false, the new deal generally supported the prevailing belief that in hard times, women should withdraw from the work place to open up more jobs for men. New deal relieve agencies offered relatively little employment for women. The NRA sanction wage practices that discriminated against women. The Social Security party at first excluded domestic servants, waitresses, and other predominantly female occupations


True or false, the new deal government failed to challenge the Jim Crow


True or false, the new deal had a profound impact on how the American people defined themselves politically. It took a week, divided the democratic party, which had been a minority force in American politics for many decades, and turned it into a mighty coalition that would dominate national party competition for more than 30 years.


True or false, the new deal made the federal government a mediator in the continuous market competition-a force that could intervene when necessary to help some groups and limit the power of others.


True or false, the new deal was not hostile to African-Americans, and it did much to help them advance, but it refused to make theIssue of race a significant part of it's agenda


True or false, the west received more federal funds per capita through the new deal relief programs than any other region, and parts of the south were not far behind


True or false, trade unions experienced an increase in power


True or false, while the new deal failed to end the great depression, it did lead to political realignment that strengthened the Democratic Party


An act created to protect investors in the stock market, which required corporations using the new securities to provide full and accurate information about them to the public

Truth in securities act of 1933

A unionThat gradually emerged and gained recruits, but made a little progress in winning recognition from the automobile corporations

United auto workers union (UAW)

Aid to dependent children program of Social Security

Welfare system as a principal government aid to women, which was designed largely to assist single mothers


Welfare systems, mainly for men, of the government concentration on work relief

Established to help millions of unemployed Americans and their immediate needs. Like the civil Works administration and earlier efforts, this organization established a system of work relief for the unemployed. It was much bigger than earlier agencies, both in the size of its budget ($5 billion in its first two years)And in the energy and imagination of its operations

Workers progress administration (WPA)

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