Chapter 25: The Cold War and the Fair Deal, 1945-1952

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Complete the passage below describing the impact of the Soviet blockade of Berlin on the cold war.

- Berlin airlift - victory - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - resist the spread of communism in western Europe - West

Identify President Truman's initiatives during his first term.

- Employment Act of 1956: This gave the president, and the government, the authority to provide full "employment, production, and purchasing power" to American workers. - Fair Deal: Truman attempted to expand and add to Roosevelt's New Deal. - Committee on Civil Rights: President Truman organized this to investigate violence toward African Americans.

What prompted the Soviet Union to extend its influence over Eastern Europe?

- German invasions - insecure - buffer - installing puppet governments

Complete the passage below describing how presidential power evolved during the Truman administration.

- Korea - did not approve - the United Nations - Police Action

How did the government respond to the Red Scare? Identify the following government programs, policies, and laws that went into effect.

- Loyalty Order: required federal government workers to have background checks to ensure they were not Communists - McCarran Internal Security Act: made it legal to send American Communists to concentration camps during national emergencies - House Committee on Un-American Activities: investigated alleged Communists in the government and film industry

What were President Truman's main goals for the Fair Deal?

- The Fair Deal called for an expansion of New Deal programs involving retirement and unemployment benefits. - Truman wanted to provide civil rights to all Americans. - The Fair Deal called for greater federal government involvement in issues of health insurance and education.

Put the following events in chronological order to explain how global politics became more complicated after World War II.

- The Philippines gain independence from the United States. - Great Britain withdraws from and partitions India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. - The People's Republic of China is established.

Why did American policymakers grow distrustful and suspicious of Soviet postwar actions?

- The Soviet Union failed to allow democratic elections in Eastern European nations. - The Soviet Union did not allow non-Communists to participate in democratic elections. - The Soviet Union began a process of installing Communist governments in Eastern European nations that it could control.

Identify the ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union that caused friction and led to the outbreak of the cold war.

- The Soviet Union prohibited many religions, while citizens of the United States enjoyed religious freedom. - The United States supported self-determination for the peoples of Eastern Europe, whereas the Soviet Union wanted to control what went on in these countries. - The United States supported the capitalist economic system, whereas the Soviets supported communism.

How did the Soviet development of nuclear weapons impact U.S. foreign policy?

- The United States began construction of a hydrogen bomb. - The United States and Soviet Union found themselves in a stalemate.

What was the American strategy for fighting communism as outlined by the Truman Doctrine?

- The United States would support nations resisting communism. - The U.S. government had to stop the spread of communism, lest more countries fall under communist rule.

How did the United States' strategy for preventing the spread of communism change over time? Put the events that led to the escalation of the cold war in chronological order.

- Truman announced his Truman Doctrine. - Congress passed the Marshall Plan to provide economic aid to Europe. - The United States and Great Britain began the Berlin airlift to support West Berlin. - The United States joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

How did the American policymakers' assumptions about the Korean conflict affect American foreign policy?

- Truman began assisting French troops fighting a Communist insurgency in Indochina. - Truman ordered a major military buildup of American forces in western Europe.

How did Truman's efforts to contain communism change the government of the United States?

- Truman created the National Security Agency. - Truman made the Joint Chiefs of Staff permanent. - Congress passed the National Security Act.

What effect did the Rosenberg trial have on the Red Scare?

- Truman's opponents were convinced he wasn't working hard enough to rid the country of Soviet spies. - It paved the way for McCarthyism. - Americans became fearful that there were Communist spies in America.

Complete the passage describing how the Taft-Hartley Labor Act tried to resolve union-related conflict.

- Union strikes - Wages - Republican - Anti-union - the "closed-shop" - right to work - communism.

What effect did the Marshall Plan have on the cold war?

- Western European nations' economies became prosperous again. - Western European nations' governments became more stable.

How did the Korean War escalate? Put the events of the Korean War in chronological order.

- With the encouragement of the Soviet Union and Communist China, North Korean forces invade South Korea. - The UN Security Council endorses military intervention to preserve international peace and to remove North Korean troops from South Korea. - UN forces, led by General MacArthur, land at Inchon. - UN forces capture Pyongyang and move toward the Chinese border with North Korea. - China enters the war on behalf of the North Koreans. - Truman fires MacArthur. - The war ends with a truce between the opposing forces, leaving the peninsula divided roughly how it had been when the North Koreans launched their war effort.

Complete the passage below to explain what influenced Truman's decision to not seek a second term as president.

- frustrated - Korean War - rejected - lowest - unlikey - effective

Complete the passage below describing how McCarthyism affected American society.

- increasingly fearful of Communist spies - failed - ruined the reputation - avoid controversial thoughts and behaviors

Complete the passage below describing how Chinese involvement in the Korean War changed the American strategy.

- out of Korea altogether - into retreat - settle for the prewar boundary - contained - above the 38th parallel

Complete the passage below describing the political situation inherited by Harry Truman when he became president.

- the Soviet Union - Yalta Conference - quickly deteriorated - Eastern - iron curtain - Truman

Soviet actions in Eastern European nations after World War II not only violated the Yalta Agreement among the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States, but they also ran counter to which principles of American foreign policy?

- the right to freedom of religion - the right of nations to self-determination

Why didn't the United States directly confront the Soviet Union militarily after World War II?

American leaders believed that a policy of containment would eventually cause Soviet communism to collapse from within.

Identify the site of the first conflict between the Soviet Union and United States during the cold war.


Analyze the image of Jackie Robinson greeting Latino spectators. What does it reveal about the issue of civil rights and racial equality in the first decade after World War II?

Despite continued resistance from whites, African Americans and Latinos were more willing to stand up for their rights and to see some victories in their struggle to be treated equal.

The promises the Americans, the British, and the Soviets made during the Yalta Conference helped maintain peace between the United States and Soviet Union during the cold war.


Truman chose to recognize the People's Republic of China because the Chinese had an adversarial relationship with the Soviet Union.


Truman's Loyalty Order discovered thousands of Communist spies embedded in the federal government, some of whom had passed secret information to the Soviets regarding building atomic weapons.


How did NSC-68 change U.S. foreign policy regarding the Soviet Union?

In the beginning, the containment policy was political and economic. NSC-68 advocated for a militaristic response to Soviet aggression.

UN forces fared badly at the beginning of the Korean War. Which city did General MacArthur attack to turn the tide of battle in favor of UN troops?


Why did Truman replace MacArthur during the Korean War?

MacArthur was openly insubordinate.

How did the political landscape of Congress influence Truman's Fair Deal?

Many of Truman's proposals were rejected by a coalition of conservative Democrats and Republicans.

Identify why Senator Joseph McCarthy was successful.

McCarthy used Americans' fear of communism to his advantage.

What made the creation of Israel controversial?

Palestinian Arabs lost their homeland.

How did the Marshall Plan reflect the evolving American policy of containment during the cold war?

The Marshall Plan did not directly confront the Soviet Union. Instead, it provided friendly European governments with financial assistance to rebuild their economies in order to reduce the appeal of communism among those nations.

Why did U.S. secretary of state James Byrnes's belief that atomic weapons "might well put us in position to dictate our own terms with the Soviets at the end of the war" prove to be incorrect?

The Soviets were in the process of developing similar weapons.

How did the Red Scare affect American civil liberties?

The government passed laws or pursued policies that limited free speech in order to fight communism.

According to the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. government viewed the spread of communism as a global threat; thus, it regarded every conflict with the Communist movement as equally important in preventing nations from falling like dominos to communism.


Despite Truman's failures to convince Congress to support his initiatives on civil rights, health care, and education, his agenda was taken up by future reformers who were able to institute many aspects of these initiatives in the next several decades.


Soviet leaders' fears and concerns about future invasions from the West motivated the country's postwar policies in Eastern Europe, as well its communist ideology.


Truman was able to triumph in the election of 1948 because he was able to appeal to the New Deal coalition of voters. The Dixiecrat revolt against his stance on civil rights especially motivated African American voters to support him.


How did the United States respond to the Soviet Union's acquisition of atomic weapons?

Truman sped up the development of a hydrogen bomb, more powerful than an atomic bomb.

Identify the main criticism of Truman's plan for a peacetime economy.

World War II was over, and so was the Great Depression; the need for an "expansion" of the New Deal was unnecessary and pointless.

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