Chapter 27 Mastering A&P Review Questions

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Choose the FALSE statement about oogenesis. a. Oogenesis occurs in the ovaries. b. In humans, the secondary oocyte must complete meiosis II before it can be fertilized. c. Primary oocytes are stalled in prophase I until puberty. d. In oogenesis, three polar bodies and one functional gamete are produced.


Conversion of haploid spermatids to functional sperm is specifically called __________. a. mitosis b. meiosis c. spermiogenesis d. spermatogenesis

Pampiniform Venous Plexus

Cools arterial blood to keep the testes below core temperature.

Prophase I

Crossovers form.


During anaphase I, what structures separate and move to opposite poles of the cell? a. nucleoli b. sister chromatids c. tetrads d. nonhomologous chromosomes

Tunica Albuginea

Fibrous capsule of the testes.


Fingerlike projections that brush over the ovary.

Telophase II

Four genetically unique haploid cells are formed.

Uterine Tubes

Generally the site of fertilization of the ovulated oocyte.

Anaphase I

Homologues chromosomes separate from one another.


House and form the female gametes.


In a typical or "average" cycle, ovulation occurs on day __________. a. 1 b. 5 c. 14 d. 21 e. 28


In order, list the structures sperm will pass through from the testes to the external urethral orifice. a. ejaculatory duct, epididymis, seminiferous tubules, vas deferens, spongy urethra, prostatic urethra, ampulla b. epididymis, seminiferous tubules, ampulla, vas deferens, prostatic urethra, ejaculatory duct, spongy urethra c. seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ampulla, ejaculatory duct, prostatic urethra, spongy urethra d. epididymis, ampulla, seminiferous tubules, vas deferens, spongy urethra, prostatic urethra, ejaculatory duct


In response to warmth, the scrotum __________. a. increases its surface area b. decreases blood flow to the testes c. pulls the testes closer to the body d. becomes heavily wrinkled


In terms of the male sexual response, parasympathetic stimulation causes __________. a. erection of the penis b. spermiogenesis c. the penis to become flaccid d. fertilization e. ejaculation


In which uterine phase does the functional layer of the endometrium start to rebuild? a. secretory b. ovulation c. proliferative d. preovulatory e. menstrual


Receives, retains, and nourishes a fertilized ovum.

Metaphase I

Tetrads align randomly along the cell's equator.


The __________ develop into the female duct system. a. paramesonephric ducts b. urethral folds c. mesonephric ducts d. gonadal ridges


The __________ is shed during menstruation. a. stratum basalis b. myometrium c. stratum functionalis d. perimetrium


The __________ of the mammary glands are responsible for producing milk during lactation. a. lactiferous ducts b. areolae c. alveoli d. lactiferous sinuses


The area of the sperm cell that contains many mitochondria is the __________. a. head b. midpiece c. acrosome d. tail

Telophase I

Two genetically unique haploid cells are formed.


What is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States? a. genital warts b. syphilis c. chlamydia d. vaginitis e. gonorrhea


Which cell type is ovulated from the ovary? a. ovum b. oogonium c. primary oocyte d. secondary oocyte e. tertiary oocyte


Which hormone is responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics found in women? a. FSH b. estrogen c. LH d. progesterone e. prolactin


Which hormone stimulates the ruptured ovarian follicle to become the corpus luteum? a. LH b. GnRH c. estrogen d. FSH


Which male structure is homologous to the female's clitoris? a. pubis b. epididymis c. scrotum d. prostate gland e. penis


Which of the following are MISMATCHED? a. ovarian cycle; monthly series of events associated with maturation of an egg b. luteal phase; characterized by decreased progesterone levels c. follicular phase; development of a secondary oocyte within a dominant follicle d. ovulation; release of a secondary oocyte


Which of the following hormones is NOT involved in the regulation of the number of sperm produced in the testes? a. PSA b. testosterone c. gonadotropin-releasing hormone d. inhibin


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the female sexual response? a. The female sexual response is similar to that of males. b. Testosterone is the hormone that is primarily responsible for female libido. c. Female orgasm is not required for conception. d. The final phase of the female sexual response is orgasm.


Which of the following is NOT an effect of estrogen? a. promotes oogenesis b. promotes the development of secondary sex characteristics in females c. promotes diuresis (water loss) d. helps to sustain the density of the skeleton


Which of the following is NOT an effect of testosterone? a. stimulates maturation of male sex organs b. maintains male secondary sex characteristics c. decreases sperm production d. maintains male libido


Which of the following is considered a primary sex organ in males? a. prostate gland b. penis c. scrotum d. testes


Which of the following is true about meiosis? a. Meiosis leads to the production of genetically identical cells. b. Meiosis produces cells that have a haploid chromosome number. c. Meiosis involves only one cell division event. d. Meiosis is how most cells in the body divide.


Which of the following represents the order in which reproductive hormones are secreted in males? a. FSH, GnRH, testosterone, LH b. FSH, LH, GnRH, testosterone c. LH, GnRH, FSH, testosterone d. GnRH, LH/FSH, testosterone, inhibin e. FSH, GnRH, LH, testosterone


Which of the following statements about myoid cells is true? a. They surround the seminiferous tubules and contract rhythmically to squeeze sperm and testicular fluid through the tubules out of the testes. b. They elevate the testes. c. When they contract, they cause wrinkling of the scrotal skin. d. They form a duct that conveys sperm from the epididymis to the prostate gland.


Which of the following structures help(s) to keep the testes at a cool temperature? a. the rete testis b. the pampiniform plexus c. the testicular arteries d. the interstitial endocrine cells


Which of the following structures makes up most of the male urethral length? a. ejaculatory duct b. spongy urethra c. prostatic urethra d. membranous urethra


Which of the following structures passes through the inguinal canal? a. the ejaculatory duct b. the prostatic urethra c. the spermatic cord d. the epididymis


Which statement about vasectomies is FALSE? a. The part of the ductus deferens that lies in the scrotum is cut. b. They are approximately 10% reversible. c. They involve a minor surgical procedure. d. They are a highly effective method of birth control.


Within the ovary, progesterone is produced by the __________. a. tertiary follicles b. corpus albicans c. secondary follicles d. corpus luteum e. primary follicles


__________ acts upon the __________ to encourage the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). a. Testosterone; sustentocytes b. Testosterone; anterior pituitary c. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH); sustentocytes d. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH); anterior pituitary


__________ cells, located between seminiferous tubules, produce testosterone. a. Follicle b. Myometrial c. Sustentacular d. Thalamic e. Interstitial


__________ is a sexually transmitted disease that is associated with cervical cancer. a. Syphilis b. Genital warts c. Trichomoniasis d. Genital herpes


__________ stimulates the anterior pituitary to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). a. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone b. Progesterone c. Inhibin d. Estrogen

Interstitial Endocrine Cells

Make testosterone


Meiosis results in __________. a. two identical diploid cells b. two nonidentical haploid cells c. four identical diploid cells d. four nonidentical diploid cells e. four nonidentical haploid cells

Seminiferous Tubules

Site of sperm production in the testes.


Site of sperm storage.


Sperm are produced in the __________. a. interstitial cells b. seminal gland c. seminiferous tubules d. prostate gland e. epididymis f. spermatic cord


The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that __________. a. the mature ovum is diploid and the sperm is haploid b. spermatogenesis involves mitosis and meiosis, but oogenesis involves meiosis only c. the mature ovum is haploid and the sperm is diploid d. two polar bodies are produced in spermatogenesis e. one mature ovum is produced in oogenesis, and four mature sperm are produced in spermatogenesis


The diploid chromosome number in humans is __________. a. 12 b. 23 c. 24 d. 46


The functional layer of the endometrium is shed in response to __________. a. decreased progesterone levels b. increased progesterone levels c. decreased estrogen levels d. increased estrogen levels


The main component of semen is sperm. True or False?


The muscular layer of the uterine wall is called the __________. a. endometrium b. perimetrium c. epimetrium d. myometrium


The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the __________. a. vestibular gland b. pineal gland c. vagina d. hypothalamus e. ovary


The ovaries are situated retroperitoneally next to the kidneys. True or False?


The pH of the adult female vagina is normally __________. a. acidic b. basic c. neutral d. alkaline


The primary sex organ(s) of the male is/are the __________. a. epididymis b. testes c. seminal vesicle d. prostate e. penis


The reason that the testes are suspended in the scrotum is to __________. a. place sperm storage sites nearer to the penis b. to reduce the chance of infection from the enteric bacteria c. create extra space for the sex organs d. protect sperm from the immune system e. to provide a cooler temperature


The sperm's acrosome __________. a. provides the blood testis barrier b. has a high density of mitochondria c. contains enzymes d. contains nutrients e. provides motility


The surge in LH that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers __________. a. FSH release b. activation of primordial follicles c. uterine-lining secretion d. menstruation e. ovulation


The usual site of fertilization is the __________. a. vulva b. vagina c. uterus d. ovary e. uterine tube


The uterine layer shed with each monthly cycle is the __________. a. perimetrium b. myometrium c. tunica albuginea d. basal layer of endometrium e. functional layer of endometrium


Thin-walled structure that connects the uterus to the body exterior.

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