Chapter 29-32 Study Guide

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Simon Bolivar succinctly summed up the developing political situation in Latin America when he said?

"I fear peace more than war"

the golondrinas were?

"Swallows"- Italian workers who traveled back and forth annually between Europe and South America to take advantage of different growing seasons

Mrs. John Sandford wrote?

"Woman in Her Social and Domestic Character"

Marx believed that the final result of the socialist revolution would be the?

"dictatorship of the proletariat" which would abolish private property and destroy the capitalist order

the guiding principles of the French Revolution were summed up in the phrase?

"liberty, equality, and fraternity"

the main slogan for the colonies in the years leading up to the American Revolution was?

"no taxation without representation"

a zaibatsu was?

"wealthy clique" - huge industrial empires built by private entrepreneurs

the ancient regime was?

'the old order"

in 1900, foreign embassies in China were besieged by?

140,000 Boxers

most property qualifications for voting in the United States had disappeared by the late?


the words "a house divided against itself cannot stand" were first spoken by?

Abraham Lincoln

colonial rule in Mexico ended in 1821 when the capital was seized by?

Augustin de Iturbide

what revolutionary leader, frustrated over his inability to put together a South America confederation, lamented that "those who have served the revolution have plowed the sea"?


Where's Bolivar

Bolivar-south america

the early stages of industrial development in the United States depended in large part on investment capital from which of the following nations?

Britain ?

After the end of the Seven Years' War...?

Britain would dominate global trade and British possessions would prosper

the decisive point in the Opium War was?

British commercial agents pressed their government into a military retaliation designed to reopen the opium trade

the Indians who relocated from the eastern woodlands to Oklahoma on the Trail of tears were the?


the Self-Strengthening Movement was an attempt to blend indigenous cultural traditions with western technology in?


the prime mover behind russian industrialization was?

Count Sergei Witte, minister of finance

which of the following accounts for beginning of the social reform movement in Russia in the 19th century?

Crimean War

the lines "we hold these truths to be self evident: that all men and women are created equal" are from the...?

Declaration of sentiments

in August 1789, the National Assembly expressed the guiding principles of the French Revolution by issuing the?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

the most significant territorial loss for the Ottomans was?


interchangeable parts were invented by?

Eli Whitney

the organizer of the Seneca Falls Conference was?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

which one of the following leaders played a major role in the Meiji Restoration?

Emperor Meiji

the Declaration of Independence's contractual view of political structure in which the government drew its authority from the "consent of the governed" was influenced by?

Enlightenment political thought in justifying the colonies' quest for independence

in 1803, the United States doubled in size after the Louisiana territory was purchased from?


the leader who was responsible for the success of the Saint-Domingue uprising was?

Francois-Dominique Toussaint--Louverture*

the industrial revolution began in?

Great Britain

the United States agreed to pay Mexico 15 million for Texas, California, and New Mexico as part of the Treaty of..?

Guadalupe Hidalgo

in 1851, Hong Xiuquan proclaimed his own dynasty, the Taiping tianguo, which meant?

Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace

Where's Hidalgo


the only successful slave revolt in history took place in?


the leader of the Taiping Rebellion was?

Hong Xiuquan

Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao were the leaders of the?

Hundred Days Reform

which of the following revolutionary leaders is not correctly linked with his country?

IS: Louverture- Saint Domingue

which of the following revolutionary leaders is not correctly linked with his country?

IS: Napoleon-france

which of the following statement is not true about the capitulations?

IS: exempted European visitors from ottoman law, provided Europe with extraterritoriality, permitted foreign governments to levy duties on goods sold in Ottoman ports

which of the following is not a correct pairing of inventor and invention?

IS; Watt-steam engine

Maximilien Robespierre was known as the?


in 1908, the United States government ordered a complete halt to migration from..?


the first prime minister of Canada was?

John A. Macdonald

the inventor of the flying shuttle was?

John Kay

the author of the "Second Treatise of Civil Government" was?

John Locke

in America the petroleum monopoly, Standard Oil Company was owned by?

John Rockefeller

what 19 century English thinker promoted individual freedom, universal suffrage, taxation of high personal income, and an extension of the rights of freedom and equality to women?

John Stuart Mill

the great epic poem, "the Gaucho Martin Fierro" was written by?

Jose Hernandez

the "Machiavelli of the pampas" was?

Juan Manuel de Rosas

what was the name of the giant firm in Germany that dominated mining, metallurgy, armaments production, and shipbuilding?


who wrote, "as months accumulate and years pass by, the poison they have produced increases in its wicked intensity, and its repugnant odor reaches as high as the sky"?

Lin Zexu

the US Civil War changed character on 1 January 1863, after..?

Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, making the abolition of slavery an explicit goal of the war

the last major Indian victory against the United States armed forces came in 1876 at the Battle of..?

Little Big Horn

the Northwest Rebellion was led by?

Louis Riel

Which future state did not pass from Mexico to the United States as part of the 1848 Treat of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

Louisiana territory DIDNT

what was the name of the sultan, who, in 1826, had mutinous Janissaries slaughtered and thus open the door for further reform within the Ottoman Empire?

Mahmud II

the author of the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was?


the author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" was?

Mary Wollstonecraft

the most radical period of the French Revolution was reached during the leadership of..?

Maximilien Robespierre

the turning point in Napoleon's career was his disastrous 1812 invasion of?


the Opium War ended the signing of the Treaty of?


on 17 June 1789, members of the third estate seceded from the Estates General and declared themselves to be the?

National Assembly

the author of the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen was?

Olympe de Gouges

the capitulations were unfair trading agreements between the western Europeans and the?

Ottoman Empire

the leader who helped lead Brazil to independence was?


the leading conservative politician at the Congress of Vienna was?

Prince Klemens of Metternich (foreign minister of Austria)

the stipulation, "In order to obtain for Ottoman citizens an education of a homogeneous and uniform character, the official schools will be open, their instruction will be free, and all nationalities will be admitted," is from what document?

Proclamation of the Young Turks

the founder of New Lanark was?

Robert Owen

by 1900 half the world's oil was produced by?


a defeat in the Crimean War stopped expansion by the?


the main spark for the outbreak of the Mexican American War in 1845 was the United States acceptance of the new state of?


in the new Latin American countries..?

They exported raw materials and were dependent on countries that industrialized

the Russian serfs were emancipated by?

Tsar Alexander II

in 1900, the world's four biggest steel producers were?

US, Germany, Britain, and Russia

which of the following was not one of John Locke's main ideas?

WAS: individuals granted political rights to their rulers but retained personal rights to life, liberty, and property. Subjects had the right to replace rulers. removed sovereignty from rulers as divine agents and vesting it in the people of society

which of the following was not one of the chief factors for the outbreak of the American Civil War?

WAS: slavery and the cultivation of cotton as a cash crop-isolated south from economic development. Northerners viewed succession as an act of betrayal

which of the following is not a reform proposed in the Tanzimat era?

WAS:capitulations lifted, new civil code, commercial code, penal code, maritime code, (N-C,SPM) public trials guaranteed, equality before the law, education reform

Napolean's final defeat occurred at?

Waterloo in Belgium

the last major Indian resistance was defeated in 1890 at the Battle of...?

Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota

Adela Zamudio was?

a Bolivian poet who lamented bitterly that talented women couldnt vote

the decisive factor in the Russo-Japanese War was?

a Japanese surprise attack on the Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur in February 1904

count sergei witte was?

a Russian finance minister who oversaw construction of the trans-Siberian railroad, reformed commercial law, protected infant industries, promoted nautical/engineering schools

Walt Whitman was?

a US poet

holy monday was?

a day workers often observed to lengthen their weekly break from work on Sundays

the emancipation of the Russian serfs..?

a few peasants prospered as a result of emancipation, but most found themselves in debt for the rest of their lives./ resulted in little if any increase in ag. production

Japan was forcibly opened to foreign trade in 1853 by the?

a fleet of US warships

the Young Ottomans were?

a group who agitated for individual freedom, local autonomy, and political decentralization

the centerpiece of Sergei Witte's Russian industrial policy was?

a massive program of railway construction

the Concordat was?

a pact that was made when Napoleon made peace with the Roman Catholic Church/pope and it provided that the French state would retain church lands seized during the revolution, but the state agreed to pay clerics' salaries, recognize Roman Catholic Christianity as the preferred faith of France

Emiliano Zapata was?

a revolutionary leader who organied massive armies fighting for "tierra y libertad" (land and liberty)

Fatt Hing Chin was?

a village fish peddler in China who moved to San Francisco to get gold and eventually opened a restaurant

the Ghost Dance movement related to?

an expression of religious beliefs that included a vision of an afterlife in which all white peoples disappeared

the creoles of Latin America were influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment?

and occasionally took part in tax revolts and popular uprisings. sought to displace peninsulares but retain privileged position in society

by the late 1860s, Britain's leading supplier of beef was?


revolutionaries of the late 18 and early 19 century?

began to question longstanding notions of sovereignty-sought to make kings responsible to the people they governed

the german leader Otto von Bismarck believed that the great issues of his day would be determined by?

blood and iron

Marx and Engels proposed that capitalism divided people into two classes. The classes were?

capitalists- owned machinery/factories and proletariat-wageworkers

after the assassination of Alexander II, his successor Nicholas II..?

championed oppression and police control and embarked on expansionist ventures in east Asia

crucial to industrialization was?


Cheaper iron was produced after 1709 when British smelters began to use what substance as a fuel?


Throughout most of the 19 century, employers and governments..?

considered trade unions illegal associations whose purpose was to restrain trade

slavery was reinvigorated in the United States after the rise of what cash crop?


the National Policy, which was designed to attract migrants, protect nascent industries through tariffs, and build national transportation systems was a policy in that it?

created some violent altercations with indigenous of transportation network was the transcontinental Canadian Pacific Railroad

most of latin america and sub-saharan africa?

depended on exports of raw materials

by the end of the 19th century, the only thing keeping China from being completely divided up into spheres of influence by foreigners was?

distrust among the foreign powers

the key to social reform in Russia was?

emancipation of the serfs

in the early 19th century, the Ottoman Sultan Selim III?

embarked on a program to remodel his army along the lines of European forces. reform continued from earlier- limit tax, increase ag. prod. end corruption

for most of the last 50 years of the Qing dynasty, China was ruled by?

empress dowager Cixi

the revolutions of the late 18 and early 19 centuries helped to spread Enlightenment ideals and?

encouraged the consolidation of national states as the principal form of political organization (strong national identities were formed)

canada, argentina, uruguay, south africa, australia, and new zealand..?

experienced economic growth through the export of primary products and the infusion of foreign capital and labor

After the American Civil War, the southern states?

fashioned a rigidly segregated society that deprived blacks of educational, economic, and political opportunities

over the long haul, trade unions?

gradually improved the lives of working people and reduced the likelihood of proletariat revolution of industrial capitalist society

after the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1870?

guaranteed no denial of suffrage to US citizens based on "race, color, or previous conditions of servitude" and 23 african-americans were elected into something

Napolean's "Civil Code"?

helped stabilize French society. affirmed political/legal equality for all men & individuals qualified for education because of talent. protected private property. restored patriarchal authority in family

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his "Social Contract", argued that in every country the sovereign voice of government..?

in an ideal society all individuals would participate directly in the formulation of policy and creation of laws "IS THE PEOPLE"

Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were joined together as the Dominion of Canada..?

in the British North America Act of 1867- each province had its own seat of government, provincial legislature, and lieutenant government representing the British crown


industrial production--> wealth and a large portion flowed to the middle class. Family went through change during period; less common for family to work in groups

beginning in the 19 century, industrializing lands experienced a social change known as the demographic transition when..?

industrialization transformed societies and fertility began a decline. short run-mortality fell even faster than fertility so populations continued to increase

the leaders of the Convention hoped to hold off invading counterrevolutionary forces by?

instituting the "levee en masse" (mass levy) or universal conscription that drafted people and resources for use in the war against invading forces

In the 1880s Otto von Bismarck..?

introduced medical insurance, unemployment compensation, and retirement pensions to provide social security for working people in industrial society in Germany

James Watt's steam engine did not adapt well to transportation uses because...?

it consumed too much coal

Argentine president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, in his book "Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism", proposed that?

it was necessary for Buenos Aires to bring discipline to the disorderly Argentine countryside

the Mexican politician Ponciano Arriaga called for?

land reform

William Wilberforce..?

leading spokesman of antislavery movement. English who was elected to Parliament

the 1905 Bloody Sunday massacre eventually..?

led to revolution and the establishment of the Duma, Russia's first parliamentary institution

among the leading proponents of conservatism in the 18 century was?


which of the following Young Turk proposals caused the most dissension in the empire?

making Turkish the official language of the empire

during the rule of the Directory?

members were unable to resolve the economic and military problems in revolutionary France

Louis Riel was the leader of the?

metis and indigenous people of western Canada

as part of the Russian reforms, during the reign of Alexander II the government created zemstvos..?

or elected district assemblies

the British Calico Acts of 1720 and 1721..?

prohibited imports of printed cotton cloth and restricted the sale of calicoes at home

one of the chief reasons that the framers of the US Constitution were opposed to abolishing slavery was?

recognized the sanctity of private property, including slaves

Cuadillos were?

regional military leaders

what did Marx refer to as the "opiate of the masses"?


the leaders of the French Revolution..?

repudiated existing society and sought to replace it with the new political, social, and cultural structures

in response to the "Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen"..?

revolutionary leaders dismissed her appeal and refused to consider women's rights..they executed her in 1793

Marx suggested that music, art, and literature?

served the purposes of capitalists since they amused the working classes and diverted attention from their misery

Marx and the communists believed that private property..?

should be abolished and worked toward the institution of a radically egalitarian society

the victory of the northern states in the US Civil War meant that?

slavery would end in the US, the US would remain politically united, and it enhanced the authority of the federal government in the American republic

the invention of the flying shuttle from john kay..?

sped up the weaving process and stimulated demand for thread

James Watt invented a more efficient steam pump when?

steam engines burned coal to boil water and create steam

Henry Bessemer's innovations made it possible to produce cheaper..?


the War of 1812?

stimulated a sense of unity against an external threat

according to Marx, all of human history had been a history of?

struggles between social classes

New France passed into British control after?

the British victory in the Seven Years' War

the event that best displayed Japan's rise to the level of a world power was their victory in?

the Chinese and Russian empires

the great epic poem that expressed the life of the gaucho and lamented its decline was?

the Gaucho Martin Fierro

Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881 by?

the Land and Freedom Party

Benito Juarez was?

the President of Mexico who led La Reform which aimed to limit the power of the military the ROman Catholic church in Mexican society

the term "manifest destiny" is associated with what country?

the United States

Theodore Herzl was the founder of?

the World Zionist Organization

the first efficient means of contraception without negative side effects was?

the condom

in terms of the industrial development of the United States in the late 19th century, the most important economic development was?

the construction of railroad lines that linked all US regions and helped create an integrated national economy

the dominant form of industrial organization in Europe, the United States, and Japan by the end of the 19 century was?

the factory

Muhammad Ali was?

the general who built a powerful army based on European forces and ruled egypt- remained nominally subordinate to the Ottoman sultan

the first steam-powered locomotive was George Stephenson's..?

the rocket, but it still burned too much coal for use at sea

the Meiji reformers actively copied the western Europeans and Americans because?

they wanted to obtain the knowledge and expertise to strengthen the Japanese and win revisions of unequal treaties

while women in France and Latin America did not win the right to vote until after the Second World War, American and British women gained the franchise...?

to vote in 1920 and 1928

after the conclusion of the American Civil War, freed blacks?

underwent a program of social and political Reconstruction - extended civil rights to freed slaves and provided black men with voting rights. had not received land grants so many had to work as sharecroppers for former slave owners

Lin Zexu?

was given the task of destroying the opium trade

Sultan Abdul Hamid II?

was pushed to accept a constitution and establish rep.government-- within a year; suspended constitution, ruled autocratically for 30 years, developed army/admin. according to Tanzimat principles

which of the following was not a rebellion that threatened China in the 19th century?

was: Nian, Muslim, Tungan, Taiping

which of the following was not one of the principles of the Taiping Rebellion?

was: abolition of private property, creation of communal wealth to be shared according to needs, prohibition of footbinding/concubinage,free public education, literacy for the masses, simplification of written language

which of the following was not one of the principles built into the government of the newly formed American state?

was: all men are created equal, people have a say in the government

which of the following was not a problem that plagued Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and south and southeast Asia?

was: attracted little foreign investment and developed little mechanical industry. foreign owners controlled plantations that produced exported crops and most profits went abroad. low wages of plantation workers.

which of the following was not one of the foundations of the Meiji Restoration?

was: centralize political power, abolition of daimyo/samurai classes, converted grain tax into a fixed-money tax, constitution limited authority of the Diet (monarchy with legislature), emperor had right to dissolve parliament, remodeling the economy (telegraph, railroad, abolished tariffs, etc)

which of the following is not one of the reasons for the victory of the northern states in the US Civil War?

was: emancipation struck at heart of the southern war effort since slaves made up a huge portion of the region's labor force, north brought considerable resources to the war effort- 90% of the country's industrial capacity and 2/3 of its railroad lines

which one of the following was not one of the basic ideals of the Enlightenment thinkers?

was: issues of freedom and equality and sovereignty.

which of the following was not one of the leading principles of the Young Turks?

was: universal suffrage, equality before the law, freedom of religion, free public education, secularization of the state, emancipation of women

Edmund Cartwright was responsible for the invention of the?

water driven power loom

the goal of Simon Bolivar was to?

weld the former Spanish colonies of South America into a great confederation like the USA

the Luddites?

were an organized band of English handicaft workers who destroyed textile machines that they blamed for their unemployment ( after machine centered factories became popular)

the working conditions of the growing Russian industrial class in St. Petersburg and Moscow?

were miserable

the US invasion of Canada in the War of 1812?

were repelled by Canadians which promoted sense of Canadian pride, and anti-US sentiments became a means for covering differences among French/British canadians

in Japan, industrialization took place..?

when imperial authorities pushed it and hired foreign experts to instruct Japanese workers in techniques of modern industry

the growing demand for cotton cloth in the 18 century threatened British..?

wool producers who persuaded Parliament to pass laws to protect the domestic wool industry

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