Chapter 29 Kennedy/Vietnam War Years

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Che Guevara

(1928-1967) Argentinean revolutionary leader; he was an aide to Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution. Marxist.

Kennedy Assassination

(JFK) , Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas 1963 on November 22. LBJ took the oath of office when Kennedy died hours later.

Johnson Administration

-continued JFK's policies -Civil Rights -Medicare/Medicaid -education (spiked in cost) -announced war on poverty -introduced the escalation policy in Vietnam

Robert F. Kennedy

1925-1968 *Brother of JFK *Served as Attorney General under Kennedy *Elected as senator from New York in 1964 *Democrat *Pushed for desegregation and election regulation *Presidential candidate in 1968 *Argued for a quick and peaceful end to the Vietnam War *Won the California primary on June 5, 1968 *He was assassinated in California by Sirhan Sirhan in June 1968

Japanese Occupation of Vietnam

1940-1945. Ho Chi Minh and other Vietnamese Nationalists were not happy that a new foreign power was controlling them. Again, they used their tunnels to resist against the Japanese occupation

French-Vietnamese War

1946-1954. After the Japanese left Vietnam at the end of WWII, Ho Chi Minh and his followers declared Vietnam independent from any foreign power in a declaration similar to the American Declaration of Independence- but without the democratic ideals. It was a new communist country. The French returned to reclaim Vietnam, so the Vietminh(Minh's followers) fought back, once again using their tunnels and guerrilla warfare tactics. The French surrendered to the Vietnamese Communist forces at the village of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954. At the Geneva Accords in July 1954, the French agreed to leave Vietnam and the country was divided into two parts- the North and South- at the 17th parallel. Unifying elections were supposed to take place in July 1956.

Vietnam War

1955-1975- US soldiers/military advisors in Vietnam. 1964-1973- US soldiers in active combat positions in Vietnam. (Pretty much the whole thing is about Vietnam, see other flashcards)

Cuban Missile Crisis

1962 crisis that arose between the United States and the Soviet Union over a Soviet attempt to deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba. Lasted 12 days. When the US found out, they ordered the USSR to remove the missiles and the US Navy imposed a blockade around Cuba on the orders of President Kennedy. USSR declares the blockade an act of war. It was the closest the world came to a nuclear war/nuclear winter. Soviets and Cuba say they are leveling the playing field(because U.S. has nuclear missiles all around Europe/Turkey/Italy/Middle East. The Soviet ships containing more essential parts for the missiles turn away. The US agrees to remove some missiles from Italy and Turkey(and not invade Cuba) and USSR agrees to remove missiles from Cuba. They both signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and they established a telephone hotline so the leaders of the US and USSR could easily talk to each other.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

1964 Congressional resolution authorizing President Johnson to take military action in Vietnam. They also include a "blank check"- it gives LBJ all the money for everything he needs to escalate and fight the war in Vietnam. Only 2 senators voted against it. Support for the war was strong at the time the TG Resolution was passed- it was seen as the US defending its honor.

Tet Offensive

1968, during Tet(the Vietnamese New Year)- the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army raiding forces attacked provincial capitals throughout South Vietnam, even seizing the U.S. embassy for a time. Mass uprising and guerrilla attacks across the country. There had been a ceasefire on this day in previous years, so American troops were not expecting the attack. The US reclaimed all territory and more within 2 weeks, but it showed the US that the war was nowhere near victory. The Vietcong and NVA were still strong. U.S. opinion at home also began turning against the war. For the first time, the number of doves(peace) outnumbered the number of hawks(pro-war). Doves = 43% Hawks = 42%.

Richard M. Nixon

1969-1974 *Thirty-seventh President *Republican *Prior to becoming president in 1969, Nixon served as US representative, senator, and vice president *Victory was easy because of the heavily divided Democratic Party *Nixon oversaw "Vietnamization," which called for the training of South Vietnamese troops to assume responsibility for military actions and the US to slowly pull out of Vietnam *He began to remove United States troops in phase from South Vietnam *Ended the draft *Approved bombing raids on Laos and Cambodia even after Vietnamization went into affect(the Ho Chi Minh went through that area too), using Napalm and Agent Orange *Resigned following Watergate scandal, becoming the first president to do so

Paris Peace Accords

1973 peace agreement between the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong that effectively ended the Vietnam War. The U.S. agreed to withdraw all troops from Vietnam and North Vietnam returned all American prisoners. In 1974, fighting between the North and South broke out again. North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in 1975. The US refused to re-enter the war. The war finally ended when the North Vietnamese captured the South's capital, Saigon. It was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The country was finally reunited and the Communist leaders declared it the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Neil Armstrong

1st person to walk on the moon; U.S. Apollo 11; July 1969; his famous words - "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." American. Part of the space race.

Liberal Ideas About Government

Big government there to help the people. JFK, A Democrat, exemplified the liberal idea about government in his new frontier policies.

Racism in Vietnam

Black and Latino soldiers were more likely to be given the dangerous front-line combat fighting positions. Also, those currently in school, college, or graduate school were not eligible for the draft. The majority of college students were white and wealthy at the time, meaning that they were temporarily exempt from the draft. If you were rich, you could usually figure out a way to get out of the Draft or receive a less dangerous assignment.


Capital of North Vietnam (fought for communism and with Communist help they broke free of the French).

Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)

Capital of South Vietnam. Peace fell through and S Vietnam asked US for help but we refused --> SV's capital Saigon fell to NV and it became Ho Chi Minh City.

Napalm and Agent Orange

Chemical weapons used by the US to try to clear out vegetation so that they could locate the enemy in the jungles. Ended up causing cancer and other health issues among both civilians and Vietnam veterans.

Vietnamese Immigration

Cities, farms, forests, villages- almost everything in Vietnam was burned and destroyed. Millions of soldiers and civilians had died. Former South Vietnamese soldiers/leaders were forced to undergo Communist re-education camps. 1.5 million Vietnamese people left Vietnam, with around half coming to the US.

Fidel Castro

Communist dictator of Cuba who came into power in 1959. After his initial failed attempt at a revolution(1952/3), he fled to Mexico. As Batista's popularity declined, Castro's support grew and he returned. He used guerilla tactics, which eventually won him the Cuban Revolution. Batista had a huge party and fled the country on December 31, 1958. Castro took a victory parade around all of Cuba. The Cuban people originally loved Castro- they celebrated in the streets. Castro had a mythical/god-like aura in Cuba. He was a performer and used the strong Christianity of many Cubans to his advantage. Castro was not a good person- he murdered many people during the revolution.

Ho Chi Minh

Communist leader of North Vietnam. He was a Vietnamese Nationalist and led the fight against the French and then the Japanese occupation. He used his personal army/guerilla fighting force, the Vietminh. After the Japanese were forced out, Minh declared Vietnamese independence in a similar statement as the US Declaration of Independence, but without democratic ideals. He again led the fight against the French using guerilla tactics and their long-established tunnels during the French Vietnamese War. After the Geneva Accords in 1954 established a North and South Vietnam, Minh became the leader of a communist North Vietnam. The Vietminh became the North Vietnamese Army. He fought against the Americans and South Vietnamese to reunify the country starting in 1964, but had been fighting the South Vietnamese for a longer period of time. Vietnam became one (communist) country when they invaded South Vietnam after the Americans had left in 1975. He had been educated in Europe and was a true Marxist.


Country 90 miles off the coast of Florida. Capital is Havana. Originally under the rule of Fulgencio Batista, who the U.S. labelled as "democratic". It really just meant not communist. Over time, he became more and more of a military dictator and practices nepotism(bringing family and friends into government). On December 31, 1959, Batista and his friends have a huge party then leave Cuba- they know Fidel Castro is about to take power. Fidel Castro takes power and goes on a victory parade the next day. Many Cubans were in favor of Castro's communist approaches, partly because Batista was a military dictator. They celebrated in the streets. Castro also has a mythical presence in Cuba- he presents himself as a gift from God(using many Cubans' strong Christianity). During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Soviets sent nuclear missiles to their ally Cuba and were finishing the process when America found out. The crisis was resolved when Soviet ships turned around from the U.S. blockade around Cuba and the Soviets agreed to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba(and Americans agreed to remove some stuff too). Particularly concerning because of its proximity to the mainland U.S.


Country in Southeast Asia that was originally part of French Indochina and then occupied by the Japanese during WWII. Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh fought the French in the French-Vietnamese War for independence from 1946-1954. Minh and the Vietminh had also previously fought against the French and Japanese using guerilla tactics and their tunnel systems. A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese/Soviets and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States.

U.S. Military "Advisors" to Vietnam

During Eisenhower's presidency the first American military advisors were sent to South Vietnam. • Kennedy continued military aid to South Vietnam and significantly increased the number of "advisors" who trained the South Vietnamese army and guarded weapons and facilities. • By 1963, there were over 16,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam. However, at this point they were support/advisors rather than combat troops. - after the Tonkin Gulf Incident, combat troops were sent in/


Emerged as the most famous socialist belief system during the 19th century. Saw all of history as the story of class struggle. AKA Communism. Ho Chi Minh, leader of North Vietnam, was educated in Europe and was a true Marxist.

Yuri Gagarin

First man in space in April 1961 - Soviet. Part of the space race between the US and the Soviets.

December 31, 1959

Fulgencio Batista threw a huge New Years bash before taking his close family and friends on planes to flee Cuba.

Pentagon Papers

Government documents that showed the public had been lied to about the status of the war in Vietnam. They had not been making as much progress in Vietnam as they had lead the American public to believe. Released by the New York Times in June 1971 and fueled anti-war support/sentiment.

Fulgencio Batista

He was a pro-American military dictator of Cuba before Castro. He took power in 1952 and stopped the upcoming elections. Brought his family and friends into high positions of government(nepotism). Labelled democratic by the US, but that only meant not communist. He left Cuba on December 31, 1959 and fled to the US after Castro's victory became apparent. His overthrow led to Castro and communists taking over Cuba, which became friendly to the Soviets.

National Liberation Front (NLF)

Ho Chi Minh wanted to unite Vietnam under Northern rule and aided a group of communist rebels trying to overthrow Diem in the south. The official title of the Viet Cong. Created in 1960, they lead an uprising against Diem's repressive regime in the South. They used the previously built tunnels and guerilla tactics to ambush American and South Vietnamese soldiers.

Dien Bien Phu

In 1954, Vietminh rebels besieged a French garrison at Dien Bien Phu, deep in the interior of northern Vietnam. In May, after the United States refused to intervene, Dien Bien Phu fell to the Communists and the French surrendered. The Geneva Accords later that year freed Vietnam from the French, but split the country into two parts.

Communism in Laos and Cambodia

In 1975, Communist leaders took over both Cambodia and Laos- showing the Domino effect was partly factual. The Cambodian Communist Army, or the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, killed around 1.5 million people. They said they were destroying all of the enemies of Communism.

Bay of Pigs

In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba(the Bay of Pigs) in an effort to overthrow the communist dictator Fidel Castro. The Cuban exiles were trained in guerilla warfare/tactics. They were counting on the element of surprise, U.S. air support, and the support of Cubans when they arrived. None of that happened. Castro was ready for them when they landed, there was no air support, and many Cubans backed Castro and did not join the exiles. When the invasion ended in disaster, President Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure. It was a plan created during the Eisenhower administration- all Kennedy had to do was say yes. Afterward, the CIA called it the "Perfect Failure". It boosted Castro's ego and made America look weak. After being humiliated, Kennedy wanted to leave Cuba alone.

Johnson's Approval Rating

It steadily decreased as the Vietnam War slogged on without any progress or American victory. It started high when he had to fill in after JFK's assassination. People liked that he wanted to continue Kennedy's work and legacy before making his own. After the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, many Americans approved of the decision to go to war and "defend the honor of the U.S.". Only 2 Senators voted against the Resolution- support for the war was strong. When the number of doves (people against the war) outnumbered the hawks(people for the war) after the Tet Offensive, LBJ's approval rating also dropped, and so did his congressional approval. Just two months after the Tet Offensive, he announced he would not be running for re-election.

17th Parallel

Line of latitude that separated North and South Vietnam. The DMZ-Demilitarized zone separating North and South Vietnam after the French ended war. War continued when US encouraged South Vietnam/Ngo Dinh Diem not to hold elections due to fear of communist win.

26th Amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 (1971). It was unfair to force 18, 19, and 20 year olds to be drafted and fight in the Vietnam war when they could not vote for the elected officials who were making those decisions. Taxation(fighting) without representation.

John Glenn

Made the first orbital rocket-powered flight by a United States astronaut in 1962- in other words, the first American to orbit the Earth.

Kent State Massacre

May 4, 1970. A protest on the Kent State University campus turned violent when students set fire to the ROTC (Reverse Officer Training Corps). The National Guard was called in- the "tin soldiers". Four students were killed, nine wounded by Ohio National Guard during protest of U.S. invasion and bombing of Cambodia.

Soviet Union(USSR)

Much more than this term. They were the United States' prime enemy during the Cold War, Arms Race, and Space Race. Placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, which the US found and demanded they be removed, leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Soviets agreed to remove them once the U.S. agreed to remove some from Italy and Turkey. Jointly signed Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and established a telephone hotline. Launched the first man into space (Yuri Gagarin). Backed North Vietnam in the Vietnam War- although did not fight face to face with American troops.

Vietnamese Nationalists

Nationalist communist army led by Ho Chi Minh that wanted to crate an independent Vietnam. Fought against the French, Japanese, and French in the French Vietnamese War as the Vietminh. Created a similar declaration of independence to the US after Japan was driven out, but without the democratic ideals. After the creation of North Vietnam (1954), they were part of the North Vietnamese Army and their allies in South Vietnam were called the Vietcong.

Reunification Elections

Ngo Bien Diem was afraid that the Communists would win so he didn't want to participate in the elections. The U.S backed his decision. To stamp out growing support for Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh in South Vietnam, Diem began arresting thousands of citizens and torturing/murdering them. The 1956 elections were supposed to unify North and South Vietnam.

Buddhist Monk Protests

Ngo Bien Diem, a Christian, was persecuting and oppressing Buddhist people in South Vietnam- even though it was the majority religion. Diem also tortured and murdered thousands who spoke out against him. In response, several Buddhist monks lit themselves on fire, participated in hunger strikes, etc. to protest religious intolerance.

Religious Persecution in South Vietnam

Ngo Dinh Diem, the country's "democratic"/power-hungry leader, was Christian. Most of the country was Buddhist. Diem persecuted and jailed many Buddhists for their difference of religion. In response, one Buddhist monk set himself on fire to protest/raise awareness about the religious persecution against Buddhists in South Vietnam.

Alliance for Progress

Nonmilitary program aimed at defeating communism in Latin America. Gave Latin American countries 20 billion dollars in aid. Was aimed at cementing trade and other relations. It also showed our strength/made allies against communism. Example of containment, but without military intervention. Unsuccessful and did not improve conditions/relations.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

North Vietnamese reunite country under Communist rule, ending the war. They re-name the country.

Vietnam Draft

On December 1, 1969, the Selective Service System of the United States conducted two lotteries to determine the order of call to military service in the Vietnam War for men born from 1944 to 1950. The Vietnam Draft ran from 1969-1973, and all men ages 18-26 had to register. If you were called up, you had to go and fight. It was one way the government tried to deal with the decreasing amount of troops in Vietnam, since few of the men who had signed up originally wanted to re-enlist their contracts. Many Americans believed that the draft targeted the poor and Black Americans, since the wealthy(mainly white) could afford to go to college and put off serving in the military indefinitely. Also, many wealthy could get assigned less dangerous positions in Vietnam. -Legal ways to avoid the draft - education(high school, college, grad school)- favors the wealthy/white and an incentive to not fail out, graduations were bittersweet(often men had to go fight in Vietnam next)- race inequalities - medical condition- physical disabilities(lost an arm, bad eyesight), mental challenges(fewer diagnosed then), sole dependent for someone(single parent) - other job deemed more important(working in a weapons factory/science) -Illegal Ways to Avoid the Draft - not go/show up(but had to disappear after so gov. could not find you) - self mutilation(hurting yourself so you are not eligible) - don't ask, don't tell policy(LBGTQ+ people were not allowed in the military, so some people said they were)

Lee Harvey Oswald

On November 22, 1963, he assassinated President Kennedy who was riding downtown Dallas, Texas. Oswald was later shot in front of television cameras by Jack Ruby.


Southeast Asia. Originally part of French Indochina. A country bordering South Vietnam to the west and was a stronghold for Vietcong troops to build up and then penetrate S. Vietnam borders with ease. Much of the Ho Chi Minh trail(transport route from North Vietnam to South Vietnam- the Vietcong for weapons/soldiers/info) was in Cambodia. Consequently, Nixon proceeded to enact a military procedure to eradicate Communist troop bases and villages in this country using intense bombing and firebombing. While he believed that this plan would allow him to end the war quickly and decisively, it only succeeded in igniting a civil war in this country and a new procession of protests in America. After the end of the Vietnam War, Pol Pot took over as a Communist dictator, and the Khmer Rouge, his group/army, murdered millions of people.

East Germany/Berlin, West Germany/Berlin

Soviet-controlled East Germany and Berlin, Democratic/West/U.S. controlled West Germany/Berlin. Many people living in East Berlin and East Germany fled to West Berlin, so in response, the Soviets erected the Berlin Wall around West Berlin. They could not afford to lose their large workforce/population, something that was necessary for a Communist country's success. Lack of people--> lack of labor---> lack of production---> lack of wealth


Stands for "Absent Without Leave", or "Absent Without Official Leave". One way soldiers dealt with/reacted to

Guerilla tactics/warfare

Techniques typically used by the less technologically advanced side in a war who knows the terrain well- "the little guy". Involved lots of hit and run and sabotage attacks. Used by George Washington in the Revolutionary War, Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution, and the Vietcong(communist) in the French Vietnamese War and the Vietnam War.

Alan Shepard Jr.

The 1st American to make a space flight aboard Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961. Part of the space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

William Calley

The American lieutenant whose unit began shooting and killing unarmed civilians at My Lai village in Vietnam. It was a village suspected of Vietcong activity. He later maintained that he was following orders, but many of the soldiers present did not participate in the massacre. He was charged and convicted of murder, but after one year his record was scrubbed clean and he did not finish his jail term.

French Colonization of Asia

The French colonized Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia during the Age of Imperialism. They called it French Indochina- "under china". Vietnamese nationalists, led by Ho Chi Minh, resisted the French occupation from the early 1900s on. They built tunnels for easy ambush attacks, which were later used in the French-Vietnamese War and Vietnam War.

Turning Point in the War

The Tet Offensive was the turning point in the Vietnam War, and US public opinion. The US realized it would not be a quick victory in the Vietnam War.

Project Apollo

The U.S. program to reach the Moon. Apollo 11 was the mission in which Neil Armstrong was the first human to step onto the Moon's surface. Name for the program that was designed with the goal of landing on the moon.

Soviet/Chinese Position in Vietnam

The USSR and the PRC(People's Republic of China) both aided North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh without sending actual combat troops to Vietnam

North Vietnamese Army (NVA)

The army of communist North Vietnam, which supported the Vietcong in South Vietnam with troops, information, and supplies. Ho Chi Minh's group of militarized followers, the Vietminh, became part of the NVA after Minh became the leader of North Vietnam.

Lunar Module "Eagle"

The capsule/craft that landed on the moon for the first time, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on board.

Jackie Kennedy

The wife of President John F. Kennedy, fashion icon, inspired many people and women around the world. Charmed French leaders with her manners and diplomacy during a state visit.

Anti-war Demonstrations

They increased significantly as more and more American soldiers died in the Vietnam War and the war dragged on. Many young people took part in them and they often occurred on college campuses. Anti-war supporters were called doves(for peace). After the Tet Offensive in January 1968, more Americans were anti-war than pro-war. One happened at the Democratic National Convention of 1968. One of the worst/most violent demonstrations happened at the Kent State University. 4 students were killed in what became known as the Kent State Massacre.

Treatment of Vietnam Veterans Returning to USA

They were not treated as previous American war veterans had been- no parades, etc. There were shunned and ignored by the public. Some anti-war people insulted and threw objects at them. This was one factor that led many Vietnam veterans to become depressed and PTSD rates dramatically increased, as did suicide, drug use, and alcoholism.

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Treaty, signed by the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, banned nuclear testing aboveground.

Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)

VP under JFK who was sworn in as president after JFK's assassination; actively supported civil rights legislation and affirmative action(he continued Kennedy's work/legacy); seen as responsible for the Vietnam War because of his policy of escalation(dramatically increasing number of troops, planes, bombs, etc. to win the war). Did not run for re-election in 1968 after his approval ratings dropped. Very unpopular by the end of his term in office.

Nuclear Missiles

Weapons with atomic/nuclear bombs attached that could be launched with a pinpoint accuracy. The Soviets placed these in Cuba in 1962, leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis. In return, the Americans agreed to remove their own from Italy and Turkey. The US had many sprinkled across Europe and the Middle East, ready to launch at the USSR.

Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated Communist East and the U.S.-dominated democratic/capitalist West. Widely used. Includes the Soviet Union and their satellite states(East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc.). After the war, the Soviets left troops and set up governments in the countries they liberated on their journey to Berlin. Expanded the USSR to include countries such as Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Belarus, etc. After the Soviets built the Berlin Wall in 1961, it became a literal division.


A person who is trained to travel into outer space, the word used by U.S. and other non-Soviet countries.

John F. Kennedy (JFK)

35th President of the United States. Was in office during the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis and the Building of the Berlin Wall. The Bay of Pigs was seen as a failure, but the other two major events were seen as successes. First Catholic President. Husband of Jackie Kennedy. They were both seen as a new, young power couple as opposed to most politicians. He was relatable to many Americans. People his age were the ones fighting on the front lines in WWII- even Kennedy himself. Democrat- believed in expanding social welfare programs(social security, healthcare, minimum wage, better roads, schools, civil rights, etc.). His "New Frontier" programs(foreign and domestic) helped the less fortunate in the U.S. and around the world. He created the Alliance for Progress, which although unsuccessful gave billions of dollars in aid to Latin American countries in an attempt to better trade and relations. He still stuck to the containment policy, but his own spin was the New Frontier. People nicknamed his cabinet/administration Camelot- after the King Arthur's Round Table Myth- all good things are bound to come to an end. Put his family and friends, such as brother Robert, into senior cabinet positions. This ruffled some feathers.

Land Redistribution

A Communist policy enacted in places such as Cuba and North Vietnam where land is taken from those who own large amounts and redistributed to those who have little or none. Part of the "everyone is equal" Communist ideal.


A Russian astronaut; "sailor of the universe".


A Southeast Asian country originally part of French Indochina; bordering Vietnam; part of the Ho Chi Minh trail ran through this country and so the U.S. also heavily bombed this country with napalm and agent orange. A country west of Vietnam that was overthrown by communists after the end of the Vietnam War (1975).

Nikita Khrushchev

A Soviet leader/premier during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ruled the USSR from 1958-1964; lessened government control of soviet citizens; sought peaceful coexistence with the West instead of confrontation. Agreed to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba, signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, authorized the construction of the Berlin Wall, and installed a telephone hotline with the United States.


A U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances. Gave economic aid to countries resisting communism(such as Greece and Turkey)

Telephone "Hotline"

A direct telephone line in constant operational readiness so as to facilitate immediate communication. One was established in 1963, after the Cuban Missile Crisis, between the American president and Soviet premier.

Berlin Wall

A fortified(barbed wire and concrete) wall surrounding West Berlin, Germany, built during the night of August 12-13, 1961 to prevent East German citizens from traveling to the West. The population of East Berlin and East Germany was rapidly decreasing, and it was necessary to have a large population to have a large labor force to have wealth. It is how communism works, and if emigration kept up, there would not be enough people left in East Germany. The Soviets threatened to invade West Berlin before the war was built. JFK said that would never happen- he gave his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech in 1963, saying the US was not going to leave West Berlin behind. Its demolition in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War. This wall was both a deterrent to individuals trying to escape and a symbol of repression to the free world.


A group of Communist guerrillas who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought against the South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War. They were people living in South Vietnam who supported the Communist North and Ho Chi Minh. They launched surprise attacks and ambushes on American troops in South Vietnam- which made it seem like the US was fighting two enemies. They had tunnel networks beneath villages where fighters could hide after ambushes and where weapons and information was passed/stored.

Khmer Rouge

A group of Communist rebels who seized power in Cambodia in 1975. Also known as the Cambodian Communist Army. Led by ruthless dictator Pol Pot. Murdered millions of supposed enemies of communism in Cambodia.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

A network of jungle paths winding from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam, used as a military route by North Vietnam to supply the Vietcong with weapons, etc. during the Vietnam War. Mostly above ground and in densely forested area or mountainous terrain.

Cuban Revolution

A political revolution that removed the United States supported military dictator Fulgencio Batista from power. The US only supported his "democratic" government because it was not communist- they did not want a Communist country close(containment). In Castro's first attempt at revolution(1952/3), he used guerilla/hit and run tactics but was unsuccessful. He fled to Mexico and supported and led the gradual revolution from there. Batista and his friends fled to the US after a large party on December 31, 1958. The revolution was led by Fidel Castro who became the new leader of Cuba as a communist dictator. The Cuban people originally loved Castro- they celebrated in the streets. Castro had a mythical/god-like aura in Cuba. He was a performer and used the strong Christianity of many Cubans to his advantage. Castro was not a good person- he murdered many people during the revolution

Domino Theory

A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control. Used to justify the Vietnam War, saying that one small Communist country on the other side of the world would lead to its neighbors, and eventually all of Asia, turning Communist. Partly right- soon after Vietnam became completely Communist, Laos and Cambodia were overrun by Communist dictators/governments.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Alleged attack of US ships by North Vietnamese torpedoes in the Tonkin Gulf on August 4, 1964, 10 miles offshore North Vietnam. The stories of various US captains varied, but we fired back and claimed it was an act of war. It prompted the escalation of the War in Vietnam.

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

American astronaut who planted the American flag on the moon's surface along with Neil Armstrong. Second man to walk on the moon. American.


Americans who opposed the Vietnam War. Thought US was spending too much on the war. Prioritized US domestic programs, such as healthcare, schools, roads, and civil rights.


Americans who supported the Vietnam War. Prioritized military spending over domestic spending; wanted to look strong in the world view. Highest Vietnam support/number of hawks just after the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.


An act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving, especially using military force(like a navy). Put in place by the US/US Navy around Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis to prevent more Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba. It was declared an act of war by the USSR.

Peace Corps

An agency established in 1961 by JFK to provide volunteer assistance (mostly young) to developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Included digging wells and building schools. More successful than the Alliance for Progress. Non-military. Showed goodwill but also saying ''We are helping you, and the Soviets are not helping you"- building allies.

Vietcong Tunnels

An elaborate series of tunnels the Vietcong could attack from, store weapons in, pass information in, and hide in. They were easily able to surprise US and South Vietnamese soldiers from the tunnels. The tunnels ran beneath villages and were remnants from fights against the French and Japanese.


An organization of Vietnamese Communists and other nationalist groups that between 1946 and 1954 fought for Vietnamese independence from the French. They were Ho Chi Minh's personal guerilla fighters/Vietnamese Nationalists and became part of the North Vietnamese Army after Minh successfully secured power.

"The Perfect Failure"

Another term for the catastrophic and humiliating Bay of Pigs invasion, used by the CIA.

Maya Ying Lin

Architect and artist who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. when she was only 21 years old. The Memorial, dedicated in 1982, helped heal old wounds over the Vietnam War.

French Indochina

Area of southeast Asia controlled by France during the Age of Imperialism. Includes Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. The French lost the area during WWII and had to fight the Vietcong in the French-Vietnamese War from 1946-1954. The French surrendered and Vietnam gained independence but was split into two parts.

Sirhan Sirhan

Assassinated Robert Kennedy on June 5, 1968 in California after hearing pro-Israeli remarks in his victory statement after having won the California primaries.

Bombing in Vietnam

One of the first things the lead general in Vietnam, William Westmoreland, did was OPERATION ROLLING THUNDER. It was an organized bombing campaign and used chemical and fire-spreading bombs made of materials such as napalm and Agent Orange. 1. Target war industry/where weapons and supplies are made - only one big industrial city in North Vietnam, so they target Hanoi 2. Target Ho Chi Minh Trail - usually went through (above ground) forested/heavily covered area and mountainous terrain - it was a major supply route from North Vietnam to South Vietnam, which is why it was targeted - the US aimed at burning away the tree canopy covering the trail so they could easily see and attack soldiers/informers on the trail - a large part of the trail ran through Cambodia and Laos, so they were heavily bombed too - Environmentalists were upset that the US was trying to burn forests for the war - Napalm and Agent Orange both turned out to cause cancer among civilians and veterans


Only 90 miles from the newly Communist Cuba. Its proximity worried US leaders, who did not want Soviet nuclear missiles being so close to the US mainland.

"Blank Check"

Part of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. It gave LBJ access to all the money for everything he needs to escalate and fight the Vietnam War. It increases the presidential/executive power.

Space Race

Part of the arms race- the race between the US and USSR to make discoveries and conquer the new frontier of space. Many scientists and military leaders believed that control of space would be very important. Consequently, the USA and USSR invested billions of dollars in developing satellites, space stations, rockets, etc. This investment led to great scientific advances, but also caused friction and insecurities. Included competitions such as the race to get the first satellite into space, the first man in space, the first man on the moon, etc.

"The New Frontier" Policies and Programs

President Kennedy's plan aimed at improving the economy, fighting racial discrimination, and exploring space. Foreign and domestic policy. Aimed at helping the less fortunate in the US and the world, while also showing strength(military and defense spending). In the US, he helped people with healthcare, better roads, schools, civil rights, etc. He introduced the Alliance for Progress and the Peace Corps, both plans focused on helping developing countries and also cementing allies against communism. The Peace Corps was more successful. All policies were aimed at helping people and stuck to the traditional liberal/democratic ideas about government.

George Wallace

Racist governor of Alabama in 1962 ("segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"). Ran for president in 1968 on American Independent Party ticket of racism, law and order, loses to Nixon. Receives 46 electoral votes from Southern states.

1968 Election

Republican Richard M. Nixon, Democrat Hubert Humphrey, and American Independent George Wallace. Nixon won. The Democratic National Convention had narrowly awarded the nomination to Hubert Humphrey, the vice president under Johnson. One anti-war democratic primary candidate was Eugene McCarthy- but he did not receive the nomination. RFK was shot before the convention took place. The convention soon turned violent inside and violent riots raged outside the doors. The split Democratic party, and the support of George Wallace by the South, helped the Republican Richard Nixon to win.

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