Chapter 29 Reproductive System

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ovarian hilus

Blood vessels enter the ovaries at ?


Ductus deferens enlarges to form

Primary follicles and primary oocyte One of the follicles will be selected to move into the next step and the other will disintegrate Turn into Secondary follicle

During primary follicles what occurs?

primary oocytes by mitosis BEFORE BIRTH

Female reproductive stem cells produce?


In adult females, the ovaries or female gonads release only one imature gamete called

too few spermatozoa survive the ascent of the female reproductive tract to perform fertilization

Most individuals with lower sperm counts are infertile because ?

ovarian and suspensory ligaments

Ovaries are held in position by ?

the broad ligament

Ovaries, uterine tubes and uterus are enclosed within ?

One daughter cell remains at the lumen and the other differentiates into primary spermatocytes

Spermatogonia is then divided by mitosis to produce two daughter cells. What do they differentiate into?

1. epididymis 2. the ductus deferens 3. ejactulatory duct 4. urethra

Starting from a testis, the spermatozoa travel within ______

1. Gonads 2. ducts that recieve and transport the gametes 3. accessory glands and organs that secrete fluids into the ducts of respiratory system 4. external genitalia

The reproductive system includes the following basic components:

primary spermatocytes

What are the cells that begin meiosis?

1. It monitors and adjusts the composition of fluid in seminferous tubules 2. It acts as a recycling center for damaged spermatozoa 3. It stores and protects spermatozoa and facilitates their functional maturation

What are the functions of the epididymis?

1. Passageway for elimination of menstrual fluids 2. Receives the penis during sexual intercourse 3. Forms the inferior portion of the birth canal

What are the functions of the vagina?


What are the organs called that produce gametes and hormones?

1. Follicular phase (preovulatory) day 1-14 PRE OVULATION 2. Luteal phase (postovulatory) day 14- 28 POST OVULATION

What are the parts of ovarian cycle?

1. Maintenance of blood testis barrier 2. Support mitosis and meiosis 3. Support during spermoegensis 4. Secrete inhibin 5. Secrete androgen binding protein 6. Secrete Mullerian Inhibiting factor

What are the role of nurse cells?

1. Formation of primary, secondary, and tertiary follicles 2. Ovulation 3. Formation and degeneration of corpus luteum 3. Degradation of corpus luteum

What are the steps in the ovarian cycle?

1. Myometrium - outer muscular layer Smooth muscle 2. Endometrium - a thin, inner, glandular mucosa Changes in thickness to prepare for pregnancy And sheds off when having period 3. Perimetrium - an incomplete serosa continuous with peritoneum

What are the three layers the uterine wall consists of?

1. They produce immature female gametes or oocytes 2. Secrete female sex hormones: estrogens and progesterone 3. Secrete inhibin involved in the feedback control of pituitary FSH production

What are the three main functions of the ovaries?

1. Menses begin the process of bleeding 1-7 days Women lose 1.2 - 1.7 ounces of blood Uterus is contracting, uterus attempting to rid itself from the extra tissue and blood Degeneration of the endometrium Menstruation 2. Proliferative phase - rebuild the endometrium to prepare new cycle Restoration of the endometrium 3. Secretory phase - endometrium is at its thickets Endometrial glands enlarge and accelerate their rates of secretion

What are the three phases of a uterine cycle?

1. Prostatic 2. Membranous 3. Penile

What are the three regions of the urethra?

• 1. Spermatozoa become mobile when they are mixed with secretions of the seminal glands • 2. They become capable of successful fertilization when exposed to conditions in the female reproductive tract

What are the two steps capacitation takes place in

Progesterone will thicken the uterine lining in preparation for pregnancy Will remain in the ovary until it determines whether or not were pregnant

What does progesterone do to the uterus?

spermatids differentiate into physical mature spermatozoa, which are among the most highly specialized cells in the body - spermiogenesis involves major changes in a spermatids internal and external structures

What happens during spermiogenesis?


What hormone causes ovulation and the primary oocyte to become secondary?

• FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone)

What hormone o Targets sustenatacular cells to promote spermatogenesis?

seminiferous tubules

What is each lobule filled with?


What is ovum production called?

movement of testes through inguinal canal into scrotum

What is the descent of the testes?


What is the end closest to the ovary with numerous fimbriae called"?


What is the first stem cells called?


What is the middle portion of the uterine tubes called?

20-100 million

What is the normal sperm count?

in the semiferous tubules mieotic division that begin with primary spermatocytes produce spermatids the undifferentiated male gametes

What is the process of meiosis ?

spermatogonia undergo cell division (mitosis) one daughter cell stays in place while the other is pushed toward the lumen of the semineferous tubule. the displaced cell differentiate into primary spermatocytes which prepare meiosis

What is the process of mitosis in spermatogenesis?


What is the process of spermatozoa formation called?

tunica vaginalis

What is the serous membrane that lines the scrotal cavity and reduces friction between the opposing pareital and viscercal surfaces?


What is the short segment connected to the uterine wall called?

cremaster muscle

What muscle pulls sac close to body - testicle needs to be atleast 2 degrees F 1.1 C lower than body temp.

Spike in another hormone LH lutinizing hormone causes two major things 1. Ovulation 2. The primary oocyte to become secondary - the first maturation

What occurs during day 10-12

Inside the primary oocyte will be in it The follicle is getting bigger and more swollen The secondary follicle enlarges and becomes:

What occurs during secondary follicle?

Still remains a primary oocyte But the follicle has matured It is large and creates a bulge in the surface of the ovary And can sometimes cause ovulation pain

What occurs during tertiary follicle?

Once u have ovulated, and the corpus luteum is developed it begins to release progesterone which thickens the uterus lining in prepreration for pregnancy If you don't get pregnant u don't need all of that tissue and blood The corpus luteum will shrivel and die and no more progresterone will be released Then the endometrium lining will not be maintained The blood vessels that feed into the endometrium will vasoconstrict which will prevent any nutrients or oxygen from getting into the endometrium tissue Leaving behind broken blood vessels and will bleed, this is the anatomy of the period

What occurs during your period (when you;re not pregnant)

Primordial follicles in egg nest Spike in hormone FSH follicle stimulate hormone Causes several follicles to become activated Each follicle contains an oocyte

What occurs on day 1 of ovarian cycle?


What process involves two cycles of cell division and produces four cells called haploids


What process is part of somatic cell division and produces two diploid daughter cells that have identical pairs of chromosomes


What seperates the lobules?

tunica albuginea

What surrounds the testis and divides testicles into lobules?

dartos muscle

What wrinkles the sac and is a storage area for when the skin thats not used when theres not an erection?

In the ovarian follicles

Where does oocyte growth and meiosis I occur?

seminiferous tubules

Where does sperm production take place?

Bulbourethral glands

Which accessory gland secretes alkaline mucus with lubricating properties o Pre-ejaculatory fluid o Coats the inside of the urethra before ejaculation to lubricate the penis but to neutralize urinary acids

seminal gland or seminal vesicle

Which gland contributes to 60% total volume of semend and secretion contains fructose, prostaglandsin, fibrinogens

• LH (leutinizing hormone)

Which hormone Causes secretion of testosterone and other androgens?


Which hormone has multiple functions?

• Testosterone

Which hormone is the Most important androgen?


Which hormone maintains structures and secretory function of corpus luteum?


Which hormone stimulates endometrial growth and secretion?


Which hormone stimulates follicular development?

the head

Which part of the spermatozoon has a nucleus and densely packed chrosomoes, and the acrosome

the tail

Which part of the spermatozoon is the mitochondria that produces the ATP needed to move the tail


Which secretion of the seminal gland causes a temporary clot in vagina, and the semen to thicken as it enters the vagina?


Which secretion of the seminal gland causes contractions in the male and female reproductive tracts, causing spasming which helps get rid of semen, and once entering the female body pulls more semen in as it contracts


Which secretion of the seminal gland gives the sperm/mitochondria the sugar they need to produce energy or ATP?


__________ supports and stabilizes the ovary

epididymis, ductus deferens, or prostate gland

a low sperm count may reflect inflammation of the?


o To become mobile and fully functional they must undergo a process called

secondary spermatocytes

primary spermatocytes give rise to?

spermatids - immature gametes that differentiate into spermatozoa

secondary spermatocytes divide and differentiate into?

o 60 percent seminal gland o 30 percent prostate gland o 5 percent nurse cells and epididymis o bulbourethral glands less than 5 percent

seminal fluid - a distinct ionic and nutritive glandular secretion composed of?


the testes also produce the male gametes called

Mechanical protection Nutritional support Waste removal for the developing embryo and fetus Supported by the broad ligament and 3 pairs of suspensory ligaments

the uterus main function is? and supported by?

1. the seminal glands 2. the prostate gland 3. the bulbourethral glands

what are the accessory organs that secrete various fluids into ejactulaory ducts and urethra?

nurse cells

what are the cells called that provide a microenvironment that supports spermatogenesis?

chord that attaches the testis to the scrotum sack - never changes in length

what are the gubernaculum tests ?

tunica albuginea

what covers the ovary?

A collection of cells that will release a hormone called progesterone

what is the corpus luteum?

The egg is going to pop out, and as the LH causes egg to mature it is now secondary Will begin flowing down the fallopian tube As the egg pops out the ovary the egg will leave behind some follicular cells that will become the corpus luteum

what occurs during day 14?

prostate gland

which accessory gland secretes slightly acidic prostate fluid, and contains seminalplasmin, a protein with antibiotic properties that may help prevent urinary tract infections in males?


• Result from bacterial infections but also occurs in apparent absence of pathogens • Lower back perineum or rectum • Painful urination and the discharge of mucus from the external urethral orifice

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