chapter 29: the making of industrial society smartbook

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The most important invention for mechanical spinning of cotton thread was the ______, built by Samuel Crompton in 1779


Why did birth rates fall in most countries as they industrialized?

-People could not afford to raise as many children as they had in earlier times -as infant morality rates dropped, children were more likely to survive into adulthood -safe, reliable means of birth control became more widely available

Leisure pursuits that became popular among industrial workers in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century include

-baseball -soccer

Which of the following contributed to population growth early on as societies industrialized?

-better diets -improved sanitation

In the late nineteenth century, which of following were measures taken by many governments to improve living conditions in cities?

-building codes -sewer systems -municipal water supplies

Which of the following were early methods of birth control?

-cervical caps -abortion -coitus interrupts

Which of the following statements describe industrialization's effects on family life?

-family life and work life became separate -some workers worked fourteen hours a day and rarely saw their families

In preindustrial societies population growth was limited by which of the following?

-famine -high child mortality -epidemics

Why did economic development and industrialization bypass parts of Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa?

-free-trade policies allowing unrestricted imports left little incentive to support local manufacturing -workers made so little money that they could not afford to buy many manufactured goods -plantation owners shipped profits abroad rather than invest in the countries where their crops were grown

Which of the following was true of working-class women's employment during industrialization?

-in the early days of industrialization, women made up the majority of Britain's industrial workforce -early factory owners thought women's small hands made them better suited to run machinery -they worked because their husbands' wages were often too low to support a family

To learn about British industrial techniques, people from North America and Europe sometimes

-kidnapped British engineers -bribed British engineers

Which of the following statements describe European migration to the Western Hemisphere?

-many migrants intended to earn small fortunes and return home to Europe -the majority of migrants did not return to Europe -about one-third of Italians eventually returned to Italy

Which of the following statements best describe working conditions under the new factory system?

-men, women, and children all worked and were punished if their efforts fell short -workers faced the threat of being disabled or killed due to a lack of safety precautions -employees worked six days a week for twelve to fourteen hours a day

The largest workforces in the seventeen and early eighteenth centuries were made up of

-mine workers -plantation slaves

Which of the following social reforms were adopted by European countries in the late nineteenth century in response to campaigns by socialists?

-retirement pensions -unemployment and accident insurance -minimum wage laws

What did young domestic workers often do with their wages?

-send them home -save for a dowry -save for a new career

Select the following statements that describe the use of steam engines in transportation during the nineteenth century:

-ships were powered by sails rather than steam engines until the middle of the century -George Stephenson's steam engine used too much coal for use on ships -George Stephenson developed a steam-powered locomotive

For which of the following reasons did the British monopoly on industrialization begin to break down? Chose three.

-some British entrepreneurs evaded regulations and sold equipment and knowledge abroad -entrepreneurs in Europe and North America bribed British specialists and smuggled machinery -foreign businesspeople found ways to learn British trade secrets

How did owners and supervisors attempt to encourage or force workers to adopt middle-class values?

-they beat, fined, or fired workers who were late, missed shifts, or used foul language -they hired policemen to discourage such behaviors as gambling and dogfighting -they supported churches and Sunday schools to instill their values in the workers

How did railroads contribute to industrialization in the nineteenth century?

-they linked industrial centers to mines -they brought raw materials to factories and carried finished goods to markets -they connected inland areas and seaports

To satisfy increased demand, industrialized nations imported such raw materials as cotton, rubber, and coal from all the following regions except


The first continental industrial production center in western Europe was


Aware of their head start in the first decades of industrialization, ______ entrepreneurs and government officials forbade the export of machinery, manufacturing techniques, and skilled workers


Industrialization began in North America in the 1820s, when entrepreneurs lured ________ crafts workers to New England to help establish a cotton-textile industry


The American inventor responsible for the cotton gin also developed the technique of using machine tools to produce large quantities of interchangeable parts in the making of firearms. This inventor's name was

Eli Whitney

Demographic growth in the Americas was fueled by migrations from


Which of the following regions was not dominated by export-oriented agriculture that focused on major cash crops such as sugar, cotton, and rubber?


Identify the commodities of the first and second industrial revolutions.

First Industrial Revolution: -textiles -mechanical weaving -cotton -steam power Second Industrial Revolution: -chemicals -coal -electricity -steel

Coal deposits are located close to water transport, centers of commerce, and pools of skilled labor in

Great Britain

Along with Friedrich Engels, which of the following pope criticized the capitalist industrial society of the nineteenth century?

Karl Marx

Which 1848 Marx and Engels work discusses human history as a struggle between social classes?

Manifesto of the Communist Party

Why did the Luddite movement eventually come to an end?

The British government hanged a group of Luddites

Why was India unable to industrialize at the same rate as Europe, North America, and Japan?

There was a lack of investment capital and government support

Which of the following statement best describes the relationship that eventually developed between trade unions and capitalism?

Trade unions saved capitalism by improving workers' lives and preventing revolution

Factory labor was cheap for all the following reasons except

a declining number of applicants for the jobs

During industrialization, one of every three European women became

a domestic servant

Which of the following does not describe living conditions for workers in cities undergoing industrialization?

apartments were crowded but well constructed

Before industrialization women were able to work and care for children because most paid work was done

at home

According to Marx and Engels, music, art, literature, and religion were

capitalist tools for exploiting workers

Out of concern for children, by the 1840s the British Parliament began to pass laws restoring or eliminating

child labor

China was not able to industrialize at the same time as Great Britain because the main __________ -producing regions of northwest China were too distant from the Yangzi Delta, China's economic centers


Industrialists preferred free wage laborers to slaves because slaves did not ________ factory-made products in large quantities


Early assembly lines for the automotive industry included a

conveyor system that carried components past workers

Robert Owen established a socialist community in the nineteenth century that emphasized and celebrated the

cooperative control of industry

The most common form of business organization in industrial societies after the 1850s was the


Owing to its rapidly increasing demand, English artisans began to move away from the manual spinning and weaving of ________ as early as the 1730s


In addition to encouraging entrepreneurs to invent labor-saving technologies, the high wage-ecnomies of settler colonies

created flourishing markers for industrialized goods

During industrialization, middle-class women were increasingly pressured to conform to new models of behavior regarding their roles in the

domestic sphere

The demand for cotton cloth was partly due to the fact that it was

easier to wash

Those who placed their hopes in representative governments and called for the election of legislators who supported socialist reforms are referred to as

evolutionary socialists

As a result of technological advancements, many new machines used in manufacturing were too large and expensive to be installed in homes, so the work had to be relocated to


In the early nineteenth century many British migrants came to the Americas in order to escape dangerous


The term demographic transition refers to shifting patterns of _______ and mortality


Which system of production is based on a single worker's making something from start to finish?


The German firm IG Farben, a chemical company that merged with many of its competitors, is an example of

horizontal organizaiton

As a result of specialization in the production and export of primary goods, settler colonies in such regions as Canada, Argentina, and Australia eventually became more


Industrial machinery was made stronger in the eighteenth century because of the greater availability of


Vertical organization works best for

large companies

Before industrialization, the vast majority of people

lived in rural areas

Which of the following best illustrates the effect of industrialization on the roles of men and women in working-class families?

men became more valued at home because they earned most of their families' incomes

During industrialization, manufacturers followed the example of ________ by organizing on a large scale


French investors and engineers made advances towards industrialization and focused on achieving greater efficiency, particularly in the field of


Industrialization spread to France, Germany, Belgium, and the United States by the middle of the ________ century


Within the factory system different social classes emerged, including the ________ class, whose members provided the capital that financed equipment and machinery.


Industrialization took longer in Germany due to

political instability caused by competition among separate German states

The assembly line enabled the Ford Motor company to increase its _________ dramatically, which resulted in lower automobile prices and increased sales


Which of the following terms refers to the group that, according to Marx and Engels, had only labor to sell and was ruthlessly exploited by the capitalist ruling class?


In the United States, _________ spurred industrialization during the nineteenth century by providing cheap transportation and stimulating the coal, iron, and steel industries


What effect did industrialization have on food?

railroads and factory-made tools made growing and shipping easier, so food prices went down

By the end of the eighteenth century, what contagious disease had killed more people than any other in history?


Entrepreneurs who paid people to produce items in their homes practiced an early form of


By the mid-eighteenth century, what obstacle threatened the economic growth of some countries in Asia and Western Europe?

soil depletion and deforestation

The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create __________, which was used to drive mechanical devices.


Prior to the nineteenth century, even though it was harder, stronger, and more resilient, ________ was used less often than iron because it was very expensive to produce.


The first industrial revolution centered around ______, whereas the second industrial revolution centered around _________

textiles; steel and electricity

During the eighteenth century, Europe's land constraints were eased by importing primary products from

the Americas

What was the glass-and-iron structure in which manufactured products from around the world were showcased in London on 1851?

the Crystal Palace

By the late nineteenth century, some large businesses sought to dominate their fields through

the elimination of competition

Which of the following was a system of production centered on the household?

the putting-put system

During the eighteenth century, plantations on the Americas and the Caribbean islands relied on

the work of slaves

Industrializing societies typically undergo a process of __________, in which large portions of the population move from less populated areas to cities in search of work


In 1785 Edmund Cartwright patented a loom that enabled weavers to keep up with the production of thread. This loom was powered by


In industrialized cities, tainted _______ supplies led to epidemics of cholera and typhus


Many Europeans migrated to the _________ during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries because of the rapid population growth in Europe

western hemisphere

Prior to the eighteenth century, ________ served in Great Britain as the primary source of fuel for iron production, home heating, and cooking


British ________ producers persuaded Parliament to pass the Calico Acts of 1720 and 1721


In early industrial Britain, some children

worked long hours in textile mills and were beaten if they fell asleep at work

Laborers who toiled in factories and mines constituted the

working class

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