chapter 3

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In the Rorschach Inkblot Test, examiners are interested in what aspects of the respondents' answers?

Content and style

Michael's doctor decided to give him a test for depression. Michael noticed that the questions only asked about physical symptoms. There were no questions about cognitive or emotional symptoms. This test probably lacked what type of validity?

Content validity

Which of the following perspectives did the DSM-5 attempt to incorporate?

Continuum or dimensional perspective on mental disorders

When Jermain was answering a questionnaire, he noticed that all the questions concerned an unhappy mood, apathy, loss of appetite, and sleep. He concluded that the questionnaire was probably about depression. This questionnaire is said to have what kind of validity?

Face validity

The main problem with the earlier editions of the DSM was which of the following?

Low reliability of the diagnoses

Which of the following statements is true regarding assessment across cultures?

People from some cultures describe their symptoms emotionally, whereas others discuss them physically.

Shannon has been asked to complete a self-report test that is designed to assess her thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. This is most likely which type of test?

Personality inventory

The Halstead-Reitan Test and the Luria-Nebraska Test have been developed to do which of the following?

Pinpoint types of brain damage

Kanisha took the SATs and averaged about 720 on each part. She went to an Ivy League school and did very well. The SATs had what type of validity?


Which of the following best describe the uses of intelligence tests? (Choose all that apply.)

They assist in determining future academic success. They help determine a person's intellectual strengths and weaknesses.

Which of the following is true of the results of "culture-fair" intelligence tests?

They have been disappointing.

... validity is the extent to which a test yields the same results as other, established measures of the same behavior, thoughts. or feelings.


The accuracy of a test in assessing what it is supposed to measure is called its ...


...validity is the extent to which a test assesses all the important aspects of a phenomenon that it purports to measure.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) involves creating a magnetic field around the brain that causes a realignment of ... atoms in the brain.


A(n) ... test can be used to get a sense of an individual's intellectual strengths and weaknesses.


When there is similarity in people's answers among different parts of the same test, the test is said to be a good example of what type of reliability?


The Bender-Gestalt Test assesses which of the following in an individual?

sensorimotor skills

One important way to improve both validity and reliability is to the administration and interpretation of tests.


In the Thematic Apperception Test, individuals are asked to make up a ... about what is happening in each of a series of pictures.


The setting of the threshold between what is considered normal and abnormal along the continuum is a ... judgment.


Josh will not provide accurate statements on a self-report inventory, so Josh's psychologist has decided to use a(n) ... test, in which the examiner asks the test-taker questions about an ambiguous item.


A symptom ... is used when clinicians or researchers want a quick way to determine a person's symptoms.


Which of the following are components of the MMPI? (Choose all that apply.)

"True," "false," or "can't say" questions Sentences describing moral and social attitudesSentences about physical conditions

The concept of validity of a psychological test refers to which of the following ideas?

A test measures what it was designed to measure.

Cranshaw took the Mummified Depression Scale Form A and received a score of 43. Six months later, he took Form B of the scale and received a score of 44. The test apparently was a good example of what type of reliability?

Alternate form

Which of the following are features of behavioral assessment? (Choose all that apply.)

Antecedents and consequences are noted. Actions are recorded.

The DSM-I and the DSM-II were which of the following?

Based on psychoanalytic theory

A frequently used neuropsychological test is which of the following?

Bender-Gestalt Test

When a clinician wants images of structural damage to the brain, which of the following is used?

CT scan

When diagnostic criteria define where normality ends and psychopathology begins, this is called what kind of a diagnostic system?


What are some of the problems with children describing their emotions and behaviors? (Select all that apply.)

Children cannot describe their feelings as well as adults can. Children may talk about physical aches and pains rather than emotional pain when distressed. Children may show distress only in nonverbal behaviors.

The set of syndromes and the rules for determining if the symptoms are part of one of the syndromes is called which of the following?

Classification system

The assessment process typically begins with which of the following?

Clinical interview

When people are diagnosed with more than one disorder, this is referred to as which of the following?


Hermione took the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. She got an IQ of 125 and 123, respectively. Both tests have what type of validity?


Which of the following is the most widely used classification system in the United States?


Which of the following explains why addressing cultural issues is important in diagnosis?

Different cultures have different ways of conceptualizing mental disorders.

Teachers' assessment of children are often which of the following?

Different from assessments made by parents

Which of the following are disadvantages of behavioral observation? (Choose all that apply.)

Different observers may draw different conclusions An individual rater may miss the details of an interpersonal interaction. It may alter peoples' behavior when they know they are being watched.

Sweat gland activity that is assessed by a device that detects electrical conductivity between two points of the skin is known as which of the following?

Electrodermal response

Which of the following persons are often sources of information about children's functioning? (Select all that apply.

Guidance counselors Teachers Coaches

Which of the following tests have been developed to pinpoint types of brain damage? (Choose all that apply.)

Halstead-Reitan Test Luria-Nebraska Test

Which of the following statements are true? (Choose all that apply.)

IQ tests measure an individual's score with the performance of other individuals in the same age group. An average person's IQ is 100.

Which of the following is a major criticism of the MMPI?

It does not reflect variations across cultures, age groups, or social classes.

Which of the following is an advantage of behavioral observation?

It does not rely on individuals reporting and interpreting their own behaviors.

Which of the following statements are true about the the DSM-5? (Select all that apply.)

It has moved away from the multiaxial system It fulfills the desire of researchers to have similar diagnostic systems around the world. It has been brought in line with the International Classification of Diseases.

A significant change in the multiaxial system of the DSM-5 compared to previous editions is which of the following?

It has moved away from the multiaxial system.

Which of the following is a problem with the continuum perspective of diagnosis as introduced in the DSM-5?

It is easier for clinicians to think in terms of categories than continuums.

Which of the following about the SPECT scan, compared with the PET scan, is true?

It is less accurate.

Which of the following are advantages of standard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? (Choose all that apply.)

It is useful to determine structural damage in the brain. It can be used repeatedly for the same individual.

The electroencephalogram (EEG) does which of the following?

Measures electrical activity in the brain

Neuropsychological tests are useful when a clinician suspects what type of impairment in a person?


Which of the following statements about a syndrome are true? (Select all that apply.)

Not everyone experiences the same symptoms of a syndrome for a particular disorder. People differ in which of the symptoms of a syndrome they experience more strongly. Several symptoms make up a syndrome.

Which of the following are components of the mental status exam? (Choose all that apply.)

Observation of the individual's mood and affect Study of the individual's thought processes Observation of the individual's intellectual functioning Assessment of the individual's appearance and behavior

Prior to the DSM-5, many people met the criteria for more than one disorder due to which of the following?

Overlap of symptoms

Parents are often used as a resource when assessing children. Which of the following statements are problematic about this practice? (Select all that apply.)

Parents' perceptions of their children's well-being can be influenced by their own symptoms and perceptions. Parents are not always accurate in their assessment of their children's functioning. The parents may be the source of a child's psychological problems. Parent and child may disagree on what the problem is.

A technique in which a psychologist asks a client questions about ambiguous figures is called which of the following?

Projective test

Positron emission tomography (PET) does which of the following?

Provides images of brain activity

Which of the following is the tendency to see a diagnosis as real and true, rather than a set of judgments about how symptoms tend to go together?

Reifying diagnoses

A client takes an MMPI-2 test in January and then takes the same test again in March. The scores each time are quite similar. This illustrates what assessment concept?


One of the greatest challenges to obtaining valid information from an individual can be which of the following?

Resistance to providing information

Which of the following are components of the MMPI-2? (Choose all that apply.)

Scales measuring vulnerability to eating disorders, substance abuse, and poor functioning at work Scales measuring depression, hysteria, paranoia, and social introversion Validity scales

Marissa is a clinician-in-training who is administering intelligence tests. Her supervisor reminds her that it is crucial that she follow the exact instructions in the administration and scoring of the test each time she administers it. To what important concept is the supervisor referring?


In order to quickly assess a person's symptoms, a clinician or researcher may want to use which of the following?

Symptom questionnaire

Marge was found to have about the same level of depression based on an assessment she completed in February and again in November. The test was likely a good example of what type of reliability?

Test-retest reliability

Which of the following distinguish later editions of the DSM from the earlier editions? (Select all that apply.)

The criteria for most disorders require that the symptoms interfere with occupational and social functioning. Later editions specify how long a person must show symptoms in order to be given the diagnosis. There is an emphasis on the the length of symptoms and severity.

Which of the following were improvements from older editions that were made in the DSM-III and DSM-IV? (Select all that apply.)

The criteria reflected the fact that not all symptoms of a disorder need be present in every individual. The criteria for disorders were specific and concrete.

Which of the following were criticisms of the DSM-I and the DSM-II? (Select all that apply.)

The criteria were heavily influenced by psychoanalytic theory. The criteria were vague descriptions. The reliability was low.

Criticisms of the MMPI include which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

The norms are not culturally diverse. The translated versions are not comparable to the English version.

Which of the following is true of the reliability of DSM-5 diagnoses following further field trials?

The reliability of diagnoses remains to be determined.

A classification system is which of the following?

The set of syndromes and the rules for determining if the symptoms are part of one of the syndromes

Which of the following are some of the concerns about projective tests?

Their validity is not strong. They are open to a number of biases. Their reliability is not strong.

Intelligence tests are considered controversial because of which of the following reasons? (Choose all that apply.)

They are biased in favor of forms of reasoning favored by European Americans. There is little consensus on what is meant by intelligence. They do not assess talent or skills such as artistic ability.

Which critic of psychiatry argued that biases inherent in determining mental illness render the entire system of diagnosis to be corrupt?

Thomas Szasz

Which of the following describes how brain imaging is used?

To search for differences in brain activity or structure between people with a psychological disorder and people with no disorder

The purpose of personality testing is which of the following?

To understand a person's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions

An assessment designed to understand symptoms along a continuum would ask which of the following questions?

To what extent or degree does this symptom occur?

In a study by David Rosenhan, colleagues had themselves admitted to different mental hospitals. On intake, they reported hearing voices. After being labeled as schizophrenic and admitted, they behaved normally. Which of the following results occurred? (Select all that apply.)

Upon discharge, the pseudopatients were given a diagnosis of schizophrenia in remission. Some of the other patients in the hospital detected the pseudopatients' normality. They were never detected as normal by the hospital staff.

Which of the following are concerns regarding the DSM-5 classification system? (Select all that apply.)

What was the empirical justification for inclusion and exclusion of disorders? Why was the process of developing the DSM-5 dismissive of alternative points of view? What of the social impact of some of the new diagnoses?

A "culture-fair" test would have to include items that are applicable to which of the following?

all groups

When people's answers to different forms of a test are similar, the tests are said to have ... form reliability.


... is the process of gathering information about people's symptoms and the possible causes of these symptoms.


A procedure in which a clinician provides a formal evaluation of an individual's cognitive, personality, and psychosocial functioning is referred to as which of the following?


Cultural biases can arise when people are speaking the same language but have different cultural ...


The term ... observation refers to clinicians looking at a person's specific behaviors and what precedes and follows these behaviors.


Like all aspects of abnormal psychology, assessment and diagnosis exist along a Input Field 1 of 1 continuum unavailable correct... wherein some behaviors are diagnosed as normal and others are diagnosed as abnormal.


Electrodermal response can reflect what type of arousal?


A test is said to have ... validity when, on face value, the items seem to measure what the test is intended to measure.


True or false: The criteria for interpreting projective tests take into account an individual's cultural background.


...trials were conducted during the development of the DSM-IV to increase its reliability.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of self-monitoring?

it is open to biases in what individuals notice about their behaviors.

Self-... refers to individuals keeping track of the number of times per day they engage in a specific behavior and the conditions under which this behavior occurs.


Paper-and-pencil ... tests may be useful in detecting specific cognitive deficits.


The ... of diagnoses can impede progress in research and treatment as researchers focus on understanding the causes of and treatments for the diagnosis rather than on the biological, psychological, and social problems that underlie the disorder.


The ... of a test indicates the consistency of the scores it produces.


According to the text, because much of the information a clinician needs must come directly from the person being assessed, _____ can be a formidable problem.


There is evidence that African Americans in the United States are overdiagnosed as having symptoms of


True or false: Some psychologists argue that success in life is as strongly influenced by talents not measured by intelligence tests as it is by intelligence.


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