Chapter 3

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What is the historical-critical approach to interpret the bible? What will this help us do?

Analyzing biblical text to try to learn the sources that influenced it. How people thought and expressed themselves at the time, and what the text meant to the audience for which it was written. We learn alot of historical information about people who lived 3,000 years ago- but it is all for our salvation and to learn more about God and what he wanted to share with us.

Why are certain stories chosen to be included in the Bible?

Because it is how we learn about the history of early Christians and God's relationships with his chosen people and it is all God's truth for our salvation. God wanted this information revealed to us, God chose to reveal his message through human authors. God wanted us to know about him.

Why are there different styles and types of writing in the Bible?

Because it was written in different times and it is the way God wanted information revealed to us. He had it so people's style, language and artistic point of view are still there even though it is God is speaking through them.

deutero-canonical books

Catholic expression referring to those writings included in the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) not found in the Palestinian canon of the Hebrew Bible; literally, "second canon"

Who are the Author's of the Bible?

Early Christians, and the Apostles but no matter who the human authors, we know God inspired & guided them and therefore the Divine Author of all the books of the Bible.

What is another name for the Letters?

Epistles is the name for the 21 letters and another name is the Catholic Letters.


Greek for 'unveiling,' a type of writing, often prophetic, that uses symbolic imagery to depict future events, often as a triumph of good over evil


Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures for Jews that no longer knew Hebrew, completed around 100 B.C., and eventually accepted by the Catholic Church as our version of the Old Testament.

What is the Septuagint?

Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures for Jews that no longer knew Hebrew, completed around 100B.C., and eventually accepted by the Catholic Church as our version of the Old Testament.

Is the Bible a book of history or science? If not what is it then?

History but some stories in the bible have no basis in history. Some Biblical writings express the inspired truth from God in non-historical ways. It is The Good News, the message of God's Mercy and Love, his Kingdom and Salvation revealed in Jesus. It is truth inspired by the Holy Spirit meant for our salvation. Some of the bible is written in songs, poems, storytelling, and proverbs. God revealed all of this because he wanted us to know him.

How long did it take to write the New Testament?

It took about fifty years or so to write the New Testament.

Book of Revelation

Last book of the Bible; an account of highly symbolic visions of the future of the Church and the end times

Which of the four Gospels are called synoptic?

Matthew, Mark and Luke because they display much similarity and that is why they are called synoptic.

Acts of the Apostles

New Testament book that gives an account of events in the early Church

Can Tradition replace Scripture? Why or why not?

No because the "Tradition" is given to us through Scripture. They are bound together and are God's revelation to us and are equal and essential roles in the church.

How does biblical inspiration affect the biblical writers?

Person's style, language, and artistic point of view are still there even though God is speaking THROUGH them. The Holy Spirit inspired the authors in writing the biblical books because of the divine inspiration, God is the author of Sacred Scripture acting in and through the human authors. He gave them wisdom. god speaks through the human authors.

Who is considered the author of many of the Letters in the New Testament?

Saint Paul

Which two books in the New Testament are neither Gospels nor Letters?

The Books of Acts and Revelation are neither Gospels nor Letters in the New Testament.


The Good News - the message of God's mercy and love, his Kingdom, and salvation revealed in Jesus. In particular, the four accounts of the life, teaching, death and Resurrection of Jesus contained in the New Testament are the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

synoptic Gospels

The Gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke insofar as they display much similarity. Synoptic means "similar" or "to see together"

Which person of the Trinity in particular guides the Church through Scripture and Tradition?

The Holy Spirit guides the Church.

Which was written over a shorter span of time, the New Testament or the Old Testament?

The New Testament was written over a shorter span of time. At the center of the New Testament are the four Gospels and it is primarily about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our principal source for life and teaching of the Incarnate Word, our Savior.

What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament (i.e..What is each one about?

The New Testament written by Christians during the first century that the center of life, teachings, and mission of Jesus and the early church. The Old Testament written before Jesus' Time dealing with the time from beginning of creation to shortly before the coming of Jesus and record of stories and events of God's relationships with his Chosen People.

what is the difference between the Septuagint and the Palestinian Canon?

The Palestinian Canon is the books of Hebrew Scripture often used in Israel (Palestine) at the time of Jesus declared the official Jewish Scripture by rabbis around A.D. 100. And the Septuagint is the greek translation of the Hebrew Scripture for Jews that no longer knew Hebrew.

Palestinian Canon

The books of Hebrew Scripture often used in Israel (Palestine) at the time of Jesus and declared the official Jewish Scriptures by rabbis around A.D. 100

What was an important criterion for a writing to be included in the New Testament?

The central criterion included in the New Testament was Jesus Christ, God's incarnate Son, his acts, and teachings and our Salvation through him was the most important criterion in the New Testament.

biblical inspiration

The gift of the Holy Spirit which assisted human authors in the writing of biblical books and which assured that the writing teaches without error God's saving truth.

Deposit of Faith

The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles, from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed.

What is the Canon of Scripture?

The list of writings officially recognized and accepted by the Catholic Church as Inspired Books of Sacred Scripture.

Canon of Scripture

The list of writings officially recognized and accepted by the Catholic Church as inspired books of Sacred Scripture


The living transmission, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, of the message of the Gospel in the Church


The official living, teaching office of the Church that interprets Scripture and Tradition and insure faithfulness to the teachings of the Apostles- the bishops in communion with the pope.

Whose struggles and accomplishments are included mainly in the Acts of the Apostles?

The struggles and accomplishments of Early Christians are included in the Acts of the Apostles and conveys some very important things that God wanted us to know about him and our relationship with him.

which Bible statements are guaranteed by biblical inerrancy?

The teaching that the Bible presents faithfully and without error the truths that God revealed for our Salvation.


The twenty-one letters included in the New Testament another name is the Catholic Letters

What is the difference between Tradition and tradition?

When "Tradition" is capitalized it is defined as the living transmission of the Gospel message in the church. We hear God's word and are guided by the Holy Spirit through both Sacred Scripture and Tradition. tradition: (regular tradition meaning): that which is handed on.

Are there any historical facts in the Bible? If so, give an example of one.

Yes, King David ruled Israel in 1000 B.C. Also, Parts of the New Testament Bible written by Christians during the first century that center on the life, teachings, and mission of Jesus and the early Church.. This is all truth because it is all God Breathed.


a figure of speech comparing two things that are unlike but have certain similarities. The metaphor uses a concrete word to refer to something else to indicate a resemblance, for example, "God is my rock."

historical-critical approach

analyzing a biblical text to try to learn the sources that influenced it, how people thought and expressed themselves at the time, and what the text meant to the audience for which it was written.

literary criticism

analyzing writing in terms of the literary form in which it is written

oral tradition

stories, poems, songs, and proverbs that are passed down verbally from one generation to another without being fixed in written form

Old Testament

the forty-six books of the Bible written before Jesus' time that deal with the time from the beginning of creation to shortly before the coming of Jesus and record the stories and events of God's relationship with his Chosen People

biblical inerrancy

the teaching that the Bible presents faithfully and without error the truths that God revealed for our salvation

New Testament

the twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Christians during the first century that center on the life, teachings, and mission of Jesus and the early Church


type of writing, such as history, parable, or poetry

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