Chapter 3 & 4 Quiz

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The same concept can be a variable in one study and a constant in another study.


At what level of measurement is the variable ethnicity?

. Nominal.

Ethical issues are distinguished from political issues in research in that

. formal codes of accepted political conduct are not comparable to the codes of ethical conduct.

Concepts are:

. mental images.

If social workers wanted to find out how satisfied clients are, on the average, with the services they received, they would undertake

A descriptive study

If researchers wanted to find the average age of all licensed social workers in a country, they would undertake

A quantitative study

Which of the following statements best typifies a mixed methods study?

A study that combines a qualitative method with a quantitative method.

Acculturation occurs when a group or individual changes after coming into contact with a majority culture by taking on the _____ of the majority:


Culturally competent research involves awareness of the ways in which cultural factors could influence


In choosing an existing scale as an operational definition of self-esteem before and after an intervention, researchers should consider


Recruitment of minority and oppressed populations in research studies can be enhanced by:


Which of the following is a method for tracking and contacting hidden and oppressed populations to retain their ongoing participation in longitudinal research studies include:


Which of the following statements is true about sampling with populations that are oppressed, hidden and/or stigmatized?


Which of the following statements best typifies a mixed methods study?

All of these are equally likely to be called a mixed methods study.

Which of the following statements is true about culturally competent interviewing?

Although matching interviewer and interviewee ethnicity is not a foolproof guarantee that an interview will be culturally competent, it is a good rule of thumb to follow whenever possible.

If a researcher wanted to know why there was a noticeable increase in the number of reported incidents of child abuse in the town of Southpaw during 2005, the researcher would design

An explanatory study

Qualitative methods

Are likely to tap deeper meanings.

A study that attempts to gather data as ammunition for advocating for a particular cause is being guided by what paradigm?

Critical social science

The ethical issues are always readily apparent in research projects.


Which of the following is an aim of qualitative studies?

Deeper understanding, Generating hypotheses, and Discovery

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative and qualitative methods?

Data analysis in qualitative studies is likely to be more time-consuming than in quantitative studies.

Which of the following statements is true about the phases of the research process in mixed methods studies?

Data collection methods are determined during the study design phase.

The primary ethical research issue raised by the Milgram study was the...

Effects of the methods on the experimental subjects

Although there are important differences in conceptualization between qualitative and quantitative studies, both approaches are apt to operationally define variables in advance and in the same way.


Conceptual equivalence ensures metric equivalence


Cultural competence should NOT affect how research findings are interpreted.


If research participants from two different cultures have the same average score on a scale measuring caregiver burden, that means that the two groups of participants subjectively perceive the same degree of caregiver burden.


Latinos who recently immigrated to the United States are likely to have the same level of acculturation as Latinos whose parents or grandparents have lived in the United States for several decades or longer


Linguistic equivalence ensures conceptual equivalence.


One operational definition is usually as good as any other operational definition.


One possible operational definition of patient morale in a nursing home is how happy or optimistic patients feel.


The best time to read about the culture of a population you seek to research is after you have formulated your research question


The following is an example of a good hypothesis: "Social work practitioners who work in mental health agencies do not care adequately for the chronically mentally ill."


There is only one acceptable operational definition for any given variable in social work research.


A research study must choose between the inductive versus the deductive method; it cannot use both methods. True or False


Although cultural competence is important in social work practice, it is NOT important in social work research. True or False


As soon as you tell subjects that you are doing research, the ethical issue of the researcher's identity is no longer a problem.


Because of their philosophical differences, qualitative and quantitative methods are inherently incompatible. True or False


Because social scientists rarely plan studies that could physically harm subjects, the issue of no harm to subjects is not a real problem.


In deduction, we start from observed data and develop a generalization that explains the relationship between the observed concepts. True or False


Mary chronicles people's attitudes toward an upcoming poverty program. Mary is doing explanatory research. True or False


Once people are told that their participation in a research study is voluntary, there are no ethical problems.


Qualitative methods emphasize precise and generalizable statistical findings. True or False


Qualitative studies are more likely than quantitative studies to specify their research procedures in advance. True or False


Quantitative research methods are more likely than qualitative methods to begin with a flexible plan. True or False


Research designs can be descriptive, explanatory, or exploratory, but never more than one. True or false


The key feature of the social justice mixed methods design is the requirement that qualitative inquiry must precede quantitative inquiry. True or False


Which of the following statements is NOT true if you include only women in a study of a hypothesis:

Gender is a third variable in the study.

Which of the following is an example of a qualitative research question?

How does feel to be homeless?

Compared with quantitative studies, qualitative studies are more likely to...


A study that attempts to develop an in-depth subjective understanding of a unique cult is being guided by what paradigm?


. Which of the following statements is true about measurement equivalence?

Linguistic equivalence is necessary for conceptual equivalence.

Which of the following statements is/are true about the qualitative perspective on operational definitions?


Which of the following is an aim of quantitative studies?


Moderating variables influence the strength or direction of relationships between independent and dependent variables.


A study that attempts to maximize precision and objectivity in testing whether an intervention reduces an undesirable behavior is being guided by what paradigm?


Which of the following statements is true about the convergent mixed methods design?

Qualitative and quantitative data collection occur simultaneously.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative and qualitative methods?

Qualitative research can sometimes pave the way for quantitative studies on the same subject.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative and qualitative methods?

Qualitative studies are more likely than quantitative studies to be done early in order to gain familiarity with a phenomenon.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative and qualitative methods?

Qualitative studies are more likely than quantitative studies to use open-ended items.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative and qualitative methods?

Quantitative studies are more likely than qualitative studies to be more generalizable.

At what level of measurement is the variable number of future incidents of child neglect


Number of children is an example of a variable at the ratio level of measurement.


Using anonymous enrollment procedures can enhance efforts to recruit research participants from stigmatized populations.


Which of the following statements is true about the data interpretation phase in mixed methods studies?

Some proper data analyses yield findings that could be interpreted by rival explanations.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative and qualitative methods?

Some quantitative studies are inductive and involve small samples.

Studies that do NOT include adequate representation from specific minority and oppressed populations in their samples are NOT generalizable to those populations.


. The terms attributes and categories mean the same thing when researchers are mentioning them in reference to their variables.


A good way to ensure that your data analysis is culturally competent is to combine all minority groups together as one category to compare to the majority group in the data analysis.


A relationship between two variables that are no longer related when a third variable is controlled is called a spurious relationship.


Concepts are mental images that summarize collections of seemingly related observations and experiences.


Concepts that make up a variable are called attributes of that variable.


If marital discord increases when socio-environmental stress increases, that would be an example of a positive relationship.


If we hypothesize that a school social work intervention will prevent students from dropping out of school through the mechanism of increasing their level of self esteem, then level of self esteem would be viewed as a mediating variable.


Which of the following statements is true about the phases of the research process in mixed methods studies?

The problem formulation phase comes first.

Which of the following statements, as currently stated and without the need for rewording, comes closest to being a useful hypothesis?

The provision of case management services reduces the number of days spent in institutions.

It is often as important to report that variables are not related as to report that they are related.


It is sometimes difficult for IRB panelists to decide whether to approve a proposed study. True or False


1. Some research studies can combine the use of qualitative methods with the use of quantitative methods. True or False


According to the NASW Code of Ethics, social workers violate their ethical responsibilities if they refrain from using research to guide their practice.


Any organization wishing to receive federal research support must establish an IRB that reviews all of the organization's research proposals involving human participants and rules on their ethics. True or False


Concealing the nature of the study from those being observed violates the norm of voluntary participation. True or False?


Critical social science researchers view research as a way to marshal ammunition in support of their social change efforts. True or False


Descriptive research answers the question "what's so" and explanatory research answers the question "why." True or False


It is sometimes possible to predict something correctly and accurately even if we don't yet understand it. True or False


Qualitative research methods are compatible with quantitative research methods. True or False


Qualitative research methods are more likely to generate theoretically rich observations that are not easily reduced to numbers. True or False


Qualitative research methods are more likely to tap the deeper meanings of human experiences. True or False


Science can be affected by political matters.


Social work practice models, like theories, can influence the research process. True or False


The norm of voluntary participation threatens the social research goal of generalizability.


When we want to verify whether a cause produces an effect in general, we are more likely to use quantitative methods. True or False


Which of the following is an example of a quantitative research question?

What proportion of returning combat veterans have a substance use disorder? How many clients receiving our agency services are homeless? How effective is our agency in reducing homelessness?

Explanatory studies are designed to find answers to which of the following questions?

Why are people's attitudes toward public welfare changing?

A study of how the same clients discharged from a mental hospital in 2000 were functioning in 2001, 2002, 2003, and so on through 2007 would be

a longitudinal study

The lack of intrusion of the researcher's own political position on research is called

a. value-free research.

Which of the following has been recommended to enhance the cultural competence of interviews:


In social work studies testing hypotheses involving the variable "level of social functioning" that variable is:

an independent, dependent, or control variable, depending on what is being conceptualized and postulated in any given study.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the influence of ethical considerations on social work research?

b. It is sometimes difficult to judge whether the expected benefits of a study outweigh subtle and arguable ethical concerns.

When names are removed from questionnaires and are replaced with identification numbers so that only the researcher can later link a response to a name, the researcher should tell the respondent that the information is

b. confidential.

Which of the following illustrates the use of the inductive method?

b. observations, pattern finding, and generalizations.

Compensation for participants in research should

be large enough to provide an incentive yet not so large that it becomes coercive.

Culturally competent problem formulation involves

being well read in the culture of concern before beginning any investigation in it.

A nominal definition:

c. Is like a dictionary definition.

A theory is

c. a systematic set of interrelated statements intended to explain something

Which of the following IS NOT an operational definition of marital satisfaction?

c. amount of marital unhappiness.

To obtain approximate, tentative answers about how widespread an outbreak of welfare rights protests is, a researcher would conduct

c. an exploratory study.

If we find that test performance improves as level of anxiety increases from low to moderate amounts and then worsens as level of anxiety increases beyond moderate amounts, then we have found what type of relationship?

c. curvilinear.

Alex interviews the same survivors of a hurricane immediately after the hurricane and then again at 3 month intervals over two years to see how the effects of the hurricane on them change over time. Alex is conducting a:

c. panel study.

The PRIMARY ethical research issue raised by the Milgram study was

c. the effects of the methods on the experimental subjects.

Evaluation studies:

can be done for exploration, description or explanatory purposes.

Descriptive studies:

can employ qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods.

Explanatory studies:

can employ qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods.

Exploratory studies:

can employ qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods.

An ideology is...

closed system of beliefs and values

Which of the following statements is true about the dilemma involving the right to receive services versus the responsibility to evaluate service effectiveness?

d. None of these.

What ethical guideline(s) is are violated in the following study? A child therapist thinks the new, untested psychotherapy she recently developed is more effective than physician-prescribed medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To research the effectiveness of her therapy, she tells parents that the therapy replaces the need for the medications and then provides the therapy to half of her clients, without telling parents about the study or which treatment group their child is in.

d. all of these.

The ethical research issue(s) raised by the Trouble in the Tearoom study was/were:

d. invasion of privacy and deception.

4. Ethical considerations are invoked by

e. All of these may invoke ethical considerations.

5. Which of the following can harm subjects?

e. All of these.

The NASW Code of Ethics stipulates that social workers should:

e. None of these.

If a relationship between two variables is spurious:

it can disappear when a third variable is controlled for.

A study tests the hypothesis that the provision of social work intervention will reduce the school dropout rate. It finds that social work intervention reduces the dropout rate only of children whose families are experiencing high levels of family stress. In this study, what type of variable is "level of family stress"?

moderating variable.

If we find that rates of behavioral disorder are lower among children who are more active in sports, then we have found what type of relationship?


When recruiting minority and oppressed populations in research studies, you should

obtain endorsement for your study from community leaders.

Recruitment of minority and oppressed populations in research studies can be enhanced by:

obtaining endorsement from community leaders.

Sampling with hidden and oppressed populations

often must utilize the snowball sampling method.

A frame of reference for interpreting the world is referred to as a...


Culturally insensitive research can

poison the climate for future research among a particular population.

Ethical obligations regarding analysis and reporting

require that technical shortcomings and failures of the study be revealed.

Descriptive studies do NOT

tell why something occurred

A probabilistic explanation takes the form...

x tends to be y

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