Chapter 3 Cell Structure & Function

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Internal cellular compartments, or well-defined sub-cellular structures, that carry out specialized functions within cells are generally called.


The net movement of water across a semipermeable membrane in response to differing solute concentrations on the two sides of that membrane is specifically called


Water movement into and out of cells is controlled by ----- pressure


In living organisms, the movement of water is controlled mainly by

osmotic pressure. active transport. facilitated diffusion. endocytosis. Answer osmotic pressure.

True or false: A typical compound light microscope can be used to visualize the elements of the cell's cytoskeleton.


True or false: As a cell increases in size, its surface area increases more rapidly than its volume.


True or false: Lysosomes are found only in white blood cells.


Which term generally refers to any well-defined subcellular structure?

Cytoplasm DNA Organelle Plasma membrane Answer Organelle

Which part of a phospholipid is attracted to water?

Glycerol Lipid tail Amino group Phosphate head Answer Phosphate head

The cellular organelle that consists of a stack of slightly curved saccules is the --- apparatus.


Which organelle is the main site of ATP synthesis?

Lysosome Mitochondrion Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum Answer Mitochondrion

Which part of the mitochondrion is indicated by the arrow?

Matrix Inner membrane Cristae Intermembrane space Answer Intermembrane space

Which part of the mitochondrion is indicated by the red arrow? Multiple choice question.

Matrix Outer membrane Cristae Inner membrane Answer Cristae

The process of glycolysis occurs in what part of a cell?

Plasma membrane Mitochondria Nucleus Cytoplasm Answer Cytoplasm

What do animals, plants, fungi, and protists all have in common?

They are all eukaryotic. They are all multicellular. They are all photosynthetic. Answer They are all eukaryotic

The mitochondrion is composed of

a stack of slightly curved saccules that looks like a stack of pancakes. a double membrane with the inner membrane folded into cristae. rRNA and protein subunits. a cylinder that contains rows of the protein tubulin. Answer a double membrane with the inner membrane folded into cristae.

The structure indicated by the red arrow is the ---- a region in the nucleus where rRNA is produced.


The basic unit of life is the


Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell because the major metabolic process that takes place there is

cell division. fermentation. active transport. cellular respiration. Answer cellular respiration.

The combination of DNA and proteins that forms visible chromosomes during cell division is called


The random movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is called


Inside a cell, the organelles of the ----- system work together to transport molecules from one part of the cell to another


With regard to tonicity, two solutions that have the same concentrations of non-diffusible solutes and water are said to be ---- .


A cell containing a certain concentration of salt is placed in a solution. The cell neither shrinks nor swells. Therefore, the solution is said to be

isotonic to the cell. hypertonic to the cell. hypotonic to the cell. Answer isotonic to the cell.

Which of the following processes involve invagination of the plasma membrane in order to bring molecules into a cell? Select all that apply.

pinocytosis phagocytosis endocytosis exocytosis Answer pinocytosis phagocytosis endocytosis

The process of taking pathogens into a white blood cell by forming a pouch from the plasma membrane is called

pinocytosis. vesicle cytosis. exocytosis. phagocytosis. Answer phagocytosis

Enzymes are named for their


Three biochemical pathways are typically involved in the cellular respiration of a glucose molecule. Arrange these pathways in the order of their occurrence, with the first pathway at the top.

1. glycolysis 2. citric acid cycle 3. electron transport chain

Keeping a cell intact and regulating the entrance and exit of molecules are function of a cell's

1. plasma or cell 2. membrane

Match the letters of the labeled illustration with the correct type of transport of molecules across a plasma membrane.

A. phagocytosis B. pinocytosis C. receptor-mediated endocytosis

Select the functions of the endomembrane system of cells.

ATP synthesis compartmentalize chemical reactions storage of information needed for protein synthesis transports molecules within cells responsible for cellular motility Answer compartmentalize chemical reactions transports molecules within cells

The energy for active transport usually comes from the breakdown of

ATP. NaCl. CO2 ADP. Answer ATP

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that is studded with ribosomes is called ---- ER; that which lacks ribosomes is called ---- ER.

Blank 1: Rough ER Blank 2 : Smooth ER

Why does the breakdown of glucose not occur all at once?

Cells would not be able to store all of the energy at one time. Cells do not have enough mitochondria to breakdown glucose all at once. Cells would lose a tremendous amount of energy if glucose breakdown occurred all at once. Answer Cells would lose a tremendous amount of energy if glucose breakdown occurred all at once.

Which part of cellular respiration involves high energy electrons passed through a series of carriers that harvest their energy in order to make ATP?

Citric acid cycle Electron transport chain Glycolysis Answer Electron transport chain

Ribosomes are made of which two components?

DNA tRNA proteins rRNA lipids Answer proteins rRNA

Molecules move from lower concentrations to areas of higher concentration during which of the following?

Diffusion Facilitated transport Active transport Osmosis Answer Active transport

Which of the following microscopes is capable of producing the highest magnification?

Transmission electron microscope Compound light microscope Answer Transmission electron microscope

Which type of microscope uses glass lenses to magnify objects?

Transmission electron microscope Compound light microscope Scanning electron microscope Answer Compound light microscope

True or false: A small amount of ATP is produced directly by the citric acid cycle.


In the human body, flagella are found in which location?

Uterine tubes Sperm cells White blood cells Respiratory tract Answer Sperm cells

A hypertonic solution has ______ solute concentration than that of a cell.

a higher a lower the same Answer a higher

The structure indicated by the red arrow is

a nuclear pore.

An enzyme contains a specific region called the ______ where a substance called the ______ will bind.

active site; substrate substrate site; coenzyme active region; product active site; product Answer active site; substrate

Membranous sac-like cellular organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes are called

centrosomes. lysosomes. ribosomes. mitochondria. Answer lysosomes.

Match each component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) with its function

collagen - resists stretching of the ECM elastin - gives resilience to the ECM fibronectin - binds to integrin in plasma membranes integrins - membrane proteins that connect to fibronectin and actin cytoskeleton

A ---- light microscope uses a set of glass lenses and light rays passing through the object to magnify and view objects.


Select the biochemical pathways that are involved in the breakdown of glucose.

conjugation electron transport chain citric acid cycle transpiration glycolysis Answer electron transport chain citric acid cycle glycolysis

ATP production occurs at folds on the inner membrane of the mitochondrion called the


As cells become larger in volume the proportionate amount of surface area

decreases. stays the same. increases. Answer decreases Reason: As cells get larger in volume, the proportionate amount of surface area actually decreases. For example, for a cube-shaped cell, the volume increases by the cube of the sides (height x width x depth), while the surface area increases by the square of the sides and number of sides (height x width x 6).

ATP provides the energy required to fuel which of the following processes?

diffusion facilitated transport osmosis active transport Answer active transport

Cells that lack a membrane-bound nucleus are called _______ cells.

eukaryotic prokaryotic plant animal Answer prokaryotic

The net movement of water across a membrane from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration is called

facilitated diffusion osmosis. active transport. diffusion. Answer osmosis

Select all types of organisms that are eukaryotes.

fungi protists archaebacteria eubacteria plants animals Answer fungi protists plants animals

Which of the following are examples of an enzyme?

lactose maltase lactase maltose Answer maltase lactase

An increase in apparent size of an object in relation to the actual object is known as

magnification. contrast. resolution. Answer magnification.

Collagen, elastin, and fibronectin are all components of the ECM or extracellular

matrix or substance

The observations that mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane and have their own genes support the hypothesis that

mitochondria originated when two prokaryotic cells merged. mitochondria originally performed photosynthesis, but lost that function over time. mitochondria originated when a prokaryotic cell was engulfed by another cell. Answer mitochondria originated when a prokaryotic cell was engulfed by another cell.

The cellular organelles responsible for protein synthesis are the

mitochondria. ribosomes. lysosomes. Golgi apparatus. Answer ribosomes

Using units of the metric system, there are 1000 micrometers in one

nanometer. meter. millimeter. milligram. Answer millimeter Reason: Milligram is a unit of weight, not size.

Match each portion of a plasma membrane phospholipid molecule with the correct characterization of its behavior in water.

nonpolar tails - hydrophobic polar heads - hydrophilic

The prominent structure in eukaryotic cells that stores the genetic information (chromosomes) is the


Glycolysis can occur anaerobically, meaning it does not require


Cellular respiration, the biochemical process by which mitochondria convert the chemical energy of glucose (or other nutrients) into ATP, resembles the respiration carried out by human lungs in what two ways?

oxygen is released carbon dioxide is released carbon dioxide is taken up oxygen is taken up Answer carbon dioxide is released oxygen is taken up

Match each type of transport of molecules across a plasma membrane with the correct description.

phagocytosis - ingestion of larger particles (like microbes), usually by white blood cells pinocytosis - uptake of relatively small molecules and fluids receptor-mediated endocytosis - uptake of molecules after binding to specific proteins in the plasma membrane

A vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and secrete its contents into the extracellular space during the process of

phagocytosis. pinocytosis. exocytosis. endocytosis Answer exocytosis

Which of the following applies to the formation of the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane? Select all that apply.

polar heads oriented to the outside and inside of the cell heads face the watery sides of the membrane hydrophobic tails oriented inward toward each other hydrophobic tails oriented toward water Answer polar heads oriented to the outside and inside of the cell heads face the watery sides of the membrane hydrophobic tails oriented inward toward each other

The function of ribosomes is to synthesize


Chromatin, which coils tightly during cell division to form chromosomes, is made of which types of molecules?

proteins nucleoplasm cholesterol nucleic acids Answer proteins nucleic acids

Which of the following are functions of the plasma membrane?

regulate cellular metabolism keep the cell intact store materials selectively regulate passage of materials Answer keep the cell intact selectively regulate passage of materials

Which of the following are locations where cilia can be found in the human body?

respiratory tract esophagus uterine tubes sperm cells Answer respiratory tract uterine tubes

Proteins are synthesized by cellular organelles called


The rough ER is studded with ---- which are organelles that produce proteins.


Which one of these is contained inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell?

ribosomes cytoplasm genetic information golgi apparatus Answer genetic information

The organelle of the endomembrane system labeled as "A" is the

rough endoplasmic reticulum. lysosome. Golgi apparatus. smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Answer smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Which statements correctly describe the cytoplasm?

semifluid contains water contains proteins found in all types of cells considered to be an organelle Answer semifluid contains water contains proteins found in all types of cells

Which of the following are portions of the endoplasmic reticulum?

smooth ER nuclear ER ribosomal ER rough ER lysosomal ER Answer smooth ER rough ER

The organelle of the endomembrane system labeled as "C" is the

smooth endoplasmic reticulum. lysosome. rough endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus Answer Golgi apparatus.

Another name for the reactant of an enzymatic reaction is the


In exocytosis, a vesicle containing macromolecules fuses with

the nucleus. the Golgi body. the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). the plasma membrane. Answer the plasma membrane.

The best general definition of endocytosis is

the uptake of small particles and fluids by a cell. an inward pinching of the plasma membrane to form a vesicle. the fusion of a vesicle with the plasma membrane, resulting in secretion. the uptake of large particles, such as microbes, by a cell. Answer an inward pinching of the plasma membrane to form a vesicle.

When water moves via osmosis across a selectively permeable membrane, the direction in which it will move is determined by the ______ of the solutions inside and outside of the cell, which is based on solute concentration of a solution.

tonicity diffusion equilibrium Answer tonicity

Select all correct statements regarding facilitated transport.

transport is one-way, allowing molecules into the cell but not out carrier proteins are specific to a single type of molecule carrier proteins require energy to move molecules against their concentration gradient Answer carrier proteins are specific to a single type of molecule

In eukaryotic cells, what is the location of the ATP-synthase enzyme complex that produces most of the ATP during aerobic cellular respiration?

Inner mitochondrial membrane Outer mitochondrial membrane Mitochondrial matrix Cellular cytoplasm Answer Inner mitochondrial membrane Reason: In eukaryotic cells, the ATP-synthase enzyme complex that produces most of the ATP during aerobic cellular respiration is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

select the observations about mitochondria that support the hypothesis that these organelles evolved when prokaryotes were engulfed by a cell?

Mitochondria can live independently from cells. Mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane Mitochondria have their own genes Mitochondria have flagella and move independently Answer Mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane Mitochondria have their own genes

Which organelle is responsible for detoxifying drugs in liver cells and producing testosterone in testicular cell?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Rough endoplasmic reticulum Answer Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following best explains why placing cells into a hypertonic solution causes them to shrink?

Solutes rush into the cell Water rushes out of the cell Solutes rush out of the cell Water rushes into the cell Answer Water rushes out of the cell

During aerobic cellular respiration, most of the energy that allows a cell to produce ATP is derived from which specific process?

The biochemical reactions of the citric acid cycle The biochemical reactions of glycolysis Splitting oxygen atoms to produce high-energy electrons Electrons passing between carrier proteins of the electron transport chain Answer Electrons passing between carrier proteins of the electron transport chain

What happens to an enzyme after a reaction is complete?

The enzyme can no longer be used again. The enzyme is ready to be used again. The enzyme picks up a coenzyme. Answer The enzyme is ready to be used again.

True or false: The first cells to evolve on earth were eukaryotic cells.


True or false: Although diffusion is a random movement of molecules, it sometimes requires energy.


The prokaryotes include which two major groups of bacteria?

Eukarya Archaebacteria Eubacteria Answer Archaebacteria Eubacteria

The first cells to evolve on Earth were what type?

Eukaryotic Nether prokaryotic nor eukaryotic Prokaryotic Answer Prokaryotic

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