Chapter 3: Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model

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Computer Science

*One of the fastest growing disciplines*. Offers extremely valuable tools that, if used skillfully, can facilitate the acquisition and manipulation of data and information by nurses, who can then synthesize these into an evolving knowledge and wisdom base.

Two Primary Input Devices

1) *Keyboard* 2) *Mouse*

Astonishing innovations in computer ________(1)________, ________(2)________, and ________(3)________ have occurred over the past few decades and there are no indications that this trend will stop anytime soon.

1) Hardware 2) Software 3) Architecture

Two Primary Output Devices

1) Printer 2) Speaker

The ________(1)________, ________(2)________, and ________(3)________ can enable nurses to work with computers to further foster ________(4)________ and ________(5)________.

1) Productivity 2) Creative 3) Communicative Software Tools 4) Knowledge Acquisition 5) Development

Computers have developed in ________(1)________, ________(2)________, and ________(3)________, yet also ________(4)________ and have reduced ________(5)________. These trends are predicted to continue.

1) Speed 2) Accuracy 3) Efficiently 4) Cost Less 5) Physical Size

Healthcare Networks

A network that provide a medium for greater accessibility to shared information and support for interpersonal exchange and collaboration, network socially, and disseminate knowledge with other users.

Monitor as an Output Component

Access to input and stored documents is often performed via the screen. (i.e. Reading a document that is stored on the computer or viewable from the Internet.)

Information Age

An age when data, information, and knowledge are both accessible and able to be manipulated by more people than ever before in history.


An electronic information-processing machine that serves as a tool to manipulate data and information.

Touch Screen Monitors

An input device when activated by a *stylus* or *finger pressure*.

Discipline of Computer Science

Introduced through a focus on computers and the *hardware* and *software* that make up these evolving systems.

Laser Printers

Produce publisher ready quality printer when combined with quality paper

Input Components (Acquisition of Data and Information)

These devices are the origin of medium used to input text, visual, audio, or multimedia data into the computer system for *viewing*, *listening*, *manipulating*, *creating*, or *editing*.

Computers: An Input-Output System

These unique machines accept data inputted via a variety of devices, process data through logical and arithmetic rendering, store the data in memory components, and output data and information to the user.

Why is it imperative that nurses become discerning yet skilled users of computer technology?

To apply the principles of nursing informatics to practice, and to contribute to the profession's ever growing body of knowledge.

Relationship of Computer Science to Knowledge

a) *Understanding the effect* of *computer systems*, *architecture*, *applications*, and *processes* have on the potential for knowledge acquisition and development. b) Contribution to the development of knowledge and through the use of *Productivity*, *creativity*, and *communication software*. c) Dissemination of knowledge on a grand scale with other users *using the world wide web*. d) *Mastering and Organizing the deluge of information available* via computers for knowledge to emerge. e) Facilitating the further development of wisdom by being able to discern/critique/filter information*.

Networks in Nursing

a) Client focused networks b) Telenursing c) e-Health d) Client support networks e) Virtual work related networks f) Research networks

Output Component (Dissemination)

a) Devices that carry data in a usable form through exit devices in, or attached to a computer. b) These devices can put data at the use's fingertips, which can then be used to develop knowledge and even wisdom


a) External components attached to a computer b) Most common printers are inkjet and laser printers


a) Key hardware component. b) A visible throughput component because it is the part of the computer focused on the most when users are working on a computer. c) Inputted data can be visualized and accessed by manipulating the mouse and keyboard input devices, but it is the monitor that receives the user's attention. d) Critical for the efficient rendering during this part of the cycle, because of the data and information.

Inkjet Printers

a) More economical b) Applies ink to a paper using a jet spray mechanism

Common Forms of Output Components

a) Printed Documents b) Speakers c) Audio/Video Files d) Scan Results e) Saved files on a portable disk (DVD, FD, EHD)

Networks (Collaboration and Information Exchange)

a) Promote data and information exchange, feedback, and knowledge development and dissemination. b) Links computers to promote communication and information exchange


a) Second most commonly used input device b) Manipulated by the users hand to point, click, and move objects around the computer screen.


a) Similar to early days typewriter keyboards. b) Enable user to type words, numbers and commands in the computer's programs. c) Standard keyboard have 101 keys. d) F keys number 1-12 are function keys used in different ways by different programs.

Throughput/ Processing Components (Processing of Data and Information)

a) Specific software is used, depending on the application and data involved b) One key hardware component, the *Computer Monitor*.

Configurations of a Mouse

a) Standard mechanical trackball serial mouse b) Bus mouse c) PS/2 mouse d) USB connected mouse e) Optical lens mouse f) Cordless mouse g) Optomechanical mouse


a) Usually embedded in the monitor of almost all computers. b) In a laptop, this component is close to the keyboard. c) Can be added externally to a computer system which provide enhanced sound and more enjoyable listening experience.

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