Chapter 3: God's Faithfulness

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What are the covenants that were made with Adam and Noah?

Adam: God told him and Eve that they should not touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They ended up breaking the promise and created Original Sin. Noah: God made a covenant with Noah and then put a rainbow in the sky. It was a sign that he would never again destroy the earth with a flood.

What happened after the flood?

After the flood, God made a covenant and set a rainbow in the sky. It was his sign that he would never again destroy the earth with a flood.

Know the story of Cain and Abel

Cain was the first farmer. His brother Abel was an animal herder. They both offered sacrifice to God. Because God was pleased with Abel's offering of a lamb, but not with Cain's offering from his harvest, Cain was jealous. In a fit of anger he killed his brother. The earth itself turned against him: he could no longer grow crops, and became a wanderer without a home.

What do all actions have?


A sacred promise or agreement between God and humans.


Who does God make covenants with?

Different groups of people.

The loyalty and steadfastness that God shows to all humans, even when they sin. God's offer of friendship is never withdrawn.


Why was Jesus sent?

God the Father fully revealed himself and his faithfulness by sending his own Son to teach us and save us. Jesus is the most complete and perfect revelation of God's love for his people.

Know the story of Noah's ark

God was not happy with the people so he decided to flood the land for 40 days and nights. God asked Noah to make a ark and take 2 of each animal.

Why is Blessed Peter to Rot a great role model for being faithful?

He is a great role model for being faithful because he kept staying faithful even though he would eventually die for it.

What does God remain faithful with?

He is faithful to his covenant even though we break ours.

What does God do when we sin?

He remains faithful and continues to love humans even when they sin. God created a covenant and continues to remain loyal to it.

What is Blessed Peter to Rot's story?

He was born on the island of Papua, New Guinea. When the Japanese invaded the island they forbade Christian worship and all religious gatherings. Even with this Peter still worshiped God and ended up dying for it.

Know the story of the Tower of Babel.

In the beginning, everyone spoke the same language. Noah's descendants settled in a beautiful valley. They created a city and tower that reached the sky. They were filled with pride and wanted to display power. God saw and made their languages different. The place became known as Babel because it was where no one was understood. God scattered the people all over Earth and were unable to communicate with each other.

What is Jesus called and why?

Jesus is called the "new Adam." Jesus makes amends for the disobedience of Adam. Jesus conquers sin and brought everlasting life.

Know the story of Adam and Eve

Life in the Garden of Eden was perfect. The only thing they were told by God was to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. One day, the serpent talked Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve believed touching it meant death. The serpent disagreed saying eating from the tree would make them like God. She believed it and ate the fruit and gave some to Adam.

A title for Jesus Christ who through his obedience in Life and Death makes amends for the disobedience of Adam.

New Adam

The sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, which led to the sinful condition of the human race from its beginning.

Original Sin

What are we all born with because of Adam and Eve freely disobeying God?

Original Sin.

What happened as a result of Adam and Eve's disobedience?

Since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, their relationship between God and other humans who would come into existence. Labor, pain, and death came into the world.

An attraction to sin, those actions, and omissions that go against right reason and against God's law.


What do we have to live with as humans?

Tendency to sin, temptation, suffering, and even death are part of the human experience.

How does the covenant made with Noah relate to Jesus?

The covenant made with Noah and his people, pointed towards Jesus and is fulfilled in him.

What happens if we break our covenant?

There are consequences if we do not fulfill the obligation of a covenant.

What happens when you are baptized?

When you are baptized, you are freed from Original Sin and brought into new life.

How can we resist temptation?

With help from God.

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