Chapter 3
Effective group problem solving and decision making steps (best applied to complex problems)
1. Identify the problem 2. Clarify the problem 3. Analyze the cause 4. Search for alternative solutions 5. Select alternatives 6. Plan for implementation 7. Clarify the contract 8. Develop an action plan 9. Provide for evaluation and accountability
NGT steps
1. Work team members are assembled 2. Team leader presents a specific question 3. Individual team members write down their ideas independently without speaking to other members 4. Each team member in turn presents one idea to the group 5. After each idea is presented, group clarifies and evaluates suggestions 6. Meeting ends with a silent, independent rating of the alternatives
Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
A group problem solving technique that calls people together in a structured meeting with limited interaction
A group problem solving technique that promotes creativity by encouraging idea generation through noncritical discussion Encourages hitchhiking
Brainstorming by individuals working alone Typically more useful ideas than in a group
Three forces in brainstorming that block ideas:
Evaluation Apprehension: don't talk bc fear of being critically evaluated Free riding: social loafing Inhibiting procedures: only one person speaks at a time, people forget their ideas
Groupware pros
Faster, clearer communication Communicate when it otherwise wouldn't be possible Enable telecommuting Reduce travel costs Bring together multiple perspectives and expertise Assemble groups with common interests when it wouldn't be possible face to face To facilitate group problem solving
Fighting for one position Opposite of inquiry, approached decision making as a contest with a winning alternative Personality conflicts come into play
Brainstorming rules
Group size of 5-7 people Everyone has a chance to suggest alternative solutions No criticism is allowed Freewheeling is encouraged Quantity and variety are important Combinations and improvements are encouraged Notes must be taking by a recording secretary Invite outsiders to the brainstorming session Do not overstructure by following any of the above ideas to strictly
Includes shared whiteboard, e mail, electronic brainstorming
Looking for the best alternative Multiple alternatives, encourages the exchange of ideas and well reasoned solution
Electronic brainstorming
Method of generating ideas with the aid of a computer. Group members simultaneously and anonymously enter their suggestions into a computer, and the ideas are distributed to monitors of other group members -Can be anonymous; users can answer whenever
Why stand up at meetings?
Produces rapid high quality decision making
Political Decision making model
The assumption about decision making that people bring preconceived notions and biases into the decision making situation "Satisfying one's own interest" Facts and figures that conflict with personal biases and preferences might get blocked out of memory or rationalized away
Group Decision Making
The process of reaching a judgement based on feedback from more than one individual Purpose is agreeing on a solution and making a decision
Rational Decision making model
The traditional, logical approach to decision making based on the scientific method Based on an economic view of decision making
Brainstorming purpose
Used as a method of finding alternatives to real life problems and as a creativity training program
Why you shouldn't email too much
Warmth of human interaction and facial expression is lost Face to face interaction facilitates creativity as people exchange ideas
Three aspects of group problem solving in making more effective decisions
Working through the group problem solving steps Managing disagreement about the decision Aiming for inquiry rather than advocacy