Chapter 30 Section 3-5

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All males had to register with the draft board at the age of?


Identify two effects of the Vietnam War, and explain how they were caused by the war.

2 effects of the Vietnam War was communism spread to other nations in Southeast Asia. By communist regimes eventually came to power in countries of Southeast Asia, like Laos and Cambodia. And the Great Society fell. By LBJ couldn't pay for both the Vietnam war and the Great Society.

In 1967, how much of the country were still in favor of the war?

2/3 of the country

Men began to avoid the draft. How many were accused and imprisoned?

200,000 men were accused and 4,000 were imprisoned

Nearly how many women served in the military as what?

7,500 women as nurses

During the first several years of the War, who accounted for 20% of the deaths, while only being the 10 of the population?

African Americans

Lower Class

Almost 80 percent of U.S. soldiers who fought in Vietnam came from the _______ classes of society.


Americans who strongly felt that the Johnson Administration wasn't doing enough to escalate and tin the war were known as ____?


Americans who strongly opposed the war and believed that the US should withdraw were called ___?

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Angry with Nixon's secret orders to bomb and invade Cambodia, congress repealed this

Before Tet 28% were doves, while 56 were hawks, after Tet, it was even at 40% what?

Are people who don't care because they are not either Hawks nor Doves

On April 4th Who was assassinated?

Dr. Martin Luther King

Who spoke out against this speaking of the "cruel irony"

Dr. Martin Luther King

What did the population found in 2 camps during the war?

Either Hawks or Doves

Students for a Democratic Society

Founded by Tom Hayden and Al Haber in 1959, _____________ called for a return to "participatory democracy" and greater individual freedom

Free Speech Movement

Founded in 1964 at the University of California at Berkeley, the _______ focused its criticisms on what it called the American "machine"

Who did Nixon defeat and by how many electoral votes while only capturing what percentage of popular votes.

He defeated Humphrey by more then 100 electoral votes while only capturing 45% of the popular votes

Henry Kissinger

He served as the top US negotiator in Vietnam


Most soldiers who fought were _____?

Some protests led to riots that had to be put down by who?


Pentagon Papers

Publication of this revealed, among other things, that the Johnson administration had lied to the public about its intentions in vietnam

What was also common in the military and _______ and _____ also common in the war.

Racism, fights, and riots

Two month later, who was killed by a young Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan?

Robert Kennedy, he was a strong candidate for the Democratic nomination. He favored Israel and so a Palestinian person killed him.

Groups such as what organized marches and protests?

SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)

New Left

The growing movement of the 1960's became known as the ____.


The most common way that young men avoided draft was to enroll in ______?

What does Nixon benefited from in Chicago?

The turmoil in Chicago

However the credibility gap widen. What was this point of the war?

The turning point of the war (Public options, protests, Vietnam into horrible decisions)

Discuss the various reasons that a large number of young Americans opposed the war.

The various reasons that the large number of young Americans opposed the war was because: -They thought that it was a national civil war, not a cold war battle. -They didn't want America to be the "police of the world". -American soldiers were dying in a war that had little to do with American interests. -Pacifism and -Effects on the economy

The Democratic nomination pitted who against who?

They pitted Hubert Humphrey against Eugene McCarthy


This called for a gradual withdrawal of US troops in Vietnam

Khmer Rouge

This communist group seized power in Cambodia after the US invasion of that country unleashed a brutal civil war

My Lai Massacre

This murder of more than 200 innocent Vietnamese villagers by US troops shocked Americans when it was finally revealed to the public

War powers act

This requires a president to inform congress within 48 hours if US forces are sent into a hostile area without a declaration of war

War powers act

This states that US troops are not to remain longer than 90 days in a hostile area without congressional approval or a declaration of war

How many more volunteered their services to the Red Cross and the United Services Organization, which delivered what?

Thousand more had volunteered and its delivered hospitality and entertainment

Vietcong used the holiday as a secret way to surprise who?

U.S. and ARVN forces

Invasion of Cambodia

Upon hearing of this, US college students went on the first general student strike in the nation's history

What happen after Dr. Martin Luther King's assassinated?

Violence ripped through the nation burning buildings and destroying neighborhoods as the result of this assassination.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Which 1968 Democratic presidential candidate voluntarily dropped out of the race before the national convention took place?

Robert Kennedy

Which 1968 democratic presidential candidate was assassinated?

Hubert Humphrey

Which 1968 presidential candidate had the support of Lyndon B. Johnson?

Robert Kennedy

Who decided to join the Democratic race for the presidency after seeing the surprising results of the 1968 New Hampshire primary?

Eugene McCarthy

Who gained popularity in the weeks following Tet and received 42% of the vote in the 1968 New Hampshire Democratic Primary?

George Wallace

Who ran in the 1968 presidential election as a third party candidate on a platform supporting states rights and segregation?

Clark Clifford

Who was chosen to replace Robert McNamara as secretary of defense?

Hubert Humphrey

Who was nominated for president at the 1968 Democratic National convention?

Richard M. Nixon

Who was the republican candidate for president in the 1968 election?

Richard M. Nixon

Who won 1968 presidential election?

Martin Luther King jr.

Whose assassination was followed by violent riots in 130 US cities?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Whose slim margin of victory in the 1968 New Hampshire Democratic primary was viewed as a defeat?

How else can you dodge the draft?

You can dodge the draft if you ran away from your country and going to Canada

The Tet Offensive continued for nearly a month before what?

before order can be restored

Westmoreland declared the attacks an overwhelming what?

defeat for the Vietcong

Walter Kronkite said that the war seemed it was going to what?

end in a stalemate- tie

January 30th is the Vietnam what?

equivalent to New Year Eve

Johnson states what?

he will not seek another term for president

Many men got out of the draft ____? and how?

legally by having a medical excuses which the doctors is usually get pay to do this and college deferment.

The nations colleges continued to erupt in protest 40,000 students in how many colleges?

over hundred colleges campus were involved in large demonstration

primary election

you get to choose the representative. only people in their own political party.

How did popular singers voiced their opinions?

In Songs

Silent majority

In an attempt to win support for his war policies, Nixon made a special appeal to this group

In reality the candidate had already been chosen and what did it do to the young people?

It angered them. They didn't like one, so they passed the primary election and went ahead to pick whoever they wanted.

Identify two effects of the Tet offensive, and explain how they resulted from the offensive.

It was the turning point and 32,000 Vietcong died and a little more than 3000 Americans died 2 effects of the Tet Offensive was America limiting its bombing of North Vietnam and seek and negotiated settlement to the war. By the Tet Offensive lowering American military leader's confidence because it was a strategic blow to the Americans because the communists had not lost the will to fight. And Johnson not running for another term as president. By the war undermining his presidency, especially after the Tet Offensive because it was a strategic blow to the Americans because the communists had not lost the will to fight.

Rioting spilled onto where?

spilled out of the park and into the downtown streets

Such groups were __________ for a Democratic Society and the ________________.

students and the free speech movement

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