Chapter 32

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Constantin Brancusi Torso of a Young Man

-2 geometric lock like form -essence of a man -looks like the body and a dick

Jacob Lawrence, Migration Series

-caused millions of blacks to leave the south and have them move to the inudstiral north -painted each color individually. creates continuatiy . a crush of people boarding the train to go north -

The Armory Show

-changed the art world and art in the us -introduced the notion to modernism to america -

Grant Wood American Gothic

-is trying to create an American identity and it invites paradoy -set this up. it is his dentist and his sister = sterotypical -symmetrical -balanced -repeated forms -thought out compostion. head with oval cameo. pitchfork, with line ons on overalls -farmer being of the land, god, relegion -art is becoming a self examination. we are beginning to exaime ourselves

Pablo Picasso Family of Saltimbanques

-isolation, loneliness, depression -depiction of traveling circus -nobody is looking at each other. all appeal psychologically withdrawn -figures are simplified. reduced to planes. same with landscape -seated women who looks like a sculpture. removed from the group on the left

Lee Krasner The Seasons

-jackson pollock's wife -keys in on organic shapes. uses color to show a natural world

Constantin Brancusi The Newborn

-looks like an egg -the beginning stage of life -crevice/fissure is the mouth of a newborn crying -symbolizes the potential for birth, growth, and development - the 'essence' of life contained in a perfect, organic, abstract ovoid

Vassily Kandinsky Improvisation 28 FINAL

-originally born in russia, came to germany, and created the blue rider organization -when you hear music, you see colors,and that is kinda what happened here -art doesn't have to mean anything. doesn't have to be about a subject to give them that sensation so he made sure that his art was autonomous, making no reference to the visible world -was influenced by whistler w/ nocturne in black and gold -wants to give the sensation. lead humanity toward a deeper awareness of spirituality and the inner world -this was highly technical but gives the sense that it was spontaneous -on the right there is a hill with a building maybe a chapel, there are some waves

Alexander Calder Mobile

-perfectly balances organic shapes that move with the air current

Alexander Calder Acrobat

-was an egineer -drawn with wire an acrobat -2D -the shadow shows the acrobat on the wall. is the wire or the shadow a work of art -used 2D line to create a 3D shadow

Marcel Duchamp L.H.O.O.Q.

-when u say those letters in french , it says she has a hot ass -taken a found object, altered it, and forcing people at this new art movement -art has no meaning

American Modernism/ American Abstraction

Economic and technological progress during the interwar period gave rise to American modernism, an artistic movement favoring abstraction. They sought to bring the advances of modern European art to the U.S. The armory show of 1913 exposed the American public to modern with mixed success.

Modern Art from 1900-1950

Europe: -fauves -cubism -dadaism -germa expressionism -italian futurism US: -american modernism -surrealism -harlem reaissance -abstract expressionism historical context: the art world is now pushing the boundaries but the world is going down. ww1 happened - territorial ww2 was a war of ideology artists were like why we even here. we aren't civilized. we are primitive and cruel Sigmund Freud tells us that we can touch the inside of us thru dreams. subconscious v. conscious

Socialist Realism

Social Realism is a naturalistic realism focusing specifically on social issues and the hardships of everyday life


of a work commissioned and or designed for a particular location

Benday Dots

the individual dots that that make up lettering and images


the practice of some postmodern artists of adopting images in their entirety from other works of art or from visual culture for use in their own work

Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles D'Avignon (the Young Ladies of Avignon) FINAL

-5 posing women in a shallow space -flat colors, garish (pink, fushia, blue, and brown) -figures are fractured.broken down into flat planes and he altered, and twisted them. no longer solid objects. he then placed them in a fractured space. mid, fore, and background meld together -same size as Matisse's joy of life -prostitutes.provactive body positions -we objectified this females, broke them up into pieces, created geometric planes -challenges notion of beauty and used African and Liberian masks as inspiration -proto cubism: experimentation with shape -was inspired by cezannes still life with multiple vantage points -the fruit in the foreground seems brittle and dangerous just like how the woman are inviting but dangerous -shatters the tradition of sexual availability in a female nude

Marcel Duchamp Fountain

-Duchamp is being a pain and challenging the concept of air -submitted this piece to a non juried show and they rejected it -art no longer represents anything in the world, doesn't have to be made in the hands of the artist -transgressive -art object might not only be crafted by others, but that the object of art could actually e mass produced for the artists by the industry dadaism= negation of art . it isn't about anything. nialist movement

Henri Matisse the Woman With the Hat FINAL

-Seurat differs from Matisse because he was actually attempting to use color theory in a work of art. Matisse and the fauves aren't trying to do that. they just want pure color for its own effect an to flatten an image -Matisse is considered the founder of the fuaves movement -disturbing to the audience. not naturalistic and brushwork was blunt -influenced by African masks. what is beauty? challenges the notion -colorist

jasper johns target with plaster casts

-a fine painting is non representational -no story -no sense of 3d. it is 2d ho -combined painting and sculpture . combine. -rejection of formalist art -

Georges Braque Houses at L'Estaque

-architecture -even though there is shading to show depth, image still appears flat

Robert Rauschenberg Canyon

-does the unthinkable an takes real life objects and puts it together -doesn't address formal elements and takes real life things. if it is at all represental then it isn't modern either . it didn't fit any style -leading us into a world of popular life. a space between art and life

Andre Derain Mountains at Collioure FINAL

-expressive color and blunt art strokes -playing with color so we can't read deep space -happy landscape -put complimentary colors next to each other to intensify the hue -since it appears flat, viewer knows that this is painting on canvas

Georgia O'Keeffe An orchid FINAL

-femine sexuality -almost abstract but never leaves you to not knowing that it is a flower. that context is always there -beautiful colors, soft lines

Umberto Boccioni Unique Forms of Continuity in Space

-form should explode in a violent burst of motion from the closed ad solid mass into the surrounding space -male figure -hard bronze like material -heavy feet. appears to be moving fast but his feet are grounding him. wind resistance -power and tension -similar stance to Nike

Meret Oppenheim Objet (Luncheon in Fur)

-gross. the point of work -putting fur on changes the subject -teacup represents male -spoon is the male -distinct, sexual -repulsion, levels of interpretation

Robert Henri La Reine Mora

-he formed the group called the 8 -was in control of the armoy show -she is a flaminog dancer -hands on hips -full portrait -looking up to her -power -she is looking straight at the viewer -she is a dangerous and powerful women

Mark Tansey, History of Modern Art

-im not going to pretned that there is any depth. this is paint on canvas . the painting will be about the formal elements and nothing more

Henri Matisse Le Bonheur de Vivre (the Joy of life) FINAL

-lots of flat planes of pretty colors, old outlines -sense of sunshine and landscape, warm summer day. -nothing makes the viewer uncomfortable -ref to mythological figure . pan, 2 flute. its okay to depict nude due to mythology -we get the sense of music -deep erotic sensuality -painting intended to delight the eye. show the joy of life -painted on a history sized canvas. the audacity -flattened figures and distortion of the spatial relations between them -the whole composition is expressive, along with the color.

Pablo Picasso Ma Jolie FINAL

-ma jolie is a portrait of 3/4 portrait of a female and it is broken up -analytical cubism = take space, take the subject, break it down into individual pieces -color has been reduced. almost mono -planes are rendered wit horizontal brushwork -challenged his veiwers to think about the very nature of communication through painting -makes the viewer make sense of the portrait -ma jolie was also the title of a popular song so the meaning could be more then just a self portrait -suble tension between order and disorder is maintained throughout . there is a grid, short brush works unites sections, theres a triangle feeling, grounded. chaos resolves itself into order

Edvard Munch The Scream

-not using descriptive color, form -using formal elements to evoke emotion -the emotion of color is terror, horror, anxiety -strong complimentary colors -the lines areb't solid and go in a vairiety of difrections -red , danger. sunset is heavy, dangered, comes into viewer space -water is dark, oppressive -eveything is moving and unstable. even the viewer is melting -rigid people in the back are dark and the railings lead your eye to them. -inspired by german expressionists -walking across a bridge in norway, sky turns red as blood, heard the infinite scream of nature. jolt of fear

Dorthea Lange Migrant Mother

-photographer who was to capturer the depression and the drought in america -became the face of the great depression -the mom, florence thompson, has 7 children and they are pitched in a tent on the side ofthe road and waiting for father to bring wood -see the stress and anxiety -children bury their face in their mother cuz she is their only support. she is holding a aby in her arms -historical precedent is modonna and child

Pablo Picasso Mandoiln and Clarinet

-scrapes of wood to assemble -synthetic cubism -sculpture -used space to give more info to the viewer . -challenged the traditional conception of sculpture as a condensed solid form surrounded by space by creating a sculpture that created volume by using both forms and space rather than mass along

Gino Serverini Armored Train in Action

-speed, power, modern, machine driven, violent -testosterone -Italian futurism -inspired by cubism -flatten planes -on the back of the train was sharpshooters and cannon -train into tunnel. sex -uses the jagged forms ad splintered overlapping surfaces of cubism to describe a tumultuous scene of smoke, violence, and cannon blasts issuing from the speeding train

Franz Marc the Large Blue Horses

-the blue rider -medieval -spirtural - the essence of the human being. connection to nature and humans. animals were more primitive so they were pure -male horses. power of nature represented by the horses mass. forms echo the forms of the nature. they are grounded and live in harmony with nature -the blue rider

Ernest Ludwig Kirchner Street, Berlin FINAL

-the bridge and kirchner wanted to create art for the modern world. current work. -kirchner moves to berlin -a sense of urban isolation. humans are no longer connected to other women -no one is looking at one another -these 2 women are prostitutes -viewer is consumer. the commodification of women. women are objects that can be bought and sold -faceless, generic men are shopping. the masked shaped faces dehumanize everyone -the harsh colors, tilted perspective, and brutal brushstrokes make this a disturbing expressionistic image of urban degeneracy and alienation -economic excess

Marsden Hartley Portrait of a German Officer FINAL

-uses symbols from various aspects of his life, character, identity and puts them together. puts it together using the cubist style -creates almost a collage like a synthetic cubist to create a portrait of this person . he was a german army officer . theres an eppilet with a cursive lettter e and that represents edmond and it was hartley's real name -iron cross was rewraded -the u,ber 4 . 4th regament -blue and whtie diamonds represents his dsitrict home -german flag so so so on

Pablo Picasso glass and bottle of Suze

-way to create art with using non art objects to create a new subject /experience -puts emphasize on the scene -synthetic cubism -collage -at a cafe table, reading the news, and drinking some suze. the piece puts the viewer in the scene due to the tilt of the bottle . there are mult perspectives -the newspaper clippings disrupt the quiet mood cuz they are about first balkan war of 1912-13 which led to ww1. did it have meaning or was it simply a painting? -a part that represents the whole

Alfred Stieglitz The Flatiron Building FINAL

American Modernism/ American Abstraction -believes photography is a fine art term-73 -also promotes modern art -represents all that is modern and the future. due to the stele beam, builidngs could be higher then 5 levels -a symbol for modern america -the tree in the foreground establishes scale because of landscapes. he deliberately composed this piece from fine art painting -3/4 angle of buildig -removed the detail. very soft haze. reduces building to a geometric shape -flat

Georgia O'Keeffe City Night FINAL

American Modernism/ American Abstraction -blacked out all the detail -big ol gemetric shape -monolific -claustofipci. boxes you in -you can only look up at the sky and you only see one star -suprressive -stuck in a city where you don't belong. was used to a lot of stars -building loom over viewer their dark tonalities,stark forms, and exaggerated perspective produce a sense of menace

Pablo Picasso Guernica FINAL

Cubism -was asked to create a work for the worlds fair in the Spanish pavilion -a horrific event happened, Spain was being ruled by a dictator who was friends with Germans, allowed Germans practice war stuff on a small town called guernica, Germans sent 25 bombers to drop 100,000lbs over explosives within 3 hours and didn't let people leave. there wasn't any real military purpose for this event. it was merely a training mission - 1/3 of the population died -creates his visual response to this atrocity -planned this as a monumental history painting detailing the historic, and ignoble, events of the attack -creates a broken stage with inorganic figures and flat planes. the bull represents the nationalists, distorted figures too. giving both symbols and cubists space -not descriptive of the scene, descriptive of the horror -didn't talk much about the meaning behind his symbols -surrealist , what you bring to the art is more important then what the artist. it is the viewer's subconscious that is doing the statement and interpreting . your interpretation is connected to your baggage


Gino Servini Umnerto Boccioni Constantin Brancusi all that is mechanical. power borrows from cubism. takes the subject matter and flatten into a flat plane which is urban, industiral.

Aaron Douglas Aspects of Negro Life; from slavery through reconstruction FINAL

Harlem Ren -depression, drought that destroyed the agriculture in the south, ended up leaving massive unemployment. -evolution of african american. picking cotton and then celebrating emancipation. figure in center is holding a ballet and pointing at the us capital. get out and vote. men are leaving but kkk is coming in. civil rights aren't truly protectd.


Mobile, abstract sculpture that has moving parts, driven either by motors or the natural force of wind

Salvador Dali Birth of Liquid Desires FINAL

Surrealism -likes to focus on sexuality, violence, and putrefaction -there is a wholenother reality that you can only access in your dreams but it controls you. subconcious -thru drugs, dreams -influenced everyone. riveting -surrealsit -gives solid ground line -on the hrozion there is ayellow shape (biomorphic) there is a hermaphrodite in front of the figure , behind the shape is a figure pouring water into a bowl and the hermaphrodite is ebing hugged in a wedding dress, and 4th figre is going into a cave thing. there is a black cloud hovering over with a broken window -defy rational interpretation

New York School

The New York School was an informal group of abstract painters and other artists in NYC though it has become associated most with the abstract expressionist movement. Although abstract expressionism spread quickly throughout the United States, the major centers of this style were New York City and California.

Public Works Art Project (PWAP)

The Public Works of Art Project (PWAP) was a program to employ artists, as part of the New Deal, during the Great Depression

Fauves: "Wild beasts"

The characteristics of their work include abstract shapes, brilliant, often clashing colors, and distortions of figurative forms. Europe Artists: -Henri Matisse -Andre Derain -used pure color to describe light and space -straight out of the tube. unblended. arbitrary, not descriptive color -emotional - color -evokes intense reaction cuz so radical -forms were simplified, flattened, outlined with dark contour lines -focused on getting the viewer to see the color on the paint on the canvas -the fauves would take a typical subject and would paint it in a unique way

Abstract Expressionism

The name evokes their aim to make art that while abstract was also expressive or emotional in its effect. The action painters worked in a spontaneous improvisatory manner often using large brushes to make sweeping gestural marks. The color field painters were deeply interested in religion and myth. They created simple compositions with large areas of a single color intended to produce a contemplative or meditational response in the viewer. Jackson Pollock Lee Krasner Will de Kooning Helen Frankenthaler Mark Rothko highly influenced of the Europeans who came to America after ww2 new york artists became the center of the art world

Picasso and Cubism

The name given to a type of semi-abstract painting and collage developed by Picasso and Braque in Paris before the First World War. To some extent basing their work on the achievements of Cezanne the two artists moved away from the traditional realistic representation of an object from a single viewpoint. They often superimposed various facets of subjects, so creating a conceptual work, which in most instances also satisfies the viewer as a two-dimensional design Artists: -Pablo Picasso -Georges Braque picasso pushes the boundary of space while matisse pushes the boundary of color


Their objective was 'pure psychic automatism'. In other words, they wanted to explore the irrational and subconscious, to break free from preconceived pictorial and literary norms.

German Expressionism

Two separate groups of painters who responded to the urbanization of Western Society and the destruction of WWI. These painters sought a purer form of art - some returned to a 'natural' world - and depicted women in nature while others showed the alienation of urban existence. Like the Fauves, they used bold clashing colors and aggressive brushwork. Der Blaue Rider (The Blue Rider) Die Bruke (The Bridge)


a composition made of cut and pasted scraps of materials, sometimes with lines or forms added by the artist


a photographic work created from many smaller photograph arranged in a composition, which is the rephotographed


a rejection of the idea of autonomous art. He wanted 'to construct' art. The movement was in favour of art as a practice for social purposes


a social structure or goal that allows members of diverse ethnic, racial, or other groups to exist peacefully within the society while continuing to practice the customs of their own divergent cultures


a style of painting in which paint is spontaneously dribbled, splashed or smeared onto the canvas, rather than being carefully applied


a technique of printing in which paint or ink is pressed through a stencil and specially prepared cloth to reproduce a design in multiple copies

Mark Rothko Lavender and Mulberry FINAL

abstract expressionism -colorfield painters are creating color to create modern existence -interested in starting and using color to express their emotion and their own -his paintings were titled after the colors because the color was the subject -blurred the edges to purposely confuse foreground with background. there is depth by the layers float due to no hard edge

Jackson Pollock Autumn Rhythem (Number 30) FINAL

abstract expressionism -his canvases had stuff from his subconcious -was an alcholic -relinqueishes the brush and creates canvases that are about the act of painting. you see the process -horic canvas size -the layers of paint vibrate cuz your eye is moving to follow the lines. got layers and depth -broke a boundry of what is painting. painting doesn't need a brush and paint. the apinting can have formal elements, line,shape, color, space, scale, etc. the foraml elements are the subject of the art -he described his work as labyrinths that led viewers along complex paths and into an organic calligraphic web of natural and biomorphic forms


an object from popular or material culture presented without further manipulation as an artwork by the artist


artwork created by gathering and manipulating two+ dimensional found objects


combination of painting and sculpture using nontraditional art materials


contemporary art created for a specific site that creates a complete and controlled environment


formalism is the study of art by analyzing and comparing form and style—the way objects are made and their purely visual aspects.

Prairie style

in architecture, American style exemplified by the low-lying "prairie houses" such as Robie House (1908) that were for the most part built in the Midwest

art of teh 1950s : absstract expressionism

one group was the called the action painting: artisti's gesture. the act of painting (jackson pollock) the other was colorfield painting. used mass zones of color to express and to elicit emotion for the subconcious (mark rothko)


the borrowing of subject or forms, usually from non European or prehistoric sources by western artists in an attempt to infuse their work with the expressive qualities they attributed to other cultures,, especially colonized cultures

Alfred Steiglitz The Steerage

used this gallery to promote modern art -he was on a luxury liner (big boat) that was going to europe . got annoyed of the elitests and took a walk. he saw the round hat of somones and diagonal lines. show the formal elements. wasn't looking at the people. -saw the circle of the man's hat. the formal elements and how they are composed is what inspired him -there are diagonal lines and there is another plane that intersects -huge influx of immigrants. theya r being deported or going back home to grab famalies. but they look like they are't being treated as people


usually very large scale outdoor artwork that is produced by altering the natural environment


was an artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It emphasized speed, technology, youth, and violence, and objects such as the car, the aeroplane, and the industrial city. ... It glorified modernity and aimed to liberate Italy from the weight of its past

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