Chapter 4 and 5 review

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Term limits were placed on the president through the

22nd amendment

Congress may override a veto with

A 2/3 vote in both the House and the Senate

Suppose in the year 2018, the United States generated 21.5 trillion and spent 19.5 trillion. In that year, the United States would have

A budget surplus

Suppose you were the first spouse to the newly elected president and want to continue the work of the First Lady Michelle Obama and champion healthy lifestyles for children and teens. Which initiative do you decide to champion us for spouse

A campaign to lower barriers of entry into afterschool sports programs

In 2013, Texas senator Ted Cruz gave a 21 hour speech that interferes with a planned vote on healthcare reforms, which would be considered

A filibuster

Partisan polarization manifested itself during the end of a presidents term in the form of

A lame duck period

How many votes are necessary for the whole impeachment process in Congress

A majority in the house and 2/3 vote in the Senate

What happens after articles of impeachment have been successfully passed in the House of Representatives?

A trial is held in the senate to convict it acquit the accused official

Supposed state's legislature hasn't listed a commission to redraw its congressional district boundaries, but upon review notices that the districts each have significantly uneven numbers of constituents. Such redistricting would be

A violation of the fourteenth amendment

A political scientist who believes that the key to a good executive branch leader is energy and the ability to take strong, swift action would likely agree with

Alexander Hamilton

Wire entitlement programs classified as mandatory spending and are locked into the federal budget year after year

Americans depend upon the recipient of such benefits, and as such, the programs cannot be cut.

In 1863, in the middle of the Civil War, President Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation to free the slaves who were not living in the union. Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation unilaterally due to the increased tension and division within the United States, making it

An executive order

In 2018, President Donald Trump made a unilateral decision without congressional approval that banned a firearm accessory known as a bump stock via

An executive order

Which statement reflects the difference between an incumbent congressional campaign and the campaign of a new congressional candidate?

And incumbent campaign will generally focus on connecting more with individual constituents, whereas a new candidate would spend more time generating name recognition and fundraising.

The process of deciding on the number of representatives each state gets based on most recent census data as known as


The President of the United States has the authority to use military force against terrorists in their associates under the

Authorization for use of military force act

Suppose the President of the United States suspects an American citizen of going to Syria to join a terrorist network and create propaganda to be used in the United States against more Americans. The president has president to take which action against the Citizen

Authorizing a drone strike to attack them

A president may use the State of the Union address as a tool for

Bargaining and persuasion in Congress

How did the war on terror expand the power of the executive branch

By appealing to the looming threat of terrorism against Americans, the president implemented policies and measures without the approval of congress to combat this threats

How would an average American citizen get a bill introduced in Congress that would require public schools to provide before and after school daycare

By contacting their representatives and pressuring them to introduce such legislation

Why would efforts to improve substantive representation to be more beneficial than efforts to improve descriptive representation

By focusing on substantive representation, Congress will better reflect the interest of American citizens as a whole

According to some political scientists, how might a focus on substantive representation help alleviate the negative affects of partisan polarization

By focusing on the interests and policy preferences of Americans, members of Congress are better able to represent their constituents instead of political parties as a whole

How did president bush violate the rights of Yaser hamdi in 2001

By imprisoning him without reading him his Miranda rights

Despite not having the ability to formally introduce and write legislation, how is the president able to influence the legislative process

By threatening to veto a bill before it even comes across his desk

Which statement might a Congress person make to argue that social security benefits should remain classified as mandatory spending

Changing benefits are the taxes to pay for them would produce a political backlash against lawmakers

Suppose the president has decided to sign an executive order that would grant law-enforcement officers authority to act swiftly and in their best judgment to deport immigrants who did not arrive legally. Such an action is an example of the president acting as

Chief executive

At the end of 2018, the United States government was embroiled in the longest government shut down in US history, and the House Democrats did not permit the president to issue a state of the Union address until the government shut down was ended. Denying the president his ability to give a state of the Union address impaired his ability to act as

Chief legislator

When President Bush mobilized reserve troops to fight against the terrorist threat in Afghanistan in 2001, he was acting as

Commander in chief

Suppose a new bill has been introduced that would make changes to existing education policies in rollback the federal government's involvement in public education. Which type of committee should be established to work out the different versions of the bill from the house and the senate?

Conference committee

Assume you are part of the Congressional budget office and are responsible for finding areas of the federal budget to cut back on to reduce federal spending. Which area of the budget can you reasonably suggest

Defense spending

A push by activist groups to encourage ethnic minorities, women, and the less-wealthy to run for political office would likely be an effort in favor of

Descriptive representation

I suppose congress presents a bill to the president that would limit the rights of Americans to speak freely. The president vetoes the bill and upon reconsideration, the bill fails in a vote to override the veto. In this case, the bill

Dies and does not become a law

Defense spending is considered

Discretionary spending

Suppose you are President of the United States during wartime. How do you interpret your authority as commander-in-chief

Do you expand your role as president to make Swift, strong decisions

Suppose a senator has proposed a budget measure that would direct money to his district for the purpose of improving parks. This would be an example of


Which argument would you make to defend the reinstatement of earmarks in Congress?

Earmarks allow Congress to better advocate for their contingency

The authority of the president to act as commander-in-chief of the United States Army is an example of the presidents

Enumerated powers

The pr student if the United States acts as the head of the

Executive branch

A motion that is filed by a member of Congress for a bill to be moved out of a committee and onto the floor for consideration is called a


Despite the Supreme Court's ruling on home do you versus Rumsfeld which stated that even during times of war a president may not violate the Constitutional rights of Americans the national security agency continue to engage in surveillance programs on US citizens which some argue violated the

Fourth amendment

Who was the first president to authorize a drone strike that killed an American citizen

George W. Bush

Suppose that a Midwestern State has recently re-drawn it's districts in a way that benefits the interest of agricultural farmers. Such restricting is known as


President Donald Trump is well known for his frequent and sometimes tactless use of the social media platform, Twitter. President Trump's announcements of policy initiatives and plans on Twitter as an example of

Going public

Suppose you are a policy adviser to the president who wants to get education reform legislation passed, a policy that is popular with most Americans. Since Congress is controlled by the opposing party, however, passing legislation is more difficult than usual. Which tactic do you suggest to the president that will have the best chance of an acting the desired policy without damaging public opinion

Going public is a way to urge Americans to put pressure on the representatives in Congress

A political scientist who is studying the effects of increased partisan polarization might focus on


In order for someone to be considered a candidate for the United States Senate he or she must

Have at least nine years of citezenship

Why was it important to Alexander Hamilton that there be only one executive leader

Having two leaders would weaken the ability to protect the nation

Suppose Congress has presented a law to the president that the president believes will infringe upon the due process rights of Americans. Which action can the president take to check the Congress' apparent power grab

He may veto the bill so that it does not become official law

A republican member of the House of Representatives who is responsible for the opposition strategy and coordinating party activity in a Democrat controlled house would be known as the

House minority leader

How does the process of a bill becoming a lot different if it is introduced in the house compared to it if it is introduced in the Senate?

If a bill is introduced in the house, it must be presented to the rules committee before I can move to the floor for consideration

Treason bribery or considered valid reasons for Congress to

Impeach the president or any other civil officer of the United States

How does the war Powers resolution relate to the authority granted to the president and Congress in the constitution

It upholds the authority of Congress to declare war and limits the power of the president as commander in chief

After a bill had been introduced in either the house or the senate, what is the next step for the bill

It will be referred to a committee

Suppose a member of the House of Representatives has spent The past week discussing upcoming legislation with other members of the house and has been working hard to convince members to vote in favor of the legislation. This person would be considered the

Majority whip

Attempts to increase descriptive representation in Congress might include trying to increase the

Membership of women or minorities

President Obama introduced several new pieces of legislation during his presidency, expanded the government by gaining more power as president from Congress and making unilateral decisions during wartime, received a lot of positive media attention, and worked with a large staff. Such characteristics would make President Obama a

Modern president

Suppose a member of Congress is part of a committee that ensures funds are being send efficiently and elected officials are acting in accordance with the law. This member of Congress is participating in


Which is an example of the president checking the power of the legislative branch

President Barack Obama's veto of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline

Which United States president made widespread and frequent use of drones during the war on terror

President Obama

How do public approval trends and packed a presidents ability to take action during a time of crisis

Public approval often increases during a time of crisis which would allow the president to expand the power of the executive without much protest

What was Anwar al-awlaki accused of

Recruiting followers for al-Qaeda over the internet

Which measure has been proposed as a way to alleviate the shortfall in paying out Social Security benefits

Reducing the benefits paid to current recipients

The Supreme Court's decision in baker versus Carr

Required congressional districts have roughly the same number of constituents

A process of deciding on the number of representatives in the


Which is a responsibility of Congress

Setting the federal budget

The only leadership position in the House of Representatives is the

Speaker of the house

The agriculture committee in the house is a permanent Committee that develops legislation regarding agriculture, food, and rural development. The agriculture committee is an example of which type of committee

Standing committee

Why might some citizens criticize the use of deadly force on American citizens who have committed or suspected of terrorism

Such actions violate a citizens right to due process

Which precedent was set by the Supreme Court's decision in Hamdi versus Rumsfeld

That a president may not compromise the rights of American citizens during wartime

Which characteristic of the executive branch allows the president to act quickly and decisively in an emergency

That the president can act alone

Which group is part of the executive office of the president

The Council of economic advisers

Which body of government has the authority to introduce bills

The House of Representatives

Why might the citizens of a certain state choose to elect a new senator in an upcoming election?

The constituents may feel that the senator no longer represents their values or interests

Which is a recent example of the supreme court checking the power of the executive branch

The deadlock at the supreme court regarding President Obama's executive order that would have allowed millions of undocumented immigrants to apply for citizenship

Suppose the state of Ohio is just elected a senator who has, so far, demonstrated that he is willing to go above and beyond to advocate for his constituents by proposing legislation that benefits their interests. Which type of role is the senator playing

The delegate role

What is the formal role of the first spouse in the United States government

The first spouse has no formal role in the United States government

In times of military or economic crisis in America as the president seeks to expand executive authority which entity has the most effective check on the executive branch

The judicial branch

The Supreme Court's decision to uphold certain parts of President trumps travel ban on immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries were striking down other part of it as unconstitutional is an example of

The judicial branch checking the executive branch

Suppose you're working for the president and are responsible for coordinating foreign policy initiatives. Which part of the executive office of the president do you work for

The national Security Council

Suppose you are part of the presidents cabinet and advise him on setting the priorities for national spending. Which group are you part of?

The office of management and budget

Which process demonstrates the balance of power and the ability of the executive branch to check the legislative branch, and vice versa

The president acts as commander-in-chief of the Army, why Congress may declare war

Which process acts as a check by the legislative branch on the executive branch?

The process of impeachment

Which is an example of Congress checking the power of the president

The refusal of Congress to approve funding for a border wall proposed by President Trump

How does the style of representation in the House of Representatives differ from representation in the senate?

The representation in the senate is the same for each state regardless of population, while the number of representatives in the House of Representatives depends on the states population.

How does the position of the speaker for the House compare to the senate majority leader?

The speaker of the house has more power than the senate majority leader

Which event during President Obama's time in office would have resulted in an increase in overall public approval

The successful assassination of Osama bin Laden

Most of the bills that are introduced in Congress fail. Why did the framers of the constitution make the legislative process considerably complicated

They did not want laws to be passed based on the populace's fleeting desires

What is the purpose of the 25th amendment

To establish the line of succession should a president become incapacitated

What is the main function of a select committee

To investigate specifics related to a scandal or to handle a crisis within the federal government

What was the primary purpose of the 1842 Apportionment Act?

To mandate single-member districts in the house of representatives

What is the main function of a political action committee?

To raise money for candidates running for House of Representatives

What is the primary purpose of the war Powers resolution

To restrict the presidents ability to maintain troops in combat

Suppose evidence has come to light that the president has provided financial assistance to violent nonstate actors in foreign countries to assist in a plot to harm the American people. The house of representatives may issue articles of impeachment on the grounds that the president has committed


Suppose the state of California has just elected an incumbent representative to the house of representatives who has suggested that he knows what is best for the citizens of California in his district and will use his experience and knowledge to achieve his goals. This representative is playing the

Trustee role

What precedent What a president be able to cite if they were faced with congressional demands to release recorded phone calls, transcripts, or records and did not want to hand them over to Congress

United States v Nixon

When the president is trying to get members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to support his or her policies and programs throughout direct appeals like phone calls, the president is

Using bargaining and persuasion

An incumbent candidate running for Senate, who has a generally positive track record with her constituents and loyal donors contributing to her campaign, has a challenger who is new to politics altogether. How would this incumbent candidate likely fare in the election

Well, since the senator has the advantage of name recognition and experience

Suppose a presidential candidate is running for the first time on a platform that includes promises of sweeping healthcare reform and the public is generally in favor of the proposed ideas. If the candidate wins the election, when should they try to pass healthcare reform legislation

Within the first six months of their election

What is national debt

the total amount owed by the federal government

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