chapter 4 Charismatic and transformational leadership

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What are the 4 elements of charisma described by weber?

1. An individual of exceptional powers or qualities 2. a social crisis 3. A radical solution to the crises offered by the individual 4. Devoted followers Argues that these points have to be fulfilled for charismatic power to emerge Also argues that charisma is temporary, only exists at the period of crisis.

Criticism of charismatic and transformational leadership

- Lack of conceptual clarity - Charismatic nature of transformative leadership can be risky for organizations (Icarus paradox, blind obedience) - Downplays the importance of power --> charisma may be present by virtue of the power attained by leaders

how do transformational leaders link their vision to their employees' growth, needs and values?

- Responding to individual followers' learning and growth needs by empowering them - The leader's vision is linked to their followers' values through a reframing process. Leader's reframe traditional issues by appealing to their own vision and a higher sense of morality and values to persuade followers to realign their own vision and values to those of the leader

How is transformational leadership linked to innovation and change?

- Transformational leaders can facilitate change by communicating a vision in a way that inspires emplyees to look at old problems in new ways (Kotter's model). The emotional bonding suggested by Bass and Riggio also leads to employees doing things they would otherwise not do - Having vision and oratorical skills cannot be enough to generate innovation, needs employee voice, an environment that allows the employee to voice opinions without fear of punishment

What criticism is there against Bass and Riggio's model?

- US centric

What is transactional leadership?

An exchange relationship where the leader and follower are engaged in some kind of agreement (contingency theories describe transactional leaders)

What is transformational leadership?

Appeal to followers' sense of values beyond their own self-interests All transformational leaders are charismatic, but not all charismatics are transformational - those who are not, are likely to be charismatic power-wielders

What is the theoretical foundation for the charismatic effect on followers?

Aristotle: Persuasion is achieved through rhetorical means (ethos, pathos, logos)

Describe Weber's theory of domination

Domination can be legitimate or illegitimate Legitimate authority = when right to command subordinates is given Three types of legitimate authority 1. Traditional authority - compliance is due to the sacred nature of the office 2. Rational-legal authority - When compliance is given due to the rational nature of the authority 3. Charismatic authority - when obedience is given due to the individual

Explain Bass and Riggio's transformational leadership model

At the center of the model is the notion that transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization (Burn's definition of transformational leadership) - The charismatic effect is a necessary component of transformational leadership but not sufficient by itself - Includes elements of both the new leadership (charisma etc) and old leadership (transactional) - elements in the models (the factors are in a hierarchy, in the order as follows below) Argues that transformational leadership involves 4 essential behvaiors: 1. Charisma/idealized effect 2. Inspirational motivation 3. Intellectual stimulation 4. Individualized consideration The 4 essential behvaiors augment the effects of traditional transactional leadership There is also similarity between Bass and Riggio's model and Blanke and mouton's "concern for people" leadership style Has 2 additional elements: 1. Contingent rewards - About follower performance, if it is adequate it is rewarded (thus similar to transactional leadership) 2. Management by exception (MBE) - when the leader carefully monitor their followers' actions (contrasted to passive management by exception in which the leader only gets involved when something goes wrong)

What are Charismatic and transformative leadership theories classified as?

Contemporary leadership theories with a common theme, they view leaders as individuals who inspire others through language to change

Explain the charismatic, ideological and pragmatic (CIP) model

Emphasizes the leader's sensemaking process. Through sensemaking leaders help followers see the past and to envision what is ahead more clearly A leader's cognitive orientation strongly influences an organization's response to complex problems, with significant consequences for various outcomes

Explain House's theory of charisma

Explains the behavior of charismatic leaders and provides the theoretical explanation regarding the process charismatic leaders use to influence followers Argues tha the charismatic effects are not due to the context nor the individual leader but rather, the emotional interaction that occurs between the leader and the followers. Also argues that charisma is not something extraordinary, anyone can develop charisma which is why he also termed it organizational leadership States that leaders have extraordinary effects on followers, who are motivated by enhanced levels of self-identity that lead to personal commitment to the leader's mission

What is Charisma?

Generally, it describes a speaker's personal talent to command and compel an audience Charisma is, however, also the relationship between the leader and the audience and emerges only in certain contexts. As such, some people argue that charisma is a social construct and lies in the eye of the beholder.

What lead to the emergence of transformational leadership and charismatic leadership?

Research seemed to be less in support with the transactional leadership style and more in support for the transformational/charismatic leadership styles

What is the main takeaway from Bass and Riggio's model?

That transactional leadership, particularly contingent reward provides a broad basis for effective leadership - extraordinary performance and employee satisfaction, commitment and loyalty are possible from transactional leadership if augmented by transformative leadership

What is the dark side of Charisma?

The aim of being charismatic is to persuade the audience, as such, it is important to remember that the leader does not always have the best interest for their followers or community

Why are all transformational leaders charismatic but not the other way around?

The objective of the transformation is to benefit the organization

Explain Conger and Kanungo's theory of Charisma

They proposed that charisma is an attributional phenomenon and the attribution of charisma qualities to a leader is through a 3-stage behavior process 1. Charisma is more likely to be attributed to a leader that articulates an attainable vision that will inspire followers to achieve the collective action 2. A leader who creates an aura of confidence about the vision is more likely to be perceived as a charismatic leader 3. Charisma is more likely to be attributed t a leader who uses unconventional and novel strategies or practices to achieve the vision - This 3-stage model is said to enhance the trust in a leader and follower performance - Just like Weber stated, context is important attribution is highly dependent on the characteristics of the situation, some organizations might have an environment that is "better suited" for the development of charisma

What is Weber's definition of Charisma?

a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which he is considered extraordinary and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman power or qualities - these are not accessible to the ordinary person Argues that Charisma cannot be placed on a continuum (Strong/pure Charisma opposite of Weak charisma that is believed in contemporary theories)

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