Chapter 4 Giving Your First Speech

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How should a speaker make eye contact during a speech?

Alternate between the left, right, and center of the room

How often should you look at your classmates during a speech?

As much as possible

What are reasons that an ice breaker speech is often the first assignment in a public speaking class?

Because professors want to get students up in front of the class as soon as possible Because much of the anxiety associated with public speaking is due to lack of experience Because giving a speech helps students overcome anxiety and progress toward confidence

How can you achieve the best delivery of your first speech?

By rehearsing repeatedly

In most cases, where should you be positioned when you start your speech?

In front of the class

Which of the following are the two tasks that you need to accomplish during your conclusion?

Letting the audience know that you are almost done Reinforcing your central idea

What should you remember if you are very anxious as you begin your first speech?

That the audience cannot see how nervous you are That the audience does not expect a flawless speech That it is normal for every speaker to make mistakes

What should your goal be when delivering the first speech of the semester?

To create a base to improve upon

How should gestures be used in a speech?

To enhance the words being spoken

What is the first task of an introduction?

To generate audience interest

Andy has never given a speech before and thus feels a great deal of anxiety. Which of the following is most likely to give Andy confidence that he can speak in public and engage his audience?

To give a brief ice breaker speech

Jeven was anxious about the speech he was about to give the class. His classmate Myra told him to make a fist and take a deep breath, and then release his fist as he exhaled. Why did Myra suggest this?

To help Jeven calm his nerves

During your conclusion, you will need to reinforce your

central idea.

It is important to focus your introductory speech topic so that it

interests the classroom audience fits within the allotted time.

Dot told a gripping story to get her audience's attention before she made her main point. This part of the speech was the


If you are given the task of introducing yourself in your first speech, you should

narrow your scope to one or two events.

The first assignment in a speech class is usually

short and simple.

No matter what your speech topic is, a speech usually has

three main parts.

While developing your introduction, you should include a question, a story, or some other creative element because it will help you

capture audience interest.

Developing a speech topic should be done with


Presenting a speech so that it is engaging for the audience is part of topic


Most speech instructors prepare students for speeches by

getting them in front of a group to practice as soon as possible.

To help your main points stand out, you should introduce each with a

transition statement.

What part of an introduction that is needed in longer speeches is not necessary in a short speech to introduce yourself to the class?

A detailed preview statement

How should a speaker approach selecting gestures for a speech?

Allow them to come naturally from emotion

Lincoln gave a speech about how he became a master gardener. He began by telling about how he helped his grandparents with their garden when he was a child, then discussed how he volunteered at a garden center in high school, and then explained how he took several courses from advanced instructors after he went to college. How did Lincoln organize the body of his speech?


Lucy displays a photograph of a canyon to make a point about erosion. After she has described the picture and related it to her point, what should she do?

Close the picture so that it does not distract the audience

What is an effective method to use when rehearsing an extemporaneous speech?

Concentrate on gaining control of ideas

When do you cue the audience that the speech will end soon?

During the conclusion

How should you practice for a speech?

Extemporaneous speeches should be practiced out loud.

Hospicia is beginning her first speech in front of the class. What should she do in her introduction?

Get the audience's attention Relate to the audience.

How do students usually feel about presenting their first speech?

They are more nervous than experienced speakers.

Morgan has divided her speech into a segment about what horses eat, a segment about how to exercise horses, and a segment about how to groom horses. What order did Morgan use for the speech?


What should you do if you are nervous as you are about to begin a speech?

Try to relax through breathing or movement

Mick is going to speak about how Jim ate a sandwich. First, he was going to say, "Jim took a bite of his delicious turkey club." Instead, he stated that "Jim eagerly hoisted the delicacy to his lips and savored the juicy honey-grilled delight as it blended melodiously with the wholesome wheat bun." Which method did Mick use to develop his topic?

Using colorful or descriptive language

What should you keep in mind about the main points you will use for a two-minute presentation?

You will have time for no more than two or three main points.

Which of the following will be present in the body of your speech?

Your main points Transitions

Larry is asked to tell a group about himself in a five-minute introduction. At first, he thinks of everything interesting he has done since he was a child. Then he realizes that he has several stories, each of which would take at least ten minutes to explain. He decides to tell how he excels in mathematics and how he once used math to save people trapped in a bus. Larry has just

focused his topic.

What should the delivery of the first speech of the semester be like?

A good effort that can be improved

What should you do as you are about to begin a speech?

Go to the front of the class Face the audience

Which tips should you keep in mind while rehearsing for a speech?

If you make a mistake, keep going. An audience can give feedback to improve a speech. It is important to rehearse aloud.

In a speech, how should you use your voice?

In the expressive manner of normal conversation

What should you do when constructing your note cards for speech delivery?

Include as few notes as you can and still present fluently. Make sure you can read them clearly from arm's length distance. Write or print on only one side of the note cards.

What is an important piece of advice for people nervous about a speech?

Reduce your speaking pace

Luisa is giving an extemporaneous speech on her favorite vacation spot and has created note cards with information from her speech. How often should Luisa use her note cards during her speech?

She should use them only when she needs help remembering a point.

Which rules are good for beginning speakers to follow?

Slow down Project clearly Speak up

What should you do as you look at the audience just before initiating a speech?


What are the essential elements of delivering your first speech?

Speaking extemporaneously Rehearsing

Effective ways to develop a speech topic include

tying it to dangerous situations. making it meaningful for the listeners. creating mystery and suspense.

What are the three main parts of a speech?

Introduction Conclusion Body

Match the part of a speech on the left with the description on the right.

Introduction- Gets the audience's attention Body- Explains the main points Conclusion- Reinforces the central idea

How does good eye contact help a speaker?

It establishes a connection with the audience.

Which of the following statements are true of extemporaneous speaking?

It uses a conversational tone of voice. It combines careful preparation with spontaneity.

Jedidiah is too scared to look at his audience members while speaking. What should he do?

Look just beside them

While giving a speech, how should your voice sound?

Loud enough to be heard throughout the room

Focusing a speech topic must involve which of the following?

Narrowing the topic without becoming too limited Being sensitive to time limits

What should students delivering a first speech avoid?

Obvious signs of nervousness, like wringing hands

Which should the introduction to your speech do?

Orient listeners toward your topic Give the audience a clear sense of your purpose Capture the audience's interest

What should you focus on when presenting your speech?

Speaking rate Speaking expressively Voice volume

Which of the following are associated with effective extemporaneous speaking?

Speaking with spontaneity Using brief note cards Knowing the subject very well

How can you deal with nerves in your first classroom speech?

Take slow, deep breaths Tighten and relax your leg muscles Squeeze and release your hands

Which type of gestures should be avoided in a speech?

Tapping fingers on the podium Standing on foot, then another Rocking back and forth

Asia rarely uses gestures in normal conversation. Now she has to present a speech, and Lanae told her she must gesture frequently. Asia does not know what to what to do. What would you recommend?

Tell her not to gesture in her speech unless she feels compelled to.

What do students often learn about their first speech?

That it is somewhat enjoyable

As Liberty is presenting her speech, she reinforces her central idea and indicates that the speech will end soon. This means that Liberty is in what part of her speech?

The conclusion

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