Chapter 4 Guided Reading

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How did the construction of the interstate highway system affect federalism?

If the states didn't follow the national government's rules and requirements then they wouldn't give the states money to build highways which means the national government had more power than the states. (National gov't gets to decide how to spend the grants for the interstate highways.)

What types of legislation was not impacted by the Unfunded Mandates Relief Act?

legislation protecting constitutional rights and civil rights or to antidiscrimination laws

How likely are voters to participate in state and local elections compared with national elections?

less likely

In recent years, the Supreme Court has denied states the power to execute individuals who face what circumstances?

mental illness

National emergencies tend to have what effect on federalism?

National emergencies allow federalism to lean more toward national power because national emergencies are too much for the states to take care of so they need help from the national government.

Why did several Republican governors initially reject the federal stimulus money Congress appropriated for their states in February of 2009?

The Republicans believed the strings attached the the federal stimulus money would require the states to pay more money in the future

What is a notable trend in the backgrounds of recent presidents?

They all previously served as governors

Due to the loss of tax revenue during the recession and since state budgets must balance each year, states are left with what tough choices?

borrow money, cut programs, or raise taxes

What is "New Federalism" associated with?

combining and reformulating categorical grants into block grants

What does U.S. law require foreigners, who are not citizens and do not live in the U.S., to do?

to register with the government and carry their registration papers

How many sovereign nation states exist currently according to the text?


How does dual federalism view the creation of the national government? How do the critics of dual federalism examine this view?

- The national government was created by the states so the states should be able to set limits on the activities of the national government. - Critics of dual federalism believes that Congress has implied powers that aren't specifically stated but are needed to execute their enumerated powers.

How had the Supreme Court impacted federalism between 1930 and 2000? How has the Supreme Court impacted federalism between 2000 to current time?


The Constitution does not mention local governments; where do we see the creation of local governments?


Why did the Supreme Court strike down the Violence Against Women Act?

Congress was overstepping its constitutional power because it violated the commerce clause and Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment

How has the Supreme Court's interpretation of the commerce clause affected federalism?

Depending on how far the Supreme Court believes the commerce clause stretches, the national government has more or less power over the states. (If the Court believes the commerce clause stretches over a wide variety of issues then the national government has more power.)

In 2010, what accounted for nearly 50% of federal grants to states?

Health grants

How did Justice John Marshall interpret the elastic clause in the case McCulloch v. Maryland?

Marshall believed that Congress is allowed to use the elastic clause but there has to be an end to how far the national government can stretch their powers.

What era/event led to the shift from dual federalism to cooperative federalism?

The Great Depression

What was the impact of the South Dakota v. Dole case?

The minimum drinking age was set at 21 for all states.

How does dual federalism view the elastic clause and the national government?

The national government only has the powers that are specifically stated in the COnstitution and can not expand those powers.

How does the supremacy clause impact federalism?

The supremacy clause gives the national government more power than the states

What is the projected impact of the Real ID Act on the states?

They would have to raise their taxes or fees to pay for the program

Under the rule of pre-clearance what do several states need to do before redistricting?

submit their redistricting plans to the U. S. Department of Justice for approval

What are most cases of preemption relating to?

terrorism or environmental protection

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