Chapter 4 History

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Bacon's Rebellion

In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, an young planter organized a rebellion with frontier people. They raided Indian villages. They also led them to burn the capital of Jamestown in Virginia. The revolt fell apart and the governor of Virginia hanged 23 of Bacon followers. It still did not stop people coming to the colony of Virginia.


It was a Middle Colony. It was founded in 1776.

Puritans Relationships with the Native Americans.

It was good at first. The Indians Shown the Puritans how to plant crops at first that were native to the land such as corn, pumpkin and corn. However, by 1670, 45,000 English settlers had moved into the Indian land. It lead to Kings Philip War of 1675-1676. The English settlers forced 1000 Indians into slavery to West Indies.

Proprietary Colony

English colony in which the king gave land to proprietors in exchange for a yearly payment. These proprietors were free to divide land and rent it to others.

English Bill of Rights

A 1689 document that guaranteed the rights of English Citizens

Lord Baltimore

Founded the Colony of Maryland in the 1700s. It guarantee the religious freedom to all Christains. It did not include the Jews.

Puritans believe in what?

Puritans believed in PREDESTINATION. This doctrine holds that God is all-powerful and all-knowing; therefore, the fate of each individual soul is known to God at birth. Nothing an individual can do or say could change their ultimate fate. Puritans believed that those chosen by God to be saved — the elect — would experience "CONVERSION." In this process, God would reveal to the individual His grace, and the person would know he was saved.

Great Awakening

Religious movement in the English colonies in the early 1700s. It caused people to challenge authority when liberties where at stake. People began to think differently about their government and religious ideas. Eventually lead people to challenge the British authority.

Navigation Acts

Series of laws passed by the English parliament in the 1650s that regulated trade between England and its colonies

Middle Colonies

The Middle Colonies are New Jersey, Penn. and De.

Name the New England Colonies?

The New England Colonies which included: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire were founded in the 17th century. All but New Hampshire were founded for economic reason instead of religion like the other three colonies. The other colonies were formed for religious reasons.


The Quaker Community left England and settled in 1681. It was founded by William Penn. They were Protestant Reformers believed that all people were equal in God's sight. They allowed women to preach in public. They refuse to bow or remove their hats in the presence of nobles. They spoke out against all war and refused to serve in the army. They were arrested and hang for their ideas in England and New England. They were free to practice their in the colony in Penn.

Cash Crops

The cash crops were cotton and tobacco, rice and indigo in the Southern Colonies in the 1700s.


group of people who have the power to make laws


highest social class in the 13 English colonies

Middle Class

in the 13 English colonies, a class that included skilled craft workers, farmers, and some trades people

Slave Codes

laws that controlled the lives of enslaved African Americans and denied them basic rights.


movement from Europe in the 1600s and 1700s emphasized the use of reason.

Indentured Servants

person who agreed to work without wages for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies


theory that a nations' economic strength came from protecting and increasing its home economy by keeping strict control overs its colonial trade.


(Middle Colony) It was founded by William Penn and some Quakers for religious freedom.

New Jersey

(Middle Colony) It was founded in 1664 farming and trade. It rich farmland attracted settlers to come NJ.

New York

(Middle Colony) it was founded by the Dutch for trade and furs became an English colony in 1664.


(New England Colony) It was by founded in 1635 by Thomas Hooker and his followers for political and religious freedom after a disagreement with Mass. Bay.

Rhode Island

(New England Colony) It was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams and his supporters for religious freedom and separation of church from state after disagreement with Massachusetts Bay.


(Southern Colony) It was founded by Lord Baltimore and other Catholics for religious freedom.

The Carolinas

(Southern Colony) It was founded by supporters of Charles II for farming and trade. It later spilt into North and South Carolina.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

...New England Colony It was founded in 1630 by the Puritans for religious freedom.

Benjamin Franklin

1705-1790 lived. He was a major figure in the Enlightenment. He made major discover such as electricity the first firehouse in the colonies and the first library as well.

Anne Hutchinson

Anne Hutchinson began holding bible study groups in her house in 1634 to discuss the Puritans minister teachings . In 1637, she was accused of sedition. Sedition means you are working against the government. Hutchinson said God spoke to her in the trial. This case highlight religious tolerance in the colonies. The trial they found her guilt and she was expelled from the Mass Bay Colony and the Puritan church. She settled in Rhode Island, where they have religious tolerance. She died in 1643 by Indian Raid.

Roger Williams.

He lived from 1603 to 1683. He founded the state of Rhode Island and believed in the separation of church and state. The state of Rhode Island became a safe haven for religious minorities in colonies American such as the Jews, Baptism and Catholics.

Thomas Hooker

He lived rom 1586 to 1647. In May 1635, he led 100 settlers out of the Mass Bay Colony. Hooker believed that Mass Bay Colony government had to much power. So he left Mass Bay Colony to establish the colony of Connecticut. He also wrote the Fundamental Order of Connecticut in 1639. These Fundamental Orders gave the power to vote to all men who were property owners, included those people who were not church members. The order limit the governor's power and expanded on the idea of representative government.

John Peter Zenger

He was trial for libel in 1734. Libel is the act of publishing a statement that may damage person reputation. He was not found guilty. His case became the benchmark case freedom of press would be recognized as a basic American Right.


Imports - trade products brought into a country. Exports trade products sent to markets outside a country.

John Winthrop

John Winthrop (12 January 1588 - 26 March 1649) was famous for the founding, and as a leader of, the Massachusetts Bay Colony in New England. He was a strict Puritan and the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Winthrop and the Puritans believed that they would establish a pure church in New England that would offer a model for the churches in the 'mother-land' and reform the Anglican Church. He one who gave the famous speech the City Upon the hill.

King Philip's War

King Philip's War of 1675-1676 (also known as Metacom's Rebellion) marked the last major effort by the Indians of southern New England to drive out the English settlers. The colonist were taking over the Native American Land, and the Indians were mad about it. By 1670, 45,000 English settlers had moved into Indian lands. The Indians, were Led by Metacom, the Pokunoket chief called 'King Philip' by the English, the bands known today as Wampanoag Indians joined with the Nipmucks, Pocumtucks, and Narragansetts in a bloody uprising. It lasted fourteen months and destroyed twelve towns, and 600 European settlers died. The colonist forced the 1000 Indians into slavery into West Indians. The colonist killed the Indian leader Metacom. It was the bloodiest conflict up until the American civil War.

Jonathan Edwards

Lived from 1703-1758. He was new England Preacher and help set the Great Awakening

George Whitefield

Lived from 1717-1770 was a great preacher in the colonies. He was able to draw great crowds, and help spread the ideas of great awakening in New England.

Act of Toleration

Lord Baltimore in 1649 asked the Maryland Assembly to pass the Act of Toleration. It include freedom for all Catholics and Protestants. it did not include the Jews.

Holy Experiments

The "Holy Experiment" was an attempt by the Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, to establish a community for themselves in Pennsylvania. They hoped it would show to the world how well they could function on their own without any persecution or dissension.

Religious Tolerance

The idea that church and state should be separate from government.

City Upon the Hill

The passengers of the Arabella who left England in the 1630 had a great vision. John Winthrop the Governor of Mass. Bay colony stated." We shall be the city upon the hill, " They all people eyes would be on us and their colony would be model for rest of the world .

What was life like in the New England Colonies?

The people of New England were depended on their natural resources. The land was rocky so it made the land difficult for farming. The Native Americans show the colonist how to farm native crops such as corn, pumpkin, squash and beans. They settlers hunted for wild turkey and deer. Settlers also began to fish cod and halibut. They has hunted the whales and use the oil from the whales to supply oil and other products in the 17th century. Puritans believed that people show worship and tend to local matter as a community. As a result, England became land know for its towns and villages. They held town meetings to discuss and vote on issues.

Georgina Plantations

The used in the 1700s. They had slave brought to the plantation from Africa to farm rice and indigo. The slave were treated badly and had no rights.


Were a religious group from England that decided to migrate in 1630s to the Massachusetts Bay. They were able to have religious freedom in the new colony. The Puritans were not happy with the Catholic church in England. They want to get rid of Catholic church practices such as organ music, finely decorated church and the special clothing for the priest. They were also attracted to Massachusetts Bay Colony to the cheap land or a chance to start a business

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