Chapter 4 Homework

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Which of these statements describes the papillary layer of the skin?

Dermal papillae contain capillary loops to nourish the epidermis.

Which of the following is an indication of melanoma?

a pigmented spot that contains areas of different colors

Which type of skin cancer is the least malignant but most common?

basal cell carcinoma

The outermost layer of the epidermis is keratinized and known as stratum ________.


Mountain climbers frequently experience a bluing of the skin at elevations above 2,500 meters. This bluing of the skin is known as __________.


What condition occurs when hemoglobin is deprived of oxygen?


What type of cutaneous gland produces sweat that cools the body upon evaporation from the skin?

eccrine gland

Which glands play a role in thermoregulation?

eccrine glands

The two main layers of skin are ________.

epidermis and dermis

What type of burn only involves injury to the superficial epidermis?


When James shaves his face, which portion of the hair is removed?

hair shaft

The skin and its derivatives (nails, glands, and hairs) form the ________.

integumentary system

Which of the following abnormal skin colors results from liver disorders?


Hair color is due to a pigment known as ________.


Which of the following are pigments that contribute to skin color?

melanin; carotene; hemoglobin

Which type of skin cancer the least common but is the cause of most skin-cancer-related deaths?


Fingerprints and footprints in the epidermis are created by dermal papillae present in the ________.

papillary layer of the dermis

A nurse tends to a patient with a sunburn. Upon examination, she sees blisters and red skin. What type of burn does the patient most likely have?

second-degree burn

What type of membrane provides lubrication to the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities?

serous membrane

What layer is affected when a scrape affects the most superficial epidermal layer?

stratum corneum

Which layer of the epidermis is composed of flattened, dead, keratin-filled cells?

stratum corneum

What epidermal layer consists of multiple layers of living keratinocytes and scattered dendritic cells?

stratum spinosum

The ________ membrane lines the fibrous capsule surrounding joints.


Which vitamin is synthesized by the skin?

vitamin D

What type of burn damages the skin so severely that regeneration of the damaged tissue is NOT possible?


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