Chapter 4

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When did the Hebrews flee Egypt?

1300-1200 BC

When was the New Kingdom of Egypt?

1570-1075 BCE

When did Egypt restore their power?

1600 B.C.

When did the first Nubian kingdom arise?

2000 B.C.

What did Legalists believe?

A highly efficient and powerful government was the key to restoring order in society. Rich rewards should be provided for people who carry out work well, and punishment should be inevitable for those who didn't.

When did the Hebrews migrate to Egypt?

Abraham's people moved to Egypt around 1650 b.c.

Who defeated Meroë?

Aksum defeated Meroë after its two centuries of prosperity (a.d. 350)

Who was the son of Cyrus the Great?

Cambyses was his son. He neglected to follow his father's example, and died after 8 years of ruling.

Who was Confucius?

Chinese teacher and philosopher born in 551 B.C.

Who conquered several kingdoms in 550 B.C.?

Cyrus the Great

Who was Cambyses successor? What did he accomplish?

Darius, originally a member of the king's bodyguard, created a well organized administration, brought peace and stability, expanded the empire 500+ miles, and only failed when it came to conquering Greece.

Who did Egypt Fall to? How long did they Rule?

Egypt fell to a group of asiatic invaders called Hyksos who ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 b.c

What did Assyrian king, King Sennacherib, do?

He destroyed 89 cities and 820 villages and burned Babylon.

What were some confucian ideas about the government?

He laid groundwork for creation of a bureaucracy, education became very important. Confucianism is an ethical system based on principles of right and wrong, which was the foundation of the Chinese government.

What was Thutmose III known for?

He was a warlike ruler that stretched Egypt's borders to their greatest extent with successful expeditions into Nubia, Palestine, and Syria. During his rule, Egypt commanded most territory it ever had.

Between 550 and 539 B.C., how big was Cyrus the Great's empire?

His empire was 2,000 miles (india to anatolia)

Did Shi Huangdi's son lead to the prosperity of the Dynasty or the demise.

His son was less able, and led to the end of the short Qin Dynasty. Peasants rebelled just three years after the second Qin emperor took office.

Which 5 relationships did Confucius have a deep desire to restore peace with?

Husband and wife, ruler and subject, father and son, older and younger brother, and friend and friend

How did the Hyksos feel about the Hebrews? How did the Egyptians feel about the Hyksos?

Hyksos may have encouraged hebrews to settle because the two groups were racially similar. Egyptians hated Hyksos presence but were powerless.

What became the new capital of the Kushite Empire?

Kush's capital, Napata, became the center for the spread of egyptian culture to kush's other trading partners.

Where did the Kushites move after Egypt was conquered by the Assyrians?

Kushites moved their capital to Meroë and became very active in trade.

What was the philosophy of Daoism?

Laozi believed that only the natural order, involving relations among all living things, is important.

Nineveh was home to the ancient world'sr largest...?

Library, which consisted of more than 20,00 clay tablets from throughout the Fertile Crescent, including the ancient Sumerian poem "the Epic of Gilgamesh".

What was the Assyrian system of government?

Local governors reported to a central authority. Additional conquests lead to an increase in taxes and tribute.

How did the Kushites prosper?

Meroë became a major center for manufacturing iron weapons and tools, which they traded for jewelry, cotton, silver lamps, and glass bottles.

What was one thing that the Persians had a lot of?

Metals; copper, gold, silver, blue lapis lazuli

What was a satrap?

Persian governor, military leader, and tax official.

What did the persians have that allowed their empire to last for many years?

Persians had respect which helped their empire last for 200 years

Who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt to begin the New Kingdom?

Pharaoh Kamose drove Hyksos out of Egypt and through the sinai peninsula into Palestine.

Who signed the peace treaty after clashing at Kadesh?

Pharaoh Ramses and a Hittite King signed a peace treaty to promise ""peace and brotherhood between us forever." (lasted rest of century)

Who was Piankhi and what did he do?

Piankhi, a Kushite king, overthrew the libyan dynasty and united the entire nile river valley. He erected a monument in Kush with inscribed words of his victory.

Who built the Great Wall of China? Who labored so that this project could be completed.

Qin Shi Huangdi ordered the project, but it was built by hundreds and thousands of peasants

Who did Ramses dedicate his temple at Karnak to? What did he build at Abu Simbel? What did he decorate these temples with?

Ramses built a temple dedicated to Amon-re at Karnak and built a temple carved into red sandstone cliffs above the nile at Abu Simbel. He decorated temples with statues of himself.

What did Hatsheput do differently than other pharaohs?

She encouraged trade over war. She sent a fleet of 5 ships to the red sea. These ships brought gold, ivory, and unusual plants and animals as well as myrrh, frankincense, and fragrant objects.

Who was the Qin ruler?

Shi Huangdi

How many provinces was the area divided into?

The 20 provinces that the area was divided into were allowed to practice their own religion.

When was the Egyptian Army set up? Over how may pharaohs?

The Army was set up by 18th dynasty pharaohs (1570-1365 b.c.)

Which group rebirthed Babylon? Who was their ruler, and wehn did their empire fall?

The Chaldeans rebirthed Babylon and became

When was the Clash of Kadesh? Who was this clash between?

The Egyptians and the Hittites clashed at Kadesh in 1285 B.C.

Which group gained power once Egypt fell?

The Kushites from Nubia established its own Kushite dynasty on the throne of Egypt.

Who burned Nineveh and when?

The Medes and Chaldeans burned Nineveh to the ground in 612 B.C. People rejoiced at its destruction.

What caused the Assyrian Empire to collapse?

The empire was too big and the power was spread too thin. It also had too many enemies.

Who were the invaders that attacked the Egyptian Empire and the Hittite Kingdom?

The invaders were referred to as the Sea Peoples in Egyptian texts. These invaders may have included the Philistines In the east, the tribes of Palestine often rebelled against the Egyptians. In the west, the desert no longer served as a barrier against Libyan raids on Egyptian villages.

What were some things that Shi Huangdi did?

The new emperor had begun his reign by halting the internal battles that had sapped China's strength. Next he turned his attention to defeating invaders and crushing resistance within China to his rule. To prevent criticism, Shi Huangdi and his prime minister, the Legalist philosopher Li Su, murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars.Shi Huangdi established an autocracy—a government that has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner.

What did the Kushites adopt from Egypt?

They adopted their culture; including customs, clothing, and religion.

What did the powerful Assyrians do to their victims of war?

They killed or enslaved their victimes, and forced captives to settle far away in distant provinces and dependent states.

What were the Assyrians known for?

They were like a "Mighty Military Machine", and had a highly advanced military organization and state-of-the-art weapons.

When did the Egyptian Empire decline?

after 1200 B.C.

How many centuries did the Zhou Dynasty last?

almost eight centuries (1027 to 256 b.c.)

What is the principle of Zoroastrianism?

every person is judged for how well they fight the battle for the good

What ruling strategy did Persians use?

tolerance and diplomacy

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