Chapter 4 - Right of Way
The red lights are no longer flashing
Do not pass the school bus until: 1. The school bus has resumed motion; 2. You are signaled by the driver to proceed; or 3. ____________________________________________________.
You are signaled by the driver to proceed
Do not pass the school bus until: 1. The school bus has resumed motion; 2. ____________________________________________________; or 3. The red lights are no longer flashing.
The school bus has resumed motion
Do not pass the school bus until: 1. ____________________________________________; 2. You are signaled by the driver to proceed; or 3. The red lights are no longer flashing.
give the right of way to pedestrians
Drivers must always ____________________________.
you may proceed
If the intersection is not controlled by signs, signals, multi-Lanes, or pavement and the road to your right is clear or if approaching vehicles are far enough from the intersection to make your crossing safe, ________________________________.
If you approach a school bus from either direction and the bus is displaying alternately flashing red lights, you must ______.
divided or three (3) or more lane
If you are driving on a single or two lane road that intersects with a divided road or road with three (3) or more lanes, you must yield the right-of-way to vehicles traveling on the ________________________ road.
If you are driving on an unpaved road that intersects with a paved road, you must yield the right-of-way to vehicles traveling on the __________ road.
a vehicle entering the same lane of traffic from the left
On a road divided into three or more lanes with traffic moving in the same direction, a vehicle entering a lane of traffic from the right must yield the right-of-way to __________________________.
Leaving or about to leave the frontage road to enter the highway
The driver traveling on a frontage road of a controlled-access highway must yield the right-of-way to a vehicle: 1. Entering or about to enter the frontage road from the highway; and 2. _____________________________________.
Entering or about to enter the frontage road from the highway
The driver traveling on a frontage road of a controlled-access highway must yield the right-of-way to a vehicle: 1. _________________________________________ ; and 2. Leaving or about to leave the frontage road to enter the highway.
stop and yield the right of way to vehicles on the through street
When approaching an intersection of a through street traveling from a street that ends at the intersection, you must _________________________________.
any vehicle that has entered or is approaching the intersection on your right
When approaching intersections not controlled by signs, signals, multi-Lanes, or pavement, yield the right-of-way to __________________________________.
stop prior to the sidewalk and yield the right of way to all approaching vehicles and pedestrians
When entering or crossing a road, street, or highway from a private road, alley, building, or driveway, you must ___________________________________.
any vehicle coming straight through from the other direction
When turning left, always yield the right-of-way to ______________________________.
You are not allowed to __________ within 500 feet of a fire truck answering an alarm or an ambulance when the flashing red lights are on.
remain stopped until allowed to proceed or it is safe to proceed
You are required to stop at a railroad grade crossing and ________________________________.
pull to the right edge of the road and stop
You must yield the right-of-way to police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles sounding a siren, bell, or flashing red light. If traffic allows, _________________________. If you are unable to pull over to the right, slow down and leave a clear path for the emergency vehicle.
slow down and leave a clear path for the emergency vehicle
You must yield the right-of-way to police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles sounding a siren, bell, or flashing red light. If traffic allows, pull to the right edge of the road and stop. If you are unable to pull over to the right, ____________________________________.