Chapter 45 & 47

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which of the following is an abnormal value for a differential

%50-%70 basophils

the specific gravity of most urine samples falls between

1.010 and 1.024

which of the following is a normal adult WBC count


which of the following urine specimens are used in diabetes screening and for home diabetes testing programs

2 hour postprandial urine specimens

which of the following is a normal H&H for a female

36% and 14 g/dL

while Mr. Chakrabartis hemocrit sample is spinning in the centrifuge, you perform an automated hemoglobin test on a sample of his blood and record the value as 15g/dL. you do a quick mental calculationand expect that the hemocrit value will be approximately


a medical assistant instructs a patient to collect a first morning specimen for which of the following test?

All of the above

using capillary blood from a finger, the cholestech LDX analyzer is capable of measuring which of the following?

All of the above

a blood test that analyzes the ability of the kidneys to perform their function is the


microscopically, which of the following cells have large dark blue black granules and contain histamine


urine suspected of having high levels of which substance should be stored in a dark place before testing?


which of the following is not detected in a liver panel test


which of the following measures the PT according to the time it takes the blood to form a fibrin clot

CLIA waved

increases in the RBC count are found in which of the following?


a child whose urine has a mousy smell most likely would be diagnosed with


Dr. lim orders a CPK draw for Mr. Roberts what do elevated CPK levels indicate

Possible MI

one of the first detectable signs of renal disease is


a hematocrit reading of 37 indicates what

RBCs account for 37% of the total blood volume

in the microscopic observation of urine sediment, yeast most resembles

Red Blood Cells

casts in a urine specimen develop in what part of the urinary tract?


the specific gravity of a urine specimen read 1.035. this value is considered

abnormally high

granular leukocytes

act as phagocytes

if a urine specimen cannot be analyzed within 1 hour, the best course of action is to?

add a chemical preservative

hormones detected in a thyroid panel include

all of the above

one of the first detectable signs of liver disease is


after centrifugation on a microhematocrit test, which of the following will be found in the center of the tube

both B and C

Troponin is a component of a ----panel


which of the following are tubular structures found in urine and composed mainly of mucoprotein secreted by certain cells of the kidney


a turbid urine sample means that the specimen is


you are examining a patients urinalysis report, which of the following factors is normal

color: light amber

erythrocytes have a typical--------shape because of-----------

concave, their lack of a nucleus

which of the following tests is used to determine renal function


a 24 hour urine sample is ordered to determine which of the following?

creatinine clearance rates

a cloudy urine specimen may be the result of which of the following?


hemoglobin A1c is measured to monitor


polyuria is common in which of the following clinical situations

diabetes mellitus

which component of the complete blood count is not necessary to calculate the red cell indices


what is the last portion of the nephron that the filtrate travels through

distal convoluted tube

which of the following leukocytes are associated with allergies


which of the following tests is used for the initial screening of a patient for diabetes type 2

fasting blood glucose

A urine pregnancy test result is positive

from implantation of the fertilized egg through delivery

a properly prepared wedge smear

has blood covering one half to three quarters of the slide

which of the following are the most numerous type of T cell

helper t cells

which department of the laboratory performs H&H tests


which of the following is a common finding in cystitis and in individuals passing kidney stones


when is administration of Rho(D) immune globulin absolutely necessary

if an Rh-negative mother gives birth to an Rh-positive stillborn

on a chemical analysis, a urine specimen from a female with urinary tract infection most likely reveals?

increased pH, increased nitrate, and increased leukocyte esterase

an ammonia or putrid smell in the urine can be caused by which of the following


the buffy coat

is white

which statement is true about HDL

it transports cholesterol

you open a urine sample for testing and immediately detect a fruity odor, which test result do you expect to be elevated on chemical analysis


what is the most common urine test for pregnancy

lateral flow immunoassay

T cells and B cells are a subclassification of which of the following


which statement is true about leukocytes

neutrophils are the most numerous WBCs in circulation


none of the above

a urine specimen tested and shown to have a pH of 8.0. this value is


abnormal urine color may be related to which of the following

pathologic factors

TSH levels are assessed to determine the function of what organs

pituitary gland

which of the following makes up approximately 55% of blood by volume


which of the following substances when found in urine may indicate kidney damage


a urine sample that can be collected at any given time is called a

random sample

which of the following casts always indicate a pathologic condition and are highly diagnostic

red blood cells casts

which of the following is mismatched concerning urine color and the likely cause?

reddish brown: diabetes

which of the following is not a recommendation from the clinical and laboratory standards institute for urine specimens

specimen should not be centrifuged

in performance of a microhematocrit

the open end of the capillary tube should be sealed with clay before centrifuging

which statement is true about the pH of urine?

the urine pH is alkaline if the patient has bacteriuria

when instructing a female patient in how to obtain a clean catch, midstream urine specimen you should tell her to use how many antiseptic towelettes?


in emergencies if there is no time for a laboratory to perform a type and cross match which type of blood is administered

type O negative

the reagent strip is highly sensitive to

urinary albumin

a small amount of which of the following is always present in normal urine


the ESR test results

vary greatly between genders and as people age

which cells are usually oval and may show budding and common in urine of patients with diabetes

yeast cells

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