Chapter 5 / 6 Questions

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RESEARCH STUDY 6.2: Dr. Ewell, a developmental psychologist, is planning on conducting a study that involves watching children play together to determine how sharing behavior occurs in same-sex friend pairs compared to opposite-sex friend pairs. Which of the following is Dr. Ewell likely to give to his research assistants to prevent observer bias? - binoculars - a developmental psychology textbook - a video camera - a codebook

a codebook

Todd is studying the effect of popularity on academic success for his research methods project. He decides to measure popularity by asking each elementary school student to tell him how many friends he or she has. He assumes that more friends means the student is more popular. Which of the following best describes this variable? - a categorical variable - a ratio scale of measurement - an other-report measure - a qualitative variable

a ratio scale of measurement

In which of the following studies is self-report the best data collection option? - a study examining the breathing styles used during natural childbirth - a study examining the health of children born via natural childbirth - a study examining the intensity of pain during natural childbirth - a study examining discussions about natural childbirth between mothers and doctors

a study examining the intensity of pain during natural childbirth

Fatima is trying to measure gender role stereotypes using a gender role survey. She believes that her participants will be able to tell that she is measuring gender role stereotypes because the survey looks like it is measuring stereotypes. Fatima believes that her survey has what type of validity? - criterion - face -convergent -discriminant


Dr. Jewell is interested in measuring peoples attitudes toward proposed tax cuts. One of his items reads, "People who support cutting taxes are not well informed about how the government works." What is the problem with this question? - it is a leading question - is is a double-barreled question - it is a forced-choice question - it has a double negative

it is a leading question

Which of the following statements is true of observational data? - observational measures can be used to make frequency claims - observational measures automatically have good construct validity - observational measures cannot be used to make causal claims - observational measures provide better information than self-report data

observational measures can be used to make frequency claims

A researcher most likely prepared two versions of a survey with different question sequencing to address the issue of ... - question order - fence sitting question - flashbulb question - appropriate question formats

question order

In a scatterplot, the direction of the relationship can be seen by the ... - the presence of a line drown through the dots - spread of the dots - number of dots - slope of the line

slope of the line

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using open-ended questions? - the answers are unscientific - the answers must be coded - the answers are not taken seriously by participants - the answers provided are often spontaneous

the answers must be coded

Research Study 5:1: Dr. Rodriquez is considering conducting a study to examine whether narcissistic people have poorer romantic relationships than those who are not narcissistic. One of her first tasks is to determine which of her participants are narcissistic and which are not. She decided to use the scale created by a colleague, the Donal scale. Question 1 reads, "I tend not to think about other people as much as I think about myself." Question 2 reads, "I do not have a high opinion of myself." Question 3 reads, "I think other people think I am really special." Dr. Rodriquez calculates a correlation coefficient (r) to examine the relationship between Question 1 and Question 2 and between Question and Question 3. She finds a correlation coefficient of r = -0.73 between Question 1 and 2 and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.74 between Question 1 and 3. Which of the following is true of her findings? - the correlation between Question 1 and 2 and Question 1 and 3 are in the same direction - the negative correlation between Question 1 and 2 is bad for Dr. Rodriquez - there appears to be good internal reliability in the scale - the correlation between Question 1 and 2 is much weaker than that between Question 1 and 3

there appears to be good internal reliability in the scale

RESEARCH STUDY 6.2: Dr. Ewell, a developmental psychologist, is planning on conducting a study that involves watching children play together to determine how sharing behavior occurs in same-sex friend pairs compared to opposite-sex friend pairs. Imagine that Dr. Ewell wants to videotape the children interacting in the park. Why would most psychologists have no problem with the ethics of Dr. Ewell's study? - observing children is the only way to collect data about this topic - his research topic is interesting - research with children is generally not risky - people in a public park do not expect their behavior to be private

people in a public park do not expect their behavior to be private

Establishing construct validity is most important for which of the following? - an abstract concept - a behavior that is directly observable - a concrete construct - physical measurements

an abstract construct

In which of the following ways are content and face validity similar? - both preferred by psychologist as ideal measures of validity - both involve subjective judgements - both are very difficult to establish - both involve asking participants for their opinions about the measurement

both involve subjective judgements

Establishing construct validity would probably be most important for which of the following? - a mesure of spirituality - a measure of income - a measure of the number of times a person eats alone during a month - a measure of heart rate

a mesure of spirituality

Which of the following hypotheses would be best tested with a survey? - children who are exposed to more words per day have faster brain development - drinking coffee makes people walk faster - college students with part-time jobs have high self-esteem - sharing with others increases dopamine levels

college students with part-time jobs have high self-esteem

What is the term for a researcher's definition of the variable in question at a theoretical level? - measurement validity - operational definition - conceptual definition - construct validity

conceptual definition

RESEARCH STUDY 6.2: Dr. Ewell, a developmental psychologist, is planning on conducting a study that involves watching children play together to determine how sharing behavior occurs in same-sex friend pairs compared to opposite-sex friend pairs. Imagine that Dr. Ewell wants to videotape the children interacting in the park. Which of the following is true? - he will likely need to get permission to videotape the children prior to doing so - he can use the videotapes regardless of whether the adult objects as long as the child agrees - it he uses hidden cameras, he does not need to tell the participants they have been videotaped - he will be unable to use videotape because he is studying children

he will likely need to get permission to videotape the children prior to doing so

Research Study 5:2: Dr. Sheffield is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating pathological gambling. Pathological gambling is defined as being unable to resist impulses to gamble. Bothered by not having a good measure that he can give to clients to determine whether they are suffering from this condition, he creates a measure of pathological gambling. The measure has 15 questions, and it takes 20 minutes to complete. To test his measure, Dr. Sheffield gives his measure to a group of people in Gamblers Anonymous (GA) and another group of people in Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). He finds that people in the GA group have higher scores on his new measure than people in the AA group. This procedure is known as a ... - known-groups paradigm - prediction paradigm - group evaluation paradigm - test-retest paradigm

known-groups paradigm

The construct validity of observations can be threatened by ... - reactivity - socially desirable responding - leading questions - acquiescence


Which of the following is true of operational definitions? - the specification of operational definitions is one of the creative aspects of the research process - operational definitions and conceptual definitions are the same thing - conceptual definitions are created after operation definitions are determined - there is only one operation definition that is possible for each conceptual definition

the specification of operational definitions is one of the creative aspects of the research process

A correlation coefficient and scatterplot both provide which of the following pieces of information? - the validity and reliability of two measurements - the strength and direction of the relationship between two measurements - the outliers present in the two measurements - the path and significance of the relationship between two measurements

the strength and direction of the relationship between two measurements

RESEARCH STUDY 6.2: Dr. Ewell, a developmental psychologist, is planning on conducting a study that involves watching children play together to determine how sharing behavior occurs in same-sex friend pairs compared to opposite-sex friend pairs. Dr. Ewell decides to collect his data at a neighborhood park. He has his two research assistants pose as a married couple having a picnic. While having their picnic, they take detailed records of the sharing behavior of the children and note whether the pairs are same sex or opposite sex. This technique is known as ... - unobtrusive observation - a blind study design - delayed observation - a double-blind study design

unobtrusive observation

RESEARCH STUDY 5.1: Dr. Rodriquez is considering conducting a study examining whether narcissistic people have poorer romantic relationships than those who are not narcissistic. One of her first tasks is to determine which of her participants are narcissistic and which are not. She decides to use the scale created by a colleague, the Donal scale. Question 1 reads, "I tend not to think about other people as much as I think about myself." Question 2 reads, "I do not have a high opinion of myself." Question 3 reads, "I think other people think I am really special." Dr. Rodriquez is concerned whether the measure will really measure narcissism or if it will measure some other related concept. She is concerned about the scale's ... - convenience - reliability - operational definition - validity


Which of the following determines the construct validity of a survey question? - how many response options it has - how short it is - how many people answer it - how well it is worded

how well it is worded

An educational psychologist is testing the discriminant validity of a new measure of numerical learning difficulties. He gives his measure to a group of students along with another measure of verbal learning difficulties, which he predicts she not be strongly related to numerical learning difficulties. Which of the following correlations would the psychologist hope to find in order to establish discriminant validity. - r = 1.0 - r = 0.83 - r = -1.0 - r = -0.18

r = -0.18

RESEARCH STUDY 5.1: Dr. Rodriquez is considering conducting a study examining whether narcissistic people have poorer romantic relationships than those who are not narcissistic. One of her first tasks is to determine which of her participants are narcissistic and which are not. She decides to use the scale created by a colleague, the Donal scale. Question 1 reads, "I tend not to think about other people as much as I think about myself." Question 2 reads, "I do not have a high opinion of myself." Question 3 reads, "I think other people think I am really special." Before using the measure in her study, Dr. Rodriquez gives the measure to a group of participants on the first day of the semester and again on the last day of the semester. She then compares the scores between the two time points. This is a test of which of the following? - test-retest reliability - internal reliability - inter-rater reliability - construct reliability

test-retest reliability

Hosea is studying the relationship between caffeine consumption and problem solving ability? Which of the following is a quantitative way to operationalize problem-solving ability? -the report of a teacher about whether a student is a good or bad problem solver - whether participants used insight or trial-and-error techniques to solve the problem - the time spent solving a math problem - the type of puzzle solved

the time spent solving a math problem

Dr. Leising conducts observational studies of adolescents interacting with peers during problem-solving tasks. She records each 30-minute interaction and then has the students in her laboratory code prosocial behaviors in the adolescents as they view each video. Because she has several students coding the videos, she calculates how reliable their scores are with each other by having them all code the same videos periodically. Which type of reliability is Dr. Leising calculating? - internal reliability - inter-rater reliability - test-retest reliability - internal consistency

inter-rater reliability

Why might question order affect how people respond to a survey or poll? - people are easily confused - people are lazy - people cannot understand multiple questions - people may try to appear consistent

people may appear to be consistent

If a question has response options that are anchored with adjectives, this is known as a(n) - likert scale - open-ended format - semantic differential format - agreement scale

semantic differential format

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