chapter 5 - 7
• EQ can be broken down into these two models
Ability and mixed
• This theory explains the relationships between leader intelligence and group performance in stressful vs non-stressful situations
Cognitive Resources Theory (CRT)
• These traits are irritating, counter-productive behavioral tendencies
Dark side personality traits
• This is the power of knowledge:
• This is EQ
Emotional intelligence
• These are principles of right conduct;
• This model of personality assesses "bright side" characteristics; fortunately you can count them on the fingers of one hand
Five Factor Model
• These values refer to modes of behavior, such as being courageous or honest :
Instrumental values
• This kind of power depends on a person's organizational role:
Legitimate power
• This refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behavior :
Moral reasoning
• This is defined as the capacity to produce effects on others:
• Individuals with the need for this kind of power are often selfish, impulsive and uninhibited:
Personalized power
• This approach postulates a fundamental interdependence between the personal, the interpersonal, the managerial and the organizational levels of leadership :
Principle centered leadership
• This kind of power often takes time to develop:
Referent Power
• This refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between them :
Referent Power
• This kind of power involves the potential to influence others due to one's control over desired resources:
Reward Power
• These values refer to desired end states, such as social recognition or family security:
Terminal values
• This is McGregor's theory which reflects a pessimistic view of others, and managers with this orientation rely heavily on coercive, external control methods
Theory x
• Douglas McGregor identified these two contrasting sets of assumptions people make about human nature :
Theory x and Theory y
• These are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust
• This model of EQ is very similar to the FFM
ability model
• This characteristic from the FFM refers to neuroticism or emotional stability
• This characteristic from the FFM refers to empathy and friendliness
• These leaders are faster learners and make better assumptions
analytic intelligent leader
• The triarchic theory of intelligence focuses on these three basic types of intelligence
analytic, practical, & creative
• This is defined as a person's fundamental beliefs and public reputation
• This is the opposite of reward power
coercive Power
• This refers to those learned behaviors characterizing the total way of life of members within any given society :
• This characteristic from the FFM refers to conscientiousness or prudence
• Leaders with this dark-side trait have perfectionistic tendencies which frustrate and disempower their staffs
• Leaders with this dark-side trait deal with stress by sucking up to superiors and don't stand up for their staffs
• Leaders with this dark-side trait have dramatic mood swings and emotional outbursts
• These kinds of rewards include praise, compensation, promotion, and special privileges :
extrinsic rewards
his is perhaps the earliest theory of leadership
great man theory
• This is defined as the change in a target agent's attitudes, values or beliefs:
• This is the degree of actual change in a target person's attitudes, values, beliefs or behaviors as a result of the input of another person :
influence tactics
• Individuals with this characteristic demonstrate their commitment to higher principles through their actions
• This is a person's all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought
• These kinds of rewards include feelings of accomplishment, personal satisfaction, and personal growth
intrinsic rewards
• This characteristic from the FFM refers to curiosity, learning approach
open to experience
• These provide researchers with an explanation for leaders' and followers' tendencies to act in consistent ways over time
personality traits
• Characteristics associated with this kind of leader include listening, empathy, foresight and awareness :
servant leadership
• Individuals with the need for this kind of power work in service to higher goals to others, and are often self-sacrificing;
socialized power
• These people share three abilities: to get along with others; to make sound decisions; to get things done
successful leaders
• This characteristic from the FFM refers to dominance, self-confidence and the need for power
• This is McGregor's theory which reflects a view that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work:
theory Y
• Although these cannot be seen, they can be inferred from consistent patterns of behavior :
• These refer to recurring regularities or trends in a person's behavior
• "True leadership" requires a high degree of this between leader and followers :
• These are constructs representing generalized behaviors considered by the individual to be important: