Chapter 5

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In the first decade of the 21st century, what was the overall employment growth for the OECD countries?


Which of the following reflects a dominant trend in regards to immigrant workers in national economies?

Advanced economies are seeing highly skilled people from developing countries migrate to pursue more lucrative opportunities than their home country can offer

What occupational patterning trend are the industrial countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development experiencing?

And increasing share up temporary and highly skilled workers in the total flows

Why does it make sense to move jobs to people?

Because jobs that are low status in an industrialized country might be superior to local alternatives in a developing country.

Why are the Gulf states considered an interesting laboratory for studying for workplace diversity?

Because of the mix of skill levels and ethnic/cultural differences present in the workforce

The encounter of people from different places, with different cultures and capabilities, is an important source of workplace diversity. Why is diversity an important aspect to understand?

Because societies tend to racialize immigrants, placing them in either an "alien" or "minority" status

Due to its large population, which country by 2030 will have larger numbers of better educated people than either Europe of North America?


What is the primary reason organizations decide to outsource?

Cost savings

_______________ within the European Union (EU) is relatively low, as evidenced by the general reluctance of most people to migrate for work, given alternative, albeit less attractive opportunities at home.

Cross-border mobility

Population trends are making culturally based workforce diversity a fact of life for virtually all _______________.

Developed Countries

South Korea created a migrant worker program in order to fill jobs that can be described with the "three Ds." What do the "three Ds" stand forg?

Difficult, dirty and dangerously

Which profession has trouble finding work if a countries educational system has produced more than the country can employ?


Worker migration is a _____________, leading to constant change in supplying and receiving countries.

Dynamic Process

The proportion of foreign or foreign-born workers grew in European countries that are primary destinations for people from neighboring countries in _____________.

Eastern Europe

Advanced economies that reward and subsidize high educational attainment are increasingly experiencing a need for workers to perform unskilled tasks, particularly the service tasks that national economies cannot ____________.


Globalization is allowing countries to _________ many of their employers, particularly those in labor intensive, low paying industries that make a product that is transportable.


The net amount of investment by nonresidents in enterprises in which nonresidents exercise significant management control is knows as:

Foreign direct investment

What trend is Europe experiencing which makes the issue of workforce diversity increasingly salient?

Foreign-born workers are staying longer and having descendants who will one day enter the workforce

The rate of which foreign direct investments exist is influenced by:

Global economy; policy uncertainty; and geopolitical risks

Why has China begun to incentivize return migration?

In order to attract experience university professors and researchers in the science and technology fields

Why is the relative educational level of a country's labor force becoming increasingly important?

Increasing role of advanced technology

Eastern European countries, during their post Communism era, experienced a significant inflow of migrants. What was the source of the inflows?

Inflow of highly qualified employees from EU countries

What was the United Nations estimate of the developing regions growth rate of migrant stock between 2005 and 2010 in comparison to the growth rate for developed regions?

Less developed regions surpass the rate for more developed regions

In a ___________ trade environment, transnational corporations export capital to reduce their labor costs and, indirectly, increase new markets for their products.


Jobs that are _____ paying and ____ status in an industrialized country can be exported as _____ paying and _____ status to developing companies.

Low; Low; High; High

The largest outward investing economies include:

Mexico, Brazil and Malaysia

Which oil rich, labor-poor regions have been the most notable recipients of worker migrants, especially from a wide range of Asian countries?

Middle East

Which region has been the most notable recipient of worker migrants, especially from a wide range of Asian countries?

Middle East

What has been the geographic pattern of worker migrations?

Migrants head for countries where they have a historic relationship

How might age diversity be an issue for cross border migrations?

Migrants tend to be young, therefore it will affect the hose country's average working age population

Although there is no indication that the natural human reluctance to leave home and family is any less pronounced among the highly skilled, in some countries policy failures by governments have encouraged large numbers of skilled people to migrate.


In 2001, while the American plant manager and his team were working on changing the plant's culture regarding attitudes toward women, _____________ agreed to pay a multimillion dollar settlement to African American and Hispanic workers who were experiencing racial and job discrimination.


The occupational patterning of migrants is _________ in broad categories if both sides of the migration equation are considered.


The origins of workforce diversity in EU countries have tended to be relatively ____________.


What can companies do to improve multicultural interaction in a diverse workplace environment?

Provide cross-cultural sensitivity training

Migration of working-age people has traditionally contributed to __________ such imbalances in labor demand and supply, and is still a solution for many in developing countries.


Historically, what problem did massive immigration of working age people help nations solve?

Resolving national in balances between labor supply and labor demand

The United Nations estimated that between 2005 and 2010 for the first time the growth rate of the migrant stock (meaning all migrants, not just workers) for less-developed regions ____________ the rate for more-developed regions.


In addition to return of previous migrants, _____________________ was one of the first migration channels to be affected by the economic downturn.

Temporary labor migration

After World War II many industrialized countries such as Germany actively sought to recruit immigrants in pursuit of economic development. What flawed assumption did they have in terms of the immigrants?

That foreign workers would leave when no longer needed

What does "simple population growth" mean?

That the same relative flows contain more people

In developed countries how does the employment rate of highly educated immigrants compare to similarly educated natives?

The immigrants have lower employment rates

Historically, industrialized countries have had a significant power and presence in their workforce. What makes the recent trend different?

The origins of the immigrant workers has become more diverse

Employer migration is a dynamic process leading to constant change. What stimulates the constant change?

The role of the labor cost shifts the overall business equation

Why are people concerned about the widespread employment of young women in export- manufacturing zones in the Gulf States?

Their culture and traditions make them malleable and easy to exploit

Why is immigration easier for the highly skilled immigrant?

They are more likely to have information about employment opportunities

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimated that _______________ generated about a quarter of global gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010.

Transnational Corporations

In countries like Dubai and Kuwait, what caused the work force to grow rapidly and change in composition?

Work-related migration

Advanced economies that reward and subsidize high educational attainment are increasingly looking for what type of laborer?

Workers to perform unskilled task

Migration of workers or migration of employers, and the resulting encounter of people from different places with different cultures and capabilities, is an important contributor to _______________.

Workplace Diversity

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