Chapter 5: Consciousness

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What is non-Rem sleep like in terms of brain activity, physiological activity, and movement? If someone woke up you from sleep, in which stage would you be the groggiest and most disoriented?

You would be most groggiest and most disoriented in N3 because it is the deepest sleep

What is a lucid dream?

Being aware of dreaming that lucid dream

What does REM stand for? What is REM sleep like in terms of brain activity, physiological activity, and muscle movement?

REM stands for rapid-eye-movement. REM sleep in the terms of brain activity there is a lot of eletrical activity. REM Sleep in the terms of physiological activity: the person can often wake up with sexual arousal and have vivid dreams in that state REM sleep in the terms of muscle movement: plus and breathing increase, blood flow goes to genitals, eye dart around while sleeping

What is REM rebound and why does it happen?

Rem rebound is a increase time spent in rem sleep when there is chance to.

When do nightmares occur, during REM or NREM?

REM sleep

Why is REM sleep paradoxical?

paradoxical sleep which is when the sleeper seems rested and sleeping but inside their brain they have a lot of clerical activity.

Which perspective in psych underlies the study of consciousness (ever since the 1960s)?

evolutionary perspective : This is the type of research conducted by human factors psychologists, who study the relationship between machines and conscious processes, among other things.

If you were an employer who wanted your employees to getter better sleep and stay healthy, what would you recommend to your employees? (Consider if the research states anything about the following: Sleeping in? Exercise? Alcohol? Sleeping environment?)

inimazing light exposer at night/bedtime Make a dark area, where there isn't much light exposure Head straight to bed

What is REM sleep behavior disorder and why does it occur?

A disorder that happens in REM sleep where the mechanisms that are responsible of paralyzing the body are not working, which can lead to people acting out their dreams.

Main symptom of OSA (apnea)? Which celebrity does your book mention suffered from this disorder (hint: Star Wars)?

Carrie Fisher suffered from OSA Symptoms are: increase in risk of death in the elderly, elevated blood pressure, and reduced quality life, higher risk of cardiovascular disease due to elevated blood pressure

What is the name for the body's master biological clock which regulates circadian rhythms, and where is it located?

Circadian Rhythm: the master biological clock that activates our 24 hour cycle

What are the symptoms of narcolepsy?

Excessive sleep Commonly also suffer from cataplexy (which is loss of muscle and strengthen)

Researchers have stated some benefits to medical marijuana. What are they? What do researchers caution when it comes to adolescents and marijuana?

Marijauna may be effective for treating chronic pain, muscle spams, nausea from chemotherapy

What was Freud's view of dreaming? What did he mean by manifest content and latent content? Think of an example of a dream and use these terms.

Manifest: remembering the dream and remembering the structure (how the dream unraveled). Latent: the actual conscious meanings and desires of the dream

What is the function of melatonin? Which gland releases this hormone? How is its release affected by daylight and darkness?

Melatonin is the sleep hormone that is produced by pineal glands, in dark conditions like nighttime or a dark room the biological clock (Circadian Rhythm) commands the pineal gland to produce melatonin, making it easier to sleep When light hits the eyes melatonin slows down.

Summarize the research on sleep cycles in terms of how long each cycle typically lasts, how any cycles a person tends to have per night.

N1 and N2 prepare a lot of time for N3, but then halfway through the night N3 vanishes which causes the REM periods to last longer: making the first episode lasting 5-10 minutes and the final period to last an half an hour. Meaning we do all our non-REM sleep early in the night and dreaming towards the night The cycles all last 90-minutes but changes as the hours pass Average adult goes through five of them per night

What are night terrors (sleep terrors) like? In what stage of sleep do these occur?

Night terrors/ Sleep terror are non-sleep disorders which happens when a child may sit in bed stare at nothing and scream, in that state they can not reason or listen, once the terrors are gone the children will return to normal and will not remember of the terror.

What is insomnia?

Not being able to fall asleep or stay awake = The condition of not being able to go to sleep when needed, or getting any sleep in general

Has research found blue light wavelengths emitted by LEDs to affect sleep? If yes, in what way? If not, why not?

Researches have found that using the blue light wave lengths disrupt the melatonin and create disruption in a person sleep . The brighter the light and the closer the device to the eye, the greater the impact

What are the potential biological functions of sleep?

Restorative Theory: we need sleep because it allows us to grown and repair or mind and body Neouetanmitter are replenished Growth hormone is seceded during non-REM skeet Protein production increases in the brain during REM

Researchers such as Stoica (2019) state your brain produces a lot of waste and clears it away during sleep. What does research from animal studies suggest you should do to facilitate the detox process? (page 171, bottom right)

Sleeping sideways may help for the detox process

Briefly explain the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming. According to this theory, why do people commonly report having dreams about floating or flying?

The activation-synthesis theory of dreaming contradicted Freud's point as it believes dreams have no meaning. It says that we create meaning in neural activity. If the vestibular system is active while we are lying still the brain thinks that we are floating or flying

What are the effects of short-term sleep deprivation? How about long term?

The effects can be having micro sleeps which are mini naps,

Define consciousness.

The subjective state of being aware of something either within or outside oneself

When the brain is alert and awake what type of brain waves are produced on EEGs? When a person is just drifting off to sleep, what types of brain waves increase?

When the brain I starting to drift of there are alpha waves which are low frequency beta waves. When a person is awake and alert they have beta waves which can be seen when you are involved in something complex

What does the neurocognitive theory of dreams suggest that dream content resembles?

the neurocognitive theory of dreams suggest that there is high degree of similarity between thinking when we are awake and cognitive activity of dreaming

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