Chapter 5 - Grains

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outer bract


panicles consists of few to many?

underground stolon or rhizomes

perennials have?


pericarp + seed coat=?


pericarp is loose around the seed


petals + sepals =?

white rice

polished rice

corn starch, corn meal, corn flour, corn oil, corn syrup, corn cased cereals and snacks

products of corn

from setts (low part of stem)

propagation of sugarcane


provides 50% of calories consumed


which of the following grains is rich in soluable fiber

germ, bran

which part of wheat grain is removed to produce white flour

fertility SE Asia

white rice is the symbol for? sacred in?

ancient romans

who considered corn to be food for animals?

fiber, protein, starch

whole grain flour is rich in ?

brown rice

whole grain; unpolished rice

bran, germ, endosperm

whole grains contain___ components of the grain

to live

zea means?


imp food for ancient ppl in mediterranean region


important staple in other parts of the world?


in US is used as forage grass and as a birdseed

perfect or bisexual

incomplete flowers are?


once the ovary becomes fertilized, the fruit called_____ forms?


one of the oldest domesticated crops

wild rice

one of the oldest domesticated platns

Arcola, Il

"broom corn capitol of the world"


"coccum"= ?


"poormans wheat"

cane sugar

-american sugar triangle - side product is rum

cane sugar

1st sugar

lemma & palea

2 bracts called?

glumes, chaff

2 other names for bracts?


25% of the worlds vegetation belongs to what fam?


3 well developed stamens and a superior ovary with a single ovule and short style that ends in 2 long, conspicuous, feathery stigmas called?


4 day celebration in S India where they decorate pots and surround it with sugarcane


Hindu religion still celebrate an ancient tradition as a way of showing their respect to the sun god using?

forage grasses

Kentucky bluegrass and clover grown in horse farms - what grass?

false bc all grasses have grains, cereal is edible grain

T/F? cereals are the grains of all grasses

emmer wheat durum wheat

_____ wheat is a tetraploid that resulted in a free threshing natural mutant type known as _____ wheat


_______ grains have a longer shelf life


a health condition that results in nerve inflammation

chicha, bourbon

alcohol beverages with corn


alexander the great called it "honey from the reeds"


are known as caryopsis


basamti rice is used to make meat for veggie based middle eastern and indian spiced dishes called?

all purpose flour

bend of different wheat flours with moderate amount protein


bran can consist of some


brought into civilization along with wheat, approx 9000 yrs ago in near east


called "food for billions"

wild rice - nothing to do with rice

called "water oats" expensive due to demand high in antioxidants, black in color, not domesticated


cereal grasses are?


cold an drought tolerant, found as a weed in wheat and barely fields. resembles wheat but more elongate and slender spikes

germ grain flour

comes from the endosperm and the germ, leaving out the bran- does not have fiber


complex of proteins in wheat grain

unisexual & monocieous

corn flowers are ? - grains are larger, free from bracts


corn oil is extracted from the ______ of the grain

s. dakota

corn palace is in?

wild wheat

diplod and in the (Triticum monococcum)


due to the lack of tryptophan and niacin (sympotoms: dhiarea) eating too much corn


each grain contains a well developed ?


edible grain of cultivated grasses


embryo is called?


endosperm is rich in _____ in bread wheat


family of amaranth?


family of buckwheat


family of quinoa


feeds more people than any other crop

small, inconspicuous, incomplete

flowers of grasses are ____, ____, and _____ (describe)

basamati rice

fragrant, long grain rice - "texmath"- raised in texas


fruits are surrounded by?

fiber, vitamins, and sometimes oil

germ consists of?


grain (not real grain) contains quality proteins; fiber; NOT gluten


grain (not real grain) high in protein, lysine, manganese; moderate amt of magnessium


grain (not real grain) that is rich in protein; contains lysine, iron, NOT gluten

whole grain flour

grain that is ground from entire grain using bran, germ, and the endosperm

amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa

grains that are not real grains (3)


grass flowers, borne on inflorescence are called ?


grasses are monocot or dicot?


grasses are monocots that belong to what fam?


grasses are unisexual or bisexual?


hallow stem


have their bran intact, and can eat them unrefined


highly nutrtious, contains lysine

stamen= 3 carpel=1 ovule=1

how many of stamens, carpels, and ovules?

triticale/ tritosecale

hybrid between wheat and rye - combines desired characteristics of wheat and rye - low in gluten

laundry starch, pharmaceutical fillers, glue lubricant, ethanol in gas, biodegradable plastic and packing material

industrial uses of corn


inner bract

aleurone layer

inside the bran is a ____ layer


is "the staff of life"


is a coarse whole grain corn flour

confectioner's sugar

is a powdered sugar that is powdered with added cornstarch to prevent clumping

whole grain

is everything except the chaff and lodicules. it includes bran, endosperm, and the embryo= healthy staple

polished grain

is when the aleurone layer, and the embryo are removed, resulting in white refined grain

black rice

known as the "forbidden rice" bc in ancient times, a servant tried to sneak out some rice - soft texture


lawn grasses are?


leader in wheat cultivation


long style of female flowers

polishing or pearling

machine to remove brown bran

Arkansas, texas, Louisiana, Mississippi

major producers of rice in US


major rice producer in the world?


mating together of tall stalks


mature grains scatter in all directions from adult plant


mentioned in the bible, used by adam and eve to make their first bread

forage grasses

more land dedicated to _____ than to all other crops cultivated

wheat, rice, corn

most extensively grown of all food crops


new plastic- used for building materials

whole grains bc bran and germ contain some fat

nutritious but become rancid with age, why?


oats have very little

endosperm; starch and little protein

refined grains or white flour products are made from the _____________ which contains ___________ & __________


rice is a _____ grain

golden rice beta- carotene (precursor for vitA)

rice that genetically modified by jap enemies; has pigmented endosperm- result of ?

parboiled rice

rice that gets steamed along with glumes that enable the starch to absorb the nutrients- takes longer to cook, does not stick, and remains dull in color

rye beer, some whiskies, some vodkas, and animal fodder

rye grain is used in?


rye has ___ gluten content


sepals and petals of a grass flower are the


several rows of female on a fleshy central core

wild rice

state grain of Minnesota

raw sugar, molasses, granulated sugar, ethanol

sugar products

jasmine rice

the Thailand fragrant rice with nutty aroma; nothing to do with jasmine


the activity pf removing the fruits from the bracts (usually done by hand)


the grass embryo consists of a single cotyledon called _____ attached to the embryonic shoot with a coleoptile (forms the shoot) and a coleorhiza (forms roots)

corn & rice (oat and wheat do have gluten )

which of the following cereals does not have gluten

vitamin B1 (thyamine)

the rice bran is a natural source of?

baking, beer, and whiskey

things barley is used in (3)


this is the 4th most important cereal grain besides wheat, rice, and corn

finger millet

this millet is also called ragi

bread wheat

this wheat is hexaploid (6n=42)


throwing grain- chaff mixture into the air... this practice usually removes the light fragments of the broken chaff


tightly packed bracts leaves called

pearl millet, finger millet

two types of millet


type of rice cultivation method that grows rice in standing water

upland rice

type of rice cultivation method that uses the slopes or flat fields of raised lands with only a sufficient amount of water needed for growth

red rice

type of rice that is a fermented, red purple colored rice used in place of regular white rice as food coloring; in picked items and chinese medicine


type of rice that is long- grain rice of the united states, preferred for its non sticky grains that remain separate after cooking


type of rice that is the short grain rice that sticks together when cooked


type of rice that yields a larger grain rice but is not as well known as the other two types (less common)

switch grass, lawn grass

types of forage grasses (2)

enriched; refined grain

unless _______ or white flour products offer little nutrition

popcorn, flour sweet, waxy, pod

varieties of corn


vegetatively similar to corn, but the flowers of sorghum are?


what are grass flowers known as? grown at the ends of spiklets

sorgo great millet cholam

what does the US refer to sorghum as? africa? india?


what does the endosperm consist of

switch grass

what is alternative ethanol source

pasta, macaroni etc

what is wheat flour used in

aleurone layer

what layer will hep the germ germinate?


where are oats native to?


where is sorghum native to?

corn (wheat and rice are bisexual)

which of the following cereal grass florets are unisexual

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