Chapter 5- MGMT 4669, Chapter 6- MGMT 4669, Chapter 7- MGMT 4669, Chapter 9- MGMT 4669

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According to expectancy theory, an individual's effort level depends on three factors: expectancy, instrumentality, and ______


An employee's manager is retiring at the end of the month, but the employee has no desire to apply for the position because it would mean working longer hours and a lot more travel. This employee has a negative ______ with respect to the position.


The term ___________ is defined by the question "Does the outcome have any value to me?"


During his interview, Jack was required to take a personality test in which he was asked a series of true-or-false questions, such as "I often act quickly without thinking things through" and "I usually plan things carefully ahead of time." It would appear that Jack took a(n) ______ test.

veiled purpose

Which of the following types of personality tests does not reference dishonesty directly but assesses more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts?

veiled purpose tests

Sam is nervous about donating blood at the blood drive at work, but sees coworkers donating blood and thinks, "If they can do it, I can do it!" This is an example of which source of self-efficacy?

vicarious experiences

What term describes the process through which former or current employees expose illegal or immoral actions by their organization?


The GE Financial Management Program is designed to help potential employees develop leadership and analytical skills by cycling them through short-term, key assignments in financial planning, accounting, operations analysis, auditing, forecasting, cash management, and commercial finance. What type of work challenge stressor does this demonstrate?

work complexity

What is the term for the amount of obligations a worker has regarding others?

work responsibility

A circumstance in which two people meet for the first time is referred to as a(n) ______ situation.

zero acquaintance

Rank the following motivating forces in order of their strength on job performance, with the strongest job performance motivator listed at top and the lowest job performance motivator listed at bottom

1. Self-efficacy 2.specific, difficult goals- 3. increased valence, instrumentality, and expectancy 4. perceptions of equity

List the elements of the four-component model of ethical decision making in order, with the first step at the top.

1. moral awareness 2. moral judgement 3. moral intent 4.ethical behavior

Ted has always been a hard-driving, competitive individual. He talks fast, walks fast, eats fast, and gets angry fast. Ted would likely be described as exhibiting the Type ______ Behavior Pattern.


Ted has always been a hard-driving, competitive individual. He talks fast, walks fast, eats fast, and gets angry fast. Ted would likely be described as exhibiting the Type _______ Behavior Pattern.


Which personality dimensions of the Big Five taxonomy appear not to change dramatically throughout an adult person's life?

A)Extraversion B)Openness to experience

Which of the following characterize indulgent cultures?

A)Freedom of speech is valued. B)Leisure is valued.

A)verbal persuasion B)emotional cues C)past accomplishments D)vicarious experiences

A)Harley enrolls in an MBA program because friends and family have convinced her that she can succeed. B)Harley is extremely nervous about being back in a classroom after almost ten years and is unsure about succeeding in an MBA program. C)Harley earned a 3.9 GPA in her undergraduate program, and that bolsters her confidence about doing well in graduate school. D)Harley's best friend recently earned an MBA from the same university and recommended the program enthusiastically.

Which of the following are organizational practices designed to reduce strains on employees? (Choose every correct answer.)

A)Health and wellness programs B)Employee assistance programs

A) High Procedural Justice B) Low Procedural Justice C)High Interpersonal Justice D)Low Interpersonal Justice E)High Informational Justice F)Low Informational Justice

A)Resume B)Final Decision C)Interview D)Conversation E)Procedure Document F)Outside Experience

Which of the following would be characterized as an extrinsic motivation?

A)Samantha's new boss frequently praises her for the quality of her work. B)Bettina's new job has a lucrative bonus benefits package.

For which of the following reasons can whistle-blowing be considered an especially ethical action for a person to take?

A)The action leaves the person vulnerable to potential retaliation. B)The action exposes an illegal or immoral activity in an organization.

Which three of the following are reasons an employee may be more motivated than his or her counterparts?

A)The employee has feelings of psychological empowerment. B)The employee has specific, challenging, and achievable goals. C)The employee has feelings of expectancy and instrumentality.

A)Magnitude of consequences B)Probability of effect C)Temporal immediacy D)Concentration of effect

A)The level of impact of the outcome B)The likelihood that the act will occur or cause harm C)The interval between when the act occurs and its consequences D)The extent to which consequences of the act are focused

Which of the following statements are true of authorities who are considered benevolent?

A)They are concerned about employees' well-being. B)They are loyal to their employees. C)They care for employees.

Which of the following would be characterized as intrinsic motivations?

A)Tiana is auditing a psychology course at the community college because she finds the subject fascinating. B)Bob takes as many cooking classes as he can find because he loves to cook

Research has indicated that conscientious employees have higher levels of which types of commitment?

A)affective B)normative

In order to determine whether distributive justice exists, employees consider which of the following?

A)assignments B)pay C)promotions

Which of the following are dimensions by which we gauge an authority's track record?

A)benevolence B)ability C)integrity

Which of the following behavior characteristics are exhibited by individuals with the Type A Behavior Pattern?

A)constant sense of urgency B)hard-driving and competitive

Which of the following are psychological strains that result from stressors?

A)depression B)irritability

Which of the following are supportive practices that help employees manage and balance their role demands?

A)flextime B)compressed workweeks C) telecommuting

Which of the following are reasons some employees may lack motivation?

A)lack of confidence B)assignment of an ambiguous goal

Employees may be afraid to use programs like compressed workweeks or job sharing because managers may assume they are

A)not skilled at their jobs. B)not good at their jobs. C)not committed to the company. lazy.

In terms of equity theory, which of the following would be considered outcomes?

A)pay B) promotions

Which of the following are factors by which employees judge whether an authority's decision making is fair?

A)procedural justice B)distributive justice C)interpersonal justice

An employee has just learned that a coworker, who has less experience and education, is earning a higher salary. Which three of the following actions would be the most likely results of this equity distress?

A)reducing efforts on the job B)becoming angry or envious C)asking the boss for a raise

According to researchers, people pay more attention to stimuli that are ______.

A)significant B)vivid C)recognizable

Which of the following are considered elements of ability?

A)skills B)competencies C)expertise

In terms of equity theory, which of the following would be considered inputs?

A)skills B)experience

A)extraversion B)neuroticism C)agreeableness D)openness E)conscientiousness

A)sociable, assertive, talkative B)moody, insecure, emotional C)helpful, kind, cooperative D)imaginative, curious, creative E)reliable, organized, hardworking

What are major factors in determining why employees experience differing levels of stress?

A)the nature of the stressors B)the amount of social support the employee receives C)the personality type of the employee

Relatively stable capabilities of people for performing a particular range of related activities.


The degree to which employees can devote their attention to work.

Ability to focus

Which factor is predicted by an employee's level of trust in authorities?

Ability to focus

The sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviors on the part of supervisors, excluding physical contact.

Abusive supervision

A strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

Accomplishment striving

Trust that depends on feelings toward the authority that go beyond rational assessment.

Affect-based trust

One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, and warm.


Physical activities used to deal with a stressful situation.

Behavioral coping

The belief that an authority wants to do good for an employee, apart from any selfish or profit-centered motives.


Job demands that are not appraised as being stressful.

Benign job demands

The five major dimensions of personality including conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, and extraversion.

Big Five

The emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion from coping with stressful demands on a continuing basis.


Stressors that tend to be appraised as opportunities for growth and achievement.

Challenge stressors

Integrity tests that ask about attitudes toward dishonesty, beliefs about the frequency of dishonesty, desire to punish dishonesty, and confession of past dishonesty.

Clear purpose tests

Trust that is rooted in a rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness.

Cognition-based trust

Thoughts used to deal with a stressful situation.

Cognitive coping

A reevaluation of the inputs an employee brings to a job, often occurring in response to equity distress.

Cognitive distortion

As people age and mature, they move through several states of moral development, each more mature and sophisticated than the prior one.

Cognitive moral development

A strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

Communion striving

Another person who provides a frame of reference for judging equity.

Comparison other

The capability to perform work tasks successfully.


One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering.


Behaviors and thoughts used to manage stressful demands and the emotions associated with the stressful demands.


A perspective that acknowledges that the responsibility of a business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and citizenship expectations of society.

Corporate social responsibility

Shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture that influence the expression of traits.

Cultural values

The shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of a society and are transmitted across generations.


_____ can be described as the personality of a society.


Minor day-to-day demands that interfere with work accomplishment.

Daily hassles

Being more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful, thereby feeling that stressors are encountered more frequently.

Differential exposure

Being less likely to believe that they can cope with the stressors experienced on a daily basis.

Differential reactivity

Trust that is rooted in one's own personality, as opposed to a careful assessment of the trustee's trustworthiness.

Disposition-based trust

The perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes.

Distributive justice

Work relationships that resemble a contractual agreement by which employees fulfill job duties in exchange for financial compensation.

Economic exchange

Behaviors and cognitions of an individual intended to help manage emotional reactions to stressful demands.

Emotion-focused coping

Positive or negative feelings that can help or hinder task accomplishment.

Emotional cues

The empathy and understanding that people receive from others that can be used to alleviate emotional distress from stressful demands.

Emotional support

A term commonly used in the contemporary workplace to summarize motivation levels.


An internal tension that results from being overrewarded or underrewarded relative to some comparison other.

Equity distress

A theory that suggests that employees create a mental ledger of the outcomes they receive for their job inputs, relative to some comparison other.

Equity theory

The degree to which the behaviors of an authority are in accordance with generally accepted moral norms


A propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong."


The belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in successful performance on some task.


What kind of belief answers the question "What are the chances that, if I work very hard, I'll be able to do a good job?"


A theory that describes the cognitive process employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses.

Expectancy theory

Comparing oneself to someone in a different company.

External comparison

One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant.


Desire to put forth work effort due to some contingency that depends on task performance.

Extrinsic motivation

Exaggerating responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion.


The amount of time committed to fulfilling family responsibilities.

Family time demands

In job characteristics theory, it refers to the degree to which the job itself provides information about how well the job holder is doing. In goal setting theory, it refers to progress updates on work goals.


Uncertainties with regard to the potential for loss of livelihood, savings, or the ability to pay expenses.

Financial uncertainty

A model that argues that ethical behaviors result from the multistage sequence of moral awareness, moral judgment, moral intent, and ethical behavior.

Four-component model

The degree to which a person accepts a goal and is determined to reach it.

Goal commitment

A theory that views goals as the primary drivers of the intensity and persistence of effort.

Goal setting theory

Which theory of motivation argues that objectives determine the work actions of people?

Goal setting theory

Stressors that tend to be appraised as thwarting progress toward growth and achievement.

Hindrance stressors

The sense that a person's actions "make a difference"—that progress is being made toward fulfilling some important purpose.


West World employees stay with the company for life and are dedicated to helping each other as if part of a family. Be respectful of the group as a whole and make sure all employees' best interests are considered in plans.


The degree to which a culture has a loosely knit social framework (individualism) or a tight social framework (collectivism).


The perceived fairness of the communications provided to employees from authorities.

Informational justice

The help people receive from others that can be used to address a stressful demand directly.

Instrumental support

The belief that successful performance will result in the attainment of some outcomes.


The perception that an authority adheres to a set of acceptable values and principles.


Personality tests that focus specifically on a predisposition to engage in theft and other counterproductive behaviors (sometimes also called "honesty tests").

Integrity tests

Expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities


Comparing oneself to someone in the same company.

Internal comparison

The perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment received by employees from authorities.

Interpersonal justice

Desire to put forth work effort due to the sense that task performance serves as its own reward.

Intrinsic motivation

What type of motivation is involved when an employee finds internal satisfaction in doing a job well?

Intrinsic motivation

Which statement is true about unethical behavior?

It can be initiated by both the individual and the institution.

According to Kohlberg's theory of cognitive moral development, which is true of moral development at the conventional stage?

It involves an emphasis on laws, rules, and orders that govern society.

Which of the following best defines valence?

It is the believed worth of the results of one's efforts.

The perceived fairness of an authority's decision making.


Whether people believe the events that occur around them are self-driven or driven by the external environment.

Locus of control

Up and Down pushes its employees to succeed, encouraging aggressive, hard work. If there are competitive aspects to your proposal, emphasize them because the employees love to win.


The degree to which a culture values stereotypically male traits (masculinity) or stereotypically female traits (femininity).


Performance in brief, special circumstances that demand a person's best effort.

Maximum performance

The idea that money can have symbolic value (e.g, achievement, respect, freedom) in addition to economic value.

Meaning of money

Captures the value of a work goal or purpose, relative to a person's own ideals and passions.


The degree to which people chronically perceive and consider issues of morality during their experiences.

Moral attentiveness

When an authority recognizes that a moral issue exists in a situation.

Moral awareness

The degree to which a person self-identifies as a moral person.

Moral identity

The degree to which an issue has ethical urgency.

Moral intensity

An authority's degree of commitment to the moral course of action.

Moral intent

When an authority can accurately identify the "right" course of action.

Moral judgment

Prescriptive guides for making moral judgments.

Moral principles

A set of energetic forces that determine the direction, intensity, and persistence of an employee's work effort.


A personality framework that evaluates people on the basis of four types or preferences: extraversion versus introversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Groupings or clusters of outcomes viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequences.


What is the term for cognitive groupings or clusters of outcomes that are viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequences?


A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.

Negative affectivity

Events such as a divorce or death of a family member that tend to be appraised as a hindrance.

Negative life events

One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, jealous, and unstable.


Omar is from Saudi Arabia. Based on his background, he is more concerned with the success of his team as a whole, rather than his own personal success. Which of the following is most likely true about Omar

Omar is highly collectivist.

Change has never been Todd's friend. He generally like routine, and he is most comfortable when he know what his plans for the day are, what he needs to do, where he needs to be, and when he needs to be there. Based on this description, Todd would likely be rated low in which personality dimension of the Big Five taxonomy?

Openness to experience

One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated.

Openness to experience

The level of success or failure with similar job tasks in the past.

Past accomplishments

Participation in activities outside of work that foster growth and learning.

Personal development

The structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. Personality reflects what people are like and creates their social reputation.


A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.

Positive affectivity

Events such as marriage or the birth of a child that tend to be appraised as a challenge.

Positive life events

The CEO at South End is in the same size office as all other employees at the company. Everyone works together and anyone can walk up to the CEO and give him a complaint or suggestion. Stay informal and don't be afraid to speak up.

Power Distance

The degree to which a culture prefers equal power distribution (low power distance) or an unequal power distribution (high power distance).

Power distance

______ refers to the degree that people tend to accept an unequal distribution of power within a society or organization

Power distance

Evaluation of whether a demand is stressful and, if it is, the implications of the stressor in terms of personal goals and well-being.

Primary appraisal

Behaviors and cognitions of an individual intended to manage the stressful situation itself.

Problem-focused coping

The perceived fairness of decision-making processes.

Procedural justice

A collection of 170 researchers from 62 cultures who examine the impact of culture on the effectiveness of leader attributes, behaviors, and practices.

Project GLOBE

An energy rooted in the belief that tasks are contributing to some larger purpose.

Psychological empowerment

An interest framework summarized by six different personality types including realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.

RIASEC model

The personality model used to identify an individual's career interests based on six personality types is the

RIASEC model.

The degree to which energies used for coping with work demands are restored from a period of rest or relief from work.


The prominence of an organization's brand in the minds of the public and the perceived quality of its goods and services.


When an individual has a lack of direction and information about what needs to be done.

Role ambiguity

When others have conflicting expectations of what an individual needs to do.

Role conflict

When an employee has too many demands to work effectively.

Role overload

Acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Based, Time-Sensitive goals.

S.M.A.R.T. goals

When people determine how to cope with the various stressors they face.

Secondary appraisal

A sense of choice in the initiation and continuation of work tasks.


An employee with little experience in event planning is convinced they have the ability to plan a successful company holiday party. What type of belief does this demonstrate?


The belief that a person has the capabilities needed to perform the behaviors required on some task.


What employee motivator tends to produce the best professional results?


The internalized goals that people use to monitor their own progress.

Self-set goals

If Node Inc. promises to deliver something, they will. Obligations are taken very seriously, even if contracted by past employees. Be sure to adhere strictly to the company's tradition and respect the company's history.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Orientation

The degree to which a culture stresses values that are past- and present-oriented (short-term orientation) or future-oriented (long-term orientation).

Short-term vs. long-term orientation

The degree to which situations have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important.

Situational strength

Work relationships that are characterized by mutual investment, with employees willing to engage in "extra mile" sorts of behaviors because they trust that their efforts will eventually be rewarded.

Social exchange

The help people receive from others when they are confronted with stressful demands.

Social support

Goals that stretch employees to perform at their maximum level while still staying within the boundaries of their ability.

Specific and difficult goals

A strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

Status striving

Negative consequences of the stress response.


Demands that cause the stress response.


The degree to which the information and actions needed to complete a task are complicated.

Task complexity

Learning plans and problem-solving approaches used to achieve successful performance.

Task strategies

The sense that the amount of time allotted to do a job is not quite enough.

Time pressure

The degree to which situations provide cues that trigger the expression of a given personality trait.

Trait activation

Recurring trends in people's responses to their environment.


A theory that explains how stressful demands are perceived and appraised, as well as how people respond to the perceptions and appraisals

Transactional theory of stress

Lump-sum bonuses have a high impact on motivation because the lump-sum bonuses link financial payments to the successful achievement of certain tasks.


True or false: One of the problems with determining needs is that people's conceptions of needs vary between different cultures or even between individuals.


The willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority's actions and intentions.


A general expectation that the words, promises, and statements of individuals can be relied upon.

Trust propensity

Characteristics or attributes of a person that inspire trust, including competence, character, and benevolence.


People who tend to experience more stressors, appraise more demands as stressful, and be prone to experiencing more strains.

Type A Behavior Pattern

Performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks.

Typical performance

Take-N-Go likes specifics. Every contract is spelled out in detail, with no gaps in logic or room for misunderstanding. The company has many formal rules and procedures. Give them a step-by-step process when you compose plans.

Uncertainty Avoidance

The degree to which a culture tolerates ambiguous situations (low uncertainty avoidance) or feels threatened by them (high uncertainty avoidance).

Uncertainty avoidance

The anticipated value of the outcomes associated with successful performance.


Integrity tests that do not directly ask about dishonesty, instead assessing more general personality traits associated with dishonest acts.

Veiled purpose tests

Pep talks that lead employees to believe that they can "get the job done."

Verbal persuasion

Observations of and discussions with others who have performed some work task.

Vicarious experiences

When employees expose illegal actions by their employer.


The degree to which job requirements tax or just exceed employee capabilities.

Work complexity

The number and importance of the obligations that an employee has to others

Work responsibility

A form of role conflict in which the demands of a work role hinder the fulfillment of the demands in a family role (or vice versa).

Work-family conflict

Situations in which two people have just met.

Zero acquaintance

Conscientious employees prioritize ______ striving, indicating a strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing their personality.


The three factors that influence trust levels are disposition-based trust, cognition-based trust, and ________ -based trust.


The Big Five dimensions of personality are conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience, extraversion, and _____


Which Big Five personality dimension would be associated with someone who is kind, sympathetic, courteous, and caring?


In the office Sandy is a friend to everyone and is always ready with a smile and encouraging words. She would likely be rated high on the Big Five personality dimension of


Jason is frustrated with the group project that is due in his organizational behavior class. His team hasn't met to discuss who is going to do which portion of the project and no deadlines have been set. Jason is experiencing role ________ with this project.


The transactional theory of stress attempts to explain stress in terms of three components: perception, __________, and response.


Which of the following is generally associated with masculinity?


In the process of hiring a specialist, at what point should ability be considered?

at the beginning of the process

According to Kohlberg, when does moral development begin?

at the preconventional stage

The first step in the four-component model of ethical decision making is moral _______


A stressed employee who goes for a walk on a nature trail in the middle of the workday is using what type of coping mechanism?


Anna is trying to finish her online assignments before the midnight deadline, and her computer network suddenly goes down. She becomes so upset that she relieves her tension by throwing her textbook across the room. What type of coping mechanism does Anna display?


If people are using actions to deal with stress, they are engaging in ______ coping.


Mark is worried that he won't be able to finish a work report on time, so he asks a couple of coworkers to help. This is an example of ______ coping.


What quality is demonstrated by someone who shows a desire to do what is in your best interest rather than their own interest?


People consider ______ job demands less stressful.


In her job as an annuity specialist at a financial services firm, Raquel regularly fields calls from clients who want to make withdrawals or reallocations. Since she perceives these duties to be routine, how would she categorize these less stressful duties?

benign job demands

The model that suggests that personality can be categorized across five personality dimensions is known as the

big five

Emilie has worked as an animal control officer at the county animal shelter for years and the constant stress has finally caught up with her. She is continually exhausted and has reached the point where she doesn't care about her job and is disillusioned with everything. Emilie is experiencing _______ due to this prolonged stress


The term ______ refers to exhaustion of the body and mind due to excessive and prolonged stress.


According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, a feminine culture tends to value stereotypically female traits, such as ______.

caring about quality of life

Jaime was interviewing for a cashier position at the local supermarket. As part of the hiring process, she was required to take a personality test in which she was asked, "If you received an extra $1.00 in change when you purchased groceries, would you keep it?" It would appear that Jaime has taken a(n) ______ test.

clear purpose

When people make a rational assessment based on perceptions of another party's reliability, they engage in

cognition-based trust

A society that has a strong group orientation and emphasizes the interdependence of people would be categorized as having a high degree of


Agreeable employees value ______ striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.


Kendra has been working for Harmon Electronics as a quality-control inspector for three years. She learns that a coworker with less experience and less time with the company is earning more than she is. What role does Kendra's coworker fulfill, according to the equity theory?

comparison other

According to equity theory, we examine our own efforts and results and contrast them with the efforts and results of other employees. What term is used to describe these other workers?

comparison others

The Big Five personality dimension that is characterized by a person's attention to detail, thoroughness, organization, and self-discipline is referred to as


What is the term for the actions and beliefs people use to face stress and the emotions caused by stress?


Which strain has been shown to be most closely tied to the Type A Behavior Pattern?

coronary heart disease

In order to explore similarities in _________ , Project GLOBE groups countries together into country clusters, such as Anglo, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. (Remember to type only one word in the blank.)


The shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of a society and are transmitted across generations is referred to as


Pascal fully intended to finish the quarterly sales report by the end of the day but is repeatedly interrupted by phone calls and questions from coworkers. What type of hindrance stressor is Pascal experiencing?

daily hassles

What is the term for the types of hindrance stressors that are less important but interfere with the more important types of work that need to be completed?

daily hassles

Which branch of business ethics involves the scientific study of how people tend to act when presented with a moral problem or dilemma?


What occurs before an authority makes a moral judgment?

determining a moral situation exists

What is the first step in managing stress?

determining the amount of stress in an organization and its causes

A(n) ______ goal is one that stretches employees to perform at their maximum level while still staying within the boundaries of their ability.


Which dimension of justice is most accurately described by the saying, "A fair day's pay, for a fair day's work."


Namiko received an 8 percent annual salary increase, while Mohammed and Luke each received a 4 percent increase. Because all three had the same level of sales over the last year, Mohammed and Luke think the situation lacks

distributive justice

Hofstede's cultural dimensions include all of the following, except


Shawn has just learned that a coworker, who has fewer years of experience and less education, earns a higher salary. According to equity theory, what will Shawn experience?

equity distress

What term describes the phenomenon in which workers become upset after comparing their equity with others?

equity distress

What theory asserts that motivation is based on what a person considers to be fair when compared to others?

equity theory

What theory of motivation suggests that motivation depends on individuals' perceptions of their life and what occurs in lives of others?

equity theory

Which of the following motivation theories considers the ratio between outcomes and inputs and recognizes that outcomes depend in part on what occurs in the lives of others?

equity theory

The main objective of Project GLOBE is to

examine the impact of culture on the effectiveness of leader attributes, behaviors, and practices.

An employee from a culture with a low degree of power distance tends to

expect consensus-oriented decision making within the organization

A person's belief that the effort they put into completing a task will lead to performing at a desired level is called


A student believes that studying hard for the next organizational behavior test will result in good performance. What kind of belief does this exemplify?


An individual's belief that effort will result in positive outcomes is known as ______.


Which theory of motivation proposes that work effort is directed toward positive experiences and away from negative ones?

expectancy theory

In equity theory, inputs usually refer to


Danielle is eager to earn an A average in her college courses this semester because her parents have promised her a trip to Florida if she achieves this. The trip is an example of ______ forces in Danielle's motivation.


Elena failed her last test. She blamed it on the fact that the test was poorly written and the room was too noisy for her to concentrate, not that she didn't study for the test. Based on this information, it appears that Elena has a(n) ______ locus of control.


Britni is an outgoing, high-energy person, and her friends describe her as the "life of the party." Which Big Five personality dimension would this describe?


Which Big Five taxonomy personality dimension would describe a person who is sociable, assertive, and passionate?


Shyla is a customer service representative for Universal Equipment in Chicago. This month, the employee with the highest customer service will get a free parking space. She would also be proud of herself if she won. The free parking space would be a(n) ________outcome and her pride would be a(n) ________outcome.

extrinsic; intrinsic

Authorities are able to improve procedural justice when they abide by rules of

fair process

According to Kohlberg's theory of cognitive moral development, people begin their moral development at the conventional stage, where right versus wrong is viewed according to the expectations of one's family and one's society. Group starts


Which of following is the aim of an action and serves as the primary driver of the intensity and persistence of effort for the action?


What is the term for employer practices that are intended to help employees with personal problems, such as alcohol and drug dependencies, financial problems, or marital difficulties?

health and wellness programs

Which result is most likely when employees have higher levels of trust in authorities?

higher levels of task performance

Research has shown that employees who experience ______ levels of hindrance stressors tend to have ______ levels of task performance


People who experience higher levels of ______ stressors tend to have lower levels of organizational commitment.


The type of stressors that most often trigger negative emotions, such as anxiety and anger, are known as ______ stressors.


What is the name for the type of stressors that prevent people from achieving personal success or goals?


Elena is the sales manager for a floor tiling company. She sees that the sales numbers for her employee Roger have been slipping and wants him to do a better job. Under goal-setting theory, which of the following goals for Roger would most likely result in higher levels of task performance?

increase sales by 25% during the next quarter

If an employee is feeling negative inequity (underrewarded) due to less pay than a comparable other, they are most likely to do all of the following except

increase their efforts

With the increasing popularity of the internet, maintaining a company's reputation has become

increasingly difficult.

People who value personal freedom and self-sufficiency and who prioritize watching out for their own well-being and that of their close family members can be described as?


The degree to which a culture values expression, freedom, and leisure versus strict social norms and order.

indulgence vs. restraint

What dimension of justice is defined as the perceived fairness of the communications provided to employees by authorities?


Which dimension of justice is demonstrated when a company provides an honest explanation to employees for a decision that affects their employment?


Project GLOBE divided collectivism into two groups: ingroup collectivism and ______ collectivism.


A student believes that doing well on the next test will ensure an A in the course. These thoughts demonstrate what type of belief?


An employee complains after a performance review, "I don't get it. I got the top rating in the department, but I got the same raise as everyone else, even the slackers. Obviously, our raises don't depend on how hard you work or how good a job you do!" According to expectancy theory, this employee would be described as having low ______ .


Harold's boss frequently exhorts his subordinates to work harder by promising them a substantial bonus at the end of each quarter. However, bonuses are only sporadically awarded regardless of meeting performance goals. As a result, Harold's ________may be low.


People who believe that a successful performance will result in a certain outcome are experiencing ______.


LaKesha's prospective employer required her to take a personality test in which she was asked, "Do you think it is stealing to take small items home from work?" and "Is it acceptable to switch price tags on merchandise in a store so you can purchase them at a lower cost?" What type of personality test has LaKesha most likely taken


Expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities are called


Jolene doesn't believe that "luck happens"; she thinks you make your own luck in life. Based on this information, it appears that Jolene has a(n) _________ locus of control.


When people believe that they are treated with dignity and respect by parties involved in a decision-making process, they perceive ______ justice.


When an individual experiences psychological empowerment, performing the work tasks serves as its own reward. What kind of motivation is this?


Bev and Noah are librarians at Summit Elementary School. Bev works on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Noah works on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They divide the single librarian position, salary, and employee benefits proportionately. What is the name for this type of arrangement?

job sharing

______ refers to whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment.

locus of control

People in a culture that has a(n) ______ focus tend to exhibit patience and perseverance and would likely define success over a period of years, rather than months or quarters.

long-term oriented

The United States has one of the most entrepreneurial societies in the world. Entrepreneurship requires a high level of risk-taking. Based on this information, Americans generally have a ________ score on ________.

low; uncertainty avoidance

A ______ culture tends to focus primarily on being bold, making money, and striving.


In the context of work, what quality results from the feeling that job tasks are valuable relative to an individual's own ideals and passions?


Rauda is passionate about her job as an adoption counselor at the local humane shelter. She feels that her job helps her fulfill the value she places on saving the lives of homeless animals. Which element of psychological empowerment does this exemplify?


Research has suggested that conscientiousness has a ______ effect on job performance.

moderately positive

What term describes the degree to which people pay attention to moral issues?

moral attentiveness

What factor is demonstrated when authorities recognize that a moral issue exists?

moral awareness

What term is used to describe the degree to which an issue has ethical urgency?

moral intensity

What ability do authorities employ when determining whether a course of action is ethical or unethical?

moral judgement

Research shows that as people grow older they become ______ conscientious, ______ agreeable, and ______ neurotic.

more; more; less

Which term describes how hard people work towards something, where they apply their efforts, and how they continue to work towards their goals?


Latika is someone who sees the glass as half-empty rather than half-full. She sees the problems instead of the opportunities and often seems to be cranky or unhappy. Which dispositional tendency does this describe?

negative affectivity

Joe has the same qualifications (education and experience) as Chelsea, and they work for the same company. Joe finds out that Chelsea is earning a higher salary than him, even though they both do the same job. Based on equity theory, what is Joe most likely to experience?

negative inequity (underreward)

Hindrance stressors most often trigger ______ emotions, whereas challenge stressors most often trigger ______ emotions.

negative; positive

Indira has always been a worrier and is frequently anxious or depressed. Which big five personality dimension would this best describe?


Which Big Five personality dimension is associated with feelings of anxiety, insecurity, or self-consciousness?


Tasha loves to travel, especially internationally. She enjoys trying new cuisines, seeing new things, and meeting people from different cultures. Which personality dimension of the Big Five taxonomy does this best describe?

openness to experience

Profit sharing depends on the performance of an entire company. What type of focus does this compensation plan have?


After comparing your situation with that of a comparison other, you realize that your ratio of outcomes and inputs is greater than the other person's. According to equity theory, this is what type of a situation?

overreward inequity

A collection of traits make up an individual's


The structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior are referred to as


After his company announced that it plans to cut 30% of the workforce within the next 90 days, Deon begins to experience chronic headaches and insomnia. These are ______ strains caused by stressors.


High blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, and heart disease are examples of ________ strains caused by stressors.


What term describes strains that result from stressors affecting the healthy or normal functioning of the systems of the human body?


Kiara is a team lead for Synergy Corp. She believes her team members need to listen to her solely because of her position. Based on what you know about Hofstede's cultural dimensions, Kiara is high on which of the following?

power distance

Which branch of business ethics is focused on how people ought to act?


The perceived fairness of the processes used in reaching decisions is known as ________ justice.


The perceived fairness of the processes used in reaching decisions is known as _________ justice.


Dester's company announced that it would be cutting 30% of the workforce by the end of the quarter. Since then, Dester has been depressed and anxious. Dester is suffering ______ strains as a result of this employment situation.


What do people experience when they believe that their professional work contributes to some greater cause?

psychological empowerment

What term is used to describe the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about an organization or its brand?


Interpersonal justice is fostered when those in authority adhere to the rules of

respect and propriety.

Which cultural value corresponds to a society that tends to focus on establishing order and structure?


Laura is a new physician in a busy clinic. She wants to spend enough time with her patients to understand their health concerns, but the clinic schedules too many patients every day to be able to spend more than fifteen minutes with each one. Laura is frustrated with this state of events. What is she experiencing?

role conflict

A college offers faculty members a semester's paid leave if they wish to participate in a volunteer abroad program or volunteer at a non-profit organization. What is the term for this type of leave?


At his accounting firm, Luis is motivated by his need to predict and control the future of his job, also called


Primary appraisal answers the question "Is this stressful?" and __________ appraisal poses the question "What should be done?"


Which type of belief prompt people to think that they have the capabilities needed to carry out the behaviors needed for a task?


According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), ______ people rely on objective, clear evidence.


People in a culture that has a ______ focus tend to be most concerned with the past and present, not the future.

short-term oriented

Extraverted employees tend to value ______ striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.


What is the term for the negative consequences associated with stress?


Employees can go to the fitness center to reduce ________ such as high blood pressure, or to calm their minds after a long week of ________.


Deon just learned that his company is going to announce layoffs by the end of the month. He is completely overwhelmed by this news and doesn't know how he's going to meet his financial responsibilities if he loses his job. What is Deon experiencing?


High-level executives and managers often feel physical and mental effects due to the ______ caused by their demanding jobs.


Psychologists use the term _______ to describe a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances


The psychological response to demands when there is something at stake for the individual, and where coping with these demands would tax or exceed the individual's capacity or resources.


Capital One assessed the need for stress management interventions using a

stress audit

In a ____________, managers study the positions in their workplaces to determine if stress is negatively impacting employees.

stress audit

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), managers are most likely

thinking and judging.

Keyara does her best work when she has a tight deadline for a project because she focuses instead of being distracted. This is an example of what type of work challenge stressor?

time pressure

In equity theory, outcomes usually refer to


Capital One teaches employees how to use virtual meeting software when they are working from home, an example of what type of corporate stress management?

training intervention

Hospitals may offer stress management programs for its employees to help them recognize sources of stress and teach them stress-reduction skills. What is the name for this type of program?

training intervention

______ are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment.


Interpersonal justice is fostered when authorities adhere to two particular rules: the justification rule and the truth rule.


Low levels of informational justice can make an organization vulnerable to wrongful termination claims.


Procedural justice tends to be a stronger driver of reactions to authorities than distributive justice.


True or false: Employees can have different reactions to identical stressors as the result of a number of factors, such as perception, appraisal, and the degree of social support they receive.


True or false: Justice provides the behavioral evidence that employees need to determine trustworthiness.


Solange grew up in a large city and developed a fear of strangers. She sometimes worries about her friend, Paul, who always seems ready to go out of his way for people he doesn't know. It would appear that Solange has lower ______ than Paul.

trust propensity

What term is used to describe a person's general belief that others can be relied upon?

trust propensity

What term is used to describe the characteristics or attributes of a person that inspire our trust?


An employee who prefers a workplace where there are clearly defined rules, policies, and procedures that dictate how jobs are supposed to be done would likely have a high level of

uncertainty avoidance.

The extent to which a culture can handle uncertainty and lack of clarity is referred to as

uncertainty avoidance.

When you compare your situation with that of a comparison other, you realize that your ratio of outcomes to inputs is significantly less than the other person's. According to equity theory, you would now perceive yourself to be in which state?

underreward inequity

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