Chapter 5 Micro Questions

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With an income elasticity of demand of 0.5, cigarettes are an example of a. a normal good b. an inferior good c. irrational demand d. complements to health care e. unitary elasticity


If the demand curve is a horizontal line, a. demand is perfectly elastic b. demand is perfectly inelastic c. demand is unitary elastic d. demand is relatively inelastic e. total expenditure is maximized


Price elasticity of supply a. is always a number between 0 and 1 b. is always a negative number c. is always greater than or equal to 0 d. is always greater than 1. e. can take on any value.


Another term that could be used for elasticity is a. sensitivity b. utility c. surplus d. profit e. slope


Butter and margarine are examples of a. substitutes b. complements c. externalities d. inferior goods e. goods that are independent of each other


Celia buys 24 gallons of gasoline per month when the price is $2 per gallon, but only 16 gallons if the price rises to $3 per gallon. Within this range, her demand for gasoline is a. unitary elastic b. perfectly inelastic c. perfectly elastic d. inelastic e. elastic


Demand for goods in broader category definitions, such as "beverages", is usually less elastic than demand for more narrowly defined goods, such as "diet colas." a. True b. False


If the demand for good A is more elastic than the demand for good B, a small increase in supply in both markets will cause a. a much greater increase in the equilibrium quantity of good A than for good B b. a much greater increase in the equilibrium quantity of good B than for good A c. the equilibrium quantity will decrease by the same amount in both markets d. only the equilibrium quantity of good B will decrease e. only the equilibrium quantity of good A will decrease


If the elasticity of supply is much greater than the elasticity of demand, a subsidy awarded to demanders will a. benefit the demanders more than the suppliers b. benefit the suppliers more than the demanders c. the benefit of the subsidy will be equally shared between the demanders and the suppliers d. allow the demanders to be the only ones who will benefit e. Without more information as to the amount of the subsidy, who will benefit more can not be determined


If the income elasticity of demand is negative, this means that the good is a. an inferior good b. sold at a lower than equilibrium price c. provided by a monopoly producer d. provided by competitive producers e. a normal good


If the price elasticity of demand for Cheer detergent is 3.0, then a a. 12 percent drop in price leads to a 36 percent rise in the quantity demanded b. 12 percent drop in price leads to a 4 percent rise in the quantity demanded c. $1,000 drop in price leads to a 3,000-unit rise in the quantity demanded d. $1,000 drop in price leads to a 333-unit rise in the quantity demanded e. 12 percent rise in price leads to a 36 percent rise in the quantity demanded


If the quantity of higher education demanded rises by 5 percent when incomes rise by 10 percent, a. higher education is a normal good b. higher education is an inferior good c. the demand for higher education is price elastic d. the law of demand applies to higher education e. the demand for higher education is price inelastic


Perfect planting and harvesting weather results in a record high crop of wheat. If wheat growers experience an increase in total sales revenue, then the demand for wheat must be a. price-inelastic b. unitary elastic c. perfectly inelastic d. price-elastic e. perfectly elastic


The cross-price elasticity of demand between Texaco gasoline and Mobil gasoline sold at the same intersection would be a. positive b. negative c. 0 d. 1.0 e. -1.0


The cross-price elasticity of demand between butter and margarine is most likely a. positive, since the goods are substitutes b. positive, since the goods are complements c. negative, since the goods are complements d. negative, since the goods are substitutes e. zero, since the goods are both normal


The cross-price elasticity of demand is useful for determining which pairs of commodities serve as substitutes for each other. a. True b. False


A more elastic demand for a good would generally result from a. an increase in the supply of that good b. an increase in the number of substitutes for that good c. a decrease in the number of substitutes for that good d. smaller consumer incomes e. a reduction in the number of consumers


Demand is said to be price inelastic when the coefficient of price elasticity of demand is a. greater than +1 b. between 0 and +1 c. zero d. infinity


If the demand for good A is more elastic than the demand for good B, a small decrease in supply in both markets will cause a. a much greater increase in price for good A than for good B b. a much greater increase in price for good B than for good A c. the price will icrease by the same amount in both markets d. only the price of good B will increase e. only the price of good A will increase


If the income elasticity of demand for a good is 0.5, then a. it is a normal good, and its demand curve will shift to the left if buyers' incomes increase b. it is a normal good, and its demand curve will shift to the right if buyers' incomes increase c. it is an inferior good, and its demand curve will shift to the right if buyers' incomes increase d. it is an inferior good, and its demand curve will shift to the left if buyers' incomes increase e. there is insufficient information to determine whether the good is normal or inferior


The price elasticity of demand is usually equal to the slope of the demand curve. a. True b. False

B (equal to the change in quantity divided by the percentage change in price)

If a change in price does not lead to any change in revenue, then demand over that range of prices is inelastic. a. True b. False

B (unit elastic)

A local store noticed that when it increased the price of milk from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon, it sold the same amount of milk per week (165 gallons). Since everything else remained the same, we would say the a. demand for milk is perfectly elastic b. demand for milk is elastic c. demand for milk is perfectly inelastic d. demand for milk is unitary elastic e. law of supply does not apply in this situation


Along a perfectly elastic supply curve a. the quantity supplied is always the same b. the price elasticity of demand is always the same c. the price is always the same d. the cross-price elasticity of demand is always the same e. the elasticity of supply is different at each point.


Consider a good with a price elasticity equal to 1 at every point on its demand curve. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Total revenue always rises exactly in proportion to a drop in the price. b. Total revenue always rises exactly in proportion to a rise in the price. c. Total revenue does not change if the price changes. d. Total revenue drops to zero whenever the price rises. e. Total revenue always doubles if the price drops.


Daniel's consumption of pizzas drops from 6 per week to 4 per week when the price rises from $9 to $11. His price elasticity of demand for pizza equals a. 0.5 b. 1 c. 2 d. 0.08 e. 1.7


If demand is price elastic, a decrease in seller's total revenue would result from a(n) a. decrease in price b. increase in quantity demanded c. increase in price d. decrease in income for an inferior good e. increase in total cost to the seller


If the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater (in absolute value) than the percentage change in price, then demand a. determines supply b. is indeterminate c. is elastic d. is inelastic e. is unit elastic


The effect of a change in the price of tea on the quantity of coffee demanded is measured by the a. price elasticity of demand b. substitute elasticity of demand c. cross-price elasticity of demand d. income elasticity of demand e. alternative elasticity of demand


The supply of a good is more price elastic, a. the fewer alternatives there are to producing the good in question b. the more broadly the market for the good is defined c. the longer the time horizon over which it is measured d. the higher the cost of production e. the more elastic the demand for that good.


When there is a positive cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods, a. they are independent goods b. they are complementary goods c. they are substitute goods d. they are normal goods e. the income elasticity of demand is positive


A perfectly elastic supply curve a. has an elasticity of 1 b. has an elasticity less than 1 c. has an elasticity of 0 d. is horizontal e. is upward sloping


Demand for a good is likely to be less elastic a. the more narrowly defined the good is b. the larger the good's share of the buyer's budget c. in the long run than in the short run d. the smaller the number of substitute goods available e. at high prices


For which of the following categories of goods is demand likely to be the most price elastic? a. automobiles b. foreign-made automobiles c. foreign-made sports cars d. a BMW sports car


A less elastic demand for a good could result from a. strong supply-side reactions b. an increased number of available substitutes c. lower consumer incomes d. a longer time horizon e. a shorter time horizon


If demand is price elastic, a decrease in price results in a(n) a. decrease in total expenditure on the good b. unfavorable shift in tastes and preferences c. decrease in total cost for the seller d. increase in supply of the good e. increase in total revenue to the seller


If the price of a certain brand of sneakers falls from $27.50 to $22.50, and the quantity demanded by consumers increases from 15 to 25 pairs per week, then the price elasticity of demand is a. 0.25 b. 1.00 c. 2.75 d. 1.50 e. 2.50


The more narrowly we define a good, the easier it is to find substitutes, and a. the greater is the number of producers of that good b. the greater is the supply-side response c. fewer consumers therefore wish to purchase the good d. less elastic is the demand for that good e. more elastic is the demand for that good


The percent change in the quantity of one commodity demanded divided by the percent change in the price of another commodity is the a. price elasticity of demand b. price elasticity of supply c. income elasticity of demand d. income elasticity of supply e. cross-price elasticity of demand


The price elasticity of demand is a. irrelevant to the determination of prices, incomes, and interest rates b. indeterminate in most cases c. the percentage change in price divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded d. the percentage change in price with respect to the percentage change in quantity supplied e. the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price


A $1.00 increase in the price of a restaurant meal results in a drop in quantity demanded of 5 meals. Which of the following statements is correct? a. The slope of the demand curve is -1/5; there is insufficient information to determine the price elasticity of demand. b. The price elasticity of demand is -1/5; there is insufficient information to determine the slope of the demand curve. c. Both the slope of the demand curve and the price elasticity of demand are equal to -1/5. d. There is insufficient information to determine either the slope of the demand curve or the price elasticity of demand. e. The slope of the demand curve is -1/5; the price elasticity of demand is 5.


A price elasticity of demand of 2 for a specific cola means that if the price increases 1 percent, the quantity demanded of the cola will decrease by 2 percent. a. True b. False


An inferior good is a. any good whose demand curve shifts to the left as income rises b. any good of low quality c. one that has few substitutes d. any good produced by inexpensive labor e. any good that consumers buy less of as its price falls


For a normal good, quantity demanded a. increases as income rises, so the income elasticity of demand is positive b. increases as income rises, so the income elasticity of demand is negative c. falls as income rises, so the income elasticity of demand is positive d. falls as income rises, so the income elasticity of demand is negative e. remains unchanged as income rises, so the income elasticity of demand is zero


For which of the following items is demand likely to be the most price elastic? a. Tide liquid laundry detergent b. laundry detergent in general c. powdered laundry detergent d. liquid laundry detergent


If a 20 percent decrease in the price of chicken results in a 10 percent increase in the quantity demanded, the price elasticity of demand has a value of a. 0.5 b. 2 c. 1 d. 0.1 e. none of these


If demand is elastic, then a. the percentage change in quantity demanded is larger in absolute value than the percentage change in price b. supply is inelastic c. prices can neither rise nor fall d. the percentage change in quantity demanded is smaller in absolute value than the percentage change in price e. supply is elastic


If demand is perfectly inelastic, a. the percent change in quantity demanded divided by the percent change in price is zero b. the demand curve is a vertical line c. supply is perfectly inelastic too d. consumers have power over prices e. the percentage change in price divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded is zero


If demand is perfectly inelastic, a decrease in price results in a(n) a. decrease in seller's total revenue b. increase in total seller's expenditure c. increase in expenditure on the good, but a decrease in revenue to the seller d. unfavorable shift in tastes and preferences e. increase in total revenue to the seller


If the demand curve is a straight line with a negative slope, then demand is more elastic at higher prices than lower prices. a. True b. False


The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price. a. True b. False


The supply of a good is more price elastic a. the more alternatives there are to producing the good in question b. the more broadly the market for the good is defined. c. the shorter the time horizon over which it is measured. d. the higher the cost of production. e. the more elastic the demand for that good.


As a result of heavy spring rains in the Midwest, the corn crop declined sharply. If corn growers experienced an increase in sales revenue, the demand for corn must be a. price elastic b. price inelastic c. unitary elastic d. perfectly inelastic e. perfectly elastic


Generally, as goods are more broadly defined, a. demand becomes more price elastic b. demand becomes less price elastic c. total expenditure falls as the price decreases d. the demand curve becomes straighter e. more substitute goods can be identified


When Brenda was in college, she worked part-time delivering pizzas and she ate five boxes of macaroni and cheese per week. After graduation, she became a high school teacher and ate only two boxes of macaroni and cheese per week. From this information, a. macaroni and cheese is a normal good for Brenda b. the law of demand applies to macaroni and cheese for Brenda c. macaroni and cheese are substitute goods d. macaroni and cheese is an inferior good for Brenda e. Brenda's income elasticity of demand for macaroni and cheese is positive


A perfectly inelastic supply curve a. cannot exist b. is horizontal c. has an elasticity of 0 d. has an elasticity of 1 e. is vertical


For which of the following is demand likely to be the most price elastic? a. a good for which there are no close substitutes b. a good for which there are no easily-obtained substitutes c. a good with close substitutes that are difficult to obtain d. a good that is no longer being produced e. a good for which close substitutes are easily obtained


If a price decrease results in no change in seller's total revenue then a. supply determined demand b. supply is unresponsive to demand c. demand is elastic d. demand is inelastic e. demand is unitary elastic


If the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price equals 1, then a. supply is inelastic b. supply is elastic c. demand is elastic d. demand is inelastic e. demand is unit elastic


The cross-price elasticity of demand is measured by the a. change in quantity demanded of one good divided by the change in price of another good b. percentage change in quantity demanded of one good divided by the percentage change in its price c. percentage change in demand for one good divided by the percentage change in income d. percentage change in quantity supplied of one good divided by the percentage change in the price of another good e. percentage change in quantity demanded of one good divided by the percentage change in price of another good


If demand is perfectly elastic, then a. the demand curve is a horizontal line b. supply is perfectly inelastic c. supply is perfectly elastic d. the demand curve is a vertical line e. the demand curve is downward sloping


If the cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods is negative, then a. the two goods are complements b. the two goods are substitutes c. as price of one good rises, the quantity demanded of the other good also rises d. one of the goods must be inferior e. the two goods are rarely used together by consumers


If the elasticity of demand is much greater than the elasticity of supply, an excise tax levied on the suppliers will a. cause the suppliers to incur a greater burden of the tax than demanders b. cause the demanders to incur a greater burden of the tax than suppliers c. the burden of the tax will be shared equally between the suppliers and the demanders d. cause the entire burden of the tax to rest on the demanders e. Without more information as to the amount of the excise tax, who will incur a greater burden will be unclear


If the numerical value of the price elasticity of demand is 3, then a one-percent change in price will cause a(n) a. larger percentage change in quantity demanded, so demand is elastic b. larger percentage change in quantity demanded, so demand is inelastic c. smaller percentage change in quantity demanded, so demand is elastic d. smaller percentage change in quantity demanded, so demand is inelastic e. equal percentage change in quantity demand, so demand is unitary elastic


If the percentage change in quantity demanded is smaller (in absolute value) than the percentage change in price, then demand is a. inelastic b. elastic c. unit elastic d. determined by supply e. inadequate compared to supply


For which of the following goods is the income elasticity of demand likely to be largest? a. poultry products b. meals at restaurants c. lemonade d. used books e. paperback mystery novels


For which of the following types of goods would demand be most price-elastic? a. necessities b. goods with many substitutes c. goods that require only a small portion of the buyer's budget d. goods with vertical demand curves e. goods with vertical supply curves


If demand is unitary elastic, a price decrease results in a. an increase in total seller's total revenue b. no change in total seller's total revenue c. a decrease in total expenditure on the good d. a decrease in quantity demanded of the good e. an increase in supply of the good


If the cross-price elasticity of demand between two goods is -2.2, then the a. two goods are substitutes b. two goods are complements c. income elasticity of demand must be between 0 and 1.0 d. goods are both normal goods e. goods are both inferior goods


If the cross-price elasticity of demand is positive, then the a. two goods are complements b. two goods are substitutes c. two goods have no relationship to each other d. price is below the equilibrium e. price is above the equilibrium


If the demand curve is a straight line and has the normal negative slope, then as quantity demanded increases, demand a. becomes more elastic b. becomes more inelastic c. is unitary elastic d. rises and then falls e. is an inverse function of supply


If the demand curve is a vertical line, then a. demand is perfectly elastic b. demand is perfectly inelastic c. demand is unit elastic d. demand is determined by supply e. supply is a horizontal line


If the demand for good A is more elastic than the demand for good B, a small increase in supply in both markets will cause a. a much greater decrease in price for good A than for good B b. a much greater decrease in price for good B than for good A c. the price will decrease by the same amount in both markets d. only the price of good B will decrease e. only the price of good A will decrease


If the elasticity of demand is much greater than the elasticity of supply, a subsidy awarded to demanders will a. benefit the demanders more than the suppliers b. benefit the suppliers more than the demanders c. the benefit of the subsidy will be equally shared between the demanders and the suppliers d. allow the demanders to be the only ones who will benefit e. Without more information as to the amount of the subsidy, who will benefit more can not be determined


If the elasticity of supply is much greater than the elasticity of demand, an excise tax levied on the suppliers will a. cause the suppliers to incur a greater burden of the tax than demanders b. cause the demanders to incur a greater burden of the tax than suppliers c. the burden of the tax will be shared equally between the suppliers and the demanders d. cause the entire burden of the tax to rest on the demanders e. Without more information as to the amount of the excise tax, who will incur a greater burden will be unclear


Suppose a local bookstore notices that a 2 percent increase in book prices leads to a 2 percent decrease in the number of books sold. Which of the following is true? a. Demand for books is price elastic. b. The store's sales revenue did not change. c. Demand for books is price inelastic. d. Demand for books is perfectly inelastic. e. The bookstore could increase revenue by further lowering prices.


Suppose that the income elasticity of demand for fresh vegetables is 0.26. If buyers' incomes rise by 10 percent, then a. the demand curve for fresh vegetables will shift to the left b. the quantity of fresh vegetables demanded will rise by 2.6 percent c. the quantity of fresh vegetables demanded will rise by 12.6 percent d. there will be a movement down and to the right on the demand curve for fresh vegetables e. there will be a movement up and to the left along the demand curve for fresh vegetables


The more narrowly a good is defined, the a. easier it is to find substitutes, and the less price-elastic is the demand b. easier it is to find substitutes, and the more price-elastic is the demand c. more difficult it is to find substitutes, and the less price-elastic is the demand d. more difficult it is to find substitutes, and the more price-elastic is the demand e. more difficult it is to find substitutes, but this has no impact on the price elasticity of demand


The percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income is referred to as the a. price elasticity of demand b. income elasticity of demand c. cross-price elasticity of demand d. slope of the demand curve e. demand curve


The price elasticity of demand is important to firms because a. it explains the relationship between income and demand for the goods they sell b. it shows how price changes affect total expenditures on the goods they sell c. the law of demand suggests that elasticity falls as total expenditures continuously rises d. it helps identify the equilibrium price and quantity in the market e. it relates price to supply


The price elasticity of supply a. is a number between 0 and 1. b. measures the percent change in quantity supply as a result of a 1-percent change in price c. measures the percent change in quantity supplied as a result of a 1-percent change in cost. d. measures the shift in supply as the result of a price change e. measures the movement of a supply curve along a fixed demand curve


The sensitivity of one economic variable to changes in another variable is known as a. the variability coefficient b. elasticity c. the sensitivity coefficient d. the cross-variability coefficient e. the law of demand


Which of the following statements about straight-line demand curves is true? a. The price elasticity of demand becomes larger in absolute value as price falls. b. The price elasticity of demand becomes smaller in absolute value as price falls. c. The price elasticity of demand is constant along the curve. d. The price elasticity of demand and the slope of the demand curve are the same. e. Demand is price elastic everywhere along the curve.


If the price of a good increases from $20 to $25 and the quantity demanded declines from 15 to 10 units of the good, the price elasticity of demand is 5. a. True b. False

B (((10-15)/12.5) / ((25-20)/22.4) = 1.8)

If a 5 percent increase in income leads to a 15 percent increase in the quantity demanded of a service, then the income elasticity of demand for that service equals 0.33. a. True b. False

B (15 / 5 = 3)

If a 10 percent rise in the price of bananas leads to a 20 percent reduction in the quantity of bananas demanded, then the price elasticity of demand is 0.50. a. True b. False

B (20 / 10 = 2)

An inferior good is defined by an income elasticity less than 1. a. True b. False

B (a negative income elasticity)

Ink jet printers are a normal good only if, as income falls by a certain percentage, the quantity demanded rises by an even greater percentage. a. True b. False

B (in order for printers to be a normal good, income elasticity must be positive)

After John's income rose by 8 percent, the amount of chicken he consumed fell by 2 percent. This means that a. his income elasticity for chicken is positive b. chicken is a normal good for John c. his demand curve for chicken shifted to the left d. his demand curve for chicken shifted to the right e. John is spending more of his income on chicken than before


If demand is price inelastic, a decrease in price a. raises total revenue to the seller b. raises total expenditure on the good, but not total revenue to the seller c. reduces total revenue to the seller d. leaves total revenue to the seller unchanged e. leaves total expenditure on the good unchanged


In general, the more of an individual's total budget that is spent on a given product, the a. greater the supply-side response b. less elastic is the demand for that good c. more elastic is the demand for that good d. more the demand curve will shift when the price changes e. less the demand curve will shift when the price changes


The concept of elasticity is used to a. indicate the economy's ability to rebound from a recession b. measure the robustness of a variable c. measure the sensitivity of one variable to changes in another d. measure price changes e. measure income changes


The cross-price elasticity of demand is a. price elasticity of demand multiplied by the income elasticity of demand b. the percent change in the price of one commodity with respect to a one-percent change in the quantity demanded of another commodity c. the percent change in the demand for one commodity with respect to a one-percent change in the price of another commodity d. negative for substitute goods e. price elasticity of demand crossed with consumer incomes


The fact that travel on buses fell as incomes increased in many cities suggests that a. bus travel is a normal good b. the law of demand does not apply to bus travel c. bus travel is an inferior good d. there are no good substitute goods for bus travel


The income elasticity of demand measures a. the relative certainty of future income b. how elastic supply is compared to demand c. the percent change in quantity demanded relative to the percent change in income d. the percent change in income relative to the percent change in quantity demanded e. how much income will stretch to make expected payments


The long-run price elasticity of demand for a good is a. zero b. smaller (in absolute value) than the short-run price elasticity c. larger (in absolute value) than the short-run price elasticity d. infinite e. the same as the short-run elasticity


The price elasticity of demand is the a. percentage change in price divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded b. average change in price divided by the average change in quantity demanded c. percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price d. average change in price divided by the average change in quantity demanded e. percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the average change in price


The price elasticity of demand measures the a. responsiveness of a good's price to a change in quantity demanded b. adaptability of suppliers when a change in demand alters the price of a good c. responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in a good's price d. adaptability of buyers when there is a change in demand e. responsiveness of quantity supplied to a change in quantity demanded


The price elasticity of demand will be larger in absolute value if a. expenditure on the good represents a smaller proportion of the consumer's total expenditure b. we define the good more broadly c. we define the good more narrowly d. the number of substitutes is smaller e. the number of consumers is larger


Which of the following goods is likely to have the most price inelastic demand? a. margarine b. Tide detergent c. cigarettes d. Coca-Cola e. ground beef


Which of the following statements concerning the slope and price elasticity of demand along a straight-line demand curve is correct? a. Slope measures the change in quantity resulting from a one-dollar change in price. b. Elasticity measures the percent change in price resulting from a one-percent change in quantity demanded. c. Slope measures the dollar change in price for a one-unit change in quantity demanded. d. Elasticity measures the unit change in quantity demanded resulting from a one-dollar change in price. e. Slope measures the percent change in price resulting from a one-percent change in quantity demanded.


A public university knows that demand from potential students is elastic. If the university wants to increase tuition revenue, it should a. raise its tuition rate b. hold its tuition rate constant and increase faculty salaries c. increase its financial aid d. lower its tuition rate e. increase its enrollment


For which of the following medical services is the income elasticity of demand likely to be the smallest? a. face-lifts b. plastic surgery c. manicures d. emergency services after a car accident e. hair transplants


If a decrease in the price of one good causes the demand curve for another good to shift to the left, the two goods must be a. inferior b. normal goods c. inferior goods d. substitutes e. complements


If demand is price inelastic, a. price and total revenue change in opposite directions b. a seller should decrease the price to increase total revenue c. too few goods are being produced from society's point of view d. price and total revenue change in the same direction e. the market can never be in equilibrium


If the demand for a good is price inelastic, a decrease in total revenue from the good would result from a(n) a. increase in price b. decrease in quantity demanded c. favorable shift in tastes and preferences d. decrease in price e. increase in consumers' incomes


If the income elasticity of demand for a good is -2.5, then a. it is a normal good, and its demand curve will shift to the left if buyers' incomes increase b. it is a normal good, and its demand curve will shift to the right if buyers' incomes increase c. it is an inferior good, and its demand curve will shift to the right if buyers' incomes increase d. it is an inferior good, and its demand curve will shift to the left if buyers' incomes increase e. there is insufficient information to determine whether the good is normal or inferior


If the price of food falls by 10 percent and the quantity sold increases by 5 percent, then the price elasticity of demand in that range equals a. 2, and demand is elastic b. 0.5, and demand is elastic c. 2, and demand is inelastic d. 0.5, and demand is inelastic e. 15, and demand is elastic


If two commodities are substitutes, then a. they tend to be used together by consumers b. their prices are generally regulated by the government c. an increase in the price of one of them increases the supply of the other d. the cross-price elasticity of demand is positive e. the cross-price elasticity of demand is negative


In measuring the sensitivity of demand, the a. price and income elasticities refer to movements along the demand curve; other elasticities refer to shifts of the entire demand curve b. price and cross-price elasticities analyze movements along the demand curve; other elasticities refer to shifts of the entire demand curve c. income and cross-price elasticities refer to movements along the demand curve; price elasticity refers to shifts of the entire demand curve d. price elasticity refers to movements along the demand curve; income and cross-price elasticities refer to shifts of the entire demand curve e. income elasticity refers to movements along the demand curve; other elasticities refer to shifts of the entire demand curve


Moving downward along a straight-line demand curve, the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand a. always rises b. rises until the midpoint of the curve is reached, and then falls c. falls until the midpoint of the curve is reached, and then rises d. always falls e. falls from 1 to 0


Suppose that the income elasticity of demand for college education is 1.3. This indicates that a. college education is a necessity b. college education is an inferior good c. the demand curve for college education slopes downward d. college education is a normal good e. the demand curve for college education is horizontal


Suppose that when the price of aspirin rises from $2 to $3 per bottle, the quantity demanded falls from 800 bottles per day to 700 bottles per day. Over this range, the demand for aspirin is a. elastic b. unitary elastic c. perfectly elastic d. inelastic e. perfectly inelastic


The cross-price elasticity of demand measures a. how the quantity demanded of one good changes along with income b. the slope of the demand curve c. the slope of the supply curve at the point of equilibrium d. the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of one good to changes in the price of another good e. how responsive changes in price are to changes in quantity demanded


The elasticity approach to measuring the sensitivity of quantity demanded to changes in price differs from using the slope because the elasticity approach calculates the ratio of the a. absolute change in price to the absolute change in quantity demanded b. absolute change in quantity demanded to the percentage change in price c. absolute change in quantity demanded to the percentage change in price d. percentage change in quantity demanded to the percentage change in price e. average change in price to the average change in quantity demanded


The more available substitutes there are for a good, the a. larger the number of consumers b. smaller the number of consumers c. smaller the supply side response d. more elastic the demand for that good e. less elastic the demand for that good


The sign of the cross-price elasticity tells us whether two commodities are complements or substitutes, but the size of this elasticity measure tells us a. how the supply side of the market reacts to changes in demand b. whether the government should regulate the two markets c. which technology producers use d. how closely the two goods are related e. whether or not excess profits can be made in either market


The slope of the demand curve and the price elasticity of demand are a. basically the same thing b. determined by supply c. are derived from production and distribution costs d. different because slope is based on absolute changes and elasticity is based on percentage changes e. implicit in the shape of the supply curve


Which of the following goods is likely to have the most elastic demand over the relevant range of prices? a. insulin b. eggs c. milk d. Pepsi Cola e. gasoline


A 10 percent increase in buyers' incomes results in a 5 percent drop in the quantity of hot dogs demanded. In this range, the income elasticity of demand for hot dogs is a. 0.5 b. 2.0 c. 5.0 d. -2.0 e. -0.5


Suppose that a local supermarket sells apples and oranges for 50 cents apiece, and at these prices is able to sell 100 apples and 200 oranges per week. One week, the supermarket lowered the price per apple to 40 cents and sold 120 apples. The next week, they lowered the price per orange to 40 cents (after raising the price per apple back to 50 cents) and sold 240 oranges. These results imply that the a. price elasticity of apples is lower than the price elasticity of oranges b. price elasticity of apples is higher than the price elasticity of oranges c. demand for apples is more price sensitive than the demand for oranges d. demand for oranges is more price sensitive than the demand for apples e. price elasticities of demand for apples and oranges are the same over these price ranges


We would expect the cross-price elasticity of demand between two different brands of flour to be a. negative with a high absolute value b. negative with a low absolute value c. zero d. positive with a low absolute value e. positive with a high absolute value


When a one-percent change in price is accompanied by a larger percent change in quantity demanded, a. demand is inelastic b. supply is elastic c. the good is a normal good d. the good is an inferior good e. demand is elastic


When calculating the price elasticity of demand, we assume that the price of the good changes while all other variables affecting a. demand except buyers' incomes remain constant b. demand except the population size remain constant c. demand and supply remain constant d. supply remain constant e. demand remain constant


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