Chapter 5: Motivation
What are the 3 influences over our behavior or thoughts?
1. Direction: What an individual is attending to at a given time 2. Intensity: The amount of effort being invested in the activity 3. Persistence: For how long that activity is the focus of one's attention
What are the 3 types of Justice?
1. Distributive Justice 2. Procedural Justice 3. Interactional Justice
What does McGregor's Theory X state?
1. Employees dislike work 2. Motivated with rewards & punishments
What are the 2 types of motivation?
1. Extrinsic 2. Intrinsic
What are 3 top-down approaches to job design?
1. Job Enlargement 2. Job Rotation 3. Job Enrichment
Need for Power
1. Likes to be in charge 2. Likes to be in control of people and events 3. Appreciates being recognized
Need for Affiliation
1. Likes to work in teams with cooperation and collegiality 2. Tends to avoid conflict 3. Likes to be praised in private
Using Maslow's Theory w/Content Theories Remember...
1. Needs beyond paycheck 2. Needs related to self-concepts (Esteem & Actualization) 3. Satisfied needs lose their motivational potential 4. Be careful when estimating employee's needs
Mcclelland's Acquired Needs Theory
1. Needs for Achievement 2. Needs for Affiliation 3. Need for Power
Need for Achievement
1. Prefers working on challenges 2. Best in situations in which performance is due to effort and ability 3. Prefers to work with other high achievers
What are the tiers of Maslow's Need Hierarchy? (Bottom to Top)
1. Psychological (Food, Air, and Water; Most basic) 2. Safety (Physical & Psychological Harm) 3. Love (Needs for affection & Belonging) 4. Esteem (Reputation, Prestige, and Recognition from others) 5. Self-Actualization (Self fulfillment---to become the best one)
What is Job Crafting?
1. Represents employees' attempts to proactively shape their work characteristics (task, cognitive, and relationship)
Self-Determination Theory
3 innate needs influence behavior: 1. Competence 2. Autonomy 3. Relatedness
What is Job Rotation?
Calls for moving employees from one specialized job to another Ex: Ringing up someone on cash register to taking care of animals)
What is Scientific Management?
Conducts a business by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning.
What does McGregor's Theory Y state?
Employees are self-engaged, committed, responsible, and creative
What are the negatives of Scientific Management?
Encourages job repetitive jobs which can lead to job dissatisfaction, poor mental health, stress, and a low sense of accomplishment and growth
What is Job Enrichment?
Entails modifying a job such that an employee has the opportunity to experience greater (achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement)
What is Autonomy?
Ex: Empower employees and delegate meaningful assignments and tasks to enhance feelings of autonomy.
What is Competence?
Ex: Provide tangible resources, time, contacts, and coaching to improve employee competence
What is Relatedness?
Ex: Use fun and camaraderie to foster relatedness
What are Process Theories?
Focus on explaining the process by which internal factors and environmental characteristics influence employee motivation
What are Content Theories?
Focus on identifying environmental factors such as time and place. Needs influence Motivation
What is Valence?
How much you value the outcome associated with your performance goal
What is Interactional Justice?
How people are treated (the quality people receive)
What is Distributive Justice?
How rewards are distributed or allocated among individuals
What are the positives of Scientific Management?
Increased efficiency and productivity
Time, skills, education, etc.
What is Job Enlargement?
Involves putting more variety into a worker's job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty Ex: Going from fries to flipping burgers
What is Instrumentality?
Likely hood of receiving outcomes
What is the Equity (Justice) Theory?
Model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take-relationships. OUTPUTS & INPUTS
What is Intrinsic Motivation?
Occurs when an individual is "turned on to one's work because of the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well."
What is the Justice Theory?
Organizational justice refers to the extent to which people perceive that they are treated fairly at work
Pay, benefits, assignments, etc.
What is the Expectancy Theory?
People are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes (Doing things that they like or want)
What is Expectancy?
People's expectations about how effort will lead to a performance goal (Ex: How you will perform on an exam)
What is Procedural Justice?
Process & procedures and if they are implemented fairly
What is Motivation?
The underlying psychological influences over our behavior or thoughts.