Chapter 5 - Sociology

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Here are four statements describing group dynamics. Which of them is NOT an expression of groupthink?

the group gains members until people are unable to reach consensus

bureaucratic inertia

the tendency of bureaucratic organizations to perpetuate themselves


¨fuzzy¨ groups made up of people we ¨know of¨ rather than those we known well


a social group toward which a person feels a sense of competition or opposition


a social group with 2 members


a social group with 3 members

The tendency of bureaucratic organizations to perpetuate themselves--to keep themselves going--is called

bureaucratic inertia

Which of the following is the best example of a secondary group?

a Microsoft Corporation awards banquet

primary group

a small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships

reference group

a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions


a social group toward which a member feels respect and loyalty


a temporary gathering of people who share a common focus of attention and who influence one another

laissez-faire leadership

allows the group to function more or less on its own


an organizational model rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently

The basic idea behind scientific management is that:

applying scientific principles can make a business more efficient.

If you were a prisoner, a maximum-security prison would be which of the following types of organizations from your point of view?


Think about the process of McDonaldization. Looking at the list below, all but one of the traits is correctly linked to McDonaldization. Which is NOT a trait of McDonaldization?


Imagine you are watching a dozen passengers sitting in an airport gate area waiting to board a plane. These people are an example of a:


Which statement correctly reflects Simmel's understanding of a dyad?

dyads are less stable than groups with many members

organizational environment

factors outside an organization that affect is operation

Max Weber noted many traits of bureaucracy. Which of the following list is NOT one of them?

favoring kin over strangers

authoritarian leadership

focuses on instrumental concerns, takes personal charge of decision-making, and demands strict compliance from subordinates

instrumental leadership

group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks

expressive leadership

group leadership that focuses on the group´s well-being


the tendency of group members to conform, resulting in a narrow view of some issue

Today's business organizations in the U.S differ from those a century ago in a number of ways. Which of the following is NOT a way in which today's U.S. business organizations differ from those a century ago?

today's organizations have a steeper, pyramid shape

social group

two or more people who identify and interact with one another

normative organizations

voluntary organizations.people join to pursue some goal they think is morally worth while

Samuel Stouffer's study of soldier morale during WWII led to what conclusion?

whatever people's situation in absolute terms, they evaluate themselves comparing themselves to those in specific reference groups

In the "iron law of oligarchy," Robert Michels stated:

Bureaucracy always means the few rule the many

secondary group

a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity

bureaucratic ritualism

a focus on rules and regulations to the point of undermining an organizations goals

You are part of a task force with a group leader who has a distant relationship with group members and who is concerned with getting the job done. Which type of leader does your task force have?

instrumental leader

coercive organizations

involuntary membership. people forced to join as a form of punishment or treatment

democratic leadership

is more expressive and tries to include everyone in the decision-making process

formal organization

large secondary groups organized to achieve their goals efficiently

Read the statements below. Which of them is NOT evidence of the process called the "McDonaldization of society?"

many new jobs demand creativity and imagination.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the findings of Solomon Asch?

many people are willing to compromise their own judgment to avoid being seen as different by others

utilitarian organization

material rewards for members (pays people for their efforts)

Stanley Milgram's research, in which subjects used a "shock generator" showed

people are surprisingly likely to follow the orders of not only real authority figures but also groups of ordinary individuals


people with common status, that very well may be strangers to one another. Millionaire, college graduate etc.

bureaucratic alienation

potential to dehumanize individuals

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