Chapter 5 Study Guide: The Decline of Feudalism

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How did the plague make life harder for Jews in Europe?

They were often blamed for the disease.

What was the purpose of Magna Carta?

To strengthen common law

What was one human activity that contributed to the spread of the bubonic plague?

Trading with Asia.

Name a reform made by King Henry II of England?

Trials were held by Royal judges.

According to Magna Carta, someone could not be tried for a crime unless

there were people who would testify that they saw it.

What technological advantage helped the English win many early battles of the Hundred Years' War?

The longbow

Habeas corpus means that people cannot be held indefinitely in jail unless

A court consense

In your own words, summarize the meaning of part 40 of Magna Carta.

A written legal agreement that limited the English monarch's power that no freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or in any way destroyed unless there were people who would testify that they saw it. .

Why was Thomas Becket killed?

He sided with the Church against the king

How did the Hundred Years' War contribute to the decline of feudalism?

Hiring soldiers made monarchs less dependent on vassals.

How did the plague increase the power of the common people?

It created shortage of workers.

What did Joan of Arc do for the French during the Hundred Years' War?

Leaded the French army to victory.

What action by an English king gave ordinary people a voice in government?

Model parliament

People in England came to believe that Magna Carta promised a trial by jury for anyone charged with a crime. The idea of trial by jury is suggested in Magna Carta in the phrase

No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or in any way destroyed.

How did political changes in England weaken feudalism?

Nobles lost power to the king or common people.

Which major events took place during the Hundred Years' War?

The bubonic plague reached Europe.

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