Chapter 5: Training and Development in Organizations

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'Hot Stove' Rule

-Discipline should be immediate -Fair warning must be provided: Employees should be disciplined for violations only if they had reasonable notice that certain behavior violates a company policy or rule -Consistency in discipline is required: In order for discipline to be as effective as possible, it should be applied the same -Disciplinary action should be impersonal: the company's disciplinary actions should be applied, or not applied, based upon conduct, not based upon who is engaged in the conduct


-During this first stage, a person learns the basic elements of the job and where they fit within an organization -The approximate age range of this stage varies from 21-26 years of age

being able to manage your emotions

-Emotions can interfere with proper decision making. -Anger and anxiety, for example, can get in the way of rational and logical decision making. -Being able to control your emotions also allows you to better overcome temporary failures

Some specific components of orientation include

-Overview of how the new employee fits into the overall structure of the organization -Overview of organizational policies, rules and procedures -Overview of compensation and benefits -Overview of the company's culture, including its mission statement, organizational values, and even such things as dress codes and the organization's conventions of etiquette

Benefits for Employees

-Subordinates need to be challenged and have direction within their daily job. -help provide employees direction with career decisions and changes -increase communication between management and employees -create a sense of personal achievement and job satisfaction, by providing excellent feedback on performance

The process of assessing training involves the following steps

-Take an organizational inventory of what is presently being done -Compare it to what should be done

Benefits for the Organization

-The company will have better use of employee skills and be able to retain individuals long-term -The company will also enjoy increased morale, loyalty and communication.


-The second stage concentrates on high achievement and further employee development -Most individuals in this stage are in middle adulthood and range from 26-40 years of age.

On-the-job training

-allows employees to learn by actually performing a specific job or task. The employee will perform the job and learn as he goes -can be structured by using hands-on application supported by classroom-type instruction -can also be unstructured using only hands-on application


-consists of the employee maintaining productivity while evaluating career goals -Most individuals in this stage are in middle to late adulthood and range in age from 40-60

Benefits for Managers

-enhancing, building and developing individuals to become better supervisors and prepare them for higher-level positions -they can increase manager morale, motivation, communication and skill sets that will, in turn, improve overall job commitment and productivity -programs can prepare specific groups of managers for specialized talents and task forces

Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ).

-is the ability of a person to understand and manage emotions. People with high emotional intelligence have the ability to effectively identify and handle their own emotions and the emotions of others. -Emotional intelligence also helps a person successfully utilize social and communication skills, which are often so essential in the workplace.

Problem-Solving Training

-is training on how to analyze problems and make decisions and is mandatory for all crew members. Crew will learn how to identify problems, analyze problems, assess solutions, implement solutions and monitor outcomes. -Benefits: Offer creative solutions to problems Collaborate on problem-solving Avert disasters

Diversity or Sensitivity Training

-is training on how to deal with people of different races, ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual preferences or disabilities -Experience higher morale Avoid harassment Embrace new cultures

Interpersonal skills training

-is training on how to maintain positive relationships, communicate better, resolve conflicts and build trust. -Employees will be more likely to: Get along with each other Exchange positive communication Minimize conflict Influence others to be positive

Five Domains of EQ

-knowing your own emotions -being able to manage your emotions -self-motivation -empathy -managing social relationships.


-recognize and understand the emotions of other people -If you have empathy, you understand what others around you are feeling, which helps you figure out what others need or want

Technology Training

-training on computer software and hardware offered to specific crew members depending on their position -several benefits to offering technological training to employees: Perform at higher standards Have more self-confidence Develop higher skill levels Perform many different tasks

Which of the following provides the best explanation of employee assimilation? Ensuring an employee complies with all the company's rules and procedures Intensive employee training for new hires Ensuring the new employee feels welcome and is committed to perform An employee becoming integrated into the company

An employee becoming integrated into the company

Eddie is an innovative industrial engineer. Impressed by his intelligent approach to problem solving skills Eddie's boss is considering to promote him to shift supervisor. However, even though Eddie is good at his job his boss worries that Eddie may lack the emotional intelligence to manager other employees, i.e. being intuitive as to what other coworkers may feel and need. Based on Eddie's boss' evaluation, what domain of emotional intelligence may Eddie lack which could prove problematic in managing others? Managing emotions. Knowing one's own emotions. Self-motivation. Empathy Managing relationships


Which of the following should be reviewed when assessing training needs? Employee job descriptions The profit and loss statement Financial reports The company's competitive environment Company history

Employee job descriptions

Juan is a newly hired assembler at Speedy Cellular. He will spend his first week with Juanita, a veteran assembler, who will work side by side with Juan, showing him each step of the assembly process as he assembles the phones. Why is this an example of on-the-job training? Because he is newly hired and has no prior experience in that area Because Juan has only one mentor Because Juan is learning his job by performing a specific task or job Because Juan is learning from a more experienced co-worker

Because Juan is learning his job by performing a specific task or job

Why can job rotation be harmful to the productivity of a company? Because it focuses too much on individuals Because it can disrupt the workflow as the employee learns a new task or job Because, from the perspective of a collective, it decreases the skill set of the company's employees Because it decreases the number of opportunities the workers have

Because it can disrupt the workflow as the employee learns a new task or job

Don is a 50-year-old repair technician for a computer hardware company. He notices that all of the recent promotions have gone to younger techs with more recent college degrees. What point in his career has Don MOST likely reached? Career Medium Career Blockage Career Mentor Career Ceiling Career Plateau

Career Plateau

information needed to assess employees' specific training needs

Company mission and vision Business goals Job descriptions Employee skill levels Employee behaviors Technology changes

Beth the bank manager wants to implement the hot stove rule in her discipline for employees breaking the rules. Which of these should she do? Discipline all employees who break rules consistently Handle rule breaking differently for each employee Allow occasional rule breaking by good employees Keep employees on their toes by not informing them about new rules Follow different steps for the cashiers and salespeople

Discipline all employees who break rules consistently

What are the four career stages? Learning, advancement, maintenance and withdrawal Establishment, advancement, promotion and withdrawal Establishment, advancement, maintenance and retirement Establishment, promotions, maintenance and withdrawal Establishment, advancement, maintenance and withdrawal

Establishment, advancement, maintenance and withdrawal

An automotive assembly line has strict rules about wearing safety glasses in work areas. Felix is a good employee with no prior rule violations. Today his supervisor sees him in the work area without his glasses. What should the manager do next under progressive discipline? Send Felix home without pay Give Felix a written warning Nothing since he is a good employee Terminate Felix' employment Give Felix a verbal warning

Give Felix a verbal warning

How is Daniel Goleman relevant to the study of emotional intelligence? He was a professor at Yale University who introduced the idea of emotional intelligence. He believed that emotional intelligence was a farce. He helped bring the concept of emotional intelligence into the mainstream. He furthered the concept of emotional intelligence in identifying three domains of EQ. He wrote a book called 'Emotional Intelligence: Why it is Almost as Important as IQ'.

He helped bring the concept of emotional intelligence into the mainstream.

Which type of training would MOST likely result in employees becoming more willing to work together and trust their coworkers? Technology Training Interpersonal Skills Training Diversity Training Literacy Training Problem-Solving Training

Interpersonal Skills Training

What's the best explanation of new hire orientation? Introducing a new employee to the company via training and introductory materials Introducing a new employee to his or her work team and other coworkers Introducing a new employee to the company and its goals via meetings with supervisors Introducing a new employee to the organization and begin the socialization and assimilation process Socializing a new employee among current employees and first-level managers

Introducing a new employee to the organization and begin the socialization and assimilation process

Cindi is the newly appointed head of the accounting department. She is receiving training from a mentor and meets with her trainer every day to discuss how the day went and any unusual problems she is facing. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using this training method? The mentee experiences growth within the company It is often personalized It provides advice It hones in on employee interests

It hones in on employee interests

Which of the following is not a benefit of career development and management systems for managers? It enhances, builds, and develops individuals to become better supervisors and prepares them for higher level positions. It improves overall job commitment and productivity. It increases manager morale and motivation. It increases salaries and benefits. It prepares specific groups of managers for specialized talents and task forces.

It increases salaries and benefits.

Which of the following is the BEST explanation of emotional intelligence? It is a component of the intelligence quotient. It is the ability to pick up on feelings and social cues from others. It is the controlling of one's emotions. It is an understanding of one's emotions. It is the ability to understand and manage emotions for one's self and others.

It is the ability to understand and manage emotions for one's self and others.

Kathleen has a difficult time submitting project objectives and results to her supervisor in a clear and concise format. Her supervisor feels her reports are confusing. In order to improve Kathleen's skills in writing reports, her supervisor might recommend _____ training. Interpersonal Skills Technology Written Communication Literacy Problem-Solving


Types of Training Programs

Literacy training Interpersonal skills training Technical training Problem-solving training Diversity or sensitivity training

advantages that a proper orientation program can offer a company

Lower turnover Increased productivity Improved employee morale Lower recruiting and training costs Facilitation of learning Reduction of the new employee's anxiety

Joan has been a store manager for six years. She loves her job and is not interested in a job as regional manager because she would have to move to another city. Which stage of the career model is Joan in? Withdrawal Establishment Advancement Maintenance Productivity


What group would benefit from a career management development system focused on task forces? Managers New Hires Interns Nobody Factory Workers


Diane has noticed that when someone puts her off, it ruins her whole day. She just can't shake it off, which really puts a damper on her production at work. She worries her boss will get mad, yet she just can't seem to focus on anything else. Diane is emotionally stuck. Which domain of emotional intelligence is troublesome for Diane? Self-motivation Managing relationships Empathy Knowing your own emotions Managing emotions

Managing emotions

There are several benefits to literacy training for employees

Meet company goals Perform job tasks Understand work processes Work in teams Make decisions Learn technology

A manager finds her employees are unfamiliar with the mission and vision of the organization. What type of training will solve the problem? Technology training Job skills training Gap training Conflict resolution training Organizational culture training

Organizational culture training

career stage model

demonstrates the four stages that individuals pass through in their careers. The four stages consist of: -establishment -advancement -maintenance -withdrawal

What type of contract has an implicit agreement between an individual and an organization that details exactly what is expected in the relationship? Psychological Physiological Maintenance Mandated Plateau


Problem-solving training will teach employees to do all of the following, EXCEPT: Analyze the problem Implement solutions Report results Monitor outcomes Identify the problem

Report results

Matt the manager follows the hot stove rule of discipline. He observes one of his employees breaking a rule by making many personal phone calls on company time. What should Matt do next? Not say anything to the employee until it's time to go home Only reprimand the employee if his job performance is poor Give the employee a written warning even though Matt has never done that before Let it go until the second time the employee violates the rule Reprimand the employee immediately

Reprimand the employee immediately

What are some of the possible benefits to training an employee in the use of new technology? Employee morale is improved Conflict resolution skills are improved Self-confidence and skills levels are improved Reading and writing skills are improved Teamwork is improved

Self-confidence and skills levels are improved

Alyssa is a student in the second grade. Her teacher has noticed that while other students in class respond well to external rewards like stickers, extra recess time, or praise from the teacher, Alyssa is intrinsically motivated. Doing well is her reward. Alyssa demonstrates strength in which domain of emotional intelligence? Empathy Self-motivation Knowing your own emotions. Managing emotions. Managing relationships.


Which of these would be a quick action that would aid in keeping current clients? Ask employees what can be done to improve morale Ask employees about equipment Ask employees about training they would like Install the latest technology even if employees don't know how to use it Send surveys to current clients

Send surveys to current clients

Joe has previously received verbal and then written warnings about taking long lunch hours, yet he continues to return one half hour later than he should. What should be the next step in progressive discipline for Joe? Another verbal warning Another written warning Suspension without pay Termination Just accept that Joe will not change his ways

Suspension without pay

Which of these is a step in the process of assessing training needs? Revise the company's mission Compare company goals with competitors Take an inventory of what is presently being done Make employee training sessions mandatory Train employees in customer service

Take an inventory of what is presently being done

On the job training advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this method are: -Immediate feedback on performance -Swift remediation if task is not performed to standard The disadvantages of this method are: -Can slow down production for the trainer -Can disrupt the workflow

Job Rotation (Advantages/ Disadvantages)

The advantages of this method are: -Reduces employee boredom -Increases skills -Opens new opportunities to employees -Hones in on employee interests The disadvantages of this method are: -Employee may not be satisfied with the new rotation -Employee morale may decrease if employee is moved for a long period of time -Can disrupt the workflow as employee learns new task or job

job mentoring advantages and disadvantages

The advantages to this method are: -One-on-one training is often personalized -Mentor is available to offer advice -Mentee experiences growth within the company The disadvantages to this method are: -Mentor-mentee pairing may not be a good fit -Workflow may be disrupted due to one-on-one training


The best type of motivation is intrinsic - coming from inside the person. Enjoyment of the work or the challenge of a job may provide intrinsic motivation.

Which of the following is an employee benefit associated with career development and management programs? The programs increase employee vacation time. The programs make corporate perks and travel easier. The programs can find a job for employees who were unfortunately part of a company- wide layoff. The programs provide task forces. The programs offer employees flex work time.

The programs can find a job for employees who were unfortunately part of a company- wide layoff.

What is the purpose for training needs assessments? They will ensure the accuracy of financial statements They get potential new customers familiar with the business They bridge the gap between what is happening now and what needs to happen in the future They will force employees to attend mandatory training They will strengthen the employee assistance program

They bridge the gap between what is happening now and what needs to happen in the future

knowing your own emotions

This domain is about self-awareness of your emotions. If you are aware of your feelings, then you are better able to manage them.

What should the primary purpose be for engaging in an employee disciplinary action? To punish past behavior To control To intimidate To change future behavior To punish current behavior

To change future behavior

What is the purpose of a career management and development system? To provide benefits to employees and managers. To offer counseling over issues with management. To offer programs, counseling, planning and workshops to managers only. To offer programs, counseling, planning and workshops to help employees manage their careers. To offer programs that only handle technology.

To offer programs, counseling, planning and workshops to help employees manage their careers.

managing social relationships

Understanding emotional cues from social interactions makes you more effective in managing social interactions

In which of the following cases would a company MOST benefit from a job rotation program? When individualized training for a specific skill is needed When absenteeism is slowing up the assembly line When morale is poor When productivity and company revenue are increasing

When absenteeism is slowing up the assembly line

Susie plans to cut back her work hours and begin passing her responsibilities on to younger associates in anticipation of retirement. Which stage of the career model is Susie in? Career Plateau Maintenance Withdrawal Achievement Finalization


Common steps in the disciplinary progression include

a verbal warning, a written warning, suspension without pay and, finally, termination

psychological contract

an implicit agreement between an individual and an organization that details exactly what is expected in the relationship

Jackie has a sense of loyalty to her company now that it is paying for her graduate tuition. This is an example of _____. a byproduct of career promotions. an organizational benefit of career development and management programs. employee dissolution programming. employee satisfaction surveying. a corporate training initiative.

an organizational benefit of career development and management programs.

Assessing training needs

analyzing key factors for performance in an organization in order to bridge the gap between what is currently being done and what needs to be done


becoming integrated into an organization

Job mentoring

involves providing an employee with an experienced coach to oversee his or her learning experience. The mentor or coach provides advice and instruction, but is not performing the job with the employee as in on-the-job training. The trainee employee learns the job firsthand and may consult the mentor or coach at any time for assistance.

career plateau

is a point in a career where the chances of the individual moving up the corporate ladder are slim

corporate ladder

is a series of job positions through which an individual progresses within the company


is an action taken by an employer to correct an employee's poor performance or behavior that violates the company's policies or procedures


is the final stage and deals with the ending of a career

New hire orientation

is the formal process of introducing a new employee to the organization and the first step toward assimilation and the process of employee socialization.


is the process of acquiring the knowledge, values and social skills necessary to conform, or fit in, with the company. Socialization is a crucial part of the assimilation process

Literacy Training

is training for things like reading, writing and problem-solving skills

The following are advantages of a solid new hire orientation process EXCEPT _____. it results in lower turnover it results in lower recruiting costs it improves new employee morale it completes the assimilation and socialization process it reduces new employee anxiety

it completes the assimilation and socialization process

Orientation for new employees includes the following components EXCEPT _____ to help with socialization and assimilation. providing an overview of how the new employee fits into the company's overall structure providing an overview of the company's organizational policies, rules, and procedures providing an overview of the company's mission and overall values providing an overview of the company's compensation and benefits providing an overview of the company's expectations regarding employee failure and resignation statistics

providing an overview of the company's expectations regarding employee failure and resignation statistics

Job Rotation

teaches current employees how to do various jobs over time. The employee will rotate around to different jobs within the organization, performing various different tasks unrelated to his original job.

A solid orientation program is important because _____. the employee is allowed to question the mission of the company the company's goals can be tailored to fit its workers the chance of employee success is increased the company may bypass questions during the interview process management is given the opportunity to assess the new hires

the chance of employee success is increased

Using hands-on training while working alongside an experienced worker is called _____. job mentoring unstructured on-the-job training hands-on experience job rotation

unstructured on-the-job training

progressive discipline

where employees are subject to increasing, or progressive, disciplinary action for continuing misconduct

phased retirement

where hours are reduced and full retirement comes gradually

Career management and development systems

where they offer programs, counseling, planning and workshops to help employees manage their careers

Diversity training focuses on the recognition of cultural differences and improves the ability of employees to _____. like their coworkers get along with customers work effectively with people who are different understand the local customer base get along with their supervisors

work effectively with people who are different

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