Chapter 6!

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Which element does the nurse researcher use as criteria for determining a primary source in research

A theorist development, written by the person, research report written

Which is an important question to consider when synthesizing strengths and weaknesses of the literature review

Does the literature review summary provide direction for the formation of the research purpose

The nurse recognizes that the sources obtained from a general search engine should be assessed for which characteristics

ALL EXCEPT accuracy

Which components of the literature search portion are included in a literature review

ALL EXCEPT creating a reference list

Which elements are related to the purpose, extent, and timing of literature reviews conducted by grounded theory researchers


Which skills are involved in the nurse proficiently comprehending a source

ALL EXCEPT highlight all info

Which are reasons to conduct a literature review

ALL EXCEPT identify quality indicators

Which accepted method does the nurse include when presenting the discussion section of a written, comprehensive literature review

ALL EXCEPT including the focus

Which action is best practice for synthesizing sources to determine what is known and what is unknown

ALL EXCEPT providing unlinked article summaries

Becoming proficient review of the literature involves best using which skills

ALL EXCEPT read all the articles

After the first draft of the literature review, which tasks remain for the nurse to ensure the quality of the written review


Nurse researchers use the guidelines for critically appraising the literature reviews of quantitative and qualitative studies that include which components

ALL EXCEPT secondary

Which part does the nurse recognized as a major section of a written, comprehensive literature review

ALL EXCEPT synthesis of sources

Which excepted steps does the nurse researcher performed during a literature review

ALL EXCEPT synthesize

Before writing a research question, the nurse will conduct a literature review on a general topic of interest. Which critical appraisal guideline well the nurse use when reviewing research

ALL EXCEPT type of publication

Reference management software is frequently used by nurse researchers to accomplish which literature review undertakings

ALL EXCEPT writing lit review

How are abstracts used in literature searches

Abstracts are used to identify relevant studies for the literature review

Which action is required to determine the value of a reference about information to include in the literature review


A nurse is conducting a keyword search for a literature review and received over 35,000 articles covering the topic of interest. Which action should the nurse performed to narrow the search results

Asking the library and for assistance

Which is critically appraised as an example of a literature review in a quantitative study


The student nurse ask the instructor if Wikipedia as a credible source for the literature review. Which best response by the instructor

Because Wikipedia is an open common editable format, credibility of the information is variable

Which characteristics are related to the purpose, extent, and timing of literature reviews conducted by nurse phenomenologist

Done in the later stages, delayed until after, used to interpret the findings

Which statement is true regarding peer reviewed journal articles

The articles are reviewed by scholars in the discipline prior to publication

Which tool is most helpful in locating scholarly publications

Bibliographic database

Which type of materials can be assessed when using a library database

Books, journals, newspaper, peer reviewed journals

Which database contains nursing an allied health journals that publish clinical theoretical and research articles


Quantitative research reports may include which aspect in all sections of the report

Citations to relevant sources

Which initial action would the nurse take one performing a literature review

Clarify the purpose

Which best provides initial structure to the literature review process and increases the efficacy and effectiveness of these efforts

Clarifying purpose

A major professional organization publishes a paper selected by a review process that was presented at a conference. Which type of source is this called

Conference proceedings

Which is a significant component of writing a review of the literature

Creating a reference list

Which processes are involved in a literature search

Critically appraising, finding relevant, synthesizing the results

Which element does a high quality review of the literature on a specific topic contain

Current scientific and theoretical knowledge, knowledge about the topic

How far back to the nurse research ago and performing a literature review

Depends on the topic

Nurse researchers conduct a major review of the literature at the beginning of the qualitative research process for which purpose

Direct the planning and guide the execution

A nurse is reviewing a research study that used the methodology of phenomenology. In which area can the nurse anticipate finding the majority of the cited references in the study

Discussion section

Which type of literature well the nurse used to formulate a research question centering on the relationship between the time of day and the lowest blood pressure of patients in the ICU


Which type of qualitative research does the nurse researchers studying health behaviors of Syrian refugees in a specific neighborhood learned that older community members are highly respected and, as a result, seek support from older refugees to facilitate access to others in the community


Which type of qualitative research uses the literature review for a systematic recording of nursing in a country to reveal that the healthcare system has referral hospitals, district hospitals, and health centers, and then uses this information to develop a data collection plan to observe nurses in each setting


The nurse researchers have reviewed the literature and found that little knowledge is available but will conduct the study to better understand the practice problems so the solutions can be identified. Which approach are they using

Exploratory descriptive

Nurses searching for a solution to a problem and practice engage in a review of the literature to achieve what purpose

Finding, synthesizing, critically appraising, developing

Which type of qualitative research does the researcher primarily use the literature to explain, support, and extend the theory generated in the study

Grounded theory

The nurse using which database recognizes that it is most frequently used for nursing literature reviews and includes journals published by primary healthcare providers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with full text articles and medication education materials for patients

Health Source

Literature reviews in published research provide the background for the problem studied and include which components

Identifying the gaps, describing the current knowledge, explaining how the study

Which element includes all written source is relevant to the topic that nurses select to critically review, including articles published in periodicals or journals, Internet publications, monographs, encyclopedias, conference papers, theses, dissertations, and textbooks


In published research reports, which aspect provides the background for the problem being studied

Literature review

Which action is a way to manipulate the information retrieved in a literature review and transform it into knowledge conceptually to make connections between fax and principles, or to connect studies with similar methodologies or key ideas


Which database includes abstracts with links to some full text sources, is frequently used for nursing literature reviews, and can be used by the nurse researcher to find bio medical journals relevant to healthcare professionals deemed reputable by the national library of medicine


Which danger is associated with siding secondary sources


And quantitative research, the literature review includes which theoretical and research reference that document current knowledge

Problem studied

The nurse researcher includes digital object identifiers of articles on the reference page of the research study. Which is the purpose of including the DOI

Provides a consistent means of identifying information

Which data bases are frequently use for literature search is specific to the discipline of nursing

Pubmed medline cinahl

Critically appraising a literature review begins with which aspect


Which entity refers to the origin of a cited quote or a paraphrase idea and provides enough information for the reader to locate the origin material


Which result threatens the credibility of a study

Replication does not support the original findings

Which statement to find a replication study

Reproductions of a study conducted to determine whether the findings of the original study could be consistent in different settings with different subjects

The instructors teaching nursing students about primary and secondary sources in literature reviews. Which statement made by the instructor describes secondary sources

Resources summarize or "content from primary sources

A simple way to document the literature search is to use a table. Which information is recorded

Results, search terms, timeframe

Which action can the nursery surgery due to decreased the time spent searching for pertinent articles from databases

Search multiple databases simultaneously

The nurse is reviewing an original research study conducted by the author that was published in a professional journal three years ago. Which qualities of the source are associated with the research study

Seminal, peer reviewed, primary, current

Which item should the nurse use for assistance in processing the information in numerous studies and identifying the main ideas

Summary table and concept map

Which practice do nurses perform with the available literatures evidence to find a solution to a practice problem


The nurse siding primary references in a quality literature review recognizes that peer reviewed primary sources meat which criteria

The work has undergone significant scrutiny, the manuscript is submitted, scholars provide input

Which type of content is the nurse using when choosing a conceptual framework from literature that supports a research problem and purpose


Nurse is critically reviewing the literature recognize that references cited contain which types of contact

Theoretical and empirical

Nurses and clinical practice review of the literature for which primary reasons

To remain current, to synthesize, to find a solution

Which is the most efficient way to keep track of references obtained during a literature search from the cumulative index of nursing an allied health literature

Using reference management software, such as refworks

Which aspect is significant when siding from a meta-analysis study

Valued for its rigor and contributions to evidence-based practice

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