Chapter 6 literature review

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Seminal Studies

"Classical studies" The 1st study on a topic Frequently referenced in current research

What is meant by the following terms

Analysis Appraisal Synthesis Theorizing The next slide has a question with a rationale for each of these terms

Sources included in a literature review

Citation Literature reference See the three cards following for each terms

The methods

Describes how the study was conducted (study procedures) in sufficient detail so that the reader can replicate the study, if desired. This section should include: The design Treatment Sample Setting Measurement methods Data collection process How data will be analyzed

At what point during a study does a qualitative researcher using a phenomenological approach review the literature?

During generation of the research reportPhenomenologists believe that the literature should be reviewed after data collection and analysis, so that the information in the literature will not influence the researcher's openness.

1: prepare to review the literature

Identify the purpose of the review Course assignment? To determine the strength of the evidence? To identify solutions to a practice problem? Select databases & search terms Not recommended to use general search engines (Google) Computerized bibliographic databases should be used Require subscription

Landmark studies

Significant research projects that generated knowledge that influences the nursing profession. Frequently replicated or serve as a foundation to additional studies.

Reading the report:

Skimming - enables the reader to make a preliminary judgment about the value of the study. Comprehending - the reader must understand all terms & major concepts. Analyzing - determining the value of the content of the report

Integrative review

Synthesis of qualitative and / or quantitative research on a topic


an easy accessible source of information.

data-based literature

consists of reports of research and includes published studies, usually in journals, on the Internet, or books, and unpublished studies, such as master theses and doctoral dissertations.

Reviewing the literature is the

first step in implementing EBP and identifying practice

Clinical journals

periodicals that include research reports and non-research articles about practice problems and professional issues.


such as a book on a specific subject, a record of conference proceedings, or a pamphlet, usually is a one-time publication.

Four categories you assess to appraise research literature are

1. Quality sources 2. Current sources 3. Relevant content 4. Synthesis of relevant information

When initially reading the relevant literature for comprehension, the researcher will a. critically appraise the studies. b. highlight the main points of the studies. c. make decisions about paraphrasing quotes. d. review the abstract only.

ANS: B Comprehending a source begins by reading and focusing on understanding the main points of the article and can be achieved by highlighting the main points of the article. Critical appraisal involves making value judgments about the validity or credibility of the study content. Deciding what to paraphrase occurs later, just before writing the review. Reviewing the abstract helps the researcher determine which articles are relevant but does not help with comprehension.

When conducting a literature review for a thesis or dissertation and deciding how far back in the available literature to search, what will the student do? a. Ask the instructor to specify necessary publication years for articles cited. b. Base the decision on the number of articles necessary for the assigned task. c. Locate any seminal or landmark studies on the topic of research. d. Look for sources no older than 10 years prior.

ANS: C When beginning a thesis or dissertation, the graduate student should look for seminal or landmark studies as a place to begin a literature review. The breadth and currency of the literature review should be based on the topic and the purpose of the research and not on an assigned number or a particular number of years

In the following APA-formatted reference, what is indicated by the italicized words/numbers? Koehn, A. R., Ebright, P. R., & Draucker, C. B. (2016). Nurses' experiences with errors in nursing. "Nursing Outlook", 64(6), 566-574. (Quoted portion is italicized) a. Article title/volume number b. Journal title/issue number c. Journal title/volume number d. Book title/issue number

ANS: C When citing a periodical (journal), the title and volume number are both italicized. The article title is not italicized in a journal. When citing a book, the title is italicized. The issue number is not italicized.

When reviewing articles in a peer-reviewed publication, the reader is assured that the articles are a. landmark studies. b. primary sources. c. seminal studies. d. trustworthy sources

ANS: D Research reports detailing study events, including results and analysis of findings included in refereed professional journals, are considered one of the most credible types of evidence and are typically considered one of the most useful sources for researchers as they conduct a literature review for a current study. Articles found in refereed journals have been evaluated in an anonymous process by unbiased reviewers and received favorable review, not only for the integrity of the research itself, but because the topic of interest has been deemed significant to the profession. Landmark studies, primary sources, and seminal studies are included in peer-reviewed literature, but may also appear in literature that is not peer reviewed.

Types of publications

Article periodical monograph encyclopedia conference proceedings thesis dissertation academic journals clinical journals textbooks websites

The review in Qualitative research

Brief review Before beginning of a study Limited to avoid bias Major review At the conclusion of study Compare literature to participants responses in current study.

Theses, dissertations, and studies of clinical nursing problems are examples of which of the following types of literature?

Empirical Theses, dissertations, and studies of clinical nursing problems are examples of empirical literature because they are all research projects.

Major Sections of a Research Report

Introduction Methods Results Discussion

Barriers to the implementation of best practice in the clinical setting

Lack of research experience Unsure about how to locate research Unfamiliar with the critical appraisal process. Unsure of the process to apply research to practice

The abstract

Located after the title and author section Usually graphically set apart by use of a box, shading, or italics A good abstract should contain: The study's purpose Method Results Conclusions Clinical relevance ** EBP team members should not rely on the abstract alone - the entire article must be read **

The Title

Presents a starting point for deciding whether or not the article is relevant to the clinical question. The best ones include: what was done, to whom it was done, and how it was done. "Randomized Control Trial of a Family-led Mutual Support Programmed for People with Dementia" (Wang & Chien, 2011)


Presents the outcomes of the statistical tests used to analyze the study data and the significance of these outcomes. Presentation of demographic characteristics first Pay particular attention to figures and tables as this is often where important results presented. Look for statistical and clinically significant results.

Secondary sources

Summaries of studies by someone other than the researcher Literature reviews Systematic reviews

The type of reasoning used with integrating findings from multiple studies is:

Synthesis Synthesis is required to integrate findings from multiple studies.

The introduction

The first section the reader sees after the abstract Includes: -Statement of the problem -Purpose -Background (brief review of literature) -Framework (if used) -Any research objectives, questions, or hypotheses

3c: Overall Evaluation

The reader should be able to identify: The review is directed toward an identified topic of interest It should provide what is known and what continues to be unknown about a topic Controversial perceptions within the literature need to be delineated for consideration Summarization should facilitate the development of future research

ethnographic research in a qualitative study

The review of literature in ethnographic research is similar to that in quantitative research. The literature is reviewed early in the research process to provide a general understanding of the variables to be examined in a selected culture. The literature usually is theoretical, because few studies typically have been conducted in the area of interest.

How do you format a book title in APA

You italicized the title and only capitalize the first word of title and subtitle and proper nouns.


documentation of the origin of the cited quote or paraphrased idea and provides enough information for the reader to locate the original material.

Which of the following are true statements about conducting the search (step 2) of the literature review? Select all that apply. a. Reading the articles and appraising, analyzing, and synthesizing the literature b. Obtaining full-text copies of relevant articles c. Developing an outline to organize information from the review d. Using a table to document the results of the search e. Clarifying the purpose of the literature review f. Ensuring that information needed to cite the source is recorded

ANS: B, D, F Conducting the search includes: searching the selected databases, using a table to document the results of the search, refining the search, reviewing the abstracts to identify relevant studies, obtaining full-text copies of relevant articles, and ensuring that information needed to cite the source is recorded. Reading the articles and appraising, analyzing, and synthesizing the literature describe processing the literature. Developing an outline to organize information from the review describes writing the review of literature. Clarifying the purpose of the literature review describes preparing to review the literature.

When determining the reliability of a website resource in a literature review, it is important to determine a. accessibility of the website information. b. costs of retrieving website information. c. sponsorship of website information. d. whether website information is also published conventionally.

ANS: C Not all websites are valid and appropriate for citation in a literature review. Those that are sponsored by companies that sell certain products under study may not be appropriate resources because their information may be biased. Accessibility, cost, and conventional publication of website information are not determinants of reliability of website information.

In the following APA-formatted reference, what is indicated by the italicized words? Maxwell, S. E., & Delaney, H. D. (2004). "Designing experiments and analyzing data": A model comparison perspective (2nd ed.). Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Quoted portion is italicized) a. Abstract information b. Journal title c. Book title d. Publishing company

ANS: C When citing a book, the title is italicized. The abstract information is not included in a reference citation. A journal title is italicized if the citation is from a journal. The publishing company information is listed last.

1a: Key Databases for Nurse Researchers

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) Nursing and Allied Health 1982 to present Subject headings MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis & Retrieval System Online) 1946 - National Library of Medicine journal citation database MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) PubMed 1996 Includes MEDLINE MeSH Cochrane Library Systematic Reviews Searchable in CINAHL & MEDLINE

Content of Publications

Theoretical Literature Empirical Literature Databased literature


Ties together other sections of the research report and gives meaning to the results. Section includes: Major findings Limitations Conclusions Implications Recommendations

1c: Other Free Online Resources

US Preventative Task Force (USPSTF) - Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) National Guidelines Clearinghouse NIH RePORTER: Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool - Registry for Nursing Research: Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library Turning Research into Practice (TRIP) Database: For Evidence-based Medicine

How do you format a journal title

You italicize all key words and capitalize all key words


authoritative compilation of information on alphabetized topics that may provide background information.

Primary sources

The actual report written by researcher who conducted the study


the author of the research report, clinical description, or theoretical explanation has submitted a manuscript to a journal editor, who identified scholars familiar with the topic to review the manuscript.

After a literature search has yielded a list of articles, an efficient way to identify relevant studies during a literature search is to review a. an electronic database search history. b. only experimental studies. c. reference lists in other studies. d. study abstracts.

ANS: D The abstract provides pertinent information about the article in a condensed, easy to peruse format so that the researcher can determine whether the article is pertinent to the topic. The electronic database search history lists only articles searched for but does not yield information about whether or not they are relevant. Experimental studies are not always relevant to a particular study, and other types of studies may be relevant. Reference lists in other studies may give information about other articles to review, but do not give information about the content of these articles.

Which of the following databases is the most helpful in locating research sources that might be summarized for use in nursing practice?

CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Information System is the online version for CINAHL that was initiated in 1983 and has the most extensive listing of nursing sources.

Empirical literature

the knowledge derived from research. Knowledge is based on data from research (data-based).

What is the primary purpose for reviewing the literature in quantitative research?

Gain a broad understanding of the information available related to a problem The primary purpose for reviewing the literature is to gain a broad background or understanding of the information available related to a problem. Secondarily, researchers seek information that will guide them in developing the methodology of a study.

Grounded theory in qualitative study

Grounded theory researchers include a minimal review of relevant studies at the beginning of the research process. This review is merely a means of making the researcher aware of what studies have been conducted, but the information from these studies is not used to direct data collection or theory development for the current study. The researcher uses the literature primarily to explain, support, and extend the theory generated in the study.

Components to a research article

Introduction -Significance -Problem -Purpose, aim -Research questions/hypotheses -Literature review Methodology -Design -Procedures -Population/sample -Instruments Results Discussion -Highlights major findings, gaps -Limitations -Recommendations

Conference proceedings

Major professional organizations may publish papers selected by a review process that was presented at their conference. May include the findings of pilot studies and preliminary findings

Which U.S. government agency commissions syntheses of studies to determine the evidence base for clinical practice?

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) AHRQ is the only government agency listed, and this agency has the responsibility for commissioning syntheses of studies to develop an evidence base for practice.


To combine results of previously published quantitative studies into a single statistical analysis. High level of evidence per hierarchy

what is included?

Translation literature -Article - Periodical vs. Monograph (peer reviewed) -Theoretical vs. Empirical literature -Clinical practice guidelines, critical pathways, protocols etc. Evidence summaries -Systematic reviews, meta-analysis, integrative reviews etc. -Cochrane Database of Systematic -Reviews (Cochrane Library) Primary evidence -Data collected from direct patient contact (clinical trials, hospital data) Conference proceeding -Appropriate professional organization Thesis/dissertation Websites -limit to government agencies & professional organizations


a paper about a specific topic and may be published together with other articles on similar themes in journals (periodicals), encyclopedia, or edited books.


a report of a research project completed by a postgraduate student as part of the requirements for a masters degree.

Theoretical Literature

includes concepts analyses, models, theories, and conceptual frameworks that support a selected research problem and purpose.

Review of Literature

is the process of finding relevant research reports, critically appraising the studies, and synthesizing the study results.

The overall report

-Each part should be interconnected -It should provide sufficient information so the reader can make an informed judgment about the relevance to the clinical question.

When conducting a literature search, which electronic product would a nurse researcher use to track and store reference information? a. Cumulative Index of Nursing and Health Literature (CINAHL) b. EndNotes or Ref Works c. Google Scholar d. Science Direct

ANS: B EndNotes is reference management software that helps to track and store information on all search fields and allows the researcher to file this information with comments about each reference. CINAHL is an electronic database used to search literature. Google Scholar is an electronic search engine. Science Direct is an electronic search engine.

MULTIPLE RESPONSE 1. A nurse researcher understands that a search may identify thousands of references. In an effort to refine the search, which of the following are accurate statements? Select all that apply. a. Increasing the range of years you are searching is an effective strategy. b. Combining terms or searching for the terms only in the abstract will decrease the number of articles identified. c. It is not appropriate to limit the search to only full-text articles for undergraduate students. d. Narrowing a search tightly is an effective strategy to access more results. e. Some electronic databases allow you to limit the search to certain types of articles.

ANS: B, E Combining terms or searching for the terms only in the abstract will decrease the number of articles identified. Some electronic databases allow you to limit the search to certain types of articles, such as scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. One strategy is to decrease the range of years you are searching. It is appropriate to limit the search to only full-text articles for undergraduate students; graduate students should avoid limiting searches to full-text articles because doing so might result in missing sources that are needed

Why might Wikipedia be a questionable reference for a study citation? a. It does not contain factual information. b. It does not provide ideas for other resources. c. It is an online resource. d. It is an open, editable format.

ANS: D Wikipedia is an open, editable format; the information may not always be accurate because it is not peer reviewed and scientifically based. Wikipedia may contain factual information, but this is not reliable. Wikipedia may provide ideas for other resources. Wikipedia is an online resource, but that fact does not exclude it from being used.

Historical research in a qualitative study

Historical researchers conduct an initial literature review to select a research topic and to develop research questions. Then the investigator develops an inventory of sources, locates these sources, and examines them; thus the literature constitutes a major.

The review in Quantitative research

Major review At the beginning of a study Helps to direct planning & execution of study Limited review At the conclusion of study To isolate new studies published since last review

Replication Studies

studies that are reproduced or repeated to determine whether similar findings will be obtained. Replication studies are important to build the evidence for practice

Systematic Review

-Structured comprehensive synthesis of research to determine best research evidence to address a healthcare question -Rigorous synthesis by expert researchers

An initial step when preparing to conduct a literature review is to a. choose the types of sources to use. b. clarify the purpose of the review. c. determine how many articles to review. d. select electronic databases and keywords.

ANS: B Because the approach will vary according to the purpose of the review, the first step in conducting a literature review is to identify the purpose of the review. The types of sources and the number of articles to review depend on the purpose of the review. Once the purpose of the review is established and the author has an idea about the type and number of sources, the electronic databases and keywords are selected.

14. For a study to be considered current, it should be published within the last a. year. b. 2 years. c. 5 years. d. 10 years.

ANS: C Current sources are those published within 5 years before publication of the manuscript. All other statements are incorrect.

Which source of information is rarely cited in academic publications? a. Conference proceedings b. Dissertation or thesis c. Encyclopedia d. Textbooks

ANS: C Encyclopedias tend to provide background information and some information leading to other resources, but generally not scholarly or primary source information. Conference proceedings, dissertations or theses, and textbooks may all be cited.

4: A Well Written Review of Literature

Each reviewed source is relevant to the study or project Identifies research questions & hypotheses Consists mainly of primary sources Organized using a systematic approach Uses established critical appraisal criteria Provides a synthesis of the strengths & weaknesses of studies reviewed Summarizes each study or article succinctly Concludes with a summary statement & provides recommendations


Systematic compilation of qualitative study results to expand the understanding of a particular phenomena

Which type of study is least likely to include a review of the literature prior to initiating the study? a. Grounded theory b. Phenomenological c. Qualitative d. Quantitative

ANS: B Phenomenological researchers are most likely to delay literature review until after a study is completed to avoid bias. Grounded theory researchers may have a limited review of relevant studies to make the researcher aware of what studies have been conducted and that a research problem exists. Qualitative and quantitative research will involve literature reviews, although these may be less substantial in qualitative studies.

A review of empirical literature will yield information obtained from a. concept analyses. b. descriptions of models and frameworks. c. research studies. d. theories.

ANS: C Empirical literature refers to knowledge derived from research and is based on data from research. Theoretical literature includes concept analyses, models, theories, and conceptual framework

Academic Journal

Articles that include research reports and nonresearch articles related to a specific academic discipline and/or research methodology

Purpose of Literature review in published research reports are

1. Describing the current knowledge of a practice problem 2. identifying the gaps in this knowledge base 3. Explaining how the study being reported has contributed to building knowledge in this area

In a literature review, the author identifies themes present in articles under review and describes connections among these themes. This is an example of a. analysis. b. appraisal. c. synthesis. d. theorizing.

ANS: C Synthesis of sources involves thinking deeply about what has been found and identifying the main themes of the information. Analysis requires manipulation of what is found, literally making it the author's own. Appraisal involves identifying relevant content and determining the credibility or validity of the information. Theorizing is part of developing the research question.

The concluding sentence of each paragraph in a literature review a. describes relevant studies that support the theme of the paragraph. b. identifies the main themes of the paragraph. c. provides evidence to support the topic of the paragraph. d. transitions to the ideas expressed in the following paragraph.

ANS: D The concluding sentence in a paragraph in the literature review should transition to the ideas expressed in the following paragraph. The opening sentence identifies the main themes of the paragraph. The sentences between the opening sentence and the concluding sentence describe relevant studies and provide evidence to support the paragraph topic.

3a: Parts to Review

Author's credentials Citation information Purpose of the study Sample size and selection Study design Data collection procedures Data analysis Major findings Conclusion

Phenomenological research in a qualitative study

Phenomenology researchers compare and combine findings from the study with the literature to determine current knowledge of a phenomenon.

Steps of the Literature Review

Prepare to review the literature Conduct the search Process the literature Write the review

Quality of Sources

Primary source Secondary source Peer-reviewed Relevant Studies Current sources Seminal Studies Landmark studies Replication Studies Syntheses research studies


This is all written sources relevant to the topic that you have selected, including articles published in periodicals or journals, internet publications, monographs, encyclopedias, conference papers, theses, dissertations, textbooks, and other books

2a: Tools of Searching

Wildcard characters -Can extend a search to multiple words with the same root by adding the database's wildcard character to a truncated word Different databases / software packages use different wildcards, such as * or $ Example: nurs* would search for nurse, nurses, nursing Boolean operators: used to combine, restrict, or broaden searches AND: retrieves references in which two or more terms are present (e.g. obesity AND diabetes) OR: retrieves references containing any of 2+ terms separated by "OR" (e.g., obesity or diabetes) Quotation marks The use of quotation marks around a phrase can change the search results Example: a search for "high blood pressure" would yield overlapping but non-identical results to high blood pressure

Current sources

are those published within 5 years before publication of the manuscript

Relevant Studies

are those with a direct bearing on the problem of concern.


such as a journal is published overtime and is number sequentially for the years published

Research report

summarizes the major elements of a study and identifies the contributions of that study to nursing knowledge.


the act of quoting a source, paraphrasing content from a source, using it as an example, or presenting it as support for a position taken.

Writing the review of the literature

1. Develop an outline to organize the information from the review 2. Write each section of the review 3. Create the reference list

Which type of publication describes a journal that is published over time and is numbered sequentially for the years published? a. Periodical b. Article c. Encyclopedia d. Monograph

ANS: A A periodical such as a journal is published over time and is numbered sequentially for the years published. This sequential numbering is seen in the year, volume, issue, and page numbering of a journal. An article is a paper about a specific topic and may be published together with other articles on similar themes in journals, encyclopedias, or edited books. An encyclopedia is an authoritative compilation of information on alphabetized topics that may provide background information and lead to other sources, but is rarely cited in academic papers and publications. A monograph, such as a book on a specific subject, a record of conference proceedings, or a pamphlet, usually is a one-time publication.

What is the main purpose of a literature review in grounded theory research? a. To explain, extend, and support the framework used for the study b. To identify gaps in current knowledge about the research topic c. To place research findings in context of what is already known d. To support the need to study the selected research topic

ANS: A In grounded theory research, the researcher uses the literature review primarily to explain, support, and extend the framework used in the study, and not to direct data collection or study methods. It is usually completed at the end of the analysis rather than before the proposal development. The literature review in quantitative studies is designed to identify gaps in knowledge. Phenomenological literature reviews are conducted to place research findings in the context of what is already known. Because the literature review for grounded theory research is generally conducted at the end of the analysis, it is not used to support the need for studying the topic, but to summarize what is known.

Which is most important in a critical appraisal of a body of literature? a. Counting the available resources to determine whether more information is necessary b. Examining the quality and content of the resources to determine the credibility and validity of each c. Reviewing the reference lists in each study to find other relevant studies and landmark studies d. Searching the literature thoroughly using appropriate keywords to ensure that all relevant literature is included

ANS: B Critiquing the literature review of a published study involves examining the quality of the content and sources presented. This is more important than achieving an accurate count of available resources. The literature search is important and must be thorough, but the critical appraisal depends on an evaluation of the quality and not the quantity of the available resources. Reviewing the reference lists may be useful for determining whether other relevant studies exist, but it is not the most important aspect of a critical appraisal, which is an evaluation of the quality of studies available. Searching the literature thoroughly using appropriate keywords to ensure that all relevant literature is included may be useful for determining whether other relevant studies exist, but it is not the most important aspect of a critical appraisal, which is an evaluation of the quality of studies available.

Which type of information would the reader be least interested in obtaining from a literature review? a. How the variables of interest have been operationally defined in prior studies. b. Narration of an author's impression of a given situation c. Research results d. What research approaches have been used to study similar problems.

ANS: B The type of information that the reader would be least interested in obtaining from a literature review is the narration of an author's impression of a given situation. A high-quality review of literature contains the current theoretical and scientific knowledge about a specific topic, and identifies what is known and unknown about that topic. A review of literature is the process of finding relevant research reports and theoretical sources, critically appraising these sources, synthesizing the results, and developing an accurate complete reference list.

An author uses an electronic source in portable document format (PDF). Which is true about citing this source in a literature review? a. It is necessary to provide the URL used to retrieve the article electronically. b. It is not treated differently than a print version of the article. c. The original print article must be located. d. The page numbers will not be available for citation.

ANS: B When retrieving a PDF document, the source is cited as if a copy of the print version of the article had been used. Providing the URL for such an article is not helpful in this case. It is not necessary to locate the original print article when a PDF article is used. A PDF article is the same as a print article and will have page numbers for citation.

Purpose of a review in quantitative research (sums up page 151)

Identification of a research problem Generates new research questions or hypotheses Clarifies and provides evidence of the importance of a problem Identifies what is known Identifies gaps or inconsistencies in knowledge Provides examples New or better practice interventions, protocols, or policies Identifies theoretical frameworks and conceptual models Identifies experts in the field Identifies research design and methodologies Provides a context for analysis Identifies possible research instruments

1b: Identify Keywords

-Identify concepts from the research question to focus the search -Determine synonyms for identified concepts (keywords/search terms) -Keywords do not always have to be the same as the subject heading in the database because most search programs have mapping capabilities For quantitative studies -Keywords are typically the independent and dependent variables and often the population For qualitative studies -Keywords are the central phenomenon of interest and the population

3: Processing the Literature

1. Read each full-text article -Use analytical skills as basis for evaluation -Determine if the study supports the question identified 2. Appraise, Analyze, & Synthesize 3. Develop a Literature Summary Table

2: Conducting the Literature review

1. Search the selected databases -Be sure to search within different disciplines -Search beyond single research studies -Systematic reviews or clinical practice guidelines for example 2. Organize the search or document the results of the search - table 3. Refine your search as needed 4. Review abstracts to identify relevant results -Do the variables in the study match your PICOT question? -Are the settings similar? 5. Obtain full-text copies of relevant articles 6. Ensure the information needed to cite the source is recorded.

Some studies cited in a literature review may be decades old. The researcher may decide to use studies from this far back because these studies a. are groundbreaking or landmark studies. b. are particularly well-written studies. c. are peer-reviewed, relevant studies. d. are still considered current studies

ANS: A Studies that are groundbreaking or landmark studies are those that were significant to the development of knowledge on the topic being reviewed. In this case, it is appropriate to cite these studies, even if they are very old. Well-written, peer-reviewed studies that are not current are generally not used in a literature review. Studies that are decades old, however well-written and relevant, are not current studies, but are used for historical or seminal context.

When citing sources in a literature review, it is best if the author a. paraphrases other authors' ideas. b. points out any defects in other authors' work. c. synthesizes the work of a group of authors. d. uses direct quotations as much as possible.

ANS: A When citing the work of other authors, the author of a literature review should paraphrase their words whenever possible—clearly, and in the reviewer's own words. It is important, in an analysis of the literature, to identify defects in other authors' works, but this should be done with respect and without being highly critical. Synthesis of others' work is an important part of the literature review as well and involves paraphrasing and analysis. Direct quotations should be avoided unless the author states something in a unique way.

Once relevant studies have been identified, the researcher's next step is to a. determine the expertise of each study's authors. b. obtain full-text copies of each of these articles. c. review the study design and methodology of each article. d. write the literature review based on abstract information.

ANS: B Although the abstract information helps to determine a study's relevance, it is essential to read the full-text article to conduct a literature review. Once relevant studies are found, the researcher must obtain either electronic or print full-text articles. During the literature review, the researcher will examine the authors' expertise and will review the study design and methodology. The literature review cannot be written based on abstract information only

A nurse appraising a research article should perform which action to critically evaluate the literature review? a. Locate and review sources and abstracts listed in the research article. b. Note the number of data-based and theoretical sources cited in the reference list. c. Perform a meta-analysis or meta-synthesis on the cited references. d. Search the literature to determine whether other relevant sources exist.

ANS: B Because it would be very time consuming to search the literature and determine whether the listed sources are relevant, the reviewer should review the reference list and determine the focus of the sources, the number of data-based and theoretical sources cited, and where and when the sources were published. Locating and reviewing all abstracts would be too time consuming and may not be possible. Meta-analysis and meta-synthesis are not done when critically appraising a literature review. These techniques are used to perform an in-depth analysis of studies already cited in the literature. It is not necessary at this point to search the literature to determine other relevant sources

A reviewer reading a proposal for a qualitative research study notes that the author has not included a literature review. The reviewer understands that a literature review may have been omitted in this case because a. it is not necessary to conduct a literature review for qualitative research. b. qualitative research is conducted to study areas where there is no previous knowledge. c. some researchers feel that previous studies may bias data collection in qualitative studies. d. the researcher was not adequately prepared to conduct this research study.

ANS: C Many times, literature reviews are omitted from qualitative research to avoid causing expectations that might bias findings, data collection, and data analysis. A literature review can be helpful in qualitative research and should be performed if possible. This is true of some but not all qualitative methods (e.g., grounded theory); however, it is not true of all qualitative designs. At times, there is little or no previous research on the topic, but not always. Omission of a literature review in qualitative research does not indicate that the researcher is ill-prepared.

A researcher conducts a study using dependent and independent variables used in a previous study but uses a different population of subjects. What type of study is this? a. Landmark b. Pilot c. Replication d. Seminal

ANS: C A replication study is a reproduction or repetition of a study that a researcher conducts to determine whether the findings of the original study can be consistently found in different settings with different subjects. A landmark study is one that generates knowledge that influences a discipline and sometimes society. Landmark studies are often replicated. A pilot study is a study using a small sample size to develop the study methods and tools and is later replicated on a larger scale. A seminal study is the first study on a particular topic that signals a new way of thinking about the topic. These studies are often replicated.

One reason for conducting a review of the literature other than for purposes of developing a research study is to a. determine the expertise of researchers in the field of study. b. identify current theoretical frameworks. c. implement evidence-based practice guidelines. d. work in a Magnet-certified hospital setting

ANS: C Although a literature reviews are commonly associated with development of research studies, they are also conducted when developing projects to establish evidence-based practice (EBP). Evaluation of the expertise of researchers and identification of theoretical frameworks are part of literature reviews but are not the reason for conducting them. Nurses in Magnet hospitals often participate in EBP projects and will conduct literature reviews for these, but not solely to be able to work in these institutions

When developing the outline for a literature review, the nurse researcher's first step is to a. describe the focus or purpose of the review in the discussion section. b. include a statement about what is known in the literature. c. make notes about which sources to site in each section. d. use a standardized format to outline subsections in the discussion section.

ANS: C An initial outline is the first step in writing the literature review and begins with determining the major sections for the paper and identifying the sources that will be used in each one. The introduction section includes the focus or purpose of the literature review. The conclusion contains the statement about what is known in the literature. The discussion section format will vary based on the topic.

Which database describes biomedical journals relevant to healthcare professionals deemed reputable by the National Library of Medicine and includes abstracts with links to some full-text sources? a. PubMed b. CINAHL c. MEDLINE d. Academic Search Complete

ANS: C MEDLINE database describes biomedical journals relevant to healthcare professionals deemed reputable by the National Library of Medicine and includes abstracts with links to some full-text sources. PubMed database content includes free access to MEDLINE available to patients and other consumers. CINAHL is the database content that includes nursing and allied health journals that publish clinical, theoretical, and research articles, including many full-text articles. Academic Search Complete includes multidisciplinary databases, including articles from many disciplines

A researcher performs a critical appraisal of a group of studies measuring the effects of a home care education program on confidence levels of caregivers of older family members. The critical appraisal will include a. determining the theoretical frameworks used for defining confidence. b. identifying sampling and inclusion criteria used in the studies. c. making value judgments about the credibility and validity of concepts. d. recording quotations relevant to the concept of confidence.

ANS: C To critically appraise an article, relevant content is identified and value judgments are made about the validity and credibility of key concepts. While identifying theoretical frameworks, identifying sampling techniques and inclusion criteria, and recording pertinent quotations are important, they are not part of the critical appraisal of studies

A step just prior to beginning a literature search using an electronic database is to a. decide how many articles are needed. b. determine the type of study. c. identify keywords for the search. d. perform a Google search.

ANS: C To narrow the number of articles in a search and refine the search to more relevant articles, identifying keywords is necessary. The number of articles needed for a literature review depends on the content of the articles and will not be known ahead of time. The study type is not typically determined just prior to an electronic search. A Google search may or may not be helpful for leading a researcher to other articles, but it is not a scientific database

What is the purpose of a limited research review? a. To allow the reader to become familiar with the research problem b. To develop an initial pilot study prior to a more in-depth study c. To direct the planning and execution of a study d. To identify studies published after a study is performed

ANS: D A limited research review is often conducted after an initial literature review to describe any studies performed after the study has been performed. The results of both the original literature review and the limited literature review are included in the report. A full literature review allows the reader to become familiar with the research problem and is performed prior to a pilot or a full study. The full literature review directs the planning and execution of the study.

What is an important limitation of secondary sources in literature reviews? a. The authors do not have high levels of expertise. b. They are usually not peer-reviewed sources. c. They do not contain unique or original information. d. They may contain misinterpreted information.

ANS: D A secondary source summarizes or quotes content from primary sources. Because authors of secondary sources paraphrase the works of researchers and theorists and interpret what the primary author wrote, this information may be misinterpreted. Authors of secondary sources have similar levels of expertise as those of primary sources. Secondary sources may contain original information as authors synthesize and analyze findings from primary sources. Secondary sources are usually peer reviewed.

To analyze a body of literature in a literature review, the reviewer will a. describe the findings of each study in the literature review. b. list the studies and itemize the findings of each one. c. make value judgments about the credibility of each study. d. synthesize and summarize findings from various studies.

ANS: D Analysis requires synthesis and summarization of findings of the studies listed and an ability to manipulate the information by the reviewer. It is not enough to merely describe the findings or to list the information in each one. Making value judgments is part of the appraisal process.

Which is true about quality of sources when critically appraising a literature review? a. A secondary source is written by the person who originated or is responsible for generating the ideas published. b. Authors of primary sources paraphrase the works of researchers and theorists and present their interpretations of what was written by the secondary author. c. A primary source summarizes or quotes content from secondary sources. d. Secondary sources are used only if primary sources cannot be located.

ANS: D Secondary sources are used only if primary sources cannot be located, or the secondary source provides creative ideas or a unique organization of information not found in a primary source. A primary source is written by the person who originated or is responsible for generating the ideas published. Authors of secondary sources paraphrase the works of researchers and theorists and present their interpretations of what was written by the primary author. A secondary source summarizes or quotes content from primary sou

A nurse researcher reviews several articles about coping skills among parents of children with chronic illness and notes that half of the studies involved single-parent families. The researcher decides to examine whether coping skills differ in single-parent versus dual-parent households. The researcher is engaging in a. analyzing. b. appraising. c. evaluating. d. synthesizing.

ANS: D Synthesis of sources involves thinking deeply about what has been found and identifying the main themes of the information. In this case, the reviewer has discovered a variable that may affect the outcome of the studies. Analysis requires manipulation of what is found, literally making it the author's own. Appraisal involves identifying relevant content and determining the credibility or validity of the information. Evaluation involves reviewing the literature content and determining its relevance to the topic.

When appraising a literature review, one aspect of determining the breadth of the review is a. whether the review provides direction for the proposed study. b. the number and percentages of sources from the past 5 to 10 years c. whether landmark or seminal studies have been used. d. the disciplines of the study authors and journals cited in the review.

ANS: D When assessing the breadth of a literature review, the reviewer should identify the disciplines of the authors cited and the journals in which they published their studies. An assessment of whether the literature review provides direction for the study does not specifically evaluate the breadth of the literature review. The currency of the literature review is evaluated by noting the number of sources more than 5 to 10 years old as well as whether landmark or seminal studies are cited.

3b: Critical Appraisal Criteria

Are all relevant concepts & variables included? Is the search organized & include appropriate databases? Is theoretical & research literature included? Consists of mainly primary sources? Are gaps & inconsistencies uncovered & discussed? Do the review build on earlier studies? Does the summary of each source include essential components? Does the synthesis follow a logical sequence? Is it presented in an organized format? Does the review follow the proposed purpose of the study? Does the review generate new questions or answer hypotheses

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