Chapter 6: LTM

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Which of the following is an example of a semantic memory?

I remember the big island of Hawaii has many active volcanoes

What is the loss of episodic details for memories over long periods of time?

Semanticization of remote memories

Which of the following is an example of a personal semantic memory?

The seats in the middle back are your favorite seats in this theater

Levine and coworkers conducted brain imaging studies using the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and audiotape recordings to examine the location of semantic and episodic memories in the brain. Which of the following BEST describes their results?

There is some overlap between semantic and episodic memories but there are also major differences.

Which of the following is MOST closely associated with implicit memory?

the propaganda effect

What difference sets episodic memory apart from semantic memory?

the type of information remembered

Researchers understood that KF had experienced a decline in short-term memory capacity because he had a digit span of


Explicit memory is to aware, as implicit memory is to


An example of a semantic memory is

your address

Your text describes an "Italian woman" who, after an attack of encephalitis, had difficulty remembering people or facts she knew before. She could, however, remember her life events and daily tasks. Her memory behavior reflects intact

episodic memory but defective semantic memory

As people get older, their memories of past experiences tend to have an emphasis on


The coding of a stimulus into memory refers to which of the following?


Semantic coding is to meaning as auditory coding is to

form of sound

Which of the following memories are those that we are not aware of?


Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate with regard to autobiographical memories?

Autobiographical memories can involve both episodic and semantic content.

Why is classical conditioning considered a form of implicit memory?

Because it involves learning an association without being aware of the reasons behind it.

Which of the following BEST describes the difference between explicit memory and implicit memory?

Explicit memory are the memories we are aware of, and implicit memories are the memories we are not aware of.

Which of the following is an example of how episodic and semantic memory work together to help people remember?

When a person remembers who attended the work party at the art museum and seeing their favorite painting

Lamar has just gotten a new job and is attending a company party where he is escorted by his boss and introduced to small groups. As he is introduced to people in groups 1, 2, and 3, he is told only their first names. At the fourth group, Lamar is told their names and that one of them is the company accountant. Later, Lamar realizes that he only remembers the names of the people in the first group and the profession of the last person he met (the accountant). Lamar's experience demonstrates

a build-up and release of proactive interference

Ming is taking a memory test. She is more likely to recall the name of a popular singer if she had

attended the singer's concert last year with her boyfriend

From a cognitive psychology perspective, memories from specific experiences in our life are defined as being


Memories for specific experiences that contain both episodic and semantic information are

autobiographical memories

Murdoch's "remembering a list" experiment described the serial position curve and found that memory is best for

both the first and last words of a list

Kai looks around the classroom on the first day of class and notices a person that seems familiar but cannot remember who they are. Kai does remember that their interaction was positive even though Kai is not sure of how they know each other. This is an example of

classical conditioning

Which of the following states that episodic memories are recalled and recombined to create simulations of future events?

constructive episodic simulation hypothesis

Regarding free recall of a list of items, which of the following will MOST likely cause the recency effect to disappear by preventing rehearsal?

counting backward for 30 seconds before recall

Which form of memory did Tulving refer to as mental time travel?

episodic memory

The primacy effect (from the serial position curve experiment) is associated with

long-term memory

While talking to Oscar about their favorite movie, Camden is not only able to remember the name of the actor who played the leading role but also the last time they watched the movie together. Camden's ability to remember events from the past and background information about the movie is related to

long-term memory

One of the defining characteristics of implicit memory is that

people are not conscious they are using it

According to the serial position curve, you are more likely to remember information presented at the start of a sequence than for information presented later. This is due to the

primacy effect

What occurs when the presentation of a stimulus affects a person's response to the same or related stimulus in the future?


Dr. Granito is working with patients that have suffered a brain injury that impairs their ability to create new long-term memories. Dr. Granito has found that while the patients do not remember learning a new skill, they are still able to perform these new skills. What type of memory allows for this to occur?

procedural memory

The two patients KC and LP provide an example for the double dissociation for semantic and episodic memory. Their symptoms from the damage to the brain support which of the following?

That information for semantic and episodic memories involves different areas within the brain.

Which of the following is MOST likely to have expert-induced amnesia?

The Olympic gymnast who completed a flawless floor routine at a competition and does not remember the details when asked later about the routine during the competition

Lucille is teaching Kendra how to play racquetball. She explains how to hold the racquet, how to stand, and how to make effective shots. These learned skills that Lucille has acquired are an example of

procedural memory

Which of the following are the different types of implicit memory?

procedural memory, priming, and conditioning

Believing that a particular statement is true simply because you have seen the statement in previous instances is known as the

propaganda effect

The primacy effect is attributed to

recall of information stored in long-term memory

Which type of memory is related to the identification of a stimulus that was encountered earlier, where a person only needs to identify the stimulus not reproduce it?

recognition memory

Semantic memory is to knowing as episodic memory is to


A patient with impaired episodic memory would most likely have the greatest difficulty in

remembering graduating from college

Reliving is to episodic memory as knowing is to

semantic memory

Which of the following is an example of an explicit memory?

semantic memory

Your book discusses the memory functioning of patient H.M. who underwent brain surgery to relieve severe epileptic seizures. H.M.'s case has been extremely informative to psychologists by demonstrating that

short-term memory can operate normally while long-term memory is impaired.

The propaganda effect demonstrates that we evaluate familiar statements as being true

simply because we have been exposed to them before

Procedural memories are also known as

skill memories

Malique's ability to remember her childhood home and draw a picture of the outside is related to her long-term memory and

visual coding

Which of the following correctly lists types of memory from least to most complex?

visual, semantic, episodic

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