chapter 6- nutrition

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True or false: Amino acids serve as a source of nitrogen for the human body.


What is the best way to obtain all of the essential amino acids?

whole foods

Anemia, nerve damage, and mental dysfunction are all associated with a vitamin ______ deficiency.


Which statements are true about nuts and seeds?

They are a dense source of calories. Some, such as chia and pumpkin seeds, are also a good source of amino acids. They should be consumed in moderation.

Which of the following are true about complete protein sources?

They supply all nine essential amino acids. Most foods of animal origin are sources of complete protein.

Which of the following are good sources of iron in a vegan diet

Whole grains Legumes Nuts

Typical protein intake among Americans is ______ the RDA.

greater than

Inadequate intake of essential amino acids may lead to

impaired growth. muscle wasting. slow production of body proteins.

An acute illness might cause ______ protein balance because the person would not be consuming adequate amounts of protein.


Which type of amino acid can be synthesized by the human body?

nonessential (dispensable) amino acids

Although they are a dense source of calories, ______ provide many health benefits.


__ is a major stomach enzyme used for digesting proteins.


Reasons people choose to become vegetarians include _____.

religion ethics health economics

How do proteins contribute to acid-base balance of the blood?

serve as buffers that resist changes in pH pump ions into and out of cells

Pepsin can break a polypeptide chain into ______.

shorter chains of amino acids

legumes contain a __

single row of seeds

Which macronutrient is crucial to the regulation and maintenance of the body?


______ help regulate the acid-base balance in the blood.


The amino acid patterns in plant proteins are ______ from human proteins.

quite different

Of the 20 different amino acids the body uses to function, __ are considered nonessential


How many pounds equate to 1 kilogram?


the typical diet provides about __ percent of protein as essential amino acids, when only 11 percent is required.


Gabriel weighs 70 kilograms. Calculate his recommended daily intake for protein.

56 grams

What are some vegetarian foods that supply the body with vitamin B-12?

Breakfast cereals Fortified soy milk

Which of the following is a form of protein-calorie malnutrition named for the Ghanaian word that means the disease that the first child gets when the new child comes?


What are some health problems associated with a vitamin B-12 deficiency?

Nerve damage Anemia Mental dysfunction

Which of the following are true statements about the functions of protein?

Protein is necessary for fluid balance. Proteins provide structure for bones. Protein supports immune function.

Complementary proteins are two incomplete sources of protein that together provide __

all nine essential amino acids

In extreme starvation, _____ from muscle tissue start to be converted to glucose, which wastes muscle and produces edema.

amino acids

proteins are made up of one or more long chains of __

amino acids

Which type of protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids?


Almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, and pecans

are classified as nuts. grow on trees. are good sources of plant protein.

Eating patterns that include a high intake of animal sources of protein ______ recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans or the American Heart Association.

are not

Which of the following foods contain vitamin B-12?

beef eggs and dairy chicken

which of the following elements can be found in amino acids?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

______ involves a buildup of excess fluid in tissues.


Lower-quality (incomplete) proteins are dietary proteins that are low in, or lack, one or more __ amino acid


there are __ amino acids that cannot be produced by the body and must be consumed as part of our diet.


Which of the following cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts and must be included in the diet?

essential amino acids

Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are examples of __

essential amino acids. branched-chain amino acids.

True or false: A diet high in animal protein can reduce a person's chance of developing cardiovascular disease.


True or false: Amino acids are formed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen.


True or false: Lentils (a type of legume) supply ample amounts of all nine essential amino acids.


True or false: Nuts are high in fat, so they should not be included in a heart-healthy dietary pattern.


True or false: There is very little risk involved in taking amino acids as supplements.


In most circumstances, in what form are proteins absorbed from the GI tract into the bloodstream?

individual amino acids

It is uncommon for intact proteins to be absorbed from the digestive tract, except during


Which of the following are examples of branched-chain amino acids?

isoleucine, leucine, and valine

Protein deficiency is rarely an isolated condition and usually accompanies

lack of nutrients. calorie deficiency.

Whether due to diet or other lifestyle factors (e.g., physical activity, not smoking), populations that follow plant-based dietary patterns tend to have Blank_______ lives than omnivores.


The RDA for protein of 0.8 grams/kilogram of body weight is designed to ______.

maintain protein equilibrium in adults

Which type of protein-calorie malnutrition leads to severe muscle wasting and a "skin and bones" appearance?


A ______ protein balance occurs when protein intake exceeds daily protein losses.


Clotting blood, maintaining fluid balance, producing hormones and enzymes, and transporting substances in the bloodstream are all functions of __


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