Chapter 6 - Project Time Management

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6.2.3 Define Activities: Outputs

.1 Activity List A comprehensive list that includes all schedule activities required on the project. The activity list also includes the activity identifier and a scope of work description for each activity in sufficient detail to ensure the project team members understand what work is reuquired to be completed. .2 Activity Attributes Distinct from milestones, have durations, during which the work of that activity is performed, and may have resources and costs associated with that work. Activity attributes extend the description of the activities by identifying the multiple components associated with each activity. The component for each activity evolve over item. .3 Milestone List A significant point or event in project. A milestone lise is a list identifying all project milestones and indicates whether the milestone is mandatory, such as those rquired by contract or optional based upon historical informaiton. Have zero duration as they represent a point in time. p.153

6.5.3 Estimate Activity Durations: Ouput

.1 Activity Duration Estimates Are quantitative assessments of the likely number of time periods that are required to complete an activity. Do not include in lags. May include some indication of the range of possible results. .2 Project Documents Updates IBLT - Activity Attributes and - Assumptions made in developing the activity duration estimate, such as skill levels and availability, as well as a basis of estimates for durations.

6.4.3 Estimate Activity Resources: Outputs

.1 Activity Resource Requirements Identify the types and quantities of resources required for each activity in a work package. These requirements then can be aggregated to determine the estimated resources for each work package and each work period. .2 Resource Breakdown Structure A hierarchical representation of resource by category and type. May include the skill level, grade level, or other information as appropriate to the project. Useful for organizing and reporting project schedule data with resource utilization information. .3 Project Documents Updates IBLT Activity list, Activity attributes and resource calendars. p. 165

6.2.2 Define Activities: Tools and Techniques

.1 Decomposition A technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts. Activities represent the effort needed to complete a work package. The Define Activities process defines the final outputs as activities rather than deliverables, as done in the Create WBS process. (section 5.4) The activity list, WBS and WBS dictionanary can be developed sequentially or concurrently, with the WBS and WBS dictionary as the basis for development of the final activity list. .2 Rolling Wave Planning An interative planning technique in which to be accomplished in near term is planned in detail, while the work of the future is planned at a higher level. It is a form of progressive elaboratation. .3 Expert Judgement

6.4.2 Estimate Activity Resources: Tools and Techniques

.1 Expert Judgement .2 Alternative Analysis for example make by analysis, a different type of tool, etc .3 Published Estimating Data .4 Bottom-up Estimating A method of estimating project duration or cost by aggregating the estimates of the lower-level components of the WBS. When an activity cannot be estimated with a reasonble degree of confidence, the work within the activity is decomposed into more detail. The resource needs to be estimated. These estimates are then aggregated into at totoal quantity for each of the activity's resoures. Activities may or may not have dependencies between them that can affect teh application and use of resources. If there are dependcies, this pattern of resource usage is reflected and documented in the estimated requirements of the activity. .5 Project Management Software

6.1.2 Plan Schedule Management: Tools and Techniques

.1 Expert Judgement Can also suggest whether to combine methods and how to reconcile differences between them. .2 Analytical Techniques May involve choosing strategic options to estimate and schedule the projecut such as: scheduling methodology, scheduling tools and techniques, estimating approaches, formats and PM software. Org policies and procedures may influence which scheduling techniques are employed in these decisions. May IBNLT: Rolling wave planning, leads and tags, alternative analysis an methods for reviewing schedule performance. .3 Meetings

6.5.2 Estimate Activity Durations: Tools and Techniques

.1 Expert Judgement Guided by historical information can provide duration estimate information or recommended maximum activity durations from prior similar projects. Can also be used to determine whether to combine methods of estimating and how to reconcile the differences between them. .2 Analogous Estimating A technique used for estimating the duration of cos of an activity or project using historical data from a similar activity or project. Uses parameters from a previous, similar project, such as duration, budget, size, weight and complexity, as the basis for estimating the same parameter or measure for a future project. This technique relies on actual duration of previous, similar projects, similar projects as the bases for estimating the project. Is generally less costly and less time consuming than other techniques, but also less accurate. Most reliable when similar activities are similar in fact and not just in appearance. p.169 .3 Parametric Estimating An estimating technique in which an algorithm is used to calculate cost or duration based on historical data and project parameters. Uses statistical relatiohnship between historical data and other variable to calculate an estimate for activity parameters. Activity durations can be quantitatively determined by multiplying the quantity of work to be performed by labor hours per unit of work. This technique can produce higher levels of accuracy depending upon the sophistication and underlying data built into the model. Can be applied to a total project or segments in conjunction with other estimating methods. .4 Three-Point Estimating The accuracy of single-point activity duration estimates may be improved by considering estimation uncertainty and risk. Orginated from PERT: Uses three estimates to define an approximate range for an activity's duration: - Most Likely (tM) - based on duration of the activity, given resources likely to be assigned, their productivity, realistic expectations of availability for the activity, dependencies on other participants, and interruptions. - Optimisitic (tO). Based on analysis of the best-case scenario for the activity. - Pessimisitic (tP) Based on analysis of the worst-case scenario for the activity. Expectation tE, can be calculated using a formula depending on the assumed distribution values within the range of the 3 estimates the expected duration. - Triangular Distribution. tE=(tO+tM+tP)/3 - Beta Distribution (from the traditional PERT technique). tE = (tO+4tM+tP)/6 Duration estimates based on three points with an assumed distribution provide an expected duration and clarify the range of uncertainty around the expected duration. .5 Group Decision-Making Techniques An assessment having multiple alterntiaves with an expected outcome in the form of future actions. These techniques are useful for engaging time members to improve estimates accuracy and commitment to the emerging estimates. .6 Reserve Analysis Duration estimates may include contingency reserves aka reserves are the estimated duration within a schedule to account for schedule uncertainty. Contingency reserves are the estimated duration within the schedule baseline, which is allocated for identified risks that are accepted and for which contingent or mitigation responses are developed. Contingency reserves are associated with the "known-unknowns" which may be estimated to account for this unknown amount of rework. May be a percentage of estimated avtivity, fixed # of work periods,or may be developed using quantitative analysis methods such as the Monte Carol Simulation. May be reserves separated from the individual activities and aggregated buffers. Estimates may be produces for the amount of management reserve for the project. Management reserves are intended to address the "Unknown-unknowns" that can affect a project. Management reserve is not included in in the schedule baseline, but is part of the overall project duration requirements.

6.7.2 Control Schedule Tools and Techniques.

.1 Performance Reviews Measures, compare, and analyze schedule performance such start and finish dates, percent complete and remaining duration for work in progress. Various techniques: - Trend Analysis - valuable for understanding performance to date and for comparison to future performance goals in the form of completion dates. - Critical path method - The variance on the crtitical path will have direct impact on the project end date. Evaluating the progress of activities on near critical paths can identify schedule risk. - Critical Chain Method - Comparing the amount of buffer remaining to the amount of buffer needed to protect the delivery date can help determin schedule status. The differene between the buffer needed and the buffer can determine schedule status. The difference between the buffer needed and the buffer remaining can determine whether corrective action is appropriate. - Earned Value Management - Schedule performance measurements such as schedule variance (SV) and schedule performance index (SPI), are used to assess the magnitued of variation to the original schedule baseline.+ .2 Project Management Software Provides the ability to track planned dates versus actual dates, to report variances to and progress made against the schedule baseline,. .3 Resource Optimization Techniques ADIS Involves the scheduling of activities and the resources required by those activities while taking into consideration both the resource availablity and the project time. .4 Modeling Techniques .5 Leads and Lags Adjustig leads and lags is applied during network to find ways to bring project activities that are behind into alighment with plan. .6 Schedule Compression ADIS .7 Scheduling Tool Is updated and compiled into the schedule model to reflect actual progress of the project and remaining work to be completed. Scheduling tool ADIS and the supporting scheudle date are use din conjunction with manual methods or other project management software to perform schedule network analysis to generate an updated project schedule

6.3.2 Sequence Activities: Tools and Techniques

.1 Precedence Diagramming Method Used for constructing a schedule model in which activities are represented by nodes and are graphically linked by one or more relatonships to show the sequence in which the activities are to be performed. Activity-on-node (AON) is one method of representing a precedence diagram. PDM includes 4 types of dependncies or logical relationships A predecessor activity is in activity that logically comes after another activity in the schedule: Finish to Start (FS), Finish to Finish (FF), Start to Start (SS) and Start to Finish (SF). FS most commonly used SF rarely used. .2 Dependency Determination Characterized by the following attributes: Mandatory or discretionariy, Internal or external discrepencies, mandatory internal discrepencies, discretionary exteranl dependencies, or discrsionary intrnal discrepencies. - Mandatory Dependencies legally or contractually required or inherent in the nature of the work. -Discretionary Dependncies Preferred logic, preferential logic, or soft logic. Are established based on knowlege of best practices withing a particular application are or some unusual aspect of the project where a specific sequence is desired, even though there may be other acceptable sequences. -External dependencies Involve a relationship between project activities and non-project actvities. Usually outside the project team's control. -Internal Dependencies Involve a precedence relationship between project activities and are generally inside the project team's control. .3 Leads and Lags The amount of time whereby a successor activity can be advanced with respect to a predecessor activity. Lag is the amount of time whereby a successor activity will be delyaed with respect to a precessor activity.

6.1.1 Plan Schedule Management: Inputs

.1 Project Management Plan AD Contains informatin used to develop the schedule management plan IBLT: - Scope baseline -Other information such as scheduling related cost, risk and communications decisions from the PM plan .2 Project Charter AD Defines the summary milestone schedule and project approval requirements that will influence the management of the project schedule. .3 Enterprise Environmental Factors AD 2.1.5 Environmental factors that influence the Plan Schedule Management process IBLT: -Org culture and structure -Resource availability and skills -PM software provides the scheduling tool and alternative possiblilities for managing the schedule -Published commercial information -Organizational work auhtorization systems. .4 Organizational Process Assets AD 2.1.4 IBLT: -Monitoring and reporting tools to be used; -Historical information -Schedule control tools -Existing formal and informal schedule control related policies, procedure and guidelines; -Templates -Project closure guidelines -change control procuedures; and -Risk control procedures including risk categories, probability and impact definitions and probability and and impact matrix.

6.7.1 Control Schedule: Inputs

.1 Project Management Plan ADIS contains the schedule mamangement plan and the schedule baseline. Schedule management lan describes how the schedule will be managed and controlled. Te schedule baseline is used as a reference to compare with actual results to determine if a change, corrective action or prefentive action is necessary. .2 Project Schedule ADIS refers to the most recent version with notations to idcate updates, completed activities, and started activities as of the indicated data date. .3 Work Performance Data ADIS Refers to information about pojrect progress such as which activities have started, their progrss and what activities have finished. .4 Project Calendars .5 Schedule data .6 Organizational Process Assets IBLT: - Existing formal and informal schedule control-related policies, procedures and guidelines; - Schedule control tools; and - Monitoring and reproting methods to be used. p. 188

6.3.3 Sequence Activities: Outputs

.1 Project Schedule Network Diagrams A project schedule network diagram is a graphical represntation of the logical relationships, also referred to a dependincies, among the project shcedule activities. .2 Project Documents Updates IBLT: Activity Lists, Activity Attributes, Milestone list and Risk Register p. 159

6.6.3 Develop Schedule: Outputs

.1 Schedule Baseline The approved version of a schedule model that can be changed only through formal change control procedures and is used as a basis for comaprison to actual results. .2 Project Schedule Schedule presentations. Is an output of a schedule model that presents linked activites with planned dates, durations, milesonte and resources. Graphically represented as: - Bar charts/Gantt Charts - Milestone charts - same as bar charts, but only identify the scheduled start or completion of major variables. - Project schedule network diagrams Commonly represented in the activity-on-node diagram format showing activities and relationships without a time scale, sometimes referred to a s pure logic diagram or presented in a time-scaled schedule network diagram format sometimes called a logic bar chart. .3 Schedule Data The collection of information for describing and controlling the schedule. Includes at least the schedule milestones, schedule activities, activity attributes, and documentation of all identified assumptions and constraints. Can also sow cash flow projections and delivery schedules. IBLT: - Resource requirements by time period often in a form of a histogram. - Alternative schedules, such as best-case and worst-case, nto resource-leveled or resource-leveled, with or without imposed dates; and -Scheduling of contingency reserves. .4 Project Calendars Identifies working days and shifts available for scheduled activities. It distinguishes time periods in days or parts of days that are avaialable to comptle scheuduled activiites from time periods that are not available. .5 Project Management Plan Updates Elements IBLT - Schedule baseline - Schedule Management plan .6 Project Document Updates IBLT - Activity Resource Requirements - Resource leveling can have a significant effect on preliminary estimates for the types and quantities of resources required. - Activity Attributes - Calendars - Risk Register p.185

6.1.3 Plan Schedule Management: Outputs

.1 Schedule Management Plan A component of the PM plan that establishes the criteria and the activities for developing monitoring and controlling the schedule. The schedule management plan can establish the following: - Project schedule model development - scheduling methodology and the scheduling tool to be used inthe the dev. of the project shceuld model are specified. -Level of accuracy - acceptable range used in determining realistic activity duration estimates is specified and may include and amount for contingencies. -Units of measure. Such as staff hours, weeks for time off, etc. is defined for each resources. - Organizational procedures links. WBS provides the framework for the sehdule management plan, allowing for consistency with the estimates and resulting schedules. -Project schedule model maintenance. The process used to update the status adn recod progress of the project schedule model during the execution of the product defined. -Control thresholds. Variance thresholds for monitoring schedule perforamance may be specified to indicate an agreed-upon amount of variation to be allowed before some anction needs to be taken. Threshholds are typically expressed as percentage deviations -Rules of performance measurement - Earned Value Management (EVM) rules or other physical mearsurement rules of performance measurement are set. -Reporting formats - formats and frequency for the various schedule reports are defined. -Process descriptions - descriptions for each of the schedule management processes are documented.

6.5.1 Estimate Activity Durations: Inputs

.1 Schedule Management Plan ADIS Defines the method used and the level of accuracy along with other criteria required to estimate activity durations including the project update cycle. .2 Activity List ADIS Identifies the activities that will need duration estimates. .3 Activity Attributes ADIS The primary day for use in estimating duration required for each activity in the activity list. .4 Activity Resource Requirements ADIS Requiremetns will have an effect on the duration of the activity, since the level to which the resesources ssigned to the activity meet the requirements will siggficanly influence the duration of most activities. p. 167 .6 Project Scope Statement ADIS Are considered when estimating the activity durations. IBLT: Existing conditions, Avaialblity of informaiton and Length of the reporting periods. .7 Risk Register ADIS Provids a list of risks, along with the results of risk analysis and risk response planning. Updates are included with project documents updates ADIS .8 Resource Breakdown Structure ADIS Provides a hierarchical structure of the identified resources by resource category and resource type. P. 168 .9 Enterprise Environmental Factors ADIS 2.1.5. IBLT Durations estimating databases and other reference data, Productivity metrics, Published commercial information, and Location of team members. .10 Organizational Process Assets ADIS 2.1.4 IBLT Historical duration information, Project calendars, Scheduing methodology, and Lessons learned. p.169

6.4.1 Estimate Activity Resources: Inputs

.1 Schedule Management Plan ADIS Identifies the level of accuracy and the unites of measure for resources to be estimated. .2 Activity List ADIS Identifies which will need resources. .3 Activity Attributes ADA Provide the primary data input for use in estimating those resources required fro each activity in the activity list. .4 Resource Calendars Identifies the working days and shifts on which each specific resource is available. .5 Risk Register ADIS May impact resources selection and availability. Updates to the risk register are included with project documents updates, described in Section, from Plan Risk Responces. .6 Activity Cost Estimates ADIS Cos to resources may impact resource selection. .7 Enterprise Environmental Factors ADIS 2.1.5. Can influence the Estimate Activity Resources process IBLT resource location, availablity and skills. .8 Organizational Process Assets ADIS 2.1.4 Can influence the Estimate Activity Resources process IBLT: -Policies and procedures regarding staffin -Policies and procedure relating to rental and purcheses of supplies and equipment and - Historical Information regarding types of resources used for similar work on previous projects. p.163

6.6.1 Develop Schedule: Inputs

.1 Schedule Management Plan ADIS Identifies the scheduling method and tool used to create the schedule, and how to the schedule is to be calculated. .2 Activity List AIDIS Identifies the activities that will be included in the schedule model. .3 Activity Attributes ADIS Provide details used to build the schedule model. .4 Project Schedule Network Diagrams ADIS Contains the logical relationships of the predecessors and successors that will be used to calculate the schedule. .5 Activity Resource Requirements ADIS Identifies te ytpes and quantities of resources required for each activity used to create the schedule model. .6 Resource Calendars ADIS and Contains information on the availability of resources during the project. .7 Activity Duration Estimates ADIS Contains the quantitative assessments of the unlikely number of work periods that will be required to complete an activity that will be used to calculate the schedule. .8 Project Scope Statement ADIS Contains assumptions and contraints that can impact the development of a project schedule. .9 Risk Register ADIS Provides details of all identified risks and their characteristics that affect the schedule model. .10 Project Staff Assignments ADIS Specify which resources are assigned to each activity. .11 Resource Breakdown Structure ADIS Provides the details by which resource analysis and organizational reporting can be done. p.175 .13 Environmental Factors ADIS 2.1.5 BNLT Standards, Communication channels, and Scheduling tool to be use din developing schedule model. .13 Organizational Process Assets ADIS 2.1.4. Can influence the Development Schedule process IBNLT scheduling methodology and project calendars.

6.2.1 Define Activities: Inputs

.1 Schedule Management Plan ADIS A key input from the schedule management plan is the prescribed level of detail necessary to manage the work. .2 Scope Baseline ADIS The project WBS, deliverables, contraints and assumptions documented in the scope baseline are considered explicitly while defining activities. .3 Enterprise Environmental Factors ADIS 2.1.5 .4 Organizational Process Assets IBLT and ADI 2.1.4 - lessons learned knowledge base containing historical information - Standardized processes - Templates - Existing formal and informal activity planning-related policies, procedures and guidelines

.1 Sequence Activities: Inputs

.1 Schedule Management Plan ADSIS The schedule management plan identifies the scheduling method and tool to be used for the project, which will guide how the activities may be sequenced. .2 Activity List ADIS Contains all schedule activities required on the project, which are to be sequenced. Depenendencies and other constraints for these activities can influence activities can influence the sequencing of the activities. .3 Activity Attributes ADIS Activity attributes may describe necessary sequence of events are defined pedecessor or successor relationships. .3 Milestone List List may have scheduled dates for specific milestones. which may influence the way activities are sequenced. .5 Project Scope Statement ADIS Contains product scope description, which includes product characteristics that may affect activity sequencing such as the physicla layout of a plant to be constructed or subsystem interfaces on a software project. .6 Enterprise Environmental Factors ADI 2.5.1 .7 Organizational Process Assets ADI 2.1.4 The Org process assets that can influence the Sequence Actifities process INLT: historical project files, guidlines, methodology, etc. p. 156

6.6.2 Develop Schedule: Tools and Techniques

.1 Schedule Network Analysis A technique that generates the project schedule model. It employs various analytical techniques, such as critical path method, critical chain method, what-if analysis, and resource optimization techniques to calculate the early and late start and finish dates for the uncompleted portions of project activities. .2 Critical Path Method Used to estimate the minimum project duration and determine the amount of scheduling flexibility on the logical network paths within the schedule model. This schedule network analysis technique calculates the early start, early finish, late start and late finish dates for all activities without regard for any resource limitation by performing a forward and backward pass analysis through the schedule network. CPM is used to calculate the amount of scheduling flexibility on the logical network paths within the schedule model. The schedule flexibility is measured by the amount of time that a schedule activity can be delayed or extended from its early start date without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constraint, and is termed "total float". CPM critical path is normally characterized by zero total float on the critical path. Any activity on the critical path is called the path activity. Positive total float is caused when the backward pass is calculated from a schedule contraint that is later than the early finish date that has been calculated from a schedule constraint that is later than the early finish date has been calculated during forward pass calculation Negative total float is caused when a constraint on the late dates is violated by duration and logic. .3 Critical Chain Method CCM allows the project team to place buffers on any project schedule pat to account for limited resource and project uncertainties. Developed from the critical path method approach and considers effects of resource allocation, resource optimization, resource leveling, and activity duration uncertainty on the critical path method. To do so, the critical chain method introduces the concept of buffer and buffer management. The critical chain uses activities with durations that do not include safety margins, logical relationships, and resource availability with statistically determined buffers composed of the aggregated safety margins of activities at specified points in the project schedule path to account for the limited resources and project uncertainties. The resource-constrained critical path is known as the critical chain. The CCM adds duration buffers are non-work schedule activities to manage uncertainty. .4 Resource Optimization Techniques Resource leveling - Technique in which start and finish dates are adjusted based on resource constraints with the goal of balancing demand for resources with the available supply. Can be used when shared or critcally requrired resources only available at certain times, or in limited quantities, or over-allocaetd, such as when a resource has been assigned to two or more activities during the same time period or to keep resource usage at a constant level. Resource leveling can often cause the original critical path to change, usual increase. Resource Smoothing A technique that adjusts the activities a schedule model such that the requirements for resources on the project do not exceed certain predefined resource limits. The critical path is not changed and the completion date may not be delayed. .5 Modeling Techniques What-If Scenario Analysis Simulaiton .6 Leads and Lags ADIS refinements applied during network analysis to develop a viable schedule by adjusting the start time of the successor activities. Leads are used in limited circumstances to advance a successor activity with respect to the predecessor activity, and lags are used in limited circumstances where processes require a set period of tiem to elapse between the predecessors and successors without work or resource impact. .7 Schedule Compression Techniques used to shorten the schedule duration without reducing the project scope, in order to meet schedule contraints, imposed dates or other scheudle objectives IBNLT: -Crashing Used to shorten duration for the least incremental cost by adding resources. ex. ovetme -Fast Tracking Activities or phases normally done in sequence are performed in parallel for the least portion of their duration. .8 Scheduling Tool Tools contain the schedule model and expedite the scheduling process by generating start and finish dates based on the inputs or activities, network diagrams, resources and activity durations using schedule network analysis. Can be used in conjunction with other PM software application as well as manual methods. p. 181

6.7.3 Control Schedule: Outputs

.1 Work Performance Information The calculated SV and SPI time performance indicators for WBS components, in particular the work packages and control accounts, are documented and communicated to stakeholders. .2 Schedule Forecasts Estimates or predictions of conditions and events in the project's future based on information and knowledge available at the time of the forecast. .3 Change Requests Schedule variance analysis, along with review of progress requests to the schedule baseline, scope baseline, and/or other components of the project managemetn plan. .4 Project Management Plan Updates IBNLT -Schedule baseline - Project Schedule - Risk register .6 Organizational Process Assets Updates IBNLT -Causes of variances - Corrective action chosen and the reasons, and - Other types of lessons learned from project schedule control. p. 192

6.6 Develop a Schedule

Is the process of analyzing activity sequences, durations, resoure requirements, and schedule constraints to create the project schedule model. Key benefit of this process is that by entering schedule activities, durations, resource availabilities and logical relationships into the schedule too, it generates a schedule model with planned dates for completing project activities. Developing an acceptable project schedule is often an itterative process. The schedule model is used to determine the planned start and finish dates for project activities and milestones based on accuracy of the inputs.

6.1 Plan Schedule Management

The process of establishing the policies, procedures and documentation for planning, devloping, managing, executing and controlling the project schedule. The key benefit of this process is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project schedule will be managed throughout the project. It is a component of the PM plan. The schedule management plant may be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based onthe ened sof the project and include appropriate control thresholds. Defines how schedule contingencies will be reported and assessed.

6.5 Estimate Activity Durations

The process of estimating the number of work periods needed to complete individual activities withe estimated resources. The key benefit of this process is that it provides the amount to time each activity will take to complete, which is a major input into the Development Schedule process. Estimating activity durations uses information on activity scope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars. Estimates originate form the person or group on the project tam who is most familiar with the nature of the work in the specific activity. The duration estimate is is progressively elaborated, and the process considers the quality and availability of the input data. Requires and estimation of the amount of work effort required to complete the activity and the amount of available resource estimated to complete the activity. Estimates are used to approciamte the number of work periods needed to complete the activity. p. 165

6.4 Estimate Activity Resources

The process of estimating the type of quantities of material, human resources, equipment, or supplies required to perfomr each activitiy. The key benefit of this process is that it identifies the type, quantity and characteristics of resources required to complete the activity which allows moer accurate cost and duration estimates. The Estimate Resources process is closely coordinated with the Estimate Costs rocess (section 7.2) p. 161

6.3 Sequence Activities

The process of identifying and documenting relationships among the project activities. The key benefit of this process is that it defines the logical sequences of work to obtain the greatest efficiency given all project contraints. Every activity and milestone except the first and should be connected to at least on successor with a finish-to-start or finish to finish logical relationship.

6.2 Define Activities

The process of identifying and documenting the specific actions to be performed to produce deliverables. The key benefit to this process is to break down work packages into activities that provide a basis for estimating, scheduling, executing, monitoring and controlling the project work. Implicit in this process are defining and planning the schedule activities such tha the project objectives will be met. Create WBS process identifies the deliverables at the lowest level of the WBS. Work packages are typically decomposed into smaller components called activities to represent the work effort required to complete the work package. p. 150

6.7 Control Schedule

The process of monitoring that status of project activities to update project progress and manage changes to the schedule baseline to achieve the plan. The key benefit of this process is that it provides a means to recognize deviation form the plan and take corrective and preventive actions and thus minimize risk. Updating the schedule model requires knowing the actual performance date. Any change to the schedule baseline can only be approved through the Perform Integrated Change Control process. Control Schedule as a component in the Perform Integrated Change Control process (Section 4.5). Control Schedule, as a component of the Perform Integrated Change Control process, is concerned with: - Determining the current status of the project schedule, - Influencing the factors that create schedule changes, - Determining if the project schedule has changed, and - Managing the actual changes as they occur. If any agile approach is utilized, control schedule is concerned with: - Determining the current status of the project schedule by comparing the total amount of work delivered and accepted against the estimates to work completed for the time elapsed time cycle; - Conducting retrospective reviews for correcting processes and improving, if required, - Reprioritizing the remaining work plan (backlog), - Determining the rate which the deliverables are produced, validated, and accpeted (velocity) in given time per iteration, - Determining that the project schedule has changed, and - Managing the actaul changed as they occur. p. 187

Project Time Management

The process required to manage the timely completion of the project. Distinguishes the project schedule presentation (schedule) from the schedule data ( is practiced by referring to the schedule tool populated with project data as the schedule model. A schedule model is a representation of the plan for executing the project's activities including durations, dependencies, an other planning information, used to produce project schedules along with other scheduling artifacts.

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