Chapter 6 - Recruiting High Quality Talent

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Impermissible Recruiting Terminology

-"young and enthusiastic, Christian values, and journeyman lineman." -advertisements should contain wording about being an equal opportunity employer, or even more specific designations such as EEO/M-F/AA/ADA

Generational Differences

-Baby Boomers - more comfortable with traditional job posting methods, less inclined to use mobile technology -Generation X - may value flexible work arrangements, child care, and other work-life balance programs. Generation Y - utilize mobile technology extensively and value meaningful work and an opportunity to actively contribute to work policies and arrangements.

Industry and Occupational Labor Markets

-Biggest increases in jobs are healthcare, healthcare support, construction, and personal care fields. -over 40% of small firms are hampered in their efforts to grow and expand because they cannot find enough skilled workers.

Success Base Rate

-Can be determined by comparing the number of past applicants who have become successful employees against the number of applicants they competed against for their jobs, using historical data within the organization. -Benchmarking data can used to compare the success base rate with success rates of other employers in the area or industry; indicates whether quality of the employees hired results in employees who perform well and have low turnover.

Applicant Pool

-Consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection. -Can affect the size of the applicant pool -Including the reputation of the organization and industry, a company's screening efforts, the job specifications, and the information available.

Temporary Workers

-Employers can hire temporary staff members or contract with agencies that supply temps on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis. -A way to screen individuals to move into full-time, regular employment. -costs associated with benefits can be avoided -firms typically bill client companies a placement charge if a temporary worker is hired for a full-time position. -temp workers can have implications regarding federal laws such as the Family Medical Leave Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act. -can be treated poorly cuz viewed as competitors.

Employment Agencies

-Employment agencies, both public and private -operate branch offices in cities throughout the state and do not charge fees to applicants or employers. -have websites that potential applicants can use without having to go to the offices.

Strategic Components of Effective Recruiting

-Financial Limits -Time Limits -Quality of Talent -Quantity of Talent -Business Strategies -Labor Market Dynamics


-Gamification uses game thinking and software to engage people in solving problems. -leverages natural desire to compete and achieve. -might use industry-related quizzes, company knowledge trivia contests, or information "hunts" to get potential candidates to investigate the company and uncover job opportunities.

Organizational Databases

-HR information systems (HRIS) - allow HR staff to maintain background and knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) information on existing employees. -Software can sort employee data by occupational fields, areas of career interests, previous work histories, and other variables

School Recruiting

-High schools and vocational/technical schools -schools have a centralized guidance or placement office. -Participating in career days and giving company tours to school groups are ways to maintain good contact with school sources

Internet Job Boards

-Indeed, Monster, GlassDoor, and CareerBuilder -Niche websites like JobsinTrucks, HealthCareJobsite, and eFinancialCareers target specific occupations

Different Labor Markets & Recruiting

-Internal & External sources -Industry-specific and occupational -Educational and technical -Geographic

Gender Neutral Recruiting

-Job ads should contain gender neutral terms. -Women apply to ads with words with "dedicated, responsible, or conscientious" -Men apply to ads with words with "determined, assertive, or aggressive"

Elements of Labor Market

-Labor Force Population -Applicant Population -Applicant Pool -Selected Applicants

Legal Issues in Internet Recruiting

-Loss of privacy, -personal information that can be seen by employers on websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and others may be inappropriate, and when employers access it, they may be violating legal provisions -lawyers are issuing warnings to employers about considering photos or comments posted on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter in the hiring process - employee's termination, racial/ethnic background or gender, and the making of discriminatory comments. -social media privacy laws that restrict employers from inappropriately using online networks to screen applicants. -Internet usage has legal implications for recruiting, HR employment-related policies, training, and enforcement should be based on legal advice.

Evaluating Recruiting Satisfaction

-Managers can respond to questions about the quality of the applicant pool, the recruiter's service, the timeliness of the process, and any problems that they experienced -Applicants might provide input on how they were treated, their perceptions of the company, the length of the recruiting process, and other aspects. -Organizational characteristics, job attributes, and recruiter behavior all impact applicants' perceptions throughout the recruiting experience.

Increasing Recruiting Effectiveness

-Mining résumés—A software approach to getting the best-fitting résumés from a big database -Tracking applicants: An approach that takes an applicant all the way from a job listing to performance appraisal results -Using an employer career website: A convenient recruiting place on an employer's website where applicants can see what jobs are available and apply -Providing an internal mobility system: A system that tracks prospects in the company and matches them with jobs as they become available -Providing realistic job previews: A process that individuals can use to get details on the employer and the jobs -Responsive recruiting: An approach whereby applicants receive timely responses

Media Sources

-Newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and billboards. -direct mail using purchased lists of individuals in certain fields or industries -postings, ads, videos, webinars, and many other expanding media services

Recruiting/Diversity Considerations

-Organizational Diversity Efforts -Compliance w/EEO Regulations -Training of Recruiters on -EEO/Diversity Issues -Targeting & recruiting diverse applicants w/varying characteristics -Diversity-Specific Recruiting Efforts (ads, brochures, websites)

Recruiting Diversity

-Persons with different racial/ethnic backgrounds -Workers over 40 years of age, particularly retirees -Single parents -Workers with disabilities -Welfare-to-work workers -Long-term unemployed -must follow laws/regulations -reduce disparate impact, under-representation of protected class members.

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)

-Rapidly growing option that streamlines recruiting and reduces recruiting costs. -offer a menu of recruiting services from placing advertisements to initial screening of applicants.

Job Fairs and Creative Recruiting

-SHRM chapter sponsors a job fair at which 75 to 100 employers can meet applicants. -publicity draws several hundred applicants. -many of those applicants may be unqualified or unsuitable -can also attract employed candidates who are casually looking around but may not put their résumés on the Internet. -Virtual job fairs are becoming more common to recruit college students.

Professional/Career Websites

-Society for Human Resource Management site ( -Association for Talent Development site (

Applicant Population

-Subset of the labor force population that is available for selection if a particular recruiting approach is used. -can be broad or narrow. -small firms limit to MBA graduates in the area -large firms may contact professional associations, attending conventions, utilizing general and specialized websites, using recruiting consulting firms, and offering recruitment incentives to existing employees.

Combination of Core and Flexible Workers

-Temporary Workers -Core Workers -Independent Contractors -PEO/leased workers

Acceptance Rate

-The percentage of applicants hired divided by the total number of applicants offered jobs. -HR staff should track the reasons candidates turn down job offers.

Strategic Recruiting

-Understanding how the business strategies impact how and where to successfully recruit qualified employees -Identifying keys to success in the labor market, including competitors' recruiting efforts -Determining the appropriate balance between quality and quantity of workers needed -Recognizing the resource limits of time and money related to fulfilling recruiting activities -Measuring the effectiveness of recruiting efforts

Unemployment Rates and Labor Markets

-Unemployment rates vary depending on skill needs. -Govmt is struggling to attract younger tech-saavy workers due to negative impression. -Talent shortages are severe. -Companies adopt creative solutions to develop skilled workers needed to fill jobs.

Employer Websites

-area of an organization's website devoted to jobs and career opportunities within the company -organization's website must be creative and attractive enough to effectively market jobs and careers

Labor Force Population

-broadest labor market and measure -made up of all individuals who are available for selection if all possible recruitment strategies are used. -Firms in multiple countries have larger labor force.

Educational Institutions and Recruiting

-can be expensive and require significant time and effort, employers need to determine whether current and future jobs require individuals with college degrees in specific fields. -Select best colleges for the best applicants.

Geographic Labor Markets

-classify labor markets is based on geographic location -expansion has caused an increase in the number of host country nationals hired to fill positions in foreign operations. -Companies should be clear about foreign travel requirements when recruiting employees because applicants take this into consideration when deciding to pursue employment opportunities. -must also account for variations in culture, laws, and language, as well as the individual preferences of potential workers

Disadvantages of Using Technology in Recruiting

-creates additional work for HR staff members and others internally. -More online job postings must be sent -many more résumés must be reviewed -and more emails, blogs, and tweets need to be dealt with -Expensive specialized software may also be needed to track the high volume of applicants -some applicants still prefer to use traditional search methods. -Applicants wary if social media intrusion persists. -some applicants may have limited Internet access


-critically enhance résumés -gives students the opportunity to work for different companies and gain important career exposure. -work arrangements often lead to full-time employment after graduation -DOL guidelines in snapshot, Nonprofit and government employers are not subject to these guidelines.

Documenting Applicant Flow

-develop applicant tracking system -must collect data on applicant race, sex, and other demographics to fulfill EEO reporting requirements. -must review and store this information separately and not use it in any selection decision.

Alumni Networks

-firms have established alumni networks to keep in contact with individuals who have left and also to allow the companies to rerecruit individuals as appropriate openings arise. -networks began in the consulting industry but has spread to financial services, technology, manufacturing, and other industries. -some established by company. -another potential source consists of former applicants.

Desirable Attributes of College Recruits

-grade point average (GPA) is a key criterion for evaluating job candidates during on-campus interviews. -show off projects they worked on, explain how they have developed skills, and highlight their interpersonal skills. -real world experience outweighs attending an elite university.


-key to getting boomerangs to return is connections with their former managers. -individuals who have left an organization for other jobs are sometimes willing to return because the other positions and employers turned out to be less attractive than initially thought.

Educational and Technical Labor Markets

-need individuals with specific licenses, certifications, or educational backgrounds. -networking extensively with executives, alumni, and recruiters, business schools -another special labor market is suppliers and contractors for U.S. military forces -and the next major market is bilingual and multilingual employees

Employee-Focused Recruiting

-potential recruits is suggestions from current or former employees. -Also, follow-up with former employees is likely to be done only with individuals who were good performers. -Companies stay in touch with former employees thru online networking.

Competitive Recruiting Sources

-professional and trade associations, trade publications, and competitors -professional societies and trade associations have websites or publications that provide job ads to their members. -extend recruiting to customers -includes employment announcements when sending out customer bills or newsletters.

Passive Job Candidates

-qualified individuals who aren't actively looking for work but might be interested if the right job comes along. -Sought-after recruiters will be those with high Klout scores -Recruiters should develop their own networks -must also find ways to engage current employees and "share" their networks.

Recordkeeping of Applicants

-required to track and report applicant information to comply with equal employment and affirmative action plans -may need this documentation if an applicant files a lawsuit. -Any minimally qualified person who is interested in a position should be considered an applicant even if no formal posting of the job opening in question has been made or the person has not filed any sort of formal application.

Advantages of Using Technology in Recruiting

-respond via email -save company money -Web-based job postings and social media are less expensive -can be updated frequently -accessed by candidates at any hour of the day or night. -large pool of applicants can be generated. -Recruiters can respond more rapidly to qualified candidates -Videos, employee testimonials, and interactive games and contests all create an experience that is impossible to duplicate in a newspaper ad.

Job Posting

-system in which the employer provides notices of job openings, and employees respond by applying for specific openings. -unionized organizations, job posting and bidding can be quite formal because the procedures are often spelled out in labor agreements. -Seniority lists may be used by organizations that make promotion decisions based strictly on seniority. -Employees whose bids are turned down should discuss with their supervisors or HR department representatives what knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed to improve their opportunities in the future.

Evaluating the Time Required to Fill Openings

-takes 45 days to fill vacant positions -managers who need those employees will be unhappy -unfilled positions cost money -Takes 45 days to fill positions -Matching sources of applications filled helps show fastest recruiting results.

Career Plans

-try to fill vacancies through promotions or transfers from within whenever possible. -internal career plans reduce employee turnover. -a person's performance on one job may not be a good predictor of performance on another because different skills may be required

Labor Unions

-unions traditionally have supplied workers to employers. -labor pool is generally available through a union, and workers can be dispatched from the hiring hall to particular jobs in order to meet the needs of employers. -can control or influence recruiting and staffing activity. -strongly unionized labor unions may have less flexibility than a nonunion company in deciding who will be hired and where those people will be placed. -can benefit employers through apprenticeship and cooperative staffing programs, as they do in the building and printing industries.

Evaluating Recruiting Quantity and Quality

-used to see whether sufficient numbers of targeted population groups are being attracted and to determine the best sources of applicants. -Information about job performance, absenteeism, cost of training, and turnover by recruiting source helps adjust future recruiting efforts. -includes quantity and quality of applicants.

E-Video and Recruiting

-videos to describe their company characteristics, job opportunities, and recruiting means. -Monster and CareerTV -Video interviews can save time and money for candidates who are not near the hiring location.

Quality of Applicants

-whether the applicants' qualifications are sufficient to enable the organization to fill the job openings. -Measures that can be used include performance appraisal scores, months until promotion, production quantity, and sales volume for each hire.

Independent Contractors

-workers who perform specific services on a contract basis. -can manage their assignments, choose own work hours, and enjoy career independence. -must be truly independent as determined by regulations used by IRS and Department of Labor (DOL) -Employers can see candidate profiles and reviews from previous clients before deciding to contract with the freelancer -employers obtain savings cuz benefits are not provided. -freelancers moonlight, supplementing income via traditional job with contract work.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Flex Staffing

Advantages -Organizations can hire workers w/o incurring costs -Reduce time spent on recruiting efforts -Give organization staffing flexibility -Reduces the organization's legal compliance requirements. -Organizations save money by not providing benefits. Disadvantages -Flex workers may perform less effectively than core. -Fllex may lack motivation cuz of few opportunities for long-term employment/advancement -Time limits on temp work contracts prevent enhancements in skills/knowledge -Flex workers in high demand fields may command premium wages

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) & Employee Leasing

An employer signs an agreement with the PEO, after which the employer's staff is hired by the leasing firm and leased back to the company for a fee.

Social Media and Networking

LinkedIn and Twitter

Talent Acquisition

Process of finding and hiring high-quality talent needed to meet the organization's workforce needs.


Process of generating a pool of qualified candidates.

Ways to Evaluate RP Performance

Quantitative Measures -Number of New Hires -Time to fill -Cost to fill -Recruiting Source Qualitative Measures -Interview to offer ratio -Hiring manager satisfaction -Applicant Satisfaction -Source of high performers Business Impact Measures -New-hire retention rate @ 6 months -New hire performance @ 1 year -Source of key Employees

Recruiting Evaluation Metrics

Recruits: -Quantity/Quality -Recruitment satisfaction analyses -Time to fill openings -Cost per recruiting method -Process metrics -Yield ratios -Selection rates -Acceptance rates -Success base rates

Employment Brand

The distinct image of the organization that captures the essence of the company to engage employees and outsiders. -A set of qualities that promises a unique experience.

Selection Rate

The percentage hired from a given group of candidates. It equals the number hired divided by the number of applicants; for example, a rate of 30% indicates that three out of 10 applicants were hired. -measures not just recruiting but selection.

Labor Markets

The supply pool from which employers attract employees.

Core workers

Those employees that are foundational to the business; they typically work year-round, and the organization invests in their development.

Evaluate the Cost of Recruiting

Total recruiting expenses -------------------------- Number of recruits hired -accurately identifying items that should be included in recruiting expenses -costs can be allocated to various sources to determine how much each hire from each source costs -Recruiting costs might include employment agencies, advertising, internal sources, and external means. -also be sorted by type of job—costs for hiring managers, administrative assistants, bookkeepers, and sales personnel will all be different.

Yield ratios

compare the number of applicants at one stage of the recruiting process with the number at the next stage.

Quantity of Applicants

considers whether the quantity of recruits is sufficient to fill job vacancies.

General Recruiting Process Metrics

cost-benefit analysis of recruiting efforts may include: -direct costs (advertising, recruiters' salaries, travel, agency fees, etc.) -indirect costs (involvement of operating managers, public relations, image, etc.) -Cost-benefit information on each recruiting source can be calculated.


focus their efforts on executive, managerial, and professional positions. Executive search firms are split into two groups: (1)contingency firms that charge a fee only after a candidate has been hired by a client company and (2)retainer firms that charge the client a set fee whether or not the contracted search is successful. -search firms are generally ethically bound not to approach employees of client companies in their search for job candidates for another employer.

Flexible workers

hired as needed. -allows employers to avoid some of the costs of full-time benefits such as vacation pay, health care, and pension plans.

Third culture children

individuals who have spent considerable time in geographic/cultural regions different from those of their parents

Internal Recruiting Methods

organizational databases, job postings, career plans, current employee referrals, and rerecruiting of former employees and applicants.


seeking out former employees and recruiting them again to work for an organization


third party that sets up virtual job fairs at schools such as Stanford and Carnegie Mellon.

Effectiveness of Evaluating Media Ads

track responses to ads is to use different contact names, email addresses, or phone number codes in each ad to identify which advertisement prompted the application.

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