chapter 6 religion

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Moses present the

Ten commandments to the Israelites from a mountain


The mystery from Christ's life in which God's glory shone through and transformed Jesus' physical appearance while he was in the company of the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah. Peter, James, and John witnessed this event.

Traditionally the author of Luke's gospel is identified as

a Gentile Christian acts of the apostles he thus wrote about one fourth of the new testament

Jesus made a point to praise this traditional enemy by making

a Samaritan the hero of a parable

the title son of amn comes from

a prophecy in the old testament book of daniel where the author calls the gloriouus Messiah the son of man

theologically, Mark emphasized Jesus Christ's role as

a suffering Messiah for Christians to imitate

the gospel high lights Jesus deeds more than his work and presents

a vivid, human and down-to-earth portrait of Jesus

all three titles fit Jesus, the son of man, is a Messiah who will come in glory, but only

after he has suffered and sacrificed his life for his people

Matthew used the tile son of David, a Jewish title, more than any other Evangelist his gospel attempts to show that Jesus Christ fulfilled

all of god's promises to the through them, to all people

Jesus made a new covenant with

all people

this announcement in the very first chapter of the gospel of Mark is a

bold one

The gospel of Luke's author also emphasized Jesus for giving nature. Jesus is not simply savior for everyone

but he forgives everyone as well

some tax collectors were further

corrupt, in that they charged people more than the prescribed tax and kept the extra money

Jews who collected taxes for the Romans were generally

despised by their fellow Jews

while John's Gospel is an important as the other Gospel, his sources

differ greatly

He chose to focus on his central theme

following Jesus often means suffering as Jesus did

women came to him for cures, anointed his feet, and were his constant companions Mary and Martha were his


Believe in the gospel jesus came to proclaim that god's kingdom is in his very person. Jesus is the

good news. He is the gospel. He is the revelation of the father

with his last ounce of energy, he spoke to the

good thief hanging in misery next to him, promising him paradise

Mark minced no words when he reported that Jesus family said

he is out of his mind Matthew and Luke do not include this quote in their accounts

after Jesus accepted Pete's proclamation about his identity as the Messiah

he wanted Peter not to tell anyone; he was reluctant to let many people know his identity, perhaps because his understanding of the anointed one was radically differed from that people and his disciples, his approach here is something referred to as the messianic secret

the gospel is divided into five section between the

infancy and the passion narrative

Peter had difficulty accepting Jesus understanding of the Messiah as the

suffering servant

through Jesus does not use the term here, he also describe himself as a

suffering servant for his people

not until the resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ would the early Chruch begin to understand

that Jesus way was that of the cross

a second century church father St. Irenaeus also believed

that Luke was a doctor and a traveling companion and friend of St. Paul

Jesus understood the titles Messiah and son of man in light of the prophecies in Isaiah

that call the Messiah a suffering servant

Jesus most clearly proclaimed the kingdom through

the Paschal mystery

Jesus offered his primary moral teaching

the beatitudes in the sermon on the mount

in addition, this vision revealed all three person of the blessed Trinity:

the father, the son, the Holy spirit

this time of fulfillment. Fulfillment here refers to

the fulfillment of god's promise to the chosen people

acts of the Apostles tells of the Apostles journeys also beginning in Jersalem, where they received

the holy sprite to take the message of Jesus Christ to the end of the world

Jesus gave his Apostles a quick vision of

the kingdom of god through his transfiguraton

Jesus mother Mary is the first disciple and

the model believer

the final stage for the coming of god's everlasting kingdom has begun in

the person of Jesus christ

Kingdom(or reign) of God

the process of the Father's reconciling and renewing all things through his son; the fact of his will being done on earth as it is heaven. The kingdom of god was proclaimed by Jesus and began in his life, death, and resurrection. The process will be perfectly completed at the end of time

in the gospel of Mark, Jesus summarizes his message this way

this is the time to fulfillment the kingdom of god is at hand repent and delieve in the gospel

throughout the gopsel, Jesus referred to himself

this way

He summined the crowd with his disciples and said to them

whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and fellow me

Jesus is everyone's compassionate savior his love has no limits the message of Luke is clear

you should allow Jesus to live in you so you can love everyone saint and sinner in imitation of our lord

reality is different than it was before believe this god news accept the lord and holy spirit into

your lives. Share the truth of faith with others. Let the good news truly sink in

Moses made the

Sinai covenant on behalf of the chosen people

through his action and his message, Jesus revels god to the world Jesus gentleness, his compassion and his sensitivity are all

divide signs of healing love, Luke writes the whole crowd rejoiced at all the splendid deeds done by him

at the end of the gospel, Jesus instucted his disciples to go to the

end of the earth to preach the good new and make disciples of all the nation

Luke wrote to a largely Gentile-Christian audience about AD 75-90, perhaps around 85. His writing style was

highly polished

some of the Pharisees though that the common people's ignorance kept them from


Jesus passion, Death,Resurrection, and Ascension resuced

humanity from sin and death

Mark likely wrote his gospel for a gentile-Christian audience that was undergoing persecution, perhaps

in Rome

in his ministry, Jesus revealed more about the meaning of the

kingdom of god

these were Jews who tried to follow the

law, pray, and participate in the synagogue service

the kingdom of god is at hand this means several things, including the following

* god's rule has come to God's people * humans will obey God's word * god has triumphed over physical evils and death * the kingdom will come after a period of judgment

while he was begin crucified, Taunted, and tormented by his executioners, Jesus said,

Father, forgive them, they know not what they do

remember that the real-life situation of the early Christian communities- years after Jesus death influenced the focus and content of the


Luke's Gospel also highlights

Jesus revolutionary approach to women in his culture

Matthew's gospel emphasizes the link between

Judaism and Christianity

Jesus compassion is evident throughout the

Gospel, even in his dying moments

through this manifestation

Jesus foreshadowed the kingdom of God

the evangelist made other connections between Judaism and Jesus the gospel quotes many old testament prophecies to proclaim

Jesus identity as the promish Messiah

Chapter 15 is the heart of Luke's gospel it contains the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin,and the Prodigal son. these parables announced that god search out and forgives sinners

Jesus proclaimed i tell you there will be rejoicing among the angles of god over one sinner who repents

in Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI reflects that the Transfiguration took place while

Jesus was praying

all four gospel teach you this truth

Jesus, and the Christ, the son of god, has risen from the dead

Matthew wrote to a least two different groups

Jews who fallowed Jesus and Gentiles who follows Jesus

the early chruch held that the author of the gospel of Mark was

John Mark, a disciple of Peter, and that his writing include themes of Peter,s preaching

the author of Matthew's gospel was probably a Jewish scribe writing

something in the AD 80s

Jesus revealed to his disciples that he was the

son of man who would suffer and die for his people

some Pharisees attributed ignorance to Jesus and his disciples because they did not

strictly follow the law in regard to fasting and washing

the transfiguration also serves as a reminder that god will

transform your life in the resurrection

the author of Mark's gospel is


Jesus accepted the title

Christ that Peter gave him, but then immediately began to use the tile son of man to describe him self

the tile christ comes from from the Greek word

Christos and it the English translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, meaning anointed one

Luke highlights two major themes throughout his literary masterpiece

1) Jesus is a universal Savior who brings Salvation to Jew and Gentile alike 2) the gospel of Jesus Christ is truly good news and thus a cause of Celebration

how Jesus revealed the kingdom of god

1) he taught about kingdom through stories and sermons 2) He worked mighty works, wonders, and signs or miracles that proved that he was the Messia, the son of god 3) He revealed the kingdom through moments of divine glory, such as the Transfiguration 4) His passion, death resurrection and ascension most clearly proclaimed the kingdom

good news about human beings is inspiring, but the greatest news is the good news of Jesus Christ revealed through the


Jesus embraced leapers and

Cured them

the mystery of god's infinite love revealed that

Jesus Christ is the way to Salvation through all ages

Gospel emphasizes that the Messianic age began in

Jersalem and that the second part of Jesus ministry centers on his journey to this Holy city where the drama of Salvation unfolded

Matthew's gospel emphasizes to Jewish Christian readers, as well as to new Gentile converts, that

Jesus Christ Emmanuel is indeed the Messiah prophesied in the old testament

in the gospel's very first verse, Mark clearly tells readers who Jesus is

Jesus Christ [ the son of God]

Jesus association with tax collectors, accepted dinner invitation from them, and called one

Matthew, to be his Apostle

their presence recalled that the law and the prophets had announced the coming


Various groups within Judism at the time of Jesus had different ideas of who the

Messiah would be an earthly king, a religious leader, a priest, a revolutionary

Mark used several titles for Jesus this central passage from Mark offers titles and hints at a third

Messiah, son of man

During Jesus Transfiguration, two old testament figures

Moses and Elijah also appeared

Matthew's gospel makes several connection between

Moses and Jesus, portraying as the new moses

this five book arrangement, centered on five important sermons of Jesus, parallels the five books of the

Pentateuch that present the old testament law

During this event on a high mountain, Jesus revealed his divine glory before

Peter, James, and John: "his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light

Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.This mystery is commemorated and made present through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist

Mark described Jesus feeling a very human emotion

looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart in their versions of the story, Matthew and Luke do not mention that Jesus was angry

Peter judging Jesus by human standards

not divine once

He featured the city of Jersalem as an important symbol in both

of his work

while it is impossible to know what was going through the minds

of the evangelists, it is appropriate the minds of the Evangelists, it is appropriate to assume that Matthew and Luke nuanced their accounts from Mark to present a different if not softer view of Jesus

Mark's Gospel shows that to follow Jesus is to pick up your own cross daily god does not want you to suffer unnecessarily but

offering up your suffering for and with the lord leads to salvation and your participation in his glorious resurrection

Jesus appealed to the simple Jews who were

open to his message of conversion, repentance, and Salvation

Mark also stressed Jesus humanity throughout his gospel, even if this meant

presenting a more direct or blunt view of Jesus than the other Evangelist

Jesus praised one leper, a Samaritan, for

returning to thank him for his cure

interestingly, the disciples portrayed in the gospel struggle to reach the

same conclusion that the readers hear in this very first verse

Leprosy was a

serious and contagious skin disease, and those who suffered from it were avoided by everyone else

Matthew, Mark< and Luke shared

similar sources and then contributed unique material as well to their synoptic Gospel

Matthew, Mark, and Luke share a

similar structure as well as some of the same sources

repent to repent is to have a change of heart and turn away from

sin and toward god

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